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Warren grouchily crossed his arms when Virus mentioned him possibly annoying the Commander. "Of course not! He was our original leader before he was arrested. We rescued him, but then he went missing! When I found him, I followed him so that I can make sure that he was OK." This was only partially true, as he mainly sought attention from him. But could you blame him? After all, he was indirectly brainwashed by him, long ago...

His negative attitude changed when Virus gave him a chance to do better. If he promised not to be annoying, he could join Denmoore's squad. Warren immediately jumped at the opportunity. "I swear I won't annoy him! Pinky-promise! I won't let you down! Thank you, Thank you!" He delightfully darted through the door once he was dismissed. He attempted to head towards Denmoore's room, likely to harass him again, but he quickly changed his mind and headed towards his room instead. He certainly was making progress, that's for sure.


The small robot finally arrived at the building entrance. However, it had encountered a problem. When it returned, the doors to the front had been closed and locked. It would be impossible for the tiny machine to slip through the entrance now. Krenman cursed under his breath once again in his tree base. At this point, the Sun was down and Daanyal was asleep beside the tree. Krenman would normally chew him out if he found out that Daanyal was napping instead of keeping an eye out for threats, but Krenman had been so concerned with the robot that he completely forgot to check on his fellow soldier. His eyes were glued to the small but bright monitor in his hands that allowed him to see what the robot saw.

The General figured that the place may have locked up for the night. So, either the robot had to find another way out, or it had to wait out until morning when the doors unlocked. Checking out his options, Krenman commanded the robot to silently patrol the building. He knew that there might be guards inside, so he was careful to be furtive. The robot hugged against walls and snuck below furniture to keep a low profile. It was at this point that the General decided to enter the conference room again.

His plan was to take a better look inside the meeting room that he spied on earlier. If he was lucky, he could find more damning evidence against Denmoore and the PHANTOMS. The robot slowly moved through the room, careful not to alert anyone that might be in the vicinity. The General made the robot use its stretchy ability again when peering under the conference table. The robot's bottom half remained just outside the table, while the front half explored under the table. The front half was equipped with a dim light that helped Krenman see in the dark. The bottom half stayed behind so that the robot was provided with a quick escape in case someone spotted it. It would rapidly tug on the other half until both pieces reconnected. They would then scamper off and find a safe spot. Daanyal's snoring was paid little attention to as Krenman swiped away at his monitor.

Ineptitude Ineptitude Virus Virus
"Searching... searching....", scouting was the last thing virus had to deal with besides all the arguing that the company went through. She hung and looked like a spider from a far distance, and besides, stealth is one thing she does; but she was sidetracked by a giant fly,"get away from me, ya stupid bug!", she shooed it off, but it wouldn't go away,"shoo !!", she said a bit louder, waving her gun around to try to shoo it off. She had enough,"shoo!!- wa- wahh!!", virus spin around too quickly and fell from the hook. "Oh no... now all of Mississippi knows I'm here", cursing under her breath and hoping no one heard her; getting found is much much worse than breaking her back or neck from a fall. She try to glitch to the roof but the fall that she taken made her glove a bit useless,"come on.. come on!". Perking up, she heard faint snoring and quickly covered her mouth,"this is bad, this is very very bad, I can't get in nor get out..."

Yamperzzz Yamperzzz
While Krenman was controlling the robot, he was suddenly taken off guard as he heard some ruckus. Noticing how much later it had become and how the noise seemed to come from somewhere else, Krenman glanced down at where Daanyal was supposed to be. It was pitch black so Krenman couldn't see him. He tried to whisper to him.

"Daanyal? Daanyal! What was that?"

He eventually shone the light from his monitor onto Daanyal, which he found out that he was asleep. He cursed to himself. He continued to whisper but spoke slightly louder.

"Dammit, Daanyal! Wake up! Wake. Up!"

Ultimately, since Daanyal was a deep sleeper, Krenman took a small branch from the tree he was in and threw it at him. This woke him up.

"OW! Why'd you do that?!"

"SHH! Someone's here! Keep an eye out."

"I can't see a damn thing!"

"Use your flashlight. Don't be stupid. Go investigate, it came from there."

