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Fantasy A Little Bit of Supernatural


Elder Member

1. No killing characters or people without my consent and the consent of whoever's character you are killing.

2. Not too much excessive gore, I understand if your creature is that kind of creature, but not everyone likes that and it could cause people to drop the roleplay because they don't like it

3.Don't go off on a posting tangent with just one other person. It's okay if you are alone in a room with just that person but if there is more than one person you are interacting with, remember that they don't have the same life as you and can't always be on all the time so, give them at least and hour or two before ditching them in the scene.(especially if they tell you where they are going and when they are going to be back) Remember. You don't know what's going on in there life.

4. No god modding! or mary/gary sue's!

5. Don't be a jerk!

6. Are you still reading this? good. Put an xD in your character sheet somewhere. Go do it now! It's important to let me know you read my rules! (hide it if you want me to have trouble finding it )
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