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A Vampire and a Fae Walk Into a Bar



A 1 x 1 RP (Daeus &


If you are not Daeus or Ananfal do NOT post in this RP without permission. Any RP hijackers will be reported.
Appearances were deceiving and this was true especially for the supernatural club simply know as "Glitter." It was a fairly strange name for a club but when the owners of the club happened to be a sect of Faekin known as Pixies things tended to go in that direction. It could be defined as an exclusive club of sorts as it only permitted a specific type of clientele; the supernatural and preternatural beings who were wandering the mortal realm. If you were human the chances of you being able to enter the club was nonexistent, but that did not stop them from lining up outside with hope that one day they may enter. One of Glitter's little Fae charms and cruel prank of the owners.

It was here that Luelle frequented when she desired non-human company. It was neutral territory so many warring clans, races, and species put aside their differences and drank together until they left the safety of the club. There had been a few bar brawls here and there that Luelle had been able to witness but nothing that would cause a war.

Tonight she was with one of her lesser Faekin friends; Lucille. Lucille was a strange one. She always tried to compete with any succubi in attracting male suitors. However unlike a succubus Lucille simply lead the men on with her flirtations then lead them astray to some creepy abandoned location. Once her victim was lured away she would use glamour to make herself some terrifying banshee and scare the men. Lucille even had a scoreboard to keep count.

As strange as Lucille was she was one of the rare few that she trusted; which was a strong compliment among Faekin as they tended to betray and trick each other in a quest to advance in social status... or simply for entertainment; it's hard to describe a Faekin's society really. Here at Glitter though Luelle would only have to worry about small teasing, some attempted pranks or tricks, and maybe even a sexual offer or two depending on the species or race.

Currently Lucille was regaling a story about her latest victim while Luelle contently downed a specialty beverage; Twilight Haze. Luelle wasn't quite sure what was in the drink beyond some moonshine. It was fairly potent and had the nickname of Ambrosia since it pretty much assumed whatever flavor you were craving. Leave it to the pixies to concoct such an addicting alcoholic beverage.
Kayre felt his blood stirring, a heightening of adrenaline as he approached Glitter. This was the club to go to when you needed a good time or just to take the edge off of things. Kayre needed both. Having been a long time patron, the bouncer simply gave him a nod and let him in without question when he approached, causing the many humans being held at bay to shout in outrage. He simply shot them a charming smile And even the males were entranced.

The moment Kayre walked through the door, the music hit him like a physical blow. Throwing his head back, he let the carnal beat flow into his body and stir the beast within. Now he had a sort of lethal beauty, a wild animal that may lay at your feet, but that doesn't change it's dangerous nature. Directing his gaze around the club, he ignored those desperate for his attention and focused more on the smells filtering in from the crowd.

A couple of weres, a few witches.... Was that a Fae? He was in luck today. Following the smell like a bloodhound (pun not intended), He traced it to two lovely ladies sitting together and drinking Twilight Haze. Giving them a grin, he spoke. "Might I be able to sit here for a moment?"
Luelle, knowing the drill when she was with Lucille didn't turn to look at the male who had asked to sit down near them. Luelle hadn't the mastery that Lucille did when it came to flirtation so she tended to let Lucille do all the hard work and usually take a partner to her bed. Luelle would never admit to any one that she was actually a virgin; part of the stipulation of being permitted in the mortal realm. She could have all sorts of really with only a few exceptions and strict rules. Being a female Aetherkin - even not a pure-blooded one - meant she had to wait until some betrothal contract was struck between her father and the groom's parents. Lucille being a lesser Faekin didn't have to worry about being exiled for having multiple partners, though she mostly just tortured the guys.

Lucille had turned towards the man with a friendly smile that screamed of sexual promises. At least this smile lasted until she saw actually saw the man. This sudden change is expression caused Luelle to turn and face the guy and nearly choke on her drink. It was a freakin' vampire. While they might have been slightly intoxicated they weren't
that drunk just yet. There were horror stories of vampires draining Faekin dry. Now Luelle wasn't sure how true that was but based on a bit of gossip from the grapevine it wasn't exactly healthy for a Faekin and Vampire to hookup in any way, it was taboo. However this didn't stop the vampires from attempting every chance they could get.

