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Fantasy A Time of Kings

Suzy Mey

The newfug
Characters can start with an upper ceiling of being a "skilled adventurer" or skilled in whichever profession they may chose. If your character calls for a weak character, go for it. Fighters cannot take armies on all alone (maybe 4-5 average other warriors at once) and Mages do not possess the power to shatter continents... yet.

Races available

  • Human

  • Elf

  • Half-orc

  • Dwarf

  • Halfing

  • Gnome

  • Drow

  • Anthropomorphic races (Wolfmen/women, Foxmen/women, Bearmen, Owlmen, ect.)

You may also make a half and half of any race. (or 1/4 if you feel like it)

Character Origins

Character Origins

These very basic backstories are merely to give an idea to the player, if they're unsure of what they want. They are not meant to replace your characters Bio/ Backstory. You do not need to pick one that's seen on this list, they are potential ideas, to help character creation along.

Craftsman: Having been born in the cities and being taught your father's (or mother's craft) from birth to take over the family assets when their time has come. They are often associated with the local guilds and have learned advanced skills in a certain craft at a young age.

Woodsman/Farmer: Having grown up in a forest settlement or out in farming villages, far away from the cities a Character with this origin has lived a simple existence. Whether out in the forest as a lumberjack, a hunter, a fisherman perhaps or just a simple farmer, very little in life has been given to you, and up until now every day had just been one looking to survive until the next.

Tribal/Barbarian: Generally disregarded by society with a sneering attitude, those not living under the law of the land as laid down by the local lord are seen as outcasts, and any interaction with them is seen as a bad omen, a transgression of what a civilised person is ought to do. In reality of course these men and women simply life their lives out in the secluded parts of the land, whether coursing the steppes or praising their strange gods in the high north, they have come to know the world through their own customs and society.

Noble: Born of higher status, you're expected to show honor, charisma and proper manners. Depending on their family they may hold alot, or very little sway with other noblemen and are universally accepted as the ruling caste. As such, an act of agression against a noblemen is often seen as an act against society as a whole and punishable by a quick death. Though whether their status in society, granted only by birth is fair is not for the common man to ponder. 'Knights' can only come from this background.

Bandit/Thief: In a society bound by tradition and caste, some may view their lot in life as unfair, and may aspire for greater riches and status, even if by nefarious means. As a result of this, some less moral humans turn to banditry and thievery, living in the shadows of the forest or the cities to make a quick fortune out of anyone not smart enough to watch their back.

Military/Guard: With the stories of glorious campaigns fought by the lords in faraway lands or the calling of your fellow man to protect them against the vile scum of society, you had taken up arms in your past to stand and fight. As a soldier you have joined your lord in his campaigns fighting the enemies of your religion, your lord's own liege, or just a different lord that gave him a bit of a slight. While as a guard you devoted your life to standing ever vigilant to protect your town/city and it's people. Though to some, fortune is enough to motivate them and they are led into the fold of a mercenary company, eager for new recruits. This of course has granted you a fair amount of battle experience which you can draw upon during combat.

Merchant: Whether by ship or caravan, you have travelled much to bring goods from faraway lands to the local markets, and to then bring the locally sheared wool to yet another place of high demand. As the world began to grow safer and bandits terrorised the roads less, the role of a merchant in society became ever more important as they were some of the few daring people to go out and bring goods from one point to another, all the while turning a tidy profit. And in a poorly connected and dangerous world, their services are paid handsomely.

Rangery: Forest protectors, hunters, and do-ers of good. Strange, anti-social lot who prefer the quiet of woods and the company of animals. The men and women who look dirty and smell like all the forest, who you avoid in a tavern for them looking "shadey" but those reliable hunters and trackers you run to when someone is lost in the woods, or stolen away by evil things from the forests.

Social Outcast: Poor, destitute and living off the street. Their 'skills' serve no purpose to acceptable society, but they have the determination to survive their poor luck. If their particular skills draw attention, these outcasts may be drawn in to a shady orginization, or resort to crime on their own. There are some outcasts who chose to live their lives in the forest, and may in time, become a Ranger.

Roguish fellow: A criminal, a burglar and a sneak. A swindler of men, truth-breaker and cut-throat. They see themselves as no common bandit, they're charismatic robin hood figures! Except for the fact most steal from the poor and keep for themselves, murder men who threaten them in bars and do anything for personal gain.