Hesitantly, Daanyal stood up with his flashlight and quietly began for the area from which the sound originated from. As he did, he talked smack about Krenman under his breath. He just wanted to get Denmoore and be done with it. He wished he could just get in there now and kill him. He was tired, and he just wanted to put an end to the PHANTOMS.

Virus Virus
She had to make a distraction, and She thought of one, scaring people with her holograms; virus grabbed a projector, threw it towards a tree, and projected a large branch, "let hope this'll hold...", but it went out; her glove was still useless,"oh bloody hell... come on, glitch!" She was a bit to late, it seems like daanyal has heard the noises,"it's the police, crud!".

She quickly ran behind a tree, and slide her gun towards a trash can to mimic a racoon. She hoped for the best, for the person not to come near and find her.

Yamperzzz Yamperzzz
As Daanyal left to investigate, he glanced at an odd glow in the distance. It seemed to have been thrown from somewhere, but as soon as he turned to look at it, it was gone. This made him paranoid. Daanyal gripped his flashlight, ready to pounce on any potential PHANTOM threat. He briefly fantasized about potentially encountering the COMMANDER himself, but quickly brushed it off.

At one point, he thought for sure that he heard someone run. He whipped out a measly pocket knife and attempted to move towards the sound. He was now eager to fight anybody as long as they were a PHANTOM. He was tired of being afraid of them and he wanted to show them who's boss. He would've viciously lept onto Virus and maul her if she didn't throw her gun.

After hearing the gun hit the trash can, Daanyal ran towards it rather than towards Virus. He aimed his flashlight in it where he saw the gun. In sheer anger, Daanyal kicked the bin over, which generated a loud noise.

"Daanyal! What the hell are you doing?! You're gonna blow our cover!" Krenman was forced to yell because of the distance between them. Daanyal replied by yelling louder, which enraged Krenman.

"Somebody's here! I'm gonna slice 'em, watch!"

"Are you actually crazy?! What the hell is wrong with you?! Daanyal!"

Daanyal began to eagerly explore the area, ignoring Krenman. Consequently, Krenman began to awkwardly climb down the tree to chew out Daanyal. The robot was left unattended for the time being.

Virus Virus
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"Phew", virus wiped her for head and waited for them to go away,"so these are the bumbling idiots that found me, very clever. Just wait til the boss sees this." She saw the person take out a knife which made her wince,"glad I wasn't over there, just need to-", her whispering was stopped when she heard yelling,"two of them? Looks like I have to get out of here". She pressed her glove thousands of times, but no luck; She had to make a break for her gun and race to the roof. After grabbing a small camera and placing it on the ground, she raced for her gun and up to the roof,"bloody bloody hell..."

Yamperzzz Yamperzzz
Krenman accidentally slipped and fell a short distance while climbing down the tree. Though he wasn't hurt too badly, this gave Daanyal more of an opportunity to search freely. While the General was still recovering, Daanyal carefully surveyed the area. While he was, he heard the sound of someone running again. He spun around towards the noise and pointed his flashlight in the direction. For a moment, he saw what was a person, but couldn't tell who it was specifically. Nonetheless, Daanyal excitedly charged after the stranger. The stranger climbed up to the roof, where the soldier began to shout obscenities at them.

Once Krenman finally recovered, he angrily ran up to Daanyal, grabbing him by the back of his neck.

"What's the matter with you?! You're gonna get us killed!"

"Somebody's here, I saw them! I saw a PHANTOM! Come back here and fight me like a man, you coward!!"

Virus Virus
Virus tilted her head,"phantom? Like in phantom of the opera? Weird". Her hour was almost up, and that's not it, the Sun was coming up as well,"wait, no! Everyone's gonna see me!", she couldn't let anyone catch her, nor see her; she itched to grab blackhat in all of this, but everyone had to get ready for missions. Jumping off the roof and landing in the entrance, she begged and waited for the door to unlock,"hurry up!..."

