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Fantasy A Little Bit of Supernatural


Elder Member

This roleplay is about a house with a little bit (probably more than a little) of supernatural stuff that goes on in it!

It's a boarding house and I would be the landloard and a few of the supernatural characters you would be able to interact with.

Including but not limited to:

Ghost people who might actually be living in the room you got assigned to... whoops.

a troll that lives in the basement and collects random articles of clothing from the dryer (but he also does and folds all the laundry so one or two missing items aren't the end of the world... probably...)

The landlady could be a witch (you have no proof!... except that one time you caught her brewing a potion)

A mermaid in the koi pond (its very boring in there...)

a dragon man who just looks like a really really old chinese man

If you would like to use one of these characters feel free to ask.

Buuuuut... You could be a supernatural character or a human that accidentally stumbled into living at the place.

But pretty this could be as spooky or as "slice of life" as you guys want to take it. You will add the color to my roleplay.

But please check the rules (in overview) and create a character before posting
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This is what the house looks like


Back yard
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Alezhia stared up at the looming house, had her aunty not been so stubborn she wouldn't be in this situation, "here are your bags ma'am" the taxi driver hauled the remaining bag up the stairs next to her other possessions. She thanked him and handed over what she owed. She looked up once more at the house, "welcome home" she mumbled to herself as she approached the door.

She spied the door bell, lazily she lifted her hand and slowly pressed down on the button.
It was the beginning of summer and Claire was sweeping on the front entrance as she got ready to welcome the new influx of residents. They all had their own reasons for coming to this town and to her house but she hoped this season would bring many fun adventures and happiness for everyone. She pulled out the book she kept in her apron and double checked that she had all the right keys for all the right rooms to give them. She hoped they would all get along with everyone that was already here... even if a few of them were extra special.

She then heard the bell right and let go of her broom to open the door and greet the first of many new residents. It continued to sweep behind her without her realizing...

"Hello!" She said cheerfully as she opened the door... Then she heard the sweeping sound behind her and snaped her fingers behind her back, the broom clattering to the floor.
Alez glanced behind the lady at the clattering sound, "uuuh... hi" she blinked and her eyes drew back to the lady, "I'm alez, you must of been who my aunty spoke with last week" she extended her hand sheepishly. Her bag rocked slightly hitting her leg causing her to stare down at it, suddenly her books stacked neatly in a box next to her toppled out, from a clean rip across the side. She sighed staring back at the lady.
The woman smiled and resisted the urge to magically fix everything, it was her own idea to open her house up to humans to help pay for her... expenses... so she had to deal with the consiquences. No easy fixes anymore. Atleast until they got adjusted. She was about to reach for the room key she had prepared for the girl but then she saw what had actually caused the accident.

"I'm sorry! I didn't realize.... so that explains it...." She muttered before brightening," Well no matter you'll just need a bigger room! Come with me to my office, you can sign the extra paperwork while I get you a different key! and don't worry about the cost I don't charge for situations like this! oh and just leave your stuff there Alvin can take care of that for you, it's suppose to be his job anyways."

She started to walk further into the house, stepping over the broom, before stopping and calling up the stairs, "ALVIN! GET OFF YOU LAZY BUTT AND GET THESE THINGS TO ROOM SIX!" She turned back and smiled, "Right this way"
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Alez stared at the woman like she spoke another language, "no, not necessary, it's just me" she stepped into the large house and a sudden chill ran down her back, she glanced around, it gave off a very homely feel which gave her a small grin and with that she forgot about the chill.
She turned back and smiled knowingly at the girl, "I know it looks a little fancy on the outside but I like to give it a different feel in here...." It was a big entrance with the stairs right there leading up to the second floor but everything was painted earthy tones with a few pops of light peachy pink, you could see into the living room from here with big plush couches, walls of books, some plants here and there and a fireplace. "And don't worry about the room I'm actually giving you a nicer one with a nice view of the backyard and a little nook for reading all those books you brought with you. And trust me. You will feel much better in this room." She turned around and kept walking to her office down the hall before muttering, "And not just you..."

