! A wild Introverted Banana has appeared !


La Lumière
Oh, hello there. I'm Avex, new to the site. I'm truly absolutely nobody, but in case you like bananas and introverts, here's a few things about me.

I love anime. No I'm not a weeb, but I do

consider myself an Otaku. I've watched

about thirty series by now, my favorites being:

  • Hetalia
  • Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood
  • Sargent Frog
  • Fairy Tail
  • Blue Exorcist
  • The Irregular at Magic High School.

As a High School student, I currently strive to obtain scholarships

to a college known as Interlochen Center for the Arts. There, I hope

to become a screenplay writer and/or author.

My roleplaying experience traces back around six years ago when I was 10. I began playing Dungeons and Dragons with them, my extremely drama-filled mother always loving to act out her Dwarven, ale-drinking paladin. This always rubbed off on me and I too, started acting my out my character. This evolved into me journeying into the terrifying depths of the internet to find, well, any source of roleplay. I ventured into the dorky realm of Minecraft server roleplay, on a server known as

Lord of the Craft (click it for my profile there). There, I grew and developed as a roleplayer and writer. I have even become a staff member for media there. Since then I have moved onto other websites to further enhance my writing capabilities, and I hope to do the same here.

I hope to join an RP relatively soon, though being the awkward, introverted banana I am, I won't join one until I've lurked around the forums like that awkward old man who hides behind your dumpster and watches you drop off trash, then proceeding to dive in and search through it.

Cheers, thanks for reading my awkward and strange introduction,

Welcome to RpNation, Avex!

Hello, Avex! I offer you the most humble welcome I can conceive to our glorious site, RpNation! I'm sure you will find yourself comfortable with the site in no time - but to help you get accustomed a bit quicker, I have linked you to some very important threads below!

  • RpNation's Site Rules (Revised) - One of the sites most important, if not the very most, threads. Please take the time to read these if you haven't done so already!
  • Welcome to RoleplayNation - An official greeting from Staff-Chan themself! Please be sure to take a look here!
  • New Accounts - 10 Post / 24 Hour Rule - A very important thread for new members of the site to read so that they don't get confused.
  • An Introduction to Forum Role-Playing - Made by a very lovely fellow, Syrenrei, a beginners guide to roleplaying in case you are completely new to the concept!
  • Admin Contact - Got a question or an issue that you believe needs to go directly to the Administration? Go ahead and post it here!
  • RpN FAQ - A collection of some of the site's most frequently asked question, and a general concoction of information.
  • Roleplay Support - If you have a question or problem that directly connects to roleplaying, you can post it here.
  • The Chat - Otherwise known as 'The Shoutbox', this is a place for users to interact directly in real time. Drop by to say hello - we'd love to meet you!
  • RpNation - BBCode Guide - See some fancy coding around the forums, but don't know how to do it? More likely than not, you can find it here.
  • Members - Here, you can browse the names of our different users & take a good look at our Staff List!

Have any other questions? Feel free to tag me by typing @DescriptedEnd, & I'll get back to you as soon as I can! I hope you enjoy RpNation!

PS - I also like anime! //high five
Avex! What an awesome banana-y introduction. Welcome to RPNation friend, and I know you'll find plenty of fandoms and other role plays to join in on. I recommend to search through Interest Checks first when either thinking of making a role play yourself or joining some. Also, the shoutbox (Chat) is super fun to chat in with others who are regulars here.

Call me Shiro (like the Deadman Wonderland Character, of course!). Have your heard of that anime? Also, have you heard of Death Note, Gungrave, Wolf's Rain, Last Exile, or Sengoku Basara? Those are a few of my faves. =-) Anyway, it's a pleasure to meet you, Avex, and maybe we will role play together sometime!

Feel free to pm me once your privileges are given, anytime, with questions or to chat!
Hey Avex, welcome to RpNation! I'm pretty new here myself, but so far I've thrown my two cents into some discussions here and there. So far, I can tell this is a pretty nice community. Hope you have a good time here~ =]

P.S. Sergeant Frog is awesomely funny! I used to watch that a lot with my bro. xD

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