Soon enough, the entrance was unlocked and She bolted in, leaving flug a bit concerned,"what's wrong?"
She mouthed,"don't open the door, unless I say so",aiming her gun straight at it
"We've got company; there's someone here, don't open the door"
"No buts, we don't want anyone finding this out", she came across the robot and picked it up,"and I've got evidence"

Yamperzzz Yamperzzz
After Daanyal lost sight of the stranger, he threw his flashlight to the ground in a fit of rage. General Krenman saw this and promptly yanked Daanyal towards him by his shirt.

"What's wrong with you? Now they know we're here! You put our lives in danger!"

"I'm tired of standing around and doing nothing, Krenman! If we wait, they'll do something. It keeps happening over and over again! They're wanted criminals, so why do we keep stalling?"

"Look, I'll just call the army now. We'll need it now that you've blown our cover!"

Daanyal scowled as Krenman searched his waistband for his walkie-talkie, only to find that it wasn't there. He let go of Daanyal and ran towards the tree he fell out of. It was morning now, so both of them were able to see without a flashlight. He arrived at the base of the tree and searched the foliage on the ground. There, he saw his walkie-talkie broken to bits and pieces. He must've landed on it by accident. He cursed profusely and loudly as he kicked the debris around in anger.

Daanyal, who followed him, also spotted the monitor amongst the leaves. It had a large crack across its screen but was still somewhat operational. He was still capable of viewing the robot's camera with the monitor, so he saw Virus as she retrieved the machine. Daanyal stared at the screen for a short time before abruptly heading towards the building. This caught Krenman off guard.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm gonna kill Denmoore."

"What's your problem? Let's just get back in the raft and get away while we still can!"


"Excuse me? That's an order, Daanyal! What's your major malfunction?"

During this entire argument, the duo was completely visible to everyone for the time being. Krenman was visibly nervous and wanted to escape any possible danger.

Virus Virus
"I don't see anyone out there, virus. You must be seeing- wait, WHAT THE!?", flug shouted as he saw the bumbling fools arguing over something.
"See!? Ill handle these rats!!", she threw the robot on the ground and ran out with her gun,"Freeze!! Alright, state your business!". Oh, She was mad. "You better speak or ill speak for ya!", aiming her gun at the two. She spoke in an earpiece and sounded a message on the air in the building,"all agents, please remain calm. We have intruders in our vicinity, please remain calm. I repeat, we have intruders!"

Yamperzzz Yamperzzz
"I told you! I'm done standing around all the time. It's just going to give the PHANTOMS another chance to escape!"

"You're going to die before you even go through the entrance."

"So? At least I tried. Besides, they'll probably catch up to us once we sail back out. I wanna at least try."

"It doesn't matter what you think! You have to do what I say and-"

Before Krenman was able to finish, Virus burst out of the building with a gun pointed at them. The General immediately rose his arms in the air. Daanyal, on the other hand, slowly dropped the monitor he held and brought his arms up calmly. He maintained his sour disposition, while Krenman was obviously scared. Daanyal recognized Virus as the person he spotted earlier that night. To both of them, Virus didn't look like a normal PHANTOM, but it didn't matter. What mattered was that she had a gun aimed at their heads and there were known PHANTOMS inside.

Neither of them spoke for a few moments until Virus threatened them. During that short span of time, Daanyal scowled at her. He realized that she seemed to only be a young girl. She must've been brainwashed. Krenman attempted to speak first but was interrupted by Daanyal's snarky interjection.

"Wouldn't you like to know, kid?"


Denmoore was sleeping peacefully in his room when Virus' voice blasted through the PA. Since he was still groggy, he barely understood the announcement other than the fact that it sounded urgent. He dragged himself off his bed when he heard a commotion from outside. He curiously approached the window in his room and saw...


General Krenman and a National Army soldier were standing there with their arms raised to the air. How did they find him?! Did they follow him as Warren did? And if they're here, that means that National Army must be coming! Denmoore began to panic and he ran out of his room. There, he promptly collided with Warren since neither of them was paying much attention. Warren, being much smaller than Denmoore, fell hard onto the ground. The Commander recoiled and hit his own door by mistake. He swiftly became livid as he grabbed Warren before he could even recover and shook him violently.


"I. Don't. Know. What. You're. Talking. About...!"