Adept of Magic: Up to this point you have worked on wielding and mastering the magical and the arcane. The forces of creation that find their way around the world you have only just learned to bend, or maybe after years of practice have already mastered. Mages are often looked up to with a sense of awe, and the largest of mage academies teach you to use this power for the common good, or the advancement of magic as a whole. But maybe you have other plans, maybe you have grown up out in the wilds, learning from the witch circles about the more liberating ways magic can be applied.

Religious Service: Whether as a clergyman, monk or a travelling friar, maybe even a divinely chosen warrior of fate, your life is devoted to the service of your deity. Teaching it's creed to the common man, or defending the faith against it's foes, with the powers (allegedly) bestowed upon you, the divine realm is given a face to be identified with in the form of you, and your brothers and sisters of the faith.

Character Sheet

  • Name:

  • Age:

  • Gender:

  • Race:

  • Appearance:

  • Weapon:

  • Clothing:

  • Gear:

  • Bio
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Character Sheet

Name: Robin Maylei

Age: Twenty-Two

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Appearance: 5' 10”, 130lbs


Weapon: Robin wields a pair of weapons, her Longsword, with a 3ft long blade, standard for the time period (see below) and a Fire cannon, similar in appearance to a black-powder shotgun. A joining of arcane and mundane technologies to take a musket and imbue it with a fire magic spell.

Sword Image


Clothing: [as seen above plus] - A long red hooded cloak with a thick collar about her neck and shoulders. Brown boots to travel.

Gear: A travel pack, typically laden down by: A single-size tent, fits one, two if personal space is no issue. A reasonably comfortable bed roll, nothing to rave about but it'll get you a good nights sleep. A 20ft length of rope. A grapnel hook. Fire starting kit (flint, stones, dry wood shavings). A beastiary guide. A very basic aide kit, alcohol to stave infection off, linen wraps to bind wounds.

A leather pouch at her belt, filled with grape-sized musket balls, above average for your typical musket.

Bio: Robin, a child of strange circumstance. Her mother Darlen, a kindly woman, unmarried at Robin's birth, but a pillar of her community. One night, she met a rather handsome, noble-looking man, who had turned out to be, a mischievous dragon taking human form. By quirk of the magic used, Robin was born wholly human, but the fiery blood of a dragon pumped through her. Heat was no bother, wounds healing faster (taking a day rather than 3 days to heal. Nothing extreme) and a slight affinity to magic. Her town was empathetic to Darlen's situation. Left with a child, and no father to care for it. And though as the child matured she was welcomed to any job she would try, she felt out of place. Time spent learning some very basic magic, tailoring, blacksmiths and alchemy, and a few years in the militia, she learned many things, but could not decide on her place. Luck would strike, for soon after Robin decided to leave town, venture forth on the roads, she accidentally broke through the floor of her old, rickety home in town, to find a secret cellar, laden with gold and treasures. Enough for her to purchase everything she thinks she may need to set off on adventures, and leave her mother to live comfortably. That had been a year ago, and though still inexperienced, Robin was starting to make a name for herself around the Dyrwood, as a woman who could be trusted to help and lend a hand.
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Character Sheet:

Name: Jonathan 'Jon' Bellfry

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Race: Halfling

Appearance: 3'2"

Overall, Jonathan is a short fellow (as is befitting of a halfling) with a noticably chubby appearance. Let it not be said he's fat, but he definitely weighs more than a halfling should. He carries a permanent smile, seemingly eager to take on the world, though the exception would be situations of certain mortal danger. He has combed back light brown hair and steel blue eyes and the groomed sideburns so commonly associated with halflings. The best way to describe his overall appearance is that of a 'likeable chap', a guy you wouldn't want to hurt, because frankly he doesn't seem like he has bad intentions either.

Weapon: While Jonathan is a storyteller, a bargainer and a wee bit of a charmer by heart, there are moments where his words can't save him. This usually means retreating to a hiding spot somewhere on the battlefield and grabbing for his trusty crossbow. A weapon of fine craftsmanship and one that has saved Jonathan on multiple occasions, it's become a bit of a lucky charm, and it's quickly-loaded and powerful bolts have left most unpleasant folk silent afterwards, an act he generally recoils at the mere thought of.

