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Fantasy A Time of Kings

Suzy Mey

The newfug
Questions and complaints go here

Remember, this is freeroam, with request for admins in combat if you desire, for randomness sake.

General Rules:

Admins have authority over situations, and will exercise that ability if the situation demands it.

Be respectful to other players.

We do not tolerate godmodding, mary sues, breaking any other rule, and/or overpowering yourself.

Combat, and certain actions, will have admin intervention to ensure a full roleplaying experience due to possible dumb luck and the wonderful thing that is Chaos theory.

Do not control a character that was not made by you without permission from its owner.

Questions will recieve answers, unless they are stuipid.

If you are confused, ask an admin.

Do not try to settle disputes yourself, call an admin.
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Sorry about the absense, work and work and work and WORk

Foxgirl is indeed my DM, for my long, random interval leaves
@keizerin Speaking on joining in, do you have an idea of how to join the main party, or do you plan to be alone? Either way if you want to talk about it, we can do that now.
@Foxgirl Jay I was thinking of keeping an eye on the party, or at least Caed Nua, until they leave town and bump into them on their way out. Unless, of course, I find some reason to meet up with them earlier than that.
@keizerin Alright. I'm going to be doing a time skip to the morning shortly, since currently it's late at night. I should be specifying what time it is more. The party departs in the morning. Though, I've gotta assume that @XxLuluxX and @Ldybug123 have quit the thread, unfortunately. Or they're just getting fucked by the notification bug that seems to be happening :/
@Andraus Was thinking the same. Otherwise everything will just be FLOOOOODED with that conversation. Although both of them will... Still have to go sleep at some point.
@Radazart Teh Gr8 Actually not true for my guy. Due to the fact that he's a Revenant, he doesn't need to rest. Doesn't mean he can be constantly moving around, or that he can't sleep, but it's not a necessity. I actually looked that up, and had to downgrade him a lot, because technically, they don't feel pain either.
Foxgirl Jay] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/1331-keizerin/ said:
@keizerin[/URL] Alright. I'm going to be doing a time skip to the morning shortly, since currently it's late at night. I should be specifying what time it is more. The party departs in the morning. Though, I've gotta assume that @XxLuluxX and @Ldybug123 have quit the thread, unfortunately. Or they're just getting fucked by the notification bug that seems to be happening :/
FAMILY THINGS. I haven't been able to get online because school work etc. I've only managed to get online twice. Even then I didn't see anything ;-;
Foxgirl Jay] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/12159-xxluluxx/ said:
@XxLuluxX[/URL] No worries about that. Family stuff and other such stuff matter more then pretending to be warriors and wizards online :P
It's fine. I hath duties, being a wizard too xD
hello, i was just eyeing around for new rps to join and this one caught my attention. Though one thing that i would like to recommend the owner is to change the "Detailed" To "Casual" Since i noticed the posts are quite short to be considered detailed. Its just a recommendation ^^ hope no feelings were hurt. But putting that aside, i think it looks interesting, i'll keep lurking for now though c:

@Suzy Mey
@TeaLeaves It was mentioned earlier, at the beginning of the in-character tab, that the "detailed" rating was indeed an accident. Seeing as the original owner is somewhat MIA, I don't think it can be changed for now.
Is there a good place for Anaya to jump in? I'd hate to shove her in and interrupt the flow of things
@Iomana well as I see it there's a couple things you could do but others could drop some more ideas if they like.

1: We just had a random horse pop out of nowhere with a saddle, you can come out of the woods right after it and make it so that horse belongs to you.

2: You can wait at the Gilded Vale until the main party arrives and introduce yourself there.

or 3: You can just walk out of the woods and meet one of the two parties, maybe looking for directions or whatever?
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