Virus Virus (And everyone else too, I guess)
"You better tell or else; friend or foe?", she always says this to make sure if they're a villain or police. "Alright, ill ask these few questions. Are you part of the fbi, or are you here to divulge and conive something, cause I don't want trouble.", she out her gun away, but still had it out in case they attacked.

Flug and 5.0.5 kept watch of the door, to make sure no other intruders got in.

Yamperzzz Yamperzzz
Daanyal continued to speak as Krenman stayed silent.

"Well, we don't wanna interrupt whatever operation you have here. We were just looking for a particular person." He chuckled. "I'm sure you've seen him... Big guy, spiky hair, has a beard to go with it. He may have been accompanied by a measly looking guy. I think he had blonde hair and wore a skull helmet... Actually, we might need him, too."

"If you guys would hand both of those men to us, we won't get you all arrested."

Krenman finally spoke to argue against Daanyal.

"Where would we put them? You know we can't put them our raft!"

Daanyal only responded by glaring at the General in a twisted way. Krenman immediately recognized this.

"...No, we're not going to hurt them!"

"Oh, so you want these guys, who murdered THOUSANDS and left even more SCARRED, to continue going about their lives?"

"Yes! So we can land them back into jail."

"So they can escape again, right?" Daanyal laughed.


After Denmoore finished shaking Warren, he heard Krenman and the other soldier speak again from outside. He yanked Warren back into his room as they both approached the window to listen. Oddly, it seemed that Krenman wasn't the one doing the talking, but the Commander wasn't worried about that right now. Denmoore grimaced when he heard the soldier describe him to Virus. Warren gasped as the soldier mentioned him too, and how they both wanted them. He heard Daanyal call him "measly" and almost lept from the window to show him a thing or two. 'Tis the way of Neo-PHANTOM ideology.

It seemed unlikely to Denmoore that Krenman would let Daanyal kill both of them, even if Krenmen acted more submissive than normal. Regardless, whether he's going to die or go to prison, Denmoore wasn't willing to be handed over to them. While still in his room, he grabbed Warren again, this time bringing him close to his face.

"You're willing to protect me, right?"

The Commander already knew the answer to that question as Warren's eyes quickly widened with glee. The Neo-PHANTOM ENFORCER considered Denmoore a Masia, for a lack of a better term, and would do anything for him. Even if it meant giving up his life. Denmoore was preparing for a chance that Virus may side with Krenman and turn against him. If they did, he would escape once again with the help of Warren. Perhaps the little PHANTOM soldier was really a Godsend rather than a nuisance all along.

Virus Virus
"Are you talking about denmoore? The recruitment? Yes, I have him and I- wait a sec... how do I know that you two are not pulling my leg here? Cause it seems like you two are going to conive something very evil...", she thrusted the gun closer into their faces. As soon as the smaller soldier stared at the general in what looks like a demonic way, she winced: blackhat could go demonic but everyone knows he's a demon, a monster. "Uh, you guys aren't going to kill a hacker like me?...", virus stepped back in fear; she was scared now,"oh boy...". Her face lagged and glitched in fear, and she started walking back faster.

Yamperzzz Yamperzzz
Daanyal laughed again after hearing Virus' first response.

"HA! We're not conniving anything. If anything, you guys are scheming something!"

Krenman quickly interjected.

"Denmoore is a wanted criminal. He's killed countless civilians and sparked a massive war. We need him-"

"So we can execute him."


Daanyal rolled his eyes, but once his sight landed on Virus, he noticed how nervous she suddenly became. It was from that point forward that the soldier realized that she was terrified of them. More specifically, him. He grinned, of which was similar to the one he flashed at Krenman. Her fear instilled a new dose of boldness in Daanyal as he almost instantly whipped out his little pocket knife.

"Of course not. Unless you wanna cause a problem..."

"That's enough, Daanyal!"

Krenman had finally decided to take a stand by wrestling the knife from Daanyal's hands. He was stronger than Daanyal, whether he wanted to admit it or not, so he retrieved the weapon with ease. The soldier tried to fight Krenman for it, but the General chucked it into the nearby river before he could land any punches on him. In response, Daanyal screamed at him.


