A War of Monsters


That Thorn In Your Side
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
  • The number of Monster Players is 4, If you play a monster you cannot play a monster hunter until your monster character is dead. To that end any player that joins is limited to two characters at most. If you join as a monster your creature set type will need to be discussed with me ahead of time through private message or in OOC chat. DO NOT CLOG UP MY CHARACTER SHEET AREA WITH OOC CHAT!!!!

    If you join my play, be dedicated, Or I will kill your character remorselessly.

    Monster Hunter Template

    Name: (First and last required, You can be part of a clan if you want to organize with other players.)

    Age: 17-xx (I will not accept younger characters, I will not accept younger players either. I plan to be graphic and violent, If you think you have what it takes to be part of my play then by all means, message me and interview.)

    Sex: (Male or Female)




    Weapons of Choice:

    Spell-craft: (If any describe it in some detail)

    Back-story: Be creative, this is a fantasy setting. The lands and time are Medieval but I will allow Steam-Punk inspired characters.

    Elemental Attribute: (Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, Light, Dark, Choose one. This will be crucial later, go with your gut.)

    Monster Template

    Name: (First, Last, and title the only monsters that are going to be viewed as Player Monsters are going to be higher level ones and thus shall have a title.)

    Classification:(Creature type basically, what do you stem from, what gives you your power ect.)

    Speed Class: Between Slow and Super Fast

    Weight Class: Between Light and Ultra-Heavy

    Armor Class: Between None and Ultra-Heavy

    Magic Class: Between None and Highly Dependent

    Monster Appearance: What your monster looks like in it's monster form

    Humanoid Characteristics:




    Weapon of Choice:

    Spell-Craft:(If any describe it in some detail)

    Element:(Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, Choose one and pick either Light or Dark This will be crucial later, go with your gut.)

    First Monster Class Character is Reserved, So there are 3 other slots open.

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  • Name: Kazanna Lunaris, The Lord of Wind

    Classification: Humanoid Shape-shifting Hybrid

    Level and Class: 1 and Humanoid/Colossus Shifting

    Speed Class: Varying on form between Medium and Ultra-Fast

    Weight Class: Varying on form between Light and Ultra-Heavy

    Armor Class: Varying on form between Light and Ultra-Heavy

    Magic Class: In Depth spell user, attacks and powers vary based on form, most dangerous spells appear in humanoid form.

    Monster Appearance: He shifts between several forms.

    A Massive Wolf

    In this form he is agile and Ultra Fast with a Higher then Medium/Lower then Heavy armor value. He weighs in around the Heavy levels and uses some wind magic and some darkness magic. His form stands around 40 feet in height and his fur is pitch black.

    A massive black bear.

    In this form he is at medium speed but at the Ultra-Heavy Armor level. This form has savage tusks extending from his upper jaw. He is unable to use wind magic in this form but can use magics of darkness. This form stands around seventy feet tall.

    A giant black eagle

    In this form his armor is light as is his weight. He is ultra fast once again and he is able to fully manipulate wind magics. He stands around thirty feet tall and is able to fly at super-sonic speeds with his massive wings.

    Humanoid Characteristics

    Height: 7'5"

    Weight: 270 lbs

    Appearance: Kazanna's humanoid form has long black hair extending down to his knees, it is held in a tight braid that starts at his forehead and works it's way back. His eyes are a shocking electric blue and tint crimson with strange fracture patterns across the irises and his chiseled from stone face gives him a stern appearance. His skin is a tanned olive and is devoid of scars, his body is very muscular. His fingernails and toenails are longer then a humans and razor sharp, they have a naturally occurring tranquilizing venom in them. His lips also hide razor sharp fangs mounted on his upper and lower cuspids as well as the 1st and 2nd cuspids following (From the canines back two teeth on top and bottom)

    Weapon of Choice: A Master Craft Long Handled battle Ax with vicious teeth rather then a clean blade. A six foot long Spell-Borne Long Sword crafted to fit his hand perfectly. The Ax burns it's opponents and their weapons and armor with a viscous acid that drips from it. The sword is embalmed with dark energies that creep into an opponents mind and drive them to madness with a single wound.

    Current Bio: Kazanna is the leader of the Dark Side War-band of Monsters. It is rumored that he is directly responsible for unleashing the monster horde upon the Earth. He is known for his chaotic outbursts and seemingly endless power. It is unknown how old he is or if he is one of the Elder Beasts. Despite that he is the leader of the Dark Side War-band he is very rarely seen actively leading them as he leaves the commanding to his Lieutenants, spending his time either on the battlefield in combat near the front lines, or in solitude. Few humans have seen him and lived, those that did returned with stories of terror as he is unusually cruel and takes his time killing opponents, disabling them and then torturing them to death one way or another.

    Slight Back-story: Kazanna was not always the monster he is now, at one point he was a human being. He trained among men and became a skilled warrior before he was aged, but on an odd adventure, he found his way into the lands of monsters, and was transformed into the monster he is now slowly. His reason for anger against the world is unknown... (To Be Revealed)


    Wind Magics

    Cyclone Barrier

    The Cyclone Barrier acts as a protective sheild against incoming physical attacks and also makes any worn armor lighter for the wearer. It is classified as Medium Armor and changes the weight class of all armor effected by it to light in weight.


    Vortex acts as a binding spell that effectively binds a person to a specified location until the spell is cancelled by the caster or the caster is knocked unconscious.

    Cyclone Blades

    Cyclone Blades tear into the casters opponents viciously and tear apart all armor types save for Heavy and Ultra-Heavy. It cuts into flesh and shears apart most wooden weapons. The blades are sent in a spinning fashion and become visible as they arc through the air viciously.

    Summon Greater Air Elemental

    Summon Greater Air Elemental conjours an elemental from the forgotten planes of the elementals under the bidding will of the caster. The creature is considered an ultra light weight elemental and obeys it's master until it is destroyed.

