A Livid State


the Silent
[SIZE=15.3333px]Character Skeleton[/SIZE]

[SIZE=15.3333px]Genre: [/SIZE][SIZE=15.3333px]Instrumental[/SIZE]

[SIZE=15.3333px]Name: [/SIZE][SIZE=15.3333px]Anamaria Xeralyx[/SIZE]

[SIZE=15.3333px]Age: [/SIZE][SIZE=15.3333px]28[/SIZE]

[SIZE=15.3333px]Gender: [/SIZE][SIZE=15.3333px]Female[/SIZE]

[SIZE=15.3333px]Species: Spirit (Ghost)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=15.3333px]Appearance: [/SIZE][SIZE=15.3333px]Anamaria was a woman with eyes a lovely shade of brown and her hair an ashen blonde. She was your average height, roughly five-foot-five, and didn't look a day over twenty. She had skin that was a pleasant olive and fairly smooth. She bears a few tattoos and scars; on her lower left thumb were two carats pointed upwards (^); her corresponding shoulder had "Somnium" printed in a cursive handwriting, the Latin word for "Dream." Her scars, the few imperfections she had; one on her right shin, a long, thin line that was a faded pink. Another scar was on her face, a wide, jagged line across her left cheek. And, if you looked close enough, there was a bullet hole on her stomach.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=15.3333px]Personality: [/SIZE][SIZE=15.3333px]Alive, she always looked out for her friends and family, doing whatever it took to protect them. She was, and still is, a kind person but her kindness lead to her demise. People walked all over her and yet she still was one of the kindest people you'd ever meet, always keeping her head held high and a smile on her face; to the very end. Of course, inside she was hurting, but she didn't dare bring down anyone around her, so she forced her smiles, forced her love to go through. Cried with a smile and laughter around people; alone she cried her eyes out, yelling to the night sky why she deserved any of this, why she was doing this. Never hurt a soul.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=15.3333px]Backstory: [/SIZE][SIZE=15.3333px]As a young girl, Anamaria made many, many friends, always outside with them. They played for hours on end until they had to leave. She helped her mother cook and clean, her friend's families, even strangers. In school, she was a teacher's pet, made good grades, and had the occasional bully confront her weekly. As she grew, she didn't change much, other than her hormones and her emotions. Reaching adulthood, she had a small group of friends whom she met up with quite a bit, talking, shopping together, travelling, whatever they could do to build a stronger bond. There was always one who took advantage of her, and the others brought it to her attention, but she ignored it.[/SIZE]

On a cloudy, storm-filled day, the group decided to go out for a drive. They stopped at a bar and a few drank, switching off the driver when need be. They came to a stop to buy a few things when they heard an alarm go off in the market; apparently someone tried to get away with stealing. Anamaria and her three friends gathered their things and made their way to a counter. A man in a dark gray sweatshirt and baggy jeans walked in, looking anxious, hands in his pockets. They paid for their things and were about to leave when that same man walked over, gun in hand, suddenly yelling at the cashier to hand over all the money in the cash register. The man behind the counter, who looked to be about late-thirties, nodded shakily and opened it, taking the bag from the robber. The group had ducked behind some aisles as a few other people came in, guns held. They searched the place and found the group, now moving them to the front to be held hostage. The cashier had everything bagged up but they wanted more. Blood would be spilled if necessary. Anamaria overheard them talking of killing one of the hostages as police sirens drew near. One moved over and took a lady by the arm, who screamed in protest. Ana stood abruptly and threw herself at them. A shot rang out, a lady fell to the floor, crying, and another lying in a pool of her own blood. Police stormed in a minute later, finding the woman who was shot dying. It was only a matter of seconds before she'd pass, and yet she smiled happily, knowing she'd kept her friends alive another day.

[SIZE=15.3333px]Other: Anamaria tends to show herself around children more than anything else, and she is often mistaken as their imaginary friend.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=15.3333px]Inspiration: The song "Dream" by Yiruma lead me to making this character through, not only the beautiful piano he plays, but the harmony and melody. It flowed so nicely together and suddenly the name popped up, which then lead to her appearance. I pictured a beautiful woman almost exactly how I'd described above and the rest just came pouring out with it.[/SIZE]

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