Clothing: Jonathan often walks around in a white, slightly cream colored blouse, a navy colored waistcoat and and a thick brown belt around his waist and stomach holding it together. He has navy pants and finely crafted brown leather shoes and he wears a velvet blue tabot around his neck. The overall appearance of his outfit is quite stylish, as is befitting of a charismatic halfling such as himself, though the waistcoat does seem to be stretched to it's fullest, and possibly wouldn't even stay were it not for the belt keeping it in place.

Gear: A bag with provisions and cooking gear (one of his unsuprising hobbies, whenever he mentions it), a lute and flute, a basic survival kit including a tinderbox and knife and a small hatchet for gathering wood. A quiver of bolts, some basic medicinal herbs, a warm bedroll and a pipe with tabacco leaves for those cozy moments at the campfire and in the tavern.

Bio: Jonathan grew up in his parent's tavern and even at a young age interacted enthusiastically with it's patrons. As he grew older, it was clear he posessed a charm not many could match. In his comfortable days helping around the tavern and learning to perform he learned to make a living off of his charismatic personality, though this was also often spent enjoying the finer foods and drinks avaliable to him. Eventually though, life at the tavern began growing stale, and as he overheard the stories of travellers one night he made his decision: Jonathan Bellfry would go out in the world to see places and perform wherever he would go. His parents gave him a heartfelt goodbye, and after gathering supplies he was off into the world, armed with his trusty crossbow, charm, wit and his gift of the gab.
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Thorenson Icewahld









Standing at the height of 6’3, and weighing over 190lbs from his travels and fighting. Thorenson isn’t alike the mages that come to mind, with lanky frames and pointy hats. This man, is quite the opposite; with a mop of thick, dark chestnut hair and deep, sincere bottle green eyes that are almost hypnotic to look at. He has a strong jawline, and good prominent facial structure, yet is disguised mostly by the beard he sports. A thin silvery scar runs along his cheekbone before fading. Thor, it should be mentioned has wide shoulders, and is well muscled, with good definition, giving him the edge in any type of combat without inhibiting him or his movements. His chest is slightly narrower, with lean limbs, and coarse palms helping his grip. A hood is usually pulled low down over his eyes, disguising his face.


An excellently forged, steel sword at his hip, which is of plain and simple design. A handle of black leather, and studding.

His staff. The staff is used to channel his magical energy, and without it can become spastic and spontaneous. The staff is made of stout oak, with a beaten and weathered appearance from his long distance travels. The red focusing crystal, usually drawing attention first and foremost.


It is usual for Thor to be seen in his usual mages attire, which consists of a navy cloak; slightly frayed and threadbare. A short sleeved, grey tunic, which underneath is a long armed piece of clothing in a variation of grey. He usually wears charcoal trousers, made of cotton which are good for maneuvering, weighing little and allowing for comfort. Last yet not least, an amulet of great importance to the mage, engraved with strange runs and nordic patterns.


His gear, consists of a bed roll, yet no tent; Usual travelling rations of food; Magic tomes, books and scrolls; Varying ingredients for his uses, some medicinal, others poisonous. It all really depends on what effect he wants. Other such necessities alike fire, can be easily produced using arcane arts.


This man, comes from a past of strong magical bloodlines. His father being an adept battlemage, with Thorenson himself determined to follow in his father’s footsteps. His mother, was a healer of sorts, her touch said to help any ailment. Both his parents hailed from ancient, and strong gifted families, that had been reduced to the last of their bloodlines. Thorenson Icewahld, last of the Far Northern mages. Even though his title may seem grand, he comes from a humble background, of a village in which they were respected. Yet there was nothing more, and he accepted that. He learned to value the respect given. Thor was brought up by the stories of battle, and fallen kingdoms, knights in shining armour with a trusty mage at their side. It was this, which made him hold up a blade, it was these songs that struck a spark. He would make his own legend known. They would sing songs of his deeds, his triumphs and his end.

It was so, Thorenson Icewahld, left his homelands with thirst for adventure.

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So, since Suzy is indisposed right now, and I'm going to be DM'ing the thread for the most part (She'll confirm that later)

Thorenson and Jonathan are approved.
[QUOTE="Foxgirl Jay]So, since Suzy is indisposed right now, and I'm going to be DM'ing the thread for the most part (She'll confirm that later)
Thorenson and Jonathan are approved.