    Imbue Weapon with Vortex

    Imbuing a Weapon with Vortex gives the weapons a massive knock back as well as making them lighter in the weilders hands, it also speeds up the swings of the weapons and makes them much more durable for the duration of the spell.

    Haste of the Four Winds

    Haste of the Four Winds allows the caster to move at above the Ultra-Fast speed level, allowing them to momentarily break the sound barrier, which not only creates sonic shock-waves but also allows the caster to attack their enemies at a much faster rate.


    Gale can be used as a simple blast of air or a massive storm of gusting air. The varying degrees are based on the casters will.

    Sonic Blast

    Sonic Blast manipulates the air waves within a confined area to create a kinetic explosion of air molecules as well as a very loud and jarring secondary explosion.

    Buffered Dampening

    Buffered Dampening uses careful manipulation of the air, the caster is able to mask any sound they make from being heard by altering the mechanics of the molecules that allow sound to travel through the air. This does not remove vibrations in the ground. This can also be used on opponents to disallow communication.


    Strangle allows the caster to pull the air from a persons lungs, basically strangling them.

    Darkness Magics

    Shadow Fade

    Shadow Fade allows the caster to vanish into the shadows and move about them unseen.


    Nightvision allows the caster to see within the darkness.


    Darklight lets the caster create a false light by pushing back the darkness in an area, allowing light to invade.


    Shadowport allows the caster to teleport from one location to another using the shadows around them.


    Darkview is a spell used to blind a single opponent or many opponents for a short period of time.


    Slumber places a target into a sleeping state.


    Nightmare uses shadow magics to infiltrate a persons mind and glean information from within their dreams. It can also be used to drive a person into madness if they are awake.


    Shadow lets the caster create an image of themselves. The image is able to speak and appear to cast any spell the caster otherwise would. It is a perfect clone but cannot directly cause damage to a target.

    Dark Anger

    Dark Anger lets the caster focus the dark energies into their own core and use it to fuel hatred driven and reckless attacks.

    Shadow Armor

    Shadow Armor acts as Ultra-Heavy Anti-Spell-craft armor and absorbs all forms of magic. It cannot be cast while Cyclone Armor is active however as it would neutralize it. Only Shadow Spells can be cast with it active.

    Elements:Wind, Dark

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Monster Template

Name: Alcina Naadhira, "The Maiden of the Rose"

Level/ Classification: unknown level type for now/ Humanoid/Dragonoid

Speed Class: Fast

Weight Class: Humanoid-95 pounds/ Dragonoid- 8 thousand pounds

Armor Class: Humanoid- light/ Dragoniod- heavy (Scales are her armor)

Magic Class: Dependent (uses magic to create her flowers and pollen)

Monster Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.8da2a96a94b1f9d60b8ad79cd7cd7319.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="29122" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.8da2a96a94b1f9d60b8ad79cd7cd7319.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

About the size of a small plane. A black and red dragon. Two glowing red eyes, as a pair of long red horns set on her head. Her saliva, the color literally of blood. Her black teeth about 5 to 8 inches long and a black snake like tongue. Long red claws and spikes against her back in a neat row down to her tail. She looks thin for a dragon yet is all lean muscle. Now this is were this dragon is different in her appearance, her wings are layered with what resembles huge rose petals and her tail has sharp poison red thorns. She has a wing span of 35 feet, and when standing on all fours reaches about 24feet. Shiny rock hard black and red tinted scales cover her body, from tip to tail.


Humanoid Characteristics:

She is a Deathly pale beauty. A dark angel in many mens eyes. Dark brown almost black wavy hair down to her waist. Her bone structure thin and her features stunning. A small nose, rose colored lips, and eyes more colorful then the starry night itself. Lightly blushed cheeks, and thin eye brows. Looking like a drop dead gorgeous model, yet she looks even more peaceful, beautiful. Tricking many men to her, and then killing them in the end. See she is the trickster of the forest. Like a "Fly Trap"yet there are no Fly's on the menu, rather humans. She lures in individuals, men or women, with her sweet voice, then her looks, but when the time is right she will turn into her true form to devour those, The Black Rose Dragon.

Photo:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.2e716edbc05bdc5f1b0931561188edec.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="29544" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.2e716edbc05bdc5f1b0931561188edec.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio:)Alcina was not always a monster, as many have thought. Rather a poor thief, stealing anything that caught value in her eyes. Though I should not say poor, but a master thief. Wanted photos were up everywhere, but she was never found. Somehow she managed to escape every time they were close to catching her. Many talked of her, calling her "the death flower" which was what her name meant and it made sense crazy enough. Her beauty was blinding, though even one so beautiful, took what ever she wanted but never killed a soul. One day though, she came across a elderly man. Who indeed, was immune to her looks. He did not look at her when she tried to catch his eye, or was not drawn by her songs. Rather he looked her straight in the eyes with nothing and told her to leave and never come back. She was angry that this man did not act the way the others did, and she wanted revenge. That night she killed the man, the first life she had ever taken, and took a bag of his from him.

Beginning to leave but something around his neck caught her eye. A Rose cut black dimond neck less. Bigger then any diamond she had ever seen before. Reaching down, she took it in her grasp, staring in wonder at the gem. Raising her hands, the chain fell over her head and the diamond fell on her heart. The minute it touched that spot, the stone began to glow, burn, and began to melt into her skin. She screamed in pain, trying to pull the diamond off but it would not move, just kept proceeding in side of her. Then it happened, the stone broke from the chain and replaced her heart. The hole in her body healing instantly, except for a scar. Her body changed, and a roar so loud that it shook the ground left her mouth. Rose petal wings spread out before her, and began to rise to the moon above. Black and red Scales covered her body and her bone structure changed. Becoming what only thought was a myth now, THe Black Rose Dragon.