When she got to the door she tried to push it open before it got stuck and she had to lean all her weight against it before she burst through it. Inside it was more jungle than office with greenery hanging off every available surface. But She just pushed by all the leaves and walked over to the desk, which was the only orderly spot in the whole room with a few contracts lined up on it. She tapped one of them once and snapped before handing it over to Alez to read, "You can sign that now or if you want to look it over, later... now I just have to... right the wall. The Keys hang on the wall!" And she started riffling through the wall of leaves.
As Alez entered the office she glanced around, the earthly smells from the plants tingled her nose, "well, that is very kind of you" she smiled warmly, "I didn't catch your name, my aunty was in such a hurry to get rid of me she only gave me an address" she shrugged looking over the room once more before turning her attention to the contract, her eyes skimmed over the fine print, nothing jumped out at her as dodgy, she reached into her small bag that hung at her hipand pulled out a pen, she clicked it a couple of times as she read over it once more, then printed her name neatly at the bottom.

Amie stood in the entrance way, her body didn't feel so cold anymore, she looked down at herself, and white shadow hand reached out in front of her, that was her hand, was she no longer invisible, she glanced over at her twin, "pathetic" she mouthed as she turned and glided towards the living room.
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The name flashed purple for a moment as the contract became magically binding... with a few loopholes just for the safety of the person signing the contract. (Also if you are wondering in the contract there is some fancy wording that says you can't do anything to endanger the house and the residents inside of it. It also covers her ghostly sister since she would need a living person to vouch for her. But it is all in fancy wording so as not to make the ghost part obvious or make the girl too suspicious.)

Claire fished out a key from the foliage, "Found it! haha! and I see you are all set there I cantake that back and put it.... somewhere... important.... And you are right! I never introduced myself! I'm Miss Clare, Clare Millet at your service. And by signing that contract the house will take care of cleaning, laudry, and food services. Though your room will mostly have to be taken care of by yourself aside from a vaccuming and dusting once a week. Okay? and here is your key! I'll show you where your room is if you would like? Or you can explore and find it on your own. But all your stuff should be up there for you if Alvin did his job properly."

Alvin was a ghost. and he was grabbing the last of the scattered books to bring upstairs when he saw another transparent person go by. His eyes widened and he lost his concentration, the books dropping through his hand. "Woah... you're... You're... Like me!" Older Ghosts, the ones that have been around a while and can take a pretty solid phisical form in the house, often only haunt the place they die or where they spent most of their life so seeing new faces was a rarity.
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"I'd like a tour, if you aren't too busy, knowing me I'll get lost and wonder into places I'm not meant to go" she popped the pen back in her bag and looked up at the lady again, "also it's nice to meet you" she smiled kindly.

Amie froze, staring at the figure, "and what is that exactly?" Her pale eyebrows pulled together as she watched her favorite book fall to the ground, she hissed and swooped forward collecting it back off the ground, she held it with both hands running her finger over the title "snow white". She glanced back at Alvin, "careful" she pouted.


"There goes the big bad wolf..."

Caleb silently watched the smoke leaving his mouth and flying towards the outside of his window,making inconsistent patterns before it finally disappeared in the middle of the outside air.

His day had been more annoying than he was used to. Three assassinations in the neighborhood,all of them seemingly unconnected until he found the heads hanging from the building ceiling. He investigation led to a big bunch of nothing. All he wanted now was to smoke and have a time to brood before anyone else needed his help.

His peaceful thoughts were broken once he heard the sounds of fighting in the corridor. With a deep sigh,Caleb threw his cigar out the window and burst through the door.

He caught the two kids by their neck and gave them a severe expression.

"All right,kiddos. What is the problem now?"

The children demon and the kid angel started to randomly accuse each other of different crimes. Caleb scratched his head with annoyance,separating the two of them.

"I don't want to see you two close to each other. Play nice,kids. I'm not dealing with this right now. Go,both of you."

The kids left with scolds and he waited for them to disappear. Turning around,Caleb decided to check on Clare. He entered the room where she was talking to the new kids with a smile.

"Hey,Clare. Do you need anything from me?"

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"I would love to give you a tour!" She smiled and then her smile turned into a smirk as she saw Caleb coming.

"Hi Mr Tall Dark and Handsome... I think I should be okay. What are you doing back anyways? I thought you were working on a big ca-," She sniffed once... twice....," Have you been smoking in my house again?" She gave him a look, "You know this house is suppose to be a smoke free. Especially with the new tenants. And it's not good for you anyways!"

