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Nation Building A League of Nations


Elder Member
This will be a two part character sheet, one for your character and one for your nation.






Appearance: (anime or realistic pictures)

Magic: (if applicable.)


Relationship status:

Anything else you would like to include:







Education: (1-5)

Magic: (1-5)

Military: (1-5)

Wealth: (1-5)

Land (size): (1-5)

Natural resources: (1-5)

(Maximum of 19 points)

Description of your nation:

A song that represents your nation: (this would basically function as your national anthem)
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Age: 31

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 183lbs


Proficient in lightning, sound, and Aether magic. Moderate in most every other kind of elemental control.

Weapons: A custom made cross between a long sword and rapier, crafted specially to act as an instrument for channeling his magic.

Relationship status: Officially, single. But is in a secret relationship with Ja'far that has caused many rumors.

Anything else you would like to include: Believes in having equality for all people, and creating many allies so that together they can subdue those who oppose their ideals.

His eight generals: These are the strongest warriors of the kingdom, although anyone from across the world is welcome to challenge any one of them for their spot, a few have tried and failed. The original eight are still in power, not yet receiving a challenger great enough to defeat them in a battle to the death. All of them have disowned their last names and instead taken on the surname "of Sindria" in honor of their devotion.

Sinbad's right hand man. They met when Sinbad first set out to clear off the island and make the country and Ja'far was disguised as a crew member on the ship but was actually sent as an assassin from Heligdom to kill Sinbad before he could grow in power. After failing the assassination attempt Ja'far could not bear the shame and attempted to kill himself but was stopped by Sinbad who felt bad for him and admired the skill and loyalty of the young boy. Sinbad offered to protect him from any repercussions from Heligdom if he joined Sindria, Ja'far gladly accepted and the two grew very close. As Sindria grew in influence Ja'far rose in power and trust with Sinbad and is now the logistics and counter intelligence head of Sindria for his knowledge of assassination techniques and how Heligdom works.


Masrur: The personal bodyguard to Sinbad, was a slave captured by Somalia where he learned to sail and fight his own battles. Once there was a run in with Sinbad and a pirate ship, where Sinbad and Ja'far were barely able to force the pirates to flee and Masrur used this as his opportunity and sought refugee with Sinbad who took him in with open arms. Using his knowledge of Somalian naval tactics and Sindria's wealth from trading he helped raise Sindria's navy to the status it is now, rivaled only by Andor's navy. Not only is his tactical sense on the seas rivaled only by Ja'far's assassination knowledge but his leg strength is considered the highest in Sindria.


Sharrkan: Was once the royal prince to the nation of Heliohapt, and is now a refugee in Sindrian custody ever since the Cryic rebellion that caused Heliohapt to be taken over by Heligdom. Taught the ways of Helion royal swordsmanship, considered the most lethal and fastest swordsmanship style known to man. Is Sinbad's instructor of swordsplay, however does not have many other students due to the lack of a strong land unit in Sindria. His other brother's were taught in the royal swordsmanship as well, and sought refugee in any nation that would accept them. Lives with the regret of once training the current general of Heligdom, Alibaba, in the ways of this deadly swordsmanship back when Heliohapt was allied with Heligdom.


She is a childhood friend of Sinbad, but they were separated when she went on a quest of her own to study magic in hopes of meeting up with him again and aiding him in his dream of ruling a kingdom. Is now the headmaster of the school of modern magic, Magnostadt, in Sindria. It is with her help and Sinbad's knowledge of practical magic that Sindria is known as the magic center of the world. Also, this school is the cause for Sindria's wealth and rise to power after being created less than twenty years ago.


Pisti was once the daughter of one of Sinbad's teacher's but hid on Sinbad's ship when he sailed to claim Sindria. He was going to force her to go back until she showed him her special gift, and the reason she had to leave her mother behind. Her mother was very avidly against her daughter's affection with animals believing them to be worthless of the time her daughter could be spending studying. However, she spent so much time with animals because they responded to her voice in a special way. She could calm them down, and even call them to her aid if needed. Is currently in charge of pest control in the dangerous waters around Sindria, keeping the beasts from harming the citizens and destroying the ships.