Human Height: 5.8

Human Weight: 95

Weapon of Choice:

A sword, made out of solid steal or her greatest, her dragon form, equipped with teeth and claws and a tail of red thorns.


She has a choice. One method she has is that every individual she eats, her body creates more pollen in her body. So when in battle, instead of blowing fire, she blows the pollen. Which causes the individuals the hallucinate (causing then to see there greatest fears). The second thing she can do is create a flower. One that can kill in a instant or can save a life. It depends how she uses it, but they are secrets that she only knows. But when making a flower, her body is drain extremely causing her to be vary vary weak, to the point were she might faint if pushed to much. And this flower is only known by few.

And when I say this I mean it, her flowers poison can kill ANYTHING, even other monsters.




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  • Name: Hy'Bleveon, the Beast Lord

    Classification: Level 1 Colossus Mutation {Lion, Dragon, Ram, Serpent, Bat, Scorpion}

    Speed Class: Slow on land, Fast while airborn, Tail-Strike is Ultra-Fast

    Weight Class: Ultra-Heavy (Hyper-heavy?? Is that a thing? lol)

    Armor Class: Ultra-Heavy

    Magic Class: None. All feats are performed biologically. Although if there has to be a classification, It would probably fall on "Nature" magic.

    Monster Appearance: Words cannot describe the bad-assery. In short, Chimera. So here's two pictures so you fully understand...



    Humanoid Characteristics: A man with thick, golden hair (literally gold strands), a pale complexion, and a pitch black overcoat (that is actually a pair of wings, folded over himself). His eyes are always a glowing blood red coloration. His fingernails are a grim black with the tips being a deep crimson.

    Height: In human form, he stands 9'5'' tall. In his monstrous form, he stands a whopping 2 miles in height (with his serpentine necks raised).

    (10,560 feet! Or 3.2 Km)

    Weight: In human form, he weighs 320 lbs of pure muscle. In his monstrous form, he weighs in at a staggering 19,852,800 METRIC TONS

    (43,302,264,192 lbs!!! Or 19,641,578,668 Kg!!! And yes, you did read it correctly... Billions of lbs/Kg)

    Weapon of Choice: Bare Hands, or if pushed too far, claws/teeth/tail (even in human form, he has a tail, though it is usually hidden under the cloak)

    Spell-Craft: Body Augmentation (A.E. stretching wingspan, lengthening claws/tail). Body Reduction (shrinking his full size down, or even shrinking specific body parts to avoid harm). Can also regenerate remarkably fast. Can also utilize pure sound in the form of a roar. The ensuing shockwave is capable of turning buildings into vast clouds of dust (in comparison to a nuclear blast). Closest possible 'magic' school to classify his abilities in would be "Nature" magic, albeit a bit of a chaotic twist.


    Hy'Bleveon was born from a successful alchemic experiment lead by Edward Kelly and John Dee in their attempts to "Unify" all of Biology, which so happened to also include divine creatures such as dragons and earth-bound creatures such as the lion. The experiment took place on spring of the new 'solar-cycle' when the earth, moon, and the sun met in perfect alignment; The so-called "perfect" time for the experiment. After his creation, Hy'Bleveon was kept hidden from both the church as well as the scientific community for fear of the catastrophic implications such a creature would pose politically AND academically. The combinations of creatures used to form Hy'Bleveon were mind boggling. It ranged from a giraffe's tongue to a human brain, snake venom to spider's silk, horse's blood, dragon scales from every incarnation of dragon from every possible location on earth, and even shark's teeth and jelly-fish. And the list goes on and on. Nearly every single type of animal on earth is accounted for. And even a few creatures thought only to exist in myth. This of course gave him incredible vitality and a regeneration rate even greater than those found in Axolotls (mud-puppy salamanders), and the life-expectancy of that of a Tardigrade (water bears). Needless to say, his physical make-up makes him resilient against all poisons, diseases, cancers, and even parasites. The startling fact is, Edward and John created the holy grail of science.

    However as the end of their lives drew near, they entrusted the creature to the organization that they believed they could trust. The next four hundred years were spent in solitude, save for the visits of those dedicated to feed him and the excruciatingly painful chemical and biological experimentations, as well as the many ritualistic magics performed on, or for, him. His size at this point in time was only four times the size of a regular lion. The organization holding him went into an internal struggle which lead to Hy'Bleveon being taken by one faction within the internal disputes. It was at this time that Hy'Bleveon found himself released into the "Land of Monsters" and upon being freed, immediately started to rampage his way across the land. It was slow progress as he made his way to the top of the food chain, but after fifteen years, he now stood as the apex predator; A literal mountain of power and flesh. And so his time spent was lounging, eating whatever and WHOEVER he pleased, and mating as he saw fit. And he was content... That is until the events would lead the race of man and monsters back onto a collision course. And he would find his eyes fixed on human forms once again.

    Element: Nature... Dark.

    Important to note: Godzilla is only 50 meters tall (164 ft), and weighed 20,000 metric tons. In contrast, this proposed beast would be 211.2 times the size and weight.
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Monster Hunter Template

Name: William "Shadow" Heinfreed

Age: 21

Sex: Male




Weapons of Choice:Katana made from aluminum alloy and enchanted to extract darkness from a monster and disperse it into the depths of hell

Spell-craft: Ninja type.Swiftness spells and invisibilty.

Back-story: William grew up in the castle owned buy a Nobleman.The noble men wife saw WIlliam wondering in the rodes one day kiccking rocks in a ragged rode. She took him home. He as raised as ther echild because the women was not fertal enough to have a child. When William turned 13 he walked down his rode to the pond and ran into a old man. He looked at the man. The old man smiela nd asked him did he want to be a swordmans and showed him this katana. It was so beautiful. Form that day on the old man was brought to the castle and taught William how to fight. When William turned 17 the old man was very sick and was dieing fast. On his death bed William took his hand and the old man look at him. "Youve grown so much my child only if your real father were her to see this." And the old man keeled over. From that day on Will deoted his life to his sword. One day he was practicing and heard a scream out side the yard. He looked out the window and say His stepmother on the the floor died. He ran to her side and look towards the forest a human type monster thingy snared at him. He ran toward the monster but he ran into the darkness. William scream and ventured out to find him. His stepfather was old and depressed and died of a heart attack when he heard the news. He made it is goal to destroy the eveilness that broke his family apart.

