Academy for the Musically Gifted {Anime}


Agent Honey Bee

Anime Picture of Character


Age: {Between 13 and 19}


Sexual Orientation:

Primary Instrument/Talent: {Check taken Primary instruments and talents in the OOC}

Other Instruments/Talents: {Minimum is one; max is three}

Music Type: {Classic, Rock, EDM, etc.; you can have more than one}

Personality: {At least one paragraph}

History: {At least one paragraph}


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Name: Era Nakamura

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Primary Instrument/Talent:

Other Instruments/Talents:

Music Type:

Classical and Rock


Era is a bit of a complicated girl. She is bright and cheery, but also has a bit of a dark demeanor to her. Era is very kind and giving, but by no means selfless. She is actually quite selfish as she will do almost anything to keep those she cares about close to her. She knows that people can be cruel. Era's not completely open or trusting. In fact, she's far from it. She only trusts people after they have earned it. Era is also temperamental though. She has a short tolerance for arrogance and blatant disrespect. And trust me, Era on a rampage is not a fun sight. She can be a bit rash if it involves someone she cares about, and she is stubborn. She is not easily persuaded when she sets her mind to something, but she can sometimes understand when people are coming from a logical standpoint. Era hates being told what to do and will get quite angry when people try to make her do something. She tries to make the best choices possible and takes responsibility for her actions. She cares about the people around her and will do anything to protect the people she loves, even if it means risking her own life. She is a good friend because she listens before jumping to conclusions, and she's never afraid to help someone with a problem. Like everyone, she makes mistakes that sometimes get people into trouble, but she won't lie about it or blame it on someone else.


Era was born into an ordinary family. However, unlike most families, hers pushed her to be the best... At everything. Good grades. Good athleticism. Good. Good. Perfect. Good. That seemed to be all they cared about. When Era first brought up the idea of becoming a musician, her parents were thoroughly against it. Then, Era proved them wrong by starring in the school musical on her first try. They signed her up for lessons and she proved to be very skilled. Eventually, she was scouted out and sent to Bates Academy.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.cc90f6260bf86a93f5bdb1b609cd8072.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33887" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.cc90f6260bf86a93f5bdb1b609cd8072.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Elizabeth Blackwell

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Primary Instrument/talent: Singing

Other Instruments/Talents:


Music Type: Rock/Punk

Personality: Elizabeth is rebellious and likes breaking rules that she finds stupid and useless, she is a daredevil and likes taking risks and loves extreme sports. She is not someone you want to mess with since she can be aggressive when someone hurts her or someone she loves. Elizabeth is also very brave and very intelligent and of course, extremely talented. Elizabeth might seem cold at first but she is a very good and loyal friend ready to help others if they need her help.

History: Elizabeth loved music since she was a little girl after her father thought her how to play the guitar and her mother gave her singing lessons. She lived a wonderful life until her parents were killed when some guys entered the house to steal some things and ended up killing them. Elizabeth was able to escape by tricking the criminals and almost killing them until the police arrived and took away the criminals. Elizabeth was forced to move with her uncle when she was 12 and music was something that kept her from getting depressed about her parents death. Eventually, her uncle found out about Elizabeth's talent and send her to the academy.




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Wren May Cemola



Do you have eyes...Female

I'm a Heterosexual

My primary instrument is my electric violin

I also write music and play the cello and harp

I usually play Classical or rock

Wren has tendencies to be loud always shouting at the top of her lungs being loud names her sure if the world and safe. She is energetic as well always wanting to go to the gym but this might also to do with her Anorexia Nervosa that her parents decided to ignore she never eats unless a teacher is looking at her food at mealtimes. Wren Is musically gifted great at every instrument she tries which she started at four she also sings beautifully exactly like her name a wren. Wren is extremely flirty playing hard to get and never chasing boys she has never had a boyfriend just friends with benefits.