Spartos: The youngest son of a wealthy merchant from Devlin, who wanted to expand his culture of the world and get out of his brother's shadow to make a name of his own. Is known to have a very serious personality, usually not letting himself have fun and keeping his guard up. Self-taught in the ways of a lance, and is now the head of the customs department in Sindria. Spends most days begging Sinbad to buy him an Andorian horse to use in war.


Drakon: Originally, Drakon was one of the average crew members on Sinbad's ship but was promoted when he found an ancient and magical artifact. The Rentou blade was his claim to fame within the crew. The blade has a thirst for blood, and will sap energy from Drakon if it is not quenched. This thirst is very fitting with Drakon who is known to be eccentric and the sight of blood is one of his favorite things in the world. Although on the verge of sadistic he has a very caring and loyal side to him, willing to die for any of the other generals especially Sinbad. Spends most of his days at sea so he can keep the blade quenched on the dangerous beasts of the sea and not on people.


Hinahoho: A member of the Imuchakk, a barbaric tribe of people who used to be the sole inhabitants of the current island of Sindria. The Imuchakk took Sinbad in as their god when he arrived, they were so amazed by his magic and ability to lead his crew. Sinbad accepted their offer to be their leader, and the tribe is still present on the island but they represent a small minority of the population and have adapted to the new ways of life that Sinbad brought to them. Most of the tribe refer to him as 'Kami', meaning god, instead of Sinbad. The Imuchakk are a special race, known to be an average of seven feet tall for females and about six inches more for males. No one in the tribe has any magic, instead they rely on their superior strength and size to overpower their prey.



Name: Sindria


Sindria. The entire nation is one city about the size of New York City, broken into smaller districts.

Government: Monarchy

Population: 2670 (permanent residents) 3180 (including students at Magnostadt)

Education: 3

Magic: 5

Military: 4

Wealth: 5

Land (size): 1

Natural resources: 1

Description of your nation:
A monarchy ruled by Sinbad who cleared the island himself and made it suitable for people to live on it with the help of his eight loyal generals that make up almost the entirety of the military. Is a nation that focuses on alliances and negotiations, but has the power in its navy to back it up even though its only land based military is composed of Sinbad himself and his eight generals.

A song that represents your nation: [media]

The hype is real

  • Name: Andor




    Population: A few hundred thousand per major city. There are 5 major cities including the capitol, plus a handful of small villages, which are populated by a few hundred citizens on average. 6,000,000 elven adults. Around half of the population are trained to fight, and are on reserve for war. The Eleheim population reaches around 10,000, as well as the average human population.

    Education: 2

    Magic: It varies. many are able to cast magic but it is mostly used for healing, protecting, and rarely used for war.

    Military: 5(excluding the fact that nearly every civilian will rise to the call)

    Wealth: 4

    Land (size): 5

    Natural resources: 2

    Description of your nation: Andor is led by the High King, who leads a moot of less powerful lords that keep the peace. It is based around military conquest and total support from its citizens, thanks to its fair treatment of its citizens and outlaw on slave labor. While there is a difference between the rich and the average classes, poverty seems to not exist within the cities, thanks to strict laws regarding the poor and homeless being given jobs as military soldiers or caravan drivers. When it is forced to go to war, the Andorian troops will attack first, hoping to scare off the invaders with its large force of cavalry.

    One of Andor's most well known advantages over nations is its abundance of horses, which it sells to other nations for a high price. Its navy is arguably one of the most powerful to ever see war, thanks to Andor residing on a peninsula surrounded by two very large islands. Each of these segments of land are split up into provinces, and the capitol rests on the larger of the islands. These warships are equipped with rams, and the larger ones have catapults and cannons built onto them.

    Andor is mainly made up of Highborn Elves, such as Estre herself. They are known to age incredibly slowly, some living for hundreds of years. While a race of humans known as Numadic humans live in Andor as well, and are not discriminated against, their population is very low, making them a minority. They generally have light skin and dark hair, with numerous eye colors. The Dark Elves are a minority as well, being distant cousins of the Highborn elves that chose not to fight against the Andorian invasions. They were welcomed into the kingdom and hold a seat on the high council of Andor, along with the Eleheim, Numadic Humans, and Highborn.