Elemental Attribute: Darkness
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    A new monster had been spotted! This creature is known only for having destroyed a massive city. Its current status is unknown other then the ability to create more soldier creatures. This monster depopulated the entire city in around a week, first killing all the soldiers before storming the city and turning into a living hell. This is your foe!

    -Confidential File, Hulk Class, Tyrant designation-

    Name: The Old One, The Last True Tyrant, The Ruler of the Unsouled ones.

    Pict capture from last encounter:

    Recorded powers and abilities : This creature is known for its chitinous armor and weapons. The creature has the ability to regenerate any piece of its body given time. The second major feature that seems strange is the fact that it creates a hive at its current lair. The hives seen and destroyed in the past where large underground complexes that are made of living tissues. This creates the effect of exploring a giant organism. The hive also generates a smaller sub-type of monster known as a Scion, detailed in a separate entry. The body of the Tyrant has a row of long, poisoned spines that are connected by long strands of muscles. These are spasmed out at targets and then pulled to the Hulk as the muscle retracts. The bite of this creature is massively deadly as toxins and diseases of extreme potency infect it. The primary weapons of this creatures are the blades that grow in place of its hands. The blades are grown out of a hardened chitin. These blades are harder then most metals and regrow, but the complete loss of a blade is permanent, forcing the creature to grow a different type of weapon. The most insidious weapon is the long spine like growths that sprout out of the Tyrants back. These are known to pump out phage spores. These spores, if able to get into a host body, can cripple as they slowly overrun the lungs. These spores are only sustainable in the environment of the Hive. Outside of a hive the spores will slowly die, but the infected must cough up the dead cells. Other weapons include the pincer on the tip of the tail, perfect for tearing out a throat of one who would seek to attack from behind. The spines on the side of the hooves can function as weapons during a kick but are mostly for traction in loose terrain. The long blade on the head seems to be a focus for its communication with the Scions and it has never used it as a weapon. This communication seems to be super sonic vibrations that are not audible.

    History: This creatures origins are fairly unknown, thought it is believed to be a daemonic experiment. The creature first appeared in a city that had a past with Daemonic activity, known as Soulbastion. This city first knew of this creature when a sewer maintenance crew stumbled upon the entrance to the most massive hive seen to date. It is unknown how long it took the creature to create this hive. The many troops and heros of the city took this as just another daemon plot and thus when they invaded losses where huge, the very nature of the hive and Scions lurking in the hive meaning that dozens died without even seeing the massive creature that led the horde. The first to discover the larger creature survived the encounter with only the most foolhardy berserker falling in the fight, thought the spores emitted killed all that entered after they rested inside the hive.

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Name: Aryaxxa Laegwynn

Age: 22

Sex: Female

Height: 5'6

Weight: 137



Close, but not quite. White hair, rather than black.

Weapons of Choice: Shortbow - Magically crafted to be able to withstand magic. This allows her to effectively manipulate her arrows, using various elemental magic, without damaging the bow. The drawstring is enchanted to be strong, yet flexible, ensuring that the string won't ever break due to standard wear and tear, but only to significant amounts of force applied directly to the string. She prefers a Longsword for short range combat. The Longsword is completely mundane, not bearing any extraordinary qualities.

Spell-craft: Aryaxxa is mostly skilled in offensive magic, along with her Archery, using the two forms of combat to compliment each other. While able to cast direct spells, she prefers to instead enchant the arrows she fires, as the method requires less effort than casting a spell directly. Though she typically sticks to offensive magic, she has received some light training in the art of restorative magic.

Back-story: From a young age, Aryaxxa has been told she was born to do great things. Her father paid for the best schooling money could buy, and invested heavily in tutors for various forms of combat. Aryaxxa always shied away from melee, performing just well enough to avoid her father's criticism. Her real skill has always been with Magic. She found at a young age that she was able to manipulate the light of the world, bending it to her will, sometimes to do something so simple, as to bend light around an object, shrouding it's existence, other times concentrating the light to blind, or sear her enemies, depending on the situation. While training with magic, she has found that, at certain times, magic can be unreliable. The first time Aryaxxa realized this, had been during an attack by a monster on their small village. Skilled as she was, in magic of the light, the beast she'd attempted to fight off was even more skilled, in dark magic. Consuming any of the spells she cast in darkness had rendered her completely ineffective. Though she managed to escape the beast, her village was completely destroyed, her family murdered. Since then, she's always carried a sword at her hip, and a bow on her back.

After the death of her family, Aryaxxa became a bounty-hunter of sorts. A drifter now, she calls no place home, wandering the land, and seeking out work exterminating lower ranks of monsters. The pay is fairly decent, at least enough to keep her well-armed, and fed, and does some to help keep her guilt over being unable to protect her family and friends at bay. Constantly striving to better her own skills, she is always seeking a challenge. Something to test herself, and increase her skill further, in hopes that she might one day find the creature that attacked her village, and was responsible for the death of her family, and put an end to it.

Elemental Attribute: Light

Hope everything works! If I overlooked anything, or I need to change something, just let me know. Thanks! ^_^
Avon Vignette


A g e : 25 Years

S e x : Female

H e i g h t : 5'10

W e i g h t : 132 lb.

A p p e a r a n c e : Black, slightly curled deep chestnut hair that frames a rigid and mostly smooth face. Small scars delicately decorate the left side of her jawline, appearing as if they were made by a house cat's claws. Eyes are a light blue, glittering with anticipation of attack. Her body is a bit heavier, made collectively of muscle, and more scars decorate her flesh at various locations. Her facial features are sharp and pronounced.