Born in New York Wren always had a great life NYC was perfect for her loud dating personality and passion in the arts. With her father a musician and her mum an artist there was a lot of things to learn. Soon wren founded a band she was the lead singer and Violinist and her band a Neon Skeletons quickly rose up from small cafés to the biggest of clubs but then Wrens behaviour dropped her grades dropped and the number of nights she came home drunk with a boy on her arm heightened. Her parents regretfully sent her here to live and correct her behaviour


Nathaniel "Nate" D'Aramitz

18 ; Male


Primary Instrument/Talent:

Other Instruments/Talents: Producing, Guitar,

Music Type: Hip-Hop, Dance, Trap/EDM

Personality: Best described as mischievous, with a good sense of humor, Nate always finds ways to add witty banter into his conversations. Like his style of dance, his personality is very spontaneous, and is very passionate about the things that interest him. One might say that Nate likes to give off a "rebellious" or "bad-boy" image in order to get the ladies to flock to his side, but he's rather childish, and quite frankly, not the brightest tool in the toolbox. Nate is a major daredevil, and will likely do anything you ask of him. Additionally, he's known at Bates Academy to be a player, and has no objections to casual hookups, though he has never been in an actual relationship.

History: Nate grew up in Paris, France, where he spent his pre-school days jumping around with the dancers at his mother's dance studio. His father was always on business trips, and his mother was too stubborn to ask for help in raising Nate, so his mom would take him to work every day. Eventually, Nate picked up dance as a 5-year old, first starting with ballet. As he grew older and his family moved to America so his dad had a more stable job, Nate became more and more involved in the world of dance. Leaving behind classical dance, he developed his own style, which is more focused on hip-hop. He's always been acclaimed as somewhat of a genius in the dance world, and has won various international dance competitions. Nate has also been on TV, earning him fame as a minor celebrity, and many fans online, as well as propelling him to popularity at Bates Academy. Recently, Nate has fractured his ankle during practice, and has had to draw out of various competitions he was planning on entering this year. The dance world is in a frenzy about this unfortunate event, and his position as the prince of the dance world is slowly slipping out of his grasp. Both the teachers at Bates Academy and Nate himself are unsure whether or not he can pick up his dancing career after his ankle heals again.
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Haden has a very eccentric clothing style, his usual apparel is composed of:​

A helmet with the number "23" written on the side.

A field jacket with several patches on it.

Some regular old jeans.

His shoes vary from either some type of boot, to any sort of converse.







Haiden Alzebub





Sexual Orientation:


Primary Instrument/Talent:


Other Instruments/Talents:

Songwriting-Singing-Acoustic Guitar (Not an expert, it's just a hobby)

Both of his secondary talents are very eccentric, just like his fashion sense.

But his lyrics usually have a hidden meaning behind their strangely comedic tone.

Music Type:

Most alternative styles seem to suit him best, but he's had his experiences into experimental music, he also does some hip-hop.


Haiden is an enigma in himself, he is very calm and laid back. (Most people think he's on drugs.) Most of the time, he's usually in a happy mood when he's around people; but whenever he's alone, Haiden becomes very melancholic, this may be because of his history before he got into TAFMG. He is very open with people who he considers his friends, although Haiden doesn't enjoy acting like he usually does when he's around people he doesn't know.

Whenever Haiden likes someone, he will act very strange around them, even stranger than usual. He will try his best to try and win the person over, mostly by trying to hang out with them even more and try to impress them somehow.

Haiden also likes to carry around a melodica with him at all times, mostly because he enjoys playing it whenever he wants.

(I can add to this, if needed. I'm in a bit of a funk right now and I feel as though I'm forgetting something.)


Haiden was born and raised in Scranton, Pennsylvania, in a music shop that his family ran; this music shop also served as his family's home for many years. As a child, Haiden practiced with keyboards and any sort of electrical instrument (No guitars or drums, mind you.) he could get his hands on. But at the age of 14, Haiden decided to leave home and travel around the country to try and get some type of identity; for Haiden wanted to be known as someone in life. The following years were filled with homelessness and despair; most of his time was spent alone which is what gives him his melancholic feeling whenever he's alone since it makes him think back to the times when he had no one to got to.

But when he turned 16, Haiden decided to get his life back together and start anew; he heard about this academy for the musically gifted and decided that he should try and get in. After traveling to where the school is located, he got himself a job and a house in the same town; afterwards, he finally got into the school and is now currently living an ok life.


Haiden's melodica.


Theme song:

His singing style is comparable to this.
I was thinking of making a character whose primary instrument was with a classical violin, but would I not be allowed to do that if someone's primary instrument is an electric violin?