"well..." he watched her swoop down and pick up the book, "Sorry? But, the whole incorporeal form thing often times gets in the way of me being careful with... Peoples stuff... But... Uh..." He kinda just stared through her for a second seeing the people down the hall, "Listen. I feel like Clare hasn't talked to you yet and I know you're having fun being all slightly more visible than before, but try not to be seen by anyone. Especially anyone who looks unfamiliar in the house. We don't want to scare anyone off two soon... Well. Not unless I get to help with that anyways." And he grinned becoming less serious.
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Humming softly as she leafed through the pages of her grimoire (cleverly disguised as "The Great Book Of Baking") Simone nodded in satisfaction when she finally heard the familiar *DING* of the oven. Snapping her fingers so that her grimoire started floating behind her, she opened the oven door and checked on the croissants she had been baking all morning. "Mary Berry eat your fucking heart out" She mumbled to herself with a mischievous smirk as she balanced the hot tray in one hand, and with the other she made a circular motion. Instantly the kitchen came to life, the whisker started beating the eggs, the pots started cleaning themselves and the rag started wiping the chocolate she had spilled earlier.

"Just in time, I'll get all of this cleaned before the newcomers arr..." She was saying when suddenly the sound of unfamiliar voices reached her ears. "Fuck me" She whispered in panic before she frantically started snapping her fingers. Almost immediately flour, chocolate and egg particles flied all over the place and the pots fell down with a loud crash as the kitchen came to a violent halt. Wincing as she barely managed to catch the falling grimoire, Simone cursed under her breath "I'm gonna miss the old days".
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Talyiah rang the door bell and called out "Hello? Is anybody actually home?" even though the door was wide open. Fairies don't enter homes unless invited in. It's not that they couldn't like vampyres, it just gave them a raging migraine until they were told they were welcome there. She stood there for all of a mintue. Grabbing her bear from the side of her bag she said "Oh Flitterwing, what should I do? I really don't want to get a headache, or in trouble for coming in unannounced." The bear, unsurprisngly, did nothing. It was just a stuffed animal after all. "You're right!" she said with a smile, "I'll just wait here and read. I think I still have that book by that E.L. James person. The nice lady at the library said it was a "must-read for a girl my age" after all." She sat on the stairs with her suitcase behind her and pulled out a book with a picture of a grey tie on the cover.
Lorelei pulled up to the old looking building in a well used VW Beetle, as a college student she didn't have a ton of cash to spend. Which was both the reason for her driving a beat up Bug and the reason for her being at this boarding house. Though, looking at this place now she didn't think it was half bad, at the very least the house looked very cool. After admiring the window arches for a few more seconds she shrugged and got out of the car, popping the touch and grabbing a backpack and the one other bag she had. Also another result of being a broke college student. Lor walked up to the house and saw a girl sitting on the steps reading. "You moving in too?" She asked the girl, trying to be friendly.

She wondered what it would be like living with so many other people, of course she had lived with her entire pack before but this would be different. She would be living with presumably normal people here, and that meant having to put in extra effort to make sure no one found out what she was. It's easy to hide things from one college roommate, but this was an entire house of people. She supposed didn't make sense to worry about it now, she would just have to cross that bridge when she got there.
Alez stared at the man that had entered the room, why could she smell dog... she nodded at him in a some sort of bow, she dare not speak while he was being told off, she flushed slightly embarrassed for the man.

Amie frowned, "you're excused, this once.. I guess" she put the book on top of her sisters bag and turned back towards Alvin, "I'm Amie, I was? I was Amie.." Her eyes brows pulled together again as she realized what was.
Alvin smiled, "I'm is a fine way of saying it. Were still here aren't we? I'M," he pauses, his grin full of mischief, "Alvin. Pleased to make your acquaintance." he glances at the door when the bell rings, "newcomers... Well, I can show you were your room is if you like? get us out of this hallway too. I'm guessing you're one of the two staying in room 6? It's on the second floor and I have to take this stuff up with me anyways." He picks up the last of the belongings carefully and starts to head up the stairs. He turns back smiling, "coming?"
Amie frowned, "I guess it is the two of us... of cause, but let me take something" she glanced at the books, tucking some stray hairs back behind her ears she toddled after him, ignoring the new guests, she wasn't use to company, made her giddy.