W e a p o n ( s ): In her possession is a large, two handed crossbow, amongst other small daggers she may find and pick up. The bolts she uses are heavy and and a bit crude in their own crafting, seeing as she normally either picks them up or makes them herself out of scrap metal over a camp fire. She normally carries around 40 of these in her quiver, each varying slightly in thickness, weight, and appearance depending on their source. She prefers them to be smaller over bigger to reduce their weight. She is also known to carry around a thick rope and a very small bear trap type apparatus.

S p e l l - c r a f t : Although not very inclined with any sort of 'magic' or 'spell' types, if in dire need she will attempt to conjure up small buffs, such as improvements in reaction time or attack speed. While these don't last very long and take a while to cast, they have proven effective in the very sense that, when used in the emergencies that she has been unfortunately to place herself in, have kept her alive, even if barely so. She prefers not to use spells, or the like, due to the fact that she simply doesn't enjoy the feeling as it seems unnatural to her in a whole sense.

B a c k - s t o r y : Her slightly turbulent history has caused her to become crafty and slightly arrogant, but nonetheless quite truthful to a blunt point and sympathetic. She didn't come from a rich family, or one that was even slightly blessed in terms of fortune. Poor as they were, scraping by everyday the best they could. She had grown very attached to her younger sister, using her as a distraction from every day life. She normally didn't go to any sort of education, preferring not to be around other children her age or older simply due to the fact that she didn't want to be made fun of. It wasn't that she was afraid of them, she just didn't wish to cause any trouble for her family or anybody else. When she reached about 12 years of age, a hot summer with little rainfall caused a hay stack belonging to an, at the time, absent farmer to catch on fire. Many people failed to notice such even at its first attack seeing as fires were common around the village she lived in; it was the preferred choice of cooking among many of the people that had their home there. It was quickly found out that it wasn't any normal cooking fire and nearly half the town burned to the ground by the end of the night, in which the fire was finally extinguished. Her home had been lost in the fire and her little sister was currently placed in an unconscious state. Despite her parents best efforts, Avon was extremely upset with the farmer, attempting to attack him with a small scrap of metal she found on the ground from a charred blacksmith's place. The farmer had fought back with a small pitchfork, seeing as she managed to catch him by surprise and caught his shoulder slightly with the makeshift weapon. However, her small amount of strength from not doing much work caused her to loose this fight; the farmer fought back with thin pronged pitchfork, causing the scars on her left jawline to form. The luckily didn't get infected, but she quickly lost her sister due to lung failure from the amount of smoke she had inhaled. After that, she found herself caught up with the wrong group of people. Trouble makers, as they were referred to, causing issues all along town. As soon as she turned 16 her parents cast her out on her own, finally growing sick of her behavior and the fact that they couldn't do anything to stop it no matter how many things they tried. She eventually attempted to convince her parents to take her back in, which was a fruitless endeavor. She took shelter in one of the old, untouched and scorched houses near the middle of the town and did random jobs, and eventually took part in the town defense. She was still particularly weak, but was determined to make up for her mistakes.

E l e m e n t a l A t t r i b u t e : Poison
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Name: Jacob Klinge

Age: 25

Sex: Male

Height: 5' 8"

Weight: 167 lbs


Weapons of Choice: Broadswords or Greatsword, usually wielded with one hand and no shield.

Spell-craft: Has a great ability for pyromancy, though little control. His brother nicknamed him "The Dragon" because his flames are often strong yet uncontrolled blasts or geysers.

Back-story: Originally from Altenia Jacob and his brother Richter migrated to Kariat a few years ago and carry on as the last living members of their bloodline, the Klinge being one of the lineages that stretches all the way back to the first war. Trained by their father to be exceptional swordsmen, they still differ in style. Jacob's father always called him the "The Dragon Klinge" and likened his brash nature, red hair, and courage to that of the feisty beasts. Richter has raised Jacob since the age of 16 when their father died hunting for a level 1 beast. Jacob's family right was to take one item of his fathers after Richter, and he chose his father's dueling gauntlet and pauldron. He and his brother have hunted for money since then and made good money. Jacob's heart lies in the hunt and he would rather do nothing but challenge himself with larger and larger prey. Since the recent disturbance of beasts, Jacob has been hoping to come across a true dragon, and live up to his father's nickname.

Elemental Attribute: Fire

Tactics: Jacob is accustomed to fighting as an offensive role, sacrificing physical defense for speed and power. What he lacks in armor he makes up for in physical toughness. His left arm is covered in dense flame-resistant bone mail that was once his fathers and the only form of shield Jacob possesses besides maybe a very large sword occasionally. He prefers to use his pyromancy to extend the reach of his attacks and lead his opponents. When in a pinch he may release his pyromancy flames in a large burst, but doing so drains him physically for the duration. He is stout and can lift some lighter greatswords with just one hand, but will never take a weapon that he cannot swing effectively with one hand.


Name: Richter Klinge

Age: 28

Sex: Male

Height: 5' 9"

Weight: 159 lbs


Weapons of Choice: Tsume, his fairly long nodachi sporting a 105 cm blade. On his back he carries his fathers large greatsword Hakai, which he does not use.

Spell-craft: Can statically charge his weapons and body with electricity like lightning from the sky, works best when the conditions for lightning are present, or when in water.

Back-story: Originally from Altenia Jacob and his brother Richter migrated to Kariat a few years ago and carry on as the last living members of their bloodline, the Klinge being one of the lineages that stretches all the way back to the first war. Trained by their father to be exceptional swordsmen, they still differ in style. Richter's father always called him his "Noble Wolf" for his always calm and steely look but good leadership skills. Richter has raised Jacob since the age of 16 when their father died hunting for a level 1 beast. Richter family right was to take one item of his fathers first, and he chose his father's greatsword. He and his brother have hunted for money since then and made good money. Richter mostly just tries to keep Jacob from dying, because though he won't admit it he is overall the better swordsman of the two. Where Jacob is brash, Richter is calculating, where Jacob is a strong brute, Richter is an agile warrior. He is loving and caring for people, and fights the beasts to protect them like his ancestors. In battle he is calm and collected, always keeping an eye out for his enemies weakness.