Name: Taois Chang

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Primary Instrument/Talent: DJ

Other Instruments/Talents: Dance,Guitar, singing

Music Type: Pop, Hip-Hop, Rap, Dubstep, K-Pop

Personality: Taois is a sweet girl and she really gets in the groove when a beat that she loves comes on. She likes meeting people, hanging out, relaxing, and making new and awesome beats that gets her foot tapping. She also loves sharing her music and getting other people's opinions, she is determined and always tries her best in every thing she does. She's very observant and curious about a lot of things, but she feels strange if she asks too many questions that's why she doesn't do it oftenly. She loves experimenting with stuff like new beats and sounds, sometimes when she's dying of curiosity she would record a sound and play around with it on her computer.

History: Taois was first influenced by music at the age of 3, her father was a guitar player, but he was never in a band, he just played for fun. Taois always loved watching him play his guitar and listening to the sounds it would make when he plays. When Taois was about the age of 11 her parents got her her own laptop, one of her friends gave her links to hear something that she was really into, it was dubstep. She fell in love with it and during each song she heard, she would think about how she would change it, she searched online and found a couple beat makers and started her journey. Whenever Taois was free she would be making new beats and awesome tracks to listen to, she felt so free and she couldn't ask for anything more.
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Name: Asuka Hiroki

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Primary Instrument/Talent: Cello

Other Instruments/Talents: Composition of classical scores

Music Type: Classical and soundtracks (movie scores, etc)

Personality: Asuka is generally a very shy and quiet person. All of her emotion is expressed through music, and theory teachers are often disappointed in her due to her lack of understanding for the way the music is supposed to be played. She pours her heart and soul into her music as a way of telling the world the way she feels. Asuka believes that actions often speak louder than words, but if she does speak up you know it's something she cares about. Asuka has trouble socializing because of this isolation. Her music is like a journey to her - and she never wants to leave. However, she's not a little kid anymore and she understands the way the world works. Asuka doesn't think she needs anything but her red cello - but that may change in the future.

History: When Asuka was 2, her house was burned in a raging fire. Her father was the only one who did not make it alive. Her mother felt like she couldn't raise Asuka without him, and so she developed a serious drinking problem and eventually began taking drugs. When she was 9, Asuka was taken away from her mother and sent to a foster home. They were lovely people, but they were very busy so they signed her up for piano lessons. Every Friday Asuka would ride the train to the studio, where on the first day her instructor found her looking desperately at a red cello. When he knew of her amazing musical ability on the piano, he took down the cello and told her to take it for free, and that he would teach her how to play it. When she was 10 she had won several competitions and audience choice awards for the cello and had been given a scholarship to a music academy - and that's where her journey starts.

Other: N/A
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Valentina Bonnaire

Age: 17 years old

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Primary Instrument/Talent: Violin

Other Instruments/Talents: Piano, singing, guitar

Music Type: Alternative rock, soft classical music (usually with violin or piano)

Personality: Very quiet and reserved, Valentina is mysteriously looked up to by her peers. Her boldness and strength shows, despite her silent nature. She is described as an intelligent and determined young woman, one who gets things done instead of waiting. Even though her intentions seem emotionless at times, she tends to be misunderstood by students. Some think she is a mute. Others think she is a recluse. It is very hard to read her, and people do not understand why, so they make up excuses for it. However, Valentina is somehow able to ignores others and block out their words. Especially when playing her beloved violin. She drifts off into another world while playing that instrument.

History: When Valentina was born, her mother died during childbirth. She never knew her, but always saw pictures and imagined what she was like as a person. Her father was unable to deal with his sadness, and eventually, he let it get to him. His escape was alcohol. Valentina took care of herself, while having to direct her drunken father into bed at night. She began to learn how to block out her feelings, causing her to act robotic and unresponsive. It became a habit for her, until it became a part of who she was. At around the age of 6, Valentina found an old violin in her attic. It had belonged to her mother, and was in perfect condition. Because her father spent all of his money on booze, Valentina taught herself to play instead of taking lessons. Playing the violin seemed completely natural for her. She learned everything in a heartbeat. Valentina became a well-known violinist in her town. She often played in restaurants to raise money for schooling. Eventually, she was accepted into Bates, where she began a new life.



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