Aye, thankyou
Character Sheet

  • Name: Rowan Stevens

  • Age: 15

  • Gender: male

  • Race: elf

  • Clothing: what he wears in the picture

  • Gear: just his bow and a thing for holding his arrows. He also has a necklace with a silver bow hanging off it that was from his mother who died. The necklace has a leather strap. It is very important to him and he never takes it off.

  • Bio: Rowan was always a skilled archer. He tends to be found shooting his bow in the forest for practice. His mother was killed in a raid on his village, and he wants revenge on the people who killed his mother.
  • @Foxgirl Jay
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I'd prefer a bit more added to the gear/ bio side of the CS, the rest is fine.

More details of what he would carry with him, as it will come in to play for the roleplay.

Name: Mako Dulak

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Race: Half Orc



Weapon: Maul (Hammer held with two hands)



Gear: He wears a ring that his father gave him before he dies. He forged his armor himself.

Bio: Mako's father was an Orc and Mako's mother was an elf. Mako was later born and was bullied by the Orc children because he was a Half-Orc. No one really cared that an Elf lived with the Orcs. As Mako aged, he was captured by a group of raiders and was taught to be ruthless he escaped at the age of eighteen and has been traveling the world for five years now. During his travels, he found an injured wolf and tamed it, he named it "Fang".
Character sheet itself is accepted. Optional, but would be useful, you could add a mini-character sheet for your animal companion. A full one not needed, just a basic description of it's appearance.

@Sexy McGee
Name: Fang

Age: 18 (human years)

Gender: Female

Race: Wolf



Bio: Fang was a pup in her pack, she was left behind because her pack was being hunted by humans. She was caught in a bear trap at the age of thirteen and Mako found her, Mako has been taking care of her for the past five years.

(Note that Fang is semi-sentient meaning she can understand English but not speak English)
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  • Name: Yaro Azar, Alias 'The Zaterran'

  • Age: 22

  • Gender: Male

  • Race: (Resurrected) Human

  • Appearance:

  • Gear:

Basic smithing and metallurgy equipment, meant for repairs more than anything. Bedding and tent for sleeping on the road, a basic aid kit, a guide of bestiary, and a guide on metals.


Yaro was a Zaterran, Born and raised in the small city of Zaterra. Having the good fortune to be atop the largest ore deposit in the region, Zaterra made it a point to establish it's independence early on. As was tradition, Yaro grew up learning to be a blacksmith, and to work the earth around him. At age 18, he ventured out into the world, becoming a trained mercenary, and sending half the coin he earned to his home, so his family could eat. At 19, he met Robin, and the two were as thick as thieves, going as far as Yaro forging a ring for her. Yaro, to this day, wouldn't lie to admitting feeling something for her

That changed when his home was attacked.

Having always kept in close contact with his family, the news of a force from a neighboring city attempting to take Zaterra for it's own made Yaro leap to action. With his friend's help, he managed to push back the first wave of the attack, but the defense was doomed, for the forces of the enemy were just too sheer. Yaro and his family attempted to stay and fight, to defend Zaterra, but everyone else pulled out before the city was lost. Yaro, his clan, and those left in the city were killed. Zaterra was lost.

A year ago, a mage attempted to resurrect the man, hoping to learn the knowledge of Zaterran smithing. Learning how much time had passed, and that his home was destroyed, Yaro lashed out and killed the man. Travelling to his home one final time, Yaro put hammer to anvil once again, forging his weapons and armor with the remnants of his home. Adopting his title 'The Zaterran', Yaro has become an Embodiment of Vengeance, striking down those that destroyed his life, and hunting those that would oppress others. Only a few people remain now, and Yaro is hunting the one that hurts the most: Robin, the woman that he believes abandoned him and his family.
  • Name: Kirk Teylecg

  • Age: 39

  • Gender: male

  • Race: human

  • Appearance: 6' 2", blonde hair and beard. Tan, rugged skin marked by small and large scars alike.
  • 265px-Eder-portrait.jpg

  • Weapon: A thick-bladed broadsword, with a 2.5ft blade and a large metal heater shield.

  • Clothing: Scalemail armor, with padded cloth beneath.

  • Gear: Arms and Armor maintenance kit, tent and bedroll, fire-starting kit.