Elemental Attribute: Water (unless you would like this changed to something else you think is more fitting)

Tactics: While Richter is certainly tough, he is not as purely strong as his brother, but he makes up for his strength with wit and speed. He , like his brother, is primarily focused for offense. His specialty is speed and precision, preferring to let others batter against a beasts hard shell while he dashes to slice it's soft joints. Because of his blades great length, he is prepared for battle with many different types of beast and can cut down to their sinew. The heavy sword on his back is dense and powerful, yet he does not intend to wield it as he could, ans saves it instead for the beast that murdered his father. Richter's lightning is used to enhance reach, speed, and power of his attacks, but its benefits vary with the conditions of the air and sky.
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Name: Allon Idris

Age: 29

Sex: Male

Height: 6'2

Weight: 195 Pounds

Armor: Medium


Weapons of Choice: Allon carries a huge weapon: His faith. This empowers him to do the bidding of his lord and savior, no matter if it means embellishing his enemies of the golden rays of prayers for as long as he lives. In all seriousness though, Allon wields a tungsten scythe imbued with holy powers. The scythe was forged to kill the abominations of the world (This doesn't count towards humanoids or living naturally characters) and is rightly held in the hands of this cleric. Besides this he carries an assorted pack of holy items, scrolls, holy water, and a few personal provisions.

Spell-craft: The cleric is adept in light magic, so his spells range from the all inspiring light to a pure stream of religion in an electrical bolt of enlightenment.

Clerical Light: Allon calls upon his god with his hand outstretched to the heavens, forming a ball of light within his hand. While this seems quite useless for battle, Allon has adapted it in order to control it's degree of light. It can range from a small light to guide him in dark passages to a blinding light of white, all within a movement of his arm.

Healing Prayer: A small incantation is met with a large blast of light around the target, healing the person with a stream of illumination from the heavens. It mends a internal and bodily wounds, but will not effect armor or weapons. This will not stop any fatal wounds, for the god can preserve life, not avert death.

Soothing Light: Allon drops to his knees in prayer, calling upon a light to soothe the wounds of himself or others. The light is not as effective as Healing Prayer, but instead focuses on applying healing over a long period of time. Although it is long lasting, one hit from sword, arrow, or sorcery and it is gone.

Blessing Strength: Empowering his allies with a holy drought of untapped potential deep within their subconscious, awakening whatever light be in them. This does not work for Allon, his light has already been brought forth, but any other ally can be targeted and granted additional strength. Strength varies with the persons motives and one's own will for the light, thus forth no one of dark attributes can use this.

Heavenly Shift: Allon's final spell is his ability to morph light, usually into a bolt of white lightning, this isn't the limit just the most used. He can make a simple shield, a barrier of sorts, or coat his armor in it. While this seems very powerful it is actually a hard process to conjure, for the light he uses must come from Clerical Light. Most clerics can use the light of the sun, but Allon found it easier to use a huge ball of his own to make this. Therefore the spell is two parts, usually leaving him open if the enemy is weary.

Back Story: Allon Idris was born to his mother, Alexandria, and his father, Archon, both very wealthy aristocrats. His parents followed a strict code of hierarchy within the family, and Allon would learn this by his 5th birthday, but not a day sooner. Within his family was his parents, two brothers, and a series of maids and servants. The maids took care of him, usually putting a barrier in between him and his mother, but this never stopped him from loving her. The male servants were the ones to teach him to be proper, shutting off bonding time with his father, but this never stopped him from loving him. And his brothers distanced themselves from him, for they had their own lines of work instead of him, but this never stopped him from loving them. All in all his family was distant, and while this shaped many kids to become brats, it made Allon humble with the time he did get with any of them. When he turned 5 though, Allon learned he wouldn't get anymore time with them.

At age of 5 Allon was taught of the hierarchy within his household, and why it ran the way it did. The eldest of his brothers was always at father's sides, watching his every movement and inferring on his insights. This was because the eldest was to inherit the family title when the father died, becoming the heir to the Idris' estate. Allon thought this logical, and it suited him, but he didn't quite understand his brother's predicament. The second son was to join the army, which explained why he was always drilling with a rifle and dressing so silly in a uniform. It was then he was taken to his father, who sat him down alone in his private study. The last step of the hierarchy was the third son, Allon, was to join the clergy. He was sent away, to begin his journey as a minister.

By 28 years old, Allon was ordained, a minister, a pastor, and practically practiced in every religion on the planet. He is versed in every religion, but follows his god Helios in every way, shape, and form. While this meant years of solitude, he doesn't hold the grudges of his family, but blesses them everyday for their choice. The religion turned Allon humble, calm, and caring, ultimately loving his life no matter what. Now roaming in order to fight any thing he deems unholy, he is a minister first and a warrior second.