"Are you crazy? Are you OK? What has gotten into you?" Krenman could barely recognize Daanyal at this point. Was Denmoore eating him up that bad? Or is there something more? He had never acted this way before...

Virus Virus
"S-scheming something!? Who told you, what have you heard!?",the Fear in her face died down and turned straight to anger. The general interjected her when she was done,"that's the whole point we being villains here, to keep them out of police's grasp, and importantly, train them to become better villains-", she stopped when the small one said something that made her snap. She growled in anger and pointed the gun straight at them, finger on the trigger. Wielding out the knife, virus pulled the trigger, but the gun was empty,"aw crud...". She dropped, and stepped backwards leaning up against the tree that the idiots used to spy on the building,"h-heh... can we just make a simple deal and be friends? I don't want to DIE!!!!", she screamed in fear and held her hands up as a sign of surrender. While the general was wrestling the knife out of the soldiers hand, she managed to make a break for the door and lock it shut. Flug was really nervous now,"uh.. virus, what's wrong?"
"Board the Windows, lock the doors. I don't want anyone in..."
"Is it aloiss?"
"No, dumbass. This is worse than the facility...", virus started out the door and pointed while saying,"it's the army..."

Yamperzzz Yamperzzz
Daanyal had ignored Krenman's questions after he threw his only weapon into the Mississippi River. Instead, he watched as Virus fled back into the building, screaming in fear. He laughed triumphantly as she made her way into the building.

"Yeah! Next time you won't be so lucky! You better bring us those two PHANTOMS soon or I'll come in there myself!" He finished it off by flipping her the bird before she entered the building. When he turned back at Krenman, the General was the most livid he had ever seen. His face was blood red and he was glaring at the soldier. If his moustache didn't obscure a majority of his face, you could probably see him grit his teeth. Before Daanyal could say anything to him, Krenman swiftly put Daanyal in a headlock and repeated his questions. He wanted the soldier to be concentrated on him and him only.

"Yes! I'm fine! Let me go!"

"No, you're not! You're mad at Denmoore, aren't you?"

"Who wouldn't?"

"But you never acted like this before! Something else is bothering you, isn't it?"

"Yeah, you taking your sweet-ass time to get him is bothering me! You wanting to put him in prison so that he can escape again is bothering me! You're bothering me!"

Though the soldier was weaker than the general, the soldier managed to wrestle out of the headlock the other man put him in. He was glaring at Krenman in a way that showed that he was mad and tired of waiting. This made Krenman change his cross mood to a more depressed one.

"Look... I'm sorry. But we just can't kill him on the spot. He may be an awful criminal but we shouldn't brutally execute him like that. No one deserves that, not even Denmoore. What he did to you and your squadmates was wrong, but we can't let emotions get in the way of justice. If anything, you killing him and letting him know that this is how you feel will only encourage him. Because when he finds out that he's hurt somebody that bad, then he'll become prideful of himself..." He paused for a moment before continuing. Daanyal's angered stare hardly changed, except for the fact that he was on the verge of tears.

"It might take a day or two before the National Army arrives. In the meantime, we need to find somewhere safe..."


When Virus reentered the building, Denmoore and Warren had already arrived there and were waiting for her.

"You didn't let them in, did you?" Denmoore rapidly approached Virus once she came in. He was trying to be threatening, speaking in a low, angry voice and getting up close to her face. "I'll know if you did. If you let them arrest me I'll get out again and beat everyone here to death..."

Warren popped between them to provide an accidental comedic relief. "Yeah! I'll kick over your garbage cans! I'll graffiti on the walls! Hoo-ah!" He then proceeded to kick over a nearby garbage can, much to Denmoore's annoyance.

Virus Virus
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"I didn't let them in, thank goodness...", She winced as he approached her. "If anyone let's them in, I'm setting this place on fire with me in it... no One let's them in.". She wanted to grab her gun and load it for any sort of threat, but doing that would break her vow. "Alright, here's the plan. We let them go, without them arresting anyone of course, then we have to go get the missions... ill lead, and block the door if anyone gets in.". Virus screamed in horror as Warren knocked over a trashcan,"you idiot, don't scare me like that!!"