  • Bio: Kirk was a former farmer, who took part in the War of the Flowers, a violent uprising of a vengeful religion, long thought to be dead. He sided with Eothas, the forgiving god that much of people of The Free Palatinate follow. The war had lasted a long while, and ended in a final climactic event, resulting in the death of a god. Kirk would have people believe that he had a hand in that event, but very few believe in this middle-aged war veteran's tale.


Ava Brennan









The girl stands at an unimpressive 5'7" with a lithe figure, but many still find her appearance intimidating, to say the least. Her big, dark brown eyes contrast her ghostly skin and pale hair, while faded red symbols are painted on her face and chest.


A wooden staff with multiple faces carved into it, it's roughly six feet long. She claims to use the staff to channel the voices of spirits, and magic, but many believe the former is a lie considering she is the only one who can hear these "whispers". Beyond that, the staff is more akin to a walking stick.

As a practitioner of "witchcraft", as some would call it, Ava is a skilled healer, but tends to lean more towards potions and poultices than spells. However, her real talent is bringing life to the recently deceased... a gift said to have been bestowed upon her by her "god". However, she has never attempted such a task on a human being, much less on anything larger than the average dog.


Ava adorns a large, heavy black cloak that drags behind her, the hood often concealing the majority of her face. Beneath her cloak, however, is a salmon-colored dress made of gentle, loose fabric which flows from top to bottom with a cowl neckline. Worn low around her waist is a thick cloth belt with a small pouch and a few "trinkets" attached to it. The bottom of her dress is worn and dirty, somewhat tattered. Her sleeves are narrow and end just before her wrists. She does not wear shoes.


Ava does not carry much, keeping only herbs and vials in the pouch around her waist and many items she finds; such items can range from animal bones to pelts or snake skins. Should she need to bring along anything else, she would use her staff and cloak to make a bindle.


A self-proclaimed "priestess" of a god with no name, Ava can be more accurately described as a witch. She dwells in the forest, having no real place to call home, and rarely visits towns or villages, fearing ridicule. Apparently, as described to her by her mysterious god, she was abandoned by her mother after laying eyes on her ghastly features, and left the baby to die in the woods. The god took pity on her, and saw to it that she lived, teaching her a bit of magic and herbal medicine, until the age of ten. By then, she was able to take care of herself, and has been on her own ever since.

  • Name: Alger Andrew

  • Age: 24

  • Gender: Male

  • Race: Human

  • Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-9_13-50-53.jpeg.884643b40161dedf7fbdd8c24de27047.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97571" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-9_13-50-53.jpeg.884643b40161dedf7fbdd8c24de27047.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

  • Weapon: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-9_13-58-45.jpeg.b55b2477361cae63721259474afb8c42.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97572" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-9_13-58-45.jpeg.b55b2477361cae63721259474afb8c42.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

  • Clothing:

  • Gear: [see Appearance] Alger wears a belt with multiple healing herbs and potions. He also carries a book blessed by the God of Purification should he ever need to cleanse corrupt areas. He carries a silver sword for un-dead and beasts as well as a steel sword for humans. He also has a large travel sack that he lugs around, it's full of food and water. Potions as well.

  • Bio: Alger was born with a high status in a religious war cult, who believed all other races should be exterminated at all costs. They were feared by Drow, Orcs, And Half-Orcs alike. Many people knew of this cult and feared it. Alger grew up with this ideal burned into his brain. The cult wasn't as hostile to the elves and haflings, who were close enough to human, physically and mentally. The cult commonly traded with the Elves smaller colonies. Halfings were bought into the cult to work as soldiers or workers. Alger, being born a noble into this cult, was taught swordsman ship at a young age, he also hired a tutor with knowledge of the Arcane Arts to teach him how to wield magic efficiently. As he grew, he had been made a commander. One time, he was almost assassinated by a Drow, If it hadn't been for his knowledge of battle, he would've been killed surely. His father, afraid of his son being killed, locked him away in a tower that was used as a safe house. Alger spent 2 years in this tower until he grew tired of being locked up, caged. As two care takers from the cult arrived to bring food to Alger, He hid himself. As they searched, Alger found time to slip out of the tower and run away. He's been out adventuring and visiting town to town for food and water. He's grown softer towards the other races as they always helped him in his encounters in the wild. He's been adventuring since.



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