Elemental Attribute: Light

Lucis Sol

Age: 34

Sex: Male

Height: 183cm

Weight: 68kg




Aspect of the Sun

The fiery red jewel embedded within Lucis's sternum area is the source of all of Lucis's spell craft and abilities. The jewel itself specializes in absorbing sunlight and converting it into powerful energy to fuel Lucis's abilities, spear and armor. The jewel is a physical crystallization of Lucis's life-force, and thus its destruction heralds Lucis's death also. Any damage done to the jewel also heavily damages Lucis. Since the jewel could be what one can perceive as the physical manifestation of Lucis's life, and because it is attuned with the power of the sun, all of Lucis's strengths and abilities are connected directly with the sun. The jewel is incapable of storing energy and thus without the presence of sunlight all of Lucis's spellcraft based abilities will be halted within seconds due to there being no energy present within the jewel as fuel. However the jewel has an extremely efficient energy generation rate and can constantly fuel Lucis's spell based exertions, weapon and armor with ease as long as sunlight is present. The brighter the light of the sun that the jewel basks in, the greater the reliability and power of Lucis's abilities. The sunlight energy passively grants Lucis slightly enhanced physical capacities and easily replenished stamina as well as a healing factor. Additionally, since Lucis's life force is located in the jewel and not his body, bodily destruction does not actually affect him in terms of affecting mortality. The absorbed energy from the sunlight is also somewhat versatile, and can be used in various ways as detailed below. In terms of its physical properties, the jewel is roughly spherical with a four inch diameter. It is about as hard and durable as tempered steel, and has incredibly high resistance to heat. The jewel does not suffer from tarnish or wear and can repair very minor damage such as small scratches and such. Additionally the jewel permanently glows with a brilliant crimson radiance whenever sunlight is present, and fades to a dim shade when there is no sun light present. Lucis also is highly obligated to leave the jewel open and not covered by any protection, as it must be basked in sunlight to enrich Lucis's powers, although during the night or dark areas Lucis may protect the jewel with armor or such.

Armor of the Sun

Normally, Lucis simply wears a black bodysuit that covers all of his body except the area around his jewel and the area above his shoulders. The bodysuit is made of tight fitting and durable fibers, but it has no real protective value by itself and simply prioritizes mobility. However, Lucis can create armor from the light of the sun. This armor takes shape in the form of brilliantly shining golden metal made entirely of solidified energy processed from sunlight. The armor only obviously appears over Lucis's vitals, and the rest of his bodysuit is instead glazed over in a thin but super condensed and hardened layer of sun energy that provides a minimum of protection but allows Lucis to move unrestricted and fast. The armor produced by this sun energy is exceptionally light, being no more than ten kilograms in total weight, but its strength is decent, comparable to that of cast iron. However, the armor is easily regenerated albeit at a sluggish pace and repaired as it is simply materialized light energy which there is an abundance of during daytime. Conversely, darkness based magic and attacks would entirely bypass the armor as if it were not there.

Ragged Regalia of the Sun

Lucis can form a tattered crimson red cloak to form from the two huge sun shaped shoulder pads of armor. The cloak itself does not seem to be have the physical characteristics of cloth, and it appears to sway and crackle in open air as if it were made of flames. The cloak holds no weight and its movement can be controlled by Lucis at his will. The cloak represents the fiery heat of the sun, and thus all sun energy directed to its creation holds intense heat. The cloak itself is not hot, as it acts as storage from the heat energy gathered from the sun. Its ability to store amounts of heat however, is incredible and efficient as sunlight is constantly present in abundance during optimal conditions. The cloak's stored heat energy can be utilized both defensively and offensively. Defensively, the cloak can release the stored heat within itself to cause the cloak to become extremely hot, and since Lucis can control the cloak's movements and structure, he can direct it to cover his armor, weapon or other areas. When heat energy is released, the cloak's red fabric like appearance begins to glow as if it were burning up. A trump card like technique that Lucis can also utilize is packing the cloak into two tennis ball sized orbs and placing each orb in between the centers of the two sun shaped shoulder pads where additional energy is funneled into the orbs, where all of the energy stored within the orbs is released in two condensed but intensely hot beams of light. The heat energy can also take the shape of fire and obtain its properties such as the ability to catch on to other things, absorb oxygen and cause combustion explosions, but this also makes the heat energy susceptible to being put out by water and such, with another downside being that heat in the form of light is much hotter. Another usage of the heat energy is that it can be processed into pure physical energy to temporarily grant Lucis short bursts of enhanced physical activity. The heat energy absorbed can only be absorbed from the sunlight, and other sources of heat such as existing fire will not replenish energy stores. The cloak also cannot be repaired or regenerated as well as the sun armor, as it is not materialized sunlight but Lucis's personal energy and thus much more draining to form and reform. Of course one obvious weakness, mentioned before, is that the cloak can only be manifested and maintained in the presence of sunlight.

Weapons of Choice:

The spear that Lucis wields, which he has named Kundala, is one of oddities. Its length is abnormal, being around 3.3 meters, but its weight is incredibly light being no more than 7kg. It is formed entirely out of the sun energy that Lucis uses, as its golden handle, guard and spear length are all created from the light of the sun. The sunlight metal of the spear is much more durable than the one that Lucis dons, as it is both a mixture of his own personal energy and sunlight energy. This however makes the weapon's golden parts unable to be repaired or regenerated from damage. The black blade that forms across the spear length is formed from life force energy drawn from the jewel itself. The black metal blade is comparable to tungsten in durability and has exceptional sharpness, but any damage done to it will also heavily damage Lucis as well. The black blade also cannot be repaired as simply creating it already drains a hefty toll from Lucis's life reserves, and the reason why damaging it also damages Lucis is because damaged or broken off parts cannot be restored back into Lucis. The damage transferred to Lucis is not direct or apparent and does not hamper Lucis immediately, but it shortens his lifespan in the long run and cuts down on his endurance and stamina in the short run. His pale skin and complexion is a direct result of lost life force. Even in the absence of sunlight, this weapon can be formed but the golden handle, guard and length will turn into a tarnished purple shade and be softer than if it were formed and sustained under sunlight.