However, Lucille quickly changed her expression to that of a smug one. She was going to play a different game tonight. Lucille didn't shy away like Luelle did. While Luelle could pretend to be confident it was hard to keep up the farce for a long period of time and also after having alcohol in her system.

"You may sit here... on one condition. You put us on your tab and pay for our drinks," Lucille said with a somewhat challenging glint in her eyes. Luelle couldn't help the small snort of a laugh.

(Lucille is being a bit of a main for now until they both get fairly plastered if he does keep getting them drinks.)
"Of course I'll pay, what kind of man would I be if I didn't?" He spoke, giving a cool nod to the bartender and an elegent motion towards both ladies. Then he turned his full attention upon the two Faes sitting before him. They both were beautiful, as could be expected of any Fae, even the lowest born. However, the one who didn't look at him, she smelled... stronger. Probably a noble of some kind.

The woman who challenged him about the drinks, she had a look on her face... As though she was simply waiting for him to come to her. He hated women like that. Instead he smiled charmingly at her silent companion. "My name is Kayre. If I may inquire yours?"
Lucille smiled happily at her victory of obtaining free drinks for the night. While she usually only ever manipulated humans the supernatural men were wary of approaching her lest she trick one of them. However, Lucille obviously didn't appreciate having the vampires attention turn to Luelle and Luelle could see red and brown of her aura indicating a bitter anger. Lucille didn't take rejection well and being brushed off by a vampire had probably wounded her ego.

"Luelle," she answered curtly.

His aura was a mess. It had tinges of sad silver and lustful deep red which was a strange contradiction to her. He was attractive she would give him that. While most vampires were lovely to look at they had a darkness that made them fairly scary. They could smile in the most gentle manner while the brutally savaged a person. At least the Weres had bestial forms to explain this barbarism. Vampires seemed to enjoy inflicting pain on others from what she had observed over the decades.

"My name is Lucille," Lucille stated through false friendliness.
He favored both of them with a smile, although he was still focused more on Luelle. Such a Fae name. Rising to his feet, Kayre extended his hand towards her. "Would you care to dance with me?" The music had turned slow and the simple though of her body against his had him scrambling for control. Somehow he managed to tamp down his lust and gave her a gentle smile, keeping his hand extended towards her in mid air.
Luelle eyed his offered hand and pondered the consequences that could occur if she did accept his offer and did dance with him. Lucille only held grudges against those that caused her some sort of harm. This obviously wouldn't make Lucille abandon her but she wasn't sure she wouldn't try to play a trick on her later.

Before Luelle could give her response Lucille had answered for her in the form of tugging Luelle's hand and putting it in Kayre's offered one. Lucille was definitely trying to get some entertainment out of this.
With a small chuckle Kayre twirled her into his arms, then joined the group of dancers on the floor. He knew every step, never a foot out of place, and he led Luelle through it with a firm but gentle hand. When the song was over he gave a little sigh but returned her to her friend. "I hope you enjoyed our dance, I know I did." He spoke, bowing to her while also helping her into her seat. He was pulling out all the charm he could muster for her. Boy was he glad he had wanted to learn how to dance.

(Ugh hate typos)
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Luelle - while somewhat reserved - didn't miss a beat. Faekin loved to dance and it seemed to almost come naturally to them. For the briefest of moments she actually forgot to remember she was supposed to actively avoid vampires. However once the spell of the dance was over and she was back at her seat with Lucille - grinning at her as though meaning to blackmail her over this affair - Luelle's body tensed.

"It was fine," she stated with a slight flush to her cheeks.. which didn't go unnoticed by Lucille.

"Would you care to dance with me?" Lucille asked Kayre. She was not longer interested in the vampire but rather now wanted to tease Luelle.
Not wanting to be outright rude, Kayre agreed politely. However he kept a distance between himself and Lucille, and did not seem as engaged or interested. Truly, Luelle had him caught in her spell, whether she liked it or not. And when it came to women (or men), Kayre always got what he wanted.

Returning back to the table, he realized that the bartender had refilled their drinks and added one for him. Taking a sip of Twilight Haze, he let the smoky liquid trickle down his throat. Alcohol didn't affect Vampires like it did other species, since they didn't really have the same metabolism. However, it still tasted the same.