Yamperzzz Yamperzzz
In the black night sky, there was something that didn't seem right. Of course, nothing seemed too right these days but it REALLY did not seem right. Everything was silent, all the crickets were singing and the sky was still as a corpse. then, it appeared. The first in command of the second best rated Dalek fleet, Saucer 1360...It came as fast as it went and all that was left of it was something that could end the world on it's own. A Dalek. And not just any Dalek, it was the Commander of 1360, Dalek Saan....
Denmoore watched her intently as Virus spoke to him. She took out her gun and loaded it, but he only flinched at the sight of it. When Virus spoke about letting them go, Denmoore broke his controlled demeanor and replaced it with a much more nervous one. He instantly stammered before arguing with her.

"OH nononono! If we let them go, we'll have the entire army at our doorsteps within days! Then we'll all be screwed!"

Warren chuckled at Virus' terrified reaction towards him before replying to Denmoore.

"Well, we'll be screwed even if we let them go, too. We really don't have a choice right now..." As stupid as Warren is, this was the most intelligent remark he'd given so far. Denmoore nodded his head in agreement.

"What we need to do is to cover our tracks. Maybe we can somehow cause the army to get lost on their way here..." He shook his head. "Oh, yeah. The missions! I almost forgot..."

"Hey, what is that?" While everyone was distracted, somebody had arrived outside. It wasn't a soldier nor was it anything Warren could identify. He pointed at it as it seemingly came from nowhere after Daanyal and Krenman had left somewhere for the time being...

Virus Virus Dalek Saan Dalek Saan
The Dalek then advanced towards them, it's gunstick pointed forward, It's eyestalk rotating 90 degrees left and right as it moved. it's manipulator arm narrowed forward. it's 6'6 dalekanium casing looking menacing. Although it knew completely what it was, they did not. As it was moving, it chanted something in it's mechanical metal voice, "All hail the Daleks"
Silence irradiated from it as it just stood there....until it finally spoke. "I have been summoned, EXPLAIN."
Virus saw the huge robot?... inch toward her. She let out a loud scream. "Why does everything have to be terrifying!?", and aimed her gun straight at the terrifying thing.
"Heh.... hello.... creature!.... you have been summoned by me for missions, promise you won't kill anyone?..."

Dalek Saan Dalek Saan
Denmoore tilted his head at the new addition to their evil family. He wasn't sure was it was, but it didn't really terrify him. It looked like a giant washing machine to him, which made him chuckle. Soon he directed his attention towards Virus.

"Wait... You summoned that thing? Just like the rest of us? Who else is there?"

Meanwhile, Warren was utterly terrified of the creature. He never left his eyes on the machine. To protect himself, the Neo-PHANTOM decided to hide behind Denmoore. He was shaking like a leaf, and the sight of him caused Denmoore to roll his eyes.

Virus Virus Dalek Saan Dalek Saan
The Dalek pointed it's gunstick at her and was about to shout EXTERMINATE before they decided she was not worth it. her weapons were no good against Dalekanium or the evaporation shielding. Dalek Saan lowered their gunstick and then calmly said, "Daleks have no concept of promise. We only have the concept of obedience. I obey." it said professionally as it's eyestalk looked straight at her.
"You will explain what kind of missions will be provided. And I am Dalek Saan. NOT CREATURE. YOU WILL CALL ME BY MY RESPECTED AND REAL NAME, UNDERSTOOD?"

Virus Virus
"O-ok!!!!!", she winced at the dalek and pointed the gun at it, ready to shoot. Where was black hat in this? No one knows, he could he in his office or could he gone, but no one knows for sure where he went.
"No weapon-", flug came in as soon as the dalek pointed what looks like a gun at her,"and you are a weapon. Thats it!", he gotten a little annoyed and wanted to attack the dalek, but virus wouldn't let him,"bloody hell, flug. Dont do it..."
"He's a weapon, nothing is allowed!- oh never mind..."
"Sorry bout that and my sudden freak attack, but pleased to meet you saan. As for the others, pack up, we're headed for missions."

Dalek Saan Dalek Saan Yamperzzz Yamperzzz

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