Talyiah looked up from her book. "Yup! Or well...I guess I'm trying to. It's a little tricky without actually going inside ya know? Not that I mind being out here of course. It's a beautiful day out and I get to people watch! It's one of my favorite things to do, making up little stories about people. The world is full of stories you just need to know how to read. At least that's what I think. How about you? Oh! Where are my manners? Papa would be so disappointed in me." She put a bookmark to keep her place in the book, stood up and brushing off her dress gave a curtsy. "My name is Taliyah Marquis ((Mark-is)) but you can call me Tally" She gave a bright smile.
"Huh, I guess that a pretty good way to look at the world." Lor said with a smile. "I'm Lorelei. But you can just call me Lor." She introduced herself. "Nice to meet you Tally." Lor paused and looked around before looking back to Tally. She wondered if the place was already full, considering no one had answered the door yet. Or maybe they were just busy. Either way, it didn't hurt to spend the time talking with this girl, she seemed nice enough and Lor was always open to making new aquantinces. "So have you been sitting out here long?" She asked Tally.
"Chuckie! We're here!"

Chuck slowly opened his eyes, wiping away a bit of drool from the corner of his mouth. Pushing up his glasses, chuck looked at his father, who immediately jumped out the car and began to stretch. Chuck opened his car door and carefully climbed out, stretching as well before looking at the house. So, this was the house? It looked nice, which honestly surprised chuck considering his dad's....cheap tendencies.

"Isnt this great, my boy?" His father said, wrapping his arm around chuck's shoulder. "Imagine all the people we'll meet here!" Chuck inwardly sighed. Great. More people who would hate him. He didn't know why, but he already felt as if he didn't fit in. "Alright, chuck. You bring our bags in while I go talk to the land lady!"

And before chuck could open his mouth, his dad was gone in a flash. Signing he opened the trunk and hefted out two duffle bags. So, this wasvit. No turning back. Just him and a bunch of strangers. No big deal, right?

"Ohmygosh yes! A whole two minutes! Wait...no that's not actually very long is it? Then I guess not." She giggled. "It's my pleasure to make your acquaintance Lor. Were you named after the Siren? Oh! Can you sing? Or did your folks just find it to be a pretty name, which it certainly is. I'm sorry if my energy is too high, I'm usually a lot more relaxed. I'm just excited to be away from home and already making friends." There was a slight shimmer behind her. Oops gotta be careful. I don't know what they have here. She could be a Hunter. Or something that eats my kind. The shimmering stopped almost as soon as it started and Tally fanned herself. "I just wish it was a bit cooler ya know? ((it's now summer I guess. look at me go, accidentally setting scenery)) Sometimes I feel like all the heat plays tricks with me. Which is really mean of it." She pouted a bit.

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Alvin led Amie up the stairs, to the left, and to a room at the corner of the house. He pushed open the door and it was big. Tall ceilings, two big windows that let in a lot of light and two beds. (I'm gonna let you design the rest of the room however you want, she is a pretty good judge of character so it can basically be like a dream room for the two girls, She also likes giving the ghosts beds even if they don't sleep in them. Makes it more homey and treats them like everyone else.) Alvin put the stuff he had brought up down with the rest and waved to the room, "What do you think?"

Clare heard the bell and she wanted to berate Caleb some more but she had to get the door, new people she didn't want getting into too much trouble without her there to cover it up. "I'll be back... Why don't you show her where her room is while I get the door." She turned to Alez, "I'll be back to show you a full tour of the house but I'm sure my friend here can show you around until then."

She walked to the hall just missing the two ghosts and opened the door, "I'm sorry for the wait, as you can probably tell there are a lot of new people moving in today. Why don't you all come in and I can get you the final paperwork and your keys!"
Brinni said:
"Ohmygosh yes! A whole two minutes! Wait...no that's not actually very long is it? Then I guess not." She giggled. "It's my pleasure to make your acquaintance Lor. Were you named after the Siren? Oh! Can you sing? Or did your folks just find it to be a pretty name, which it certainly is. I'm sorry if my energy is too high, I'm usually a lot more relaxed. I'm just excited to be away from home and already making friends." There was a slight shimmer behind her. Oops gotta be careful. I don't know what they have here. She could be a Hunter. Or something that eats my kind. The shimmering stopped almost as soon as it started and Tally fanned herself. "I just wish it was a bit cooler ya know? ((it's now summer I guess. look at me go, accidentally setting scenery)) Sometimes I feel like all the heat plays tricks with me. Which is really mean of it." She pouted a bit.
(Don't worry it actually is summer, If you check my first post I put it there)

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