Taking another sip, he placed the glass down on the table and held his hand out wordlessly to Luelle, his meaning clear. Would you like to dance once more?
Luelle watching Lucille and Kayre dance together from her seat while drinking her new glass of the potent Twilight Haze. She had been slowly growing more and more intoxicated and at this point so past her limit she didn't realize she was well on her way to getting drunk.

When they returned and he offered his hand once more this time there was no hesitation. Alcohol was reduced her reasoning ability as well as that small voice that always alerted a person to potential dangers based on bad decisions.
This time Kayre held Luelle much closer to him. Some might call it an intimate embrace. But he was more focused on the pleasurable torture that having her so close by was creating. He still needed to feed, and preferably get laid as well, both from one person. In fact, feeding during orgasm was always the best. And he wanted this lovely Fae creature in front of him.

Tilting his head down so his lips were by her ear, he let his voice descend into a sensual purr. "Let me experience you tonight." His long silver-grey hair brushed her as they continued dancing. "I can show you pleasure you've never dreamed of. Come with me and let me show you everything you've missed out on." He let a hint of fang show and gently scrape her skin. No blood, not yet, but a tease and a promise rolled into one.
Luelle had been caught up in the moment and her body shuddered at the intimate contact. The offer was tempting and the little voice of worry was like a faint echo of a whisper due to the influence of alcohol. However Lucille approached them and quickly jerked Luelle away from Kayre. It wasn't out of jealously but rather protectiveness. Lucille knew the trouble that would happen if Luelle threw her common sense to the wind.

"Sorry Kayre but you won't sampling my friend here unless you plan to take responsibility for her being exiled," Lucille informed him dryly.
He simply stared at then for a long moment. "I see." He finally said, voice carefully kept neutral. "I suppose I will leave you two lovely ladies to your lonesome." He turned to leave, then hesitated and looked back at Luelle. "If you ever change your mind, just tell my name to the bartender here." He murmured to her and, before she could move, he leaned down and brushed his lips against hers. It was a soft kiss, gentle and not forceful at all. Giving her a small smile, Kayre stepped back. "Think upon my words carefully." One last whisper before he was gone, vanished into the shadows.
Luelle knew that Lucille was right in intervening, though that didn't stop her from feeling slightly bothered by the ordeal. She didn't have the freedom of being in any sort of relationship without the consent of her father. Her worries were suddenly shoved to the back of her mind when she felt Kayre's lips brush against her own. It was a shock to her system that caused a variety of thoughts and feelings; some positive and others negative.

Once the vampire has vanished Lucille sighed irritably.

"Smooth talker, ignore him Luelle. He's just interested in using you for his own pleasures."
Kayre was mad.

His bloodlust was raging and his regular lust wasn't far behind. But he ignored both and headed to the place he most called home, a small apartment in an otherwise normal neighborhood. Once behind the safety of closed doors, Kayre gave in to his rage and struck out, breaking a porcelain vase that stood next to the door. The act of destruction only soothed his anger for a moment, and he huffed out a breath. Never before had he been denied. It was a blow to his ego that he had never felt before.
Luelle and Lucille eventually made their way home shortly after Kayre had left. Lucille was still sober enough to lead them safely home within Faekin compound that her father was in charge of. They had tried to sneak in without being noticed but her father had been waiting for their return and was none-to-pleased at their state; especially Luelle's.

There was a long lecture about responsibility and threats of being restricted to the grounds. Luelle was a fairly obedient child for the most part and her father wasn't actually as harsh as he tried to make himself out to be. However what she didn't know and learned was that her father had been told about the events at the club. Apparently the pixie owners had been paid to keep an eye on her.
Kayre fed from a blood bag, but it didn't quench his hunger for a live feed. However, now all he wished for was just a taste of Fae blood. Specifically, from Luelle. She was different from any woman he had ever met, and he longed for her as a man, not as a vampire. She was beautiful, and that briefest taste he had of her lips...

He still thought of her the next day. Unable to drive her out of his mind, he once more headed to Glitter, hoping to distract himself with something. Or someone. But he still wanted that damn Fae...
It had been two weeks since Luelle and Lucille had been to Glitter. Luelle felt she needed to stay away from the club to allow her father to cool off after having the pixie owners inform him of her encounter with Kayre. It had been a dull and boring two weeks mostly spent reading and training with her tutor. Lucille hadn't gone back to Glitter either due to being restricted to the compound for playing a fairly bad prank on one of the visitors from the royal fae family.