Lucis was born to a respected family that was one of the few to continue to practice monster hunting even after the first wars, establishing the family as a sort of military family of sorts. In fact, the act of battling against monsters was almost revered as some magnificent art form, and huge wells of family honor rested on those that were most apt in slaying monsters. The commitment to slaying monsters was near fanatical, and this zealousness was most aptly shown in the tradition of having the next head of the family become completely attuned with his or her elemental attribute. In the case of Lucis, this attribute was sunlight. The process of becoming "attuned" was an extremely excruciating and painful process where Lucis's entire life was bottled into a single material form as a sort of core that would allow Lucis to obtain heights of power greater than most other hunters at the cost of having his whole life open to attack. Lucis suffered this experience when he was merely fourteen, and before this ordeal he had been groomed as a warrior to slay monsters by his whole family. Daily he trained hard and long- toiled and bled and cried. This spartan upbringing wrung out all sentiment and empathy from the young Lucis, who eventually came to consider his family without any love, and who could blame him? His family had considered him to simply be a walking title of honor and had not given an ounce of care to his humanity in order to prove him to be the greatest ever produced in the family. Thus when the monsters that had been thought to subdued appeared to wreak havoc upon humanity, Lucis clashed head on as one of the main battling families that maintained well trained and experienced combatants. Lucis's entire family was eventually wiped out, one by one, as the battles continued and humanity struggled. However, Lucis was not daunted one bit by this fact, as he had felt no love for them in the first place. Lucis simply fought like a mechanical contraption, without any real motivation or desire and simply out of practiced habit. Droves upon droves of men were slaughtered, and yet none of this sparked the flame of will within Lucis. He remained cold to the world and felt no obligation to it, until he formed his first real human connection. It was a relation of love between Lucis and a fellow warrior, and a love that bloomed strong and powerful, watered by the bonding strength of warfare. As expected, the relationship ended with the woman's death. The death affected Lucis considerably, and his mental status dived to a depressive state for many months. These months served as a crucial time in Lucis's life where, through a mix of conflicting emotions and thoughts, he began to see the world and humanity in a better light. Now, Lucis fights with passion and fervor, ardently defending his fellow men from the assaults of monsters with all his might. Many have speculated as to what motivates Lucis, and perhaps none will know.

Elemental Attribute: Sunlight

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Name: John Abraus

Age: 18

Sex: Male




Weapons of Choice: Actually, he has indirect attacks. His real weapons are 1. little robotic warriors he calls, humorously, scrubs. They armed with small swords and shields, and are great distractions. 2. Guardians: Human-sized machines with four arms, capable of super human strength, and can use many weapons

Spell-craft: Simple Psi

Back-story: This soldier is great at long distance combat, and has killed countless monsters on his own. His parents were killed by those bastards and he seeks revenge at any cost.

Elemental Attribute: Fire
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Name: Opal Alevi

Age: 17

Sex: Female

Height: 5'0

Weight: 102lbs

Appearance: Due to the parasitic nature of her magic, Opal's overall growth was stunted at a young age. She has a thin, small frame with more muscle than curve. Her smooth, pale-brown skin contrasts with her poofy, short white hair(also caused by malnutrition)., milky-white eyes, and lashes. She usually wears a sleeveless black hoodie, shorts, and matching boots. The only thing that always stays the same is the long, black tail that sticks out. The tail is two feet long, with a body that looks similar to a spinal cord and a tip that looks like a sharp spade.

Weapons of Choice: Grabbing sharp-bladed items are a no-no when you're blind. She prefers relying on her magic only, and maybe some sand she keeps in her pocket for fun.

Spell-craft: Transformation-magic, though it isn't exactly her own. The black magic in her body is foreign, and in a way, it's own being. Opals' body acts as the host for the black magic to feed, and in return the black magic protects her and aids her on her command(for the most part). Her tail seems to act as her eyes, giving her a sixth sense in some cases. The magic can keep a solid form over Opals body that can vary on size and shape. Most of the times, while fighting, she'll have the black magic consume her hands, forming hands the size of boulders that she can lift with ease, despite weighing hundreds of pounds.


"I'm dying, aren't I?", the fair-haired girl asked in a tone lacking it's usual cheery squeak. The rough-looking man on the other side of the room lifted his head at the sudden statement, and got up off his seat to walk over and confront the smaller one.

"Where did this come from?", he asked in a soft, concerned tone just as any dad would. "Sweetie, we talked about this. As long as we keep you on supplements and watch your diet you'll be fine. You're finally gaining weight, and you look great; beautiful even.", he said as he wrapped his only arm around her shoulder.


"Opal", he sighed. "I'm sorry. This is all my fault. It's just.. When I first saw you open your eyes.. I was scared. To be born with such a great disadvantage, how was my little girl going to survive in such a harsh world when she can't even see? I just wanted to give you a fighting shot; to give you eyes. I would've gave them anything else. I didn't know in exchange for going to... that, that you're lifespan would be compromised. I knew the second I saw your tail grow that I made a choice I'd have to face for the rest of my life."

Opal waited a moment, taking in the comfort of her fathers hug before speaking. "I still get the urges.. You know, the ones to kill. Am I.. a bad person?", she asked, tears starting to swell in glassy eyes.

"Sweetie, sweetie, no.. That's not you. This is all the fault of that dark magic inside of you--corrupting you--it has no reflection on your personality at all. This is why we've been training so much. We need you to vent out those bad urges and put them to good use. That's why tomorrow I'm sending you off to hunt. This way every time you kill, you'll be killing a being of evil for the greater good of mankind and proving that you, yourself, are as good as I think you are."

Elemental Attribute: Dark
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@Ninja God Character William "Shadow" Heinfreed Accepted. So many typos though! xD

@AshenLily Character Aryaxxa Laegwynn Accepted.

@DescriptedEnd Character Avon Vignette Accepted.

@dcentral Characters Richter and Jacob Klinge Accepted.

@Huntrey Character Allon Idris Accepted.

@Elegy Character Lucis Sol Accepted.

@John Abraus Character John Abraus Denied until your backstory is given further details.

@Poizen Character Opal Alevi Accepted.

The play has started. I'm still accepting character profiles/apps for hunters. I'm full on monsters.

If you enter my play, please communicate in OOC so we can work you into the play.

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