"A lot of screams for so little wool, said the man who sheared the pig"

mdm manderson

New Member
Well, that's an attention grabber of a title, if I do say so myself.

Anyway, hi guys. I'm new to the website but not to RPing, as I have been doing that off and on for the last 5 years or so. I decided to get back into it after kind of slumping creatively in regards to my writing, so hopefully my stay in RP nation can both jump-start my imagination, and lead to the discovery of like minded individuals who like to write and read as much as I do.

If you are interested in knowing a little bit more about me, here's a little bit of information for you. I'm a grade 12 student on the cusp of finishing high school and being shipped off to a university for more societal and cultural brainwashing (in all seriousness I'm looking forward to it), and in my spare time I read books, watch movies, play video games and listen music far too much. Seriously, I seemingly gravitate to any break from reality I can latch on to. Oh and just so we are clear:

Books: Nothing will ever surpass horror stories in terms of pure entertainment value.

Movies: Anything with a socio-political twist. V for Vendetta, American History X, and Fight Club, anyone?

Video Games: Things that are story driven. Bioshock and Dragon Age Origins.

Music: Anything from Rise Against to the Smiths. Right now I have just had a Killers album on repeat for the last weekend, no clue what's going on there.

So yeah. As you can see I'm a prototypical nerd, basically. Looking forward to writing and chatting with all of you guys. Thanks for reading this far, despite how criminally average I am.

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