Tonight though Lucille convinced Luelle they should go out and enjoy the night since they've been well behaved long enough to get in trouble with only a slight risk of a harsh punishment. So it was this night that they returned to Glitter.
Kai was in one of his darkest moods. Ever since that night two weeks ago, he hadn't been able to live feed from anyone without seeing that damn Fae, wishing it was her neck he was drinking from. Even during sex he thought of her. If he wasn't a Vampire, he truly would have thought that she had bewitched him with some kind of love spell. Throwing on a random shirt and pants, he ran a hand through his tousled hair and left his apartment, heading once more to Glitter. By now the owners had come to expect him every night, and even prepared a table for him around the time of his usual arrival.

The bloodhunger was high tonight, and a blood bag wouldn't cut it. It would be a live feed tonight, with someone willing and eager, almost presenting thier necks to him. Unlike Luelle... Cursing himself for thinking of her once more - and even remember her name, after just one time hearing it - he set off at a fast pace.
Luelle was avoiding alcohol tonight. After her hangover from the last time she didn't want to have to suffer through that ever again. Lucille on the other hand was already well into her third glass while she happily told a story of one of her latest pranks. Luelle's eyes wandering the club aimlessly and noticed the bouncer's were keeping an eye on her and Lucille which meant that they were still under her father's payroll as far as keeping tabs on her at all times.

This was the price of her freedom though. Either she was constantly observed or she was stuck in the compound... or even worse sent to reside with the royal fae as some lady-in-waiting type of role. That last possibility sent a chill down her spine since she didn't care much for any of the Faekin princes. The last time she had saw them she was very young and they constantly had teased her. One time they had even cut her hair in her sleep! While they might have matured over the years she didn't want to risk being in their presence unless it was absolutely necessary.

"Luelle, you're spacing out," Lucille commented dryly.
The moment Kai came through the door the smell of Fae hit him like a slap to the face. Instantly he was searching the crowd, looking for one face he would recognize immediately - there. Luelle. Alongside her faithful friend, Lucille. And then all of a sudden his bloodhunger roared to life and he could no longer control himself. Breathing hard, he strife over to their table without a care.

"Excuse me." He said rather rudely, interrupting Lucille's tale. "I see you've returned to Glitter - might I ask why? Was it perhaps..." He leaned into his target, silver grey hair draping over his shoulder. "You were looking for me?" His voice was just above that of a husky whisper.
Luelle had been just about to speak when Kayre appeared before them abruptly. Lucille's expression was that of pure irritation and would have probably slapped him across the face if it wouldn't result in her being ejected from the club. Any violence was met with being removed and banned for the night from the club.

Luelle flushed as he leaned forward towards her with his deep voice in a low whisper. She wasn't used to this kind of attention since there was a sign that pretty much said, "do not touch" because of her heritage. This was something that could escalate into something very bad very quickly. Lucille was ready for Luelle to just make the call, one move, one signal and Lucille would make Kayre leave by a simple matter of informing the bouncers who were paid to make sure Luelle was protected from all possible dangers and Fae considered vampires a danger.

"I didn't actually expect to see you," Luelle replied honestly. After the last encounter she thought he might have been banned from the club.
Wrestling back control, Kayre managed to take a seat and send a smile, still a bit feral, at Luelle and Lucille. "My apologies for interrupting you." He said, regaining some of his manners. Raising his hand, he indicated to the bartender that he wished for a drink. "I hope it is alright that I sit here for the night." He continued, sending the both of them a glance before sweeping his gaze over the rest of the patrons in the club. "It is an unusually busy night here and I fear I may not get a table otherwise." Which wasn't true. But he wanted to sit next to that Fae... The Fae with blood that smelled so sweet...

Shaking his head to clear off the bloodlust, his gaze finally settled on the bouncers, who seemed to be observing him with strange scrutiny. Did they really think he would give in to the bloodlust and attack Luelle and Lucille? He would never. However, it had happened before, where the Vampire in question could not control his bloodlust. It was not a pretty sight when they finally managed to restrain the poor man. He had been sentenced to death afterward.

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