A Vampire and a Fae Walk Into a Bar



? Name:

? Gender:

? Age:

? Sexuality:

? Race/Species:

?Character History?

[Write about your character's history here.]

? Physical

Body Type:





Skin Color:

Distinguishing Features:

[Write a paragraph about your character's physical attributes.]

? Personality

Personality Type:





Character Flaws:

Character Strengths:

Character Weaknesses:

[Write a paragraph about your character's personality traits.]

? Combat



? Abilities/Powers

Ability or Power Name: Describe character's ability, power, skill here.

Ability or Power Name: Describe character's ability, power, skill here.

Ability or Power Name: Describe character's ability, power, skill here.

? Strengths/Weaknesses/Resistances





[Write a paragraph about your character's combat training and skills.]

You may add/remove content as needed for your character.

[b]? Name[/b]:
[b]? Gender[/b]:
[b]? Age[/b]:
[b]? Sexuality[/b]:
[b]? Race/Species[/b]:

[b]?Character History?[/b]

[Write about your character's history here.]

[b]? Physical
Body Type[/b]:
[b]Skin Color[/b]:
[b]Distinguishing Features[/b]:

[Write a paragraph about your character's physical attributes.]

[b]? Personality
Personality Type[/b]:
[b]Character Flaws[/b]:
[b]Character Strengths[/b]:
[b]Character Weaknesses[/b]:

[Write a paragraph about your character's personality traits.]

[b]? Combat

[b]? Abilities/Powers
Ability or Power Name[/b]: Describe character's ability, power, skill here.

[b]Ability or Power Name[/b]: Describe character's ability, power, skill here.

[b]Ability or Power Name[/b]: Describe character's ability, power, skill here.

[b]? Strengths/Weaknesses/Resistances

[Write a paragraph about your character's combat training and skills.]


? Name: Kayre or Kai

? Gender: Male

? Age: Unknown, hesitantly placed around 300 years?

? Sexuality: Bisexual

? Race/Species: Vampire

[Character History]

Kayre, along with 12 other boys, were kidnapped and tortured by a female vampire who went mad with bloodlust. She turned them into vampires as well and both abused and sexually abused them until the Enforcers came and dealt with her. Most of the boys died but Kayre survived. With specially infused blood feedings, he was able to grow to an adult size and integrate into the Vampire community. However, he distanced himself from everyone and doesn't keep many friends. Often the only interaction he has with people is when he craves a live feeding... and what happens after.

? Physical

Body Type: Slim and lithe.

Height: 6'4

Weight: ~180

Eyes: Burning red.

Hair/Style: Long grey hair, usually left down.

Skin Color: As pale as he could be.

Distinguishing Features: The scars from his young imprisonment still remain, whip scars on his back along with rope burns around both wrists and ankles.

Kayre knows the effect his appearance has on others, but doesn't see himself as handsome. He covers up his scars and hates questions about them. However, if someone does see and ask, he will tell them the truth.

? Personality

Personality Type: Kayre is usually easy going, but does have a temper and a strong sense of justice. If either of these are challenged, he will fight.

Introvert/Extrovert: Kayre can be an extrovert in public, usually when he is trying to seduce his next feed, but in private he is the definition of an introvert.

Habits: When thinking deeply, Kayre will often close his eyes and ran a hand through his hair. He also doesn't like anyone to touch his back, and even in the middle of feeding he will tense and walk away.

Talents/Skills: Kayre loves to sing but will only do it in the presence of those he is close with. He likes to dance as well, and plays the cello. He even knows how to cook, although he doesn't practice often.

Pessimist/Optimist: Although Kayre shows himself to be a pessimist, he secretly hopes for better things. The same is repeated for being a realist and idealist.

Flaws: Kayre doesn't trust easily and keeps secrets even from those he considers friends. He is quick to anger sometimes and is very stubborn. He also doesn't care for his own health very much.

Strengths: Kayre treats everyone with courtesy and respect. He doesn't hesitate to help if it's asked of him and he has a strict moral code.

Weaknesses: Believe it or not, Kayre actually has a big sweet tooth and keeps a secret stash of candy in his home. He is also susceptible to bouts of depression and mood swings.

Kayre hates the fact that he's flawed and thus shuns social interaction unless driven to it by need. He puts up a mask between him and others, only letting it down in the presence of those whom he trusts.

? Combat

Class: Easily switches between Ranger, Assassin, and Saber.

Weapons: A long sword kept in a sheath going down his back, several daggers hidden around his person, two guns kept in a hip holster and underarm holster, and a bow strung over his back along with a quiver of arrows.

? Abilities/Powers

See Ya!: Kayre disappears and reappears behind his enemy, applying two slashes with either daggers or sword.

Flick the Switch!: All the lights go out near Kayre, who can see in the dark.

I Can Fly!: Kayre gains wings of shadow, granting him the ability to fly for a short period of time.

? Strengths/Weaknesses

Strengths: Kayre is naturally stealthy, and can carry out covert operations with ease.