    Andor was once restricted to the small islands, having its mainland cities taken by many different nations. Once Estre and Emric announced that they were going to take back their lands, the Andorians backed them whole-heartedly. "Our Land before Blood" is a common saying in the Andorian military. They spread across the country, burning through enemy nations with ferocity never seen before. Even the supposedly impenetrable cities of their enemies fell to the elves. To this day, the Andorian military is remembered for their fearsome campaign and invasion of the mainland.

    Prior to their fall, Andor was one part of an enormous empire formed of the many eastern elven nations. The Highborn Elves, Dark Elves, and Angmonian Elves all fought under the same flag. However, the coalition dissolved after a volcano eruption destroyed much of the Dark Elves land, the Abyss was born, and Andor fell.

    A song that represents your nation:


    City of Light, Kalina in Andorian, located on the center island of her kingdom.


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  • Name: Farron

    Flag: (imagine the editing window is cropped out, its super late and im lazy right now)


    Capital: Farron


    Government: Totalitarian Monarchy

    Population: 10,000 people, more than half of which are soldiers.

    Education: 3

    Magic: 2

    Military: 5

    Wealth: 3

    Land (size): 1

    Natural resources: 5

    Description of your nation: Farron was once a city state of Old Andor. It mainly operated as a military training encampment, thanks to its small size and out of the way location. It was led by 4 great knights, all of whom are remembered as legends and heroes in the textbooks of Andor and Farron.

    All this changed, however, when the Abyss was released. Nobody is sure how or why it was set loose, but the effects were devastating. The abyss was pure darkness, void of all that made mortal's unique: emotion, pain, forgiveness. It simply wanted to spread, to grow, to corrupt. When it first erupted, it claimed numerous lives, but a few survived. Most of them died of the corruption within a week, but Knight Artorias lived on. The paladins who kept the Abyss at bay had no idea how or why, but he somehow managed to live and fight with the darkness ravaging his mind.

    The other 3 knights who ruled alongside him fell in the fight, becoming corrupt and attacking their comrades. Artorias himself was forced to slay his friends, causing him to throw his emotions to the side in order to save Farron. With the magic of the paladins, he managed to erect a barrier around to abyss, forcing it to stay contained. He then utilized the strength of his men who still lived to created a fortress out of the city, built not to keep intruders out, but the Abyss within.

    The Abyss Watchers, a small force of soldiers granted the ability to traverse the abyss and stop aging, was founded by Artorias to keep it at bay. All the men of Farron are drafted into the military at a young age, trained into soldiers specially equipped to fight darkness and its corrupted soldiers.

    The entire nation of Farron is a single city, surrounded by high walls. Thanks to its extraordinarily northern location, its usually covered in snowfall. The residents have a natural resistance to cold, and have incorporated learning fire-based magic into their education system.

    Arotrias leads his nation with total authority. While to some it may seem unfair and cruel, the people of Farron do not argue this. They read about the Abyss and its abilities, as well as the stories of Artorias's valor, and choose not to fight. Plus, he is a rather gracious lord, despite being in the position of a Tyrant. However, crime is not tolerated, and has plenty of seemingly over the top punishments.

    Farron's wealth and resourses come from its rich mines of iron. Artorias has remained icily against rejoining Andor, seeing as the old government did nothing to help hold back the abyss.

    A song that represents your nation: Entire nation was inspired by this song actually


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Name:Zayden Felix


Height:6' 1"


Appearance: (anime or realistic pictures)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Draco.png.a8ac09b2a2853be1c8895763539c0d53.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115444" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Draco.png.a8ac09b2a2853be1c8895763539c0d53.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Magic: Has defensive magic, like the ability to put shields up or to heal himself or allies.

Weapons:A simple sword and shield, is skilled in horse riding, making a formidable 1 on 1 opponent

Relationship status:Single, being far more interested in his country.

Anything else you would like to include: Zayden is the youngest ruler of his country, having forced himself into the position through combat and stealth. He feels he's the only capable of bringing it peace.


Flag:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8d4f0f88_Zaydensflag..gif.d6956cd2c35c31a096f0fcc7f484e870.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115446" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8d4f0f88_Zaydensflag..gif.d6956cd2c35c31a096f0fcc7f484e870.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Stratocracy (a form of government headed by military chiefs, just in case you didn't know.)

Population:Around 500,000. Evenly spread around the country, with Gra having the highest population at 45,000

Education: 4

Magic: 3

Military: 4

Wealth: 3

Land (size): 2

Natural resources: 3

(Maximum of 19 points)

Description of your nation: Kari is a small bit of land around the equator of the planet, is large by island standards, tiny by any other. It's people are hardy and strong. Stubborn. Their military controlled country leading many people to join the military, leading the military to being the largest employer, and buyer of goods. An ambitious country that wants to expand it's borders to increase it's population. However, being a principally mercenary country, this is a hard goal to achieve.



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    Zayden's flag..gif
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Name: Hesper

Age: 15

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 130

Appearance: (I can't get any pictures, so I'll just describe with words!) Hesper has light aqua hair that fades to white at the ends. Her eyes are olive green with specks of aqua in them. She has a pale complexion. Most of the time, Hesper wheres long skirts and a hooded short sleeve shirt with a long sleeved under shirt. She usually doesn't have the hood up since her hair is in two buns on the sides of her head. Hesper wheres simple leather armor in battles.

Magic: Wind and Ice (she has two elements but she is very weak in control)

Weapons: She uses either two fans or a wand to channel her magic.

Relationship status: Single

Anything else you would like to include: Hesper is a princess of Ruha, and has three other siblings, one of which is the ruling king. She is the youngest sibling.

Name: Hywel

Age: 34

Height: 5’11”

Weight: 178

Appearance: (Still no pictures) Hywel has dark aqua marine hair that is worn to a medium length. He is most often seen in armor since he likes to over see and participate in the training of soldiers. Hywel's eyes are a dark blue with a thick rim of black. When he isn't wearing armor, Hywel is most often in a green tunic and brown pants along with the red cape that bears the emblem of his nation.

Magic: Hywel was blessed with strong water magic.

Weapons: He inherited the family sword.

Relationship status: Single

Anything else you would like to include: Hywel is the inexperienced king of Ruha. He is the oldest of the four siblings.

Name: Hiero

Age: 24

Height: 5’9”

Weight: 167

Appearance: He has dark brown hair that is short with golden brown eyes. Hiero wears purple robes most often ornately decorated. He never wears armor and while probably never go into battle.

Magic: earth magic

Weapons: spear

Relationship status: single

Anything else you would like to include: He is the second son and second oldest. Hiero prefers the life of luxury and can't be bothered with training or working. He often lounges about all day watching others work, while complaining about how hard his life is.

Name: Hillary

Age: 19

Height: 5’7”

Weight: 143

Appearance: With fair skin and brilliant green eyes, Hillary is considered the most beautiful of the two sisters, even though they have the same complexion and similar eye clors. Hillary's eyes though, are a bright lime green, and she has wavy locks of golden hair to compliment them perfectly. She wears her hair in a high pony tail, and it is so long that it still reaches to her back. Hillary is most often wearing gowns of nice purple and red silks. But she is always ready to dawn her strong leather armor for battle.

Magic: healing magic

Weapons: bow and arrow

Relationship status: married

Anything else you would like to include: Hillary is the older sister and second youngest sibling. She is married to a nobleman of Ruha, named Griffith.


: Ruha



Capital: Atticus


Government: Monarchy

Population: About 2,000 people live in the capital, while an average of 3,000 people live in the towns spread throughout the kingdom. Small villages with an average population of about 300 people are nestled into forests and on plains. The kingdom as a whole has 11,000 people.

Education: 3

Magic: 3

Military: 2

Wealth: 3

Land (size): 2

Natural resources: 2

Description of your nation: Ruha is a small kingdom in the north east. The capital rests in a crater on a plateau in the center of the country. It is surrounded by plains to the west and forests to the east and north. There is a large lake in the western plains. In the east, the forests are populated by many animals and beasts, with few traveled roads, most of which lead to dead ends or traps. The first safe road begins in the middle of the forest and leads straight to a town near the capital. This was to keep intruders out and lost.

The majority of people are elven or of elven descent, so magic flows through them naturally. But the people of Ruha use magic mainly to help maintain the land and heal others. Ruha is a peaceful kingdom that doesn’t look for war and will only fight if it must. Only a small percent of the population is enrolled in the army, and very little conflict has ever occurred, seeing as Ruha is so small that no one saw it as a threat.

Most of the people living in villages are lumber jacks since most villages are in the forests. But others, who live on the plains hunt, farm, and fish. People who live closer to the lake and sea do more fishing and also make glass.

A song that represents your nation: (this would basically function as your national anthem)
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High King Wyer, The Sacred Hammer.



172 lbs (Mostly muscle)




Wyer has a large golden warhammer, which emits a a faint blue glow, dwarves themselves aren't magic. But they are great smiths, and Wyer's weapon was forged and enchanted by all the smiths in Orezmoth over the course of three years, the warhammer is extremely light despite appearing heavy, and hits with far more force than people would believe possible. Being able to knock fully grown men across incredible distances(and kill them of course).

Wyer received his nickname when he fought a dragon head on, and wielding the warhammer with great strength he shattered the dragons maw as it prepared to spew out it's flames, he then crushed it's skull with a mighty final blow; this event was what earned him the nickname of 'Sacred Hammer', and earned him a place in the books of dwarven Legend. Wyer also has a basic fire arm, a blunderbuss, which acts as a close range shotgun, however being basic it can only be fired once every few minutes, and has very little range, although it is still incredibly lethal up close.

Relationship status:
Although Wyer has no wife, he does have two bastard children. Despite this, he still loves them both dearly, one lives with his mother, a wealthy noble woman. And the other lives with Wyer, as the mother was a neglective alcoholic. He treats both boys with the same love and wishes for the eldest to be his heir.

Anything else you would like to include:
Unlike many places, the woman of Orezmoth are now treated as any man would be, they are just as fearsome as the men, being able to do any job that a man can do; this also includes warfare. Yet this is only due to Wyer proclaiming this is a new law. Strangely enough, the dwarven men of Orezmoth had little trouble with the new change.





Mount Hyessi, The Titan's Home.

Absolute Monarchy. Kingdom.

Roughly 2,200,000 dwarves. They have never experienced a costly war, or harsh conditions. Allowing the dwarves to prosper, and grow in respectable numbers over many centuries. This is also aided by the large families of up to 5 children many dwarves have. Whilst other races do live in Orezmoth, they are not counted as members of the official population since they do not live in the dwarven-made cities (mountains forts). Instead, they occupy many small towns, settlements, and even a land-made city. All residents of Orezmoth who live within a settlement or town on the green surface must pay a tax to the High King.

If the nation was ever attacked, the abundance of orcs, humans, kobolds, elves and even goblins would be at risk; and would fight in defense of their own homes, if not the King. The total number of inhabitants including the Non-Dwarf races reaches around 3,000,000.

Education: 1

Magic: 0

5 (3att, 7def)


Land (size):

Natural resources:

(Maximum of 19 points)

Description of your nation:
Orzemoth is a moderately sized nation, with a vast and rich land, which means they have a incredibly varied number of natural resourses ranging from common ore, to rare gold. The dwarves who live within Orezmoth have very strict professions, and traditions, and take great pride in their own creations, one such creation is a special ore they call "God Stone" - it is a special type of rock, which when comined with another type of stone - no matter the type - results in an incredibly sturdy and immensely strong type of stone alloy. God Stone is what currently makes up the walls of all the dwarven major cities; as they are already inside mountains, needless to say they are nearly impenetrable.

Additionally, being some of the most gifted craftsmen, the dwarves of Orezmoth have some of the finest crafted armor and weapons known to the world, and whilst they wear such attire to battle, they also use it to further their trade gains. Already high from the land tax, and abundance of natural recourses. Combined with the lack of war, the combination results in storms of gold for the dwarves. But they usually spend much of the gold further reinforcing their kingdom, or furthering technology.

However, as dwarves, they have no magic, seeing this as a huge military disdvantage, for decades, they