A monster of a failure (Avas demon inspired)

I was suppose to put none titan haters but we can say that too xD .

lets take the convo to OOCC to not spam this tab!
Ok so tomorrow im making the first post to kick off the RP! Be prepared everyone, im going to get us all on one planet (Specifically Titans main schooling planet) Its your choice on how you want to end up there just keep in mind its a very technology based planet run by titan followers to re-home alien species that have bee taken from their homes due to Titan taking their planets by force :) @Kai123 @Verdas @Cotten @Alex Phalin
(Thought of making a demon but it's a pain to handle three characters and I'm feeling lazy. :P @MorticiansDaughter)

Name: Sahqon

Age: 21

Species: Fiend, a race similar to demons. They are humanoid, often with red or pitch black eyes, rarely white and pupil-less. Their ears are slightly pointed, like an elf's and very sharp, pointed, teeth, but despite these strange physical features that would make one think that they are nothing more than human-looking beasts, they are very intelligent with great memories, and even have their own fighting style. They are almost unmatched in hearing and speed, though their eyesight is also keen, most of them are blind. They are very hostile towards anyone and anything visiting their planet unless it is Titan. Then they would cheer and clap.

Sin: No demon, though if he had one, the sin would be Pride.

Personality: Calm, Patient, Proud (never shows it outside unless alone), Smart

Home Planet: Umbra, it is always dark there and there is no known star near them that is bright enough to pierce through the very cloudy sky and light up the foggy forests, streets and cities. The planet has many, many, graves and tombstones, hosting the preserved bodies of the dead from many other planets since (no, no, not necrophilia) they mostly live off flesh and meat, especially the dead's since their planet's other inhabitants died out long ago and since then, Titan has been supplying them with either intact, or damaged, bodies from the planets they conquer. There is a large and deep body of liquid, the size of an ocean, dark red in color, though appearing almost pitch black in the gloomy planet of Umbra. For anyone besides a Fiend, it will taste like a mixture of extremely bitter and extremely sweet, but for Fiends, it is something that they always crave if they leave their planet, like a drug.

Appearance: (Not very noticable but look closely and you will see the guy in the pic has red eyes.)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.03f80c47eac4e203e757b7589c2c2bcc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46512" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.03f80c47eac4e203e757b7589c2c2bcc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Views on Titan: Sahqon considers Titan to be the saviour of Umbra and his species, since if not for them, they may have died out long ago due to lack of food.

Family: Deceased.

Occupation: Works as a guard of one the large apartment buildings at Titan's main schooling planet, often seen keeping his eyes closed to rest them and just listening for any attempts to either escape, movements on the different floors, and for any intruders.

Desire: To do all he can to repay Titan for the kindness he had shown to Umbra and it's people after they became one of Titan's planets.

Other: N/A



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Host Sheet

Name: Avril Faber

Age: 19

Species: Xish: A type of anthro dog that looks more human than animal. The common traits of this specie are large dog-like ears and dog-like tails. Most are very sensitive about their appearances.

Sin: Wrath

Personality: Avril has a quirky type of personality. However she is a sweet person, if a tad bit shy. Due to her pact with her demon, she will sometimes have rage full fits and it is best to avoid her till the fit is over. Avril is a brave soul who finds it hard to love but, when she does trust someone she holds them very close.

Home planet: Erybrum- A "paradise like planet in the inner ring. Erybrum was a planet covered in green grass and plenty of water and had two moons. It had many species living on it but is no longer in existence.

Views on Titan: Avril is not a follower. She simply hates his guts for murdering her family.

Family: All her family was murdered when Titan took over.

Occupation: Unknown

Pact status: Pact has been made but hasn't been fulfilled yet

Short Bio: Titan attacked Erubrum when Avril was 16. Because Erybrum was a planet full of resources and uncapped riches, Titan wanted it. Yet the people of Erybrum refused to become followers of Titan so, he attacked. The Erybrum people fought back in retaliation, Avril was one of the people who fought back in the war. In the mists of battle, Avril saw her family slain. She stopped fighting for a moment and was stabbed in the chest, causing her to die. When she was dying, Avril decided to make the pact with her demon and was reborn.

Appearance: (


Special Object: Avril has her wrath Vial

Desire: To avenge her family's death


Theme Song: [media]
[/media] I just feel like this one fits her quest for revenge really well.
Demon Sheet

Name: Abaddon

Age upon death: 27

Species: Succubus

Desire: To kill titan

Short Bio: Abaddon is the child of an emperor who offered the soul of his newborn to a demon so he could conquer the rest of the country. The child was taken and a demon soul was put in the child's body. When Titan discovered Larilla he wanted the planet under his control but the ruling family said no. Titan launched a sneak attack and imploded the planet.

Any living family?: None

Home Planet: Larilla- A darker planet with a dense core of diamonds. It is a planet submerged in darkness and light rarely, if ever, touches the surface. The planet itself is cold but kept moderate by the atmosphere. The main creatures who live on the planet are the netherlings such as demons, succubi, imps, ect. Larilla exists only as scattered asteroids among space.

Views on titan: Harbors extremely hateful feelings towards titan.

How you died: Imploded along with his planet.

His skin tone is more grey

What can you grant to your host that other demons cannot?: Control over lighting and enhanced condition.

Other: Most of his powers are sealed by the tattoos on his face.

Theme Song: [media]

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MorticiansDaughter said:
I love it!! e-e I love both those songs and the picture for the demon is wonderful! :3 Feel free to make your intro post at anytime! @Wings
So anything important going on do far?


(Bio In Progress.)



Allksmin Spar

Age Upon Death:




A species that is rather tame, their most notable aspect is their history. For some time, the Unmenschlich have never been involved in any singular conflict


To be gone, to not exist.

Short Bio:

Any Living Family?:

A mother and Father who have been converted into followers.

Home Planet:


A planet that is derived from a language/culture from a different dimension. The major abnormality here is that the planet is in a asteroid belt, meaning that the gravity on the planet is very different; sometimes this spot will have normal gravity, but then another will be inverted and that of the like. Currently under the control of Titan.

Views on titan:

They should die, all of them.

How you died:

Was killed by accident by one of Titan's soldiers.

What Can You Grant To Your Host That Other Demons Cannot?:

An eternal peace of mind.

Theme Song:


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Thanks, I still need to get to work on the bio, but I have my hands full with another thing, I'll get to it ASAP.
Ok, so I haven't been responding for a day or two, sorry, I've been dealing with another RP. So does anyone mind telling me a quick synopsis of what's happened so far so I can have a spot to kind of jump-in?
Sorry ive been dealing with some outside things as well :) Currently its just kind of getting into the rp still! Everyones finding there way onto titans schooling planet where we can all meet up but its kind of died since then so me and cotten are figuring out a plan to really pick it up
So, I do have a couple of questions: How do demons get from planet-to-planet? How do people see demons? (By limbo lenses or does the demon make itself apparent to said person?) Can demons hurt people/Titan soldiers without a host?
I'm sure morticai will explain more but from what I know so far is you can only see a demon with those glasses if you don't have a demon. And I don't think they can hurt other people like that @Stew
Again im really sorry for not being active ive been having some real life crisis that ive now come to fix and have not been getting notifications! :) But @Stew to answer your questions id say demons get from planet to planet by portal from limbo since they are no longer living creatures and no normal person can see a demon and other hosts cant see each others demons unless the demon chooses to show them self and same goes with other demons though they can sense each other and get small glimpses of their auras if they have made a pact and a demon cannot cause physical harm unless in a pact :) Hope that helps

I feel like in order to jump start the rp again, there should be a meeting of all the people.

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