Weaknesses: If someone is taken hostage, Kayre will most likely ignore the main objective and instead free the hostage first. He is also weak to light and fire magic.

Resistances: He is resistant to illusion magic because his will and mind are too strong.

Immunities: Since he is a creature of the night, dark magic and spells affiliated with the night have no effect on him.

Ever since he became an adult Vampire, Kayre has been training in combat. Not only in the use of weapons, but also hand to hand as well as the theory and strategy of combat. He can efficiently lead a company as an captain, plan a raid as a General, or serve on the front lines as a soldier.
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? Name: Luelle

? Gender: Female

? Age: 100 years of age; appears late teens early 20's

? Sexuality: Heterosexual

? Race/Species: Aether Fae

?Character History?

Luelle is an Aether Fae which is a very noble clan just a step under the Fae Royalty. The reason for this high social ranking is due to their unique gift of reading auras. Those who are pure-blooded Aetherkin are even able to manipulate the pulsing energy of the realms. However, pure-blooded Aetherkin are very rare and there are only a handful of verified pure-bloods.

Luelle is the adopted daughter of the clan's head house due to her mother's passing and her father being completely unknown. She was raised in a fairly secluded lifestyle for fifty years before finally convincing her adoptive father to permit her to experience life outside of the Fae circles. While she has many dislikes for the mortal realm and has had many dangerous encounters over the decades there are also many things she loves.

The rules that she must follow to keep permission for exploring the mortal realm are that she must not be discovered as a preternatural creature by mortals. This secrecy has protected the Faekin for an immeasurable period of time and it is one of their highest laws. If a Faekin is discovered they are forbidden from returning to the mortal realm and even exiled by their own.

? Other

Luelle is a pure-blooded Aetherkin but due to her unknown parentage (father) she is assumed to be of mixed-blood and is never trained in her aetheric abilities.

? Aura Colors

(I may or may not add more, any suggestions?)

Orange - Afraid

Purple - Aggressive

Red - Angry

Brown - Bitter

Light Blue - Calm

Pink - Compassionate

Lavender - Conservative

Gray - Depressed

Deep Red - Lustful

Light Green - Distrustful

Dark Green - Excited

Rose - Generous

Vermilion - Happy

Black - Hateful

Yellow - Idealistic

White - innocent

Blue - Lovestruck

Green - Obsessed

Silver - Sad

Gold - Spiritual

Dark Blue - Suspicious

Mottled, Shifting colors - Confused

Black Veins in Aura - Diablerist

Sharp Flickering Colors - Daydreaming

Rapid Rippling Colors - Frenzied

Hypnotic, Swirling Colors - Psychotic

Pale - Vampire

Myriad Sparkles in Aura - Magic User

Weak, Intermittent Aura - Ghost

Rainbow Highlights in Aura - Faerie

? Physical

Body Type: Lithe

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 125 lbs

Eyes: Blue-Violet

Hair/Style: Long platinum blond hair

Skin Color: Fair

Distinguishing Features: Eye color, pointed ears (glamour off), light iridescent hair (glamour off).

Luelle doesn't glamour her appearance so much that she doesn't look as she really does. The only physical fae traits she conceals are her pointed ears and making her hair a more reasonable color by human standards. Other than these two things Luelle's appearance is the same with or without glamour.

? Personality

Personality Type: Dominate-Realistic

Introvert/Extrovert: A false extrovert.

Habits: Dazing Off, Pranking Mortals


Pessimist/Optimist/Realist/Idealist: Realist

Character Flaws: Aimless, Impatient, Meddlesome, Stubborn

Character Strengths: Open

Character Weaknesses: Mistrustful

Luelle allows the mortal realm to be her theatre in a way. She is confident, outgoing, and friendly. However this personality is a farce for the most part. In actuality she is doubtful and hesitant. It may even bit a bit of a defensive mechanism to pretend and act in such a manner due to the nature of the Faekin being devious and untrustworthy as a species.

? Combat



? Abilities/Powers

Auramancy: able to see and read the auras of others (exception: other Aetherkin trained to hide their auras.)

Supernatural Condition: able to reach and remain in supernatural physical and/or mental condition.

Escape Artistry: able to escape nearly all types of captivity with use of magic.

Aether Aura: able to surround oneself in an aether aura which can be used to "fly."

Aether Manipulation: power to generate and manipulate Aether, the unique essence that flows through most of existence. User can create, shape and manipulate aether. (Note: Actual power up for discussion since this could develop in different ways such as divination, destruction, creation, healing, etc.)

Aethikinetic Combat: power to combine aether and physical combat.

Glamour: able to change physical appearance of oneself.

? Strengths/Weaknesses/Resistances

Strengths: Aether, Energy (Light/Heat)

Weaknesses: Nether, Void/Nothingness

Resistances: Aether

Immunities: None

Luelle was raised by her Aetherkin adoptive father to fight with a staff. This is the only combat training she really has other than reading an opponents aura to try and determine how they could attack. While compared to humans and lesser Faekin she is fairly strong and somewhat skilled she could easily be defeated by a pure-blooded Aetherkin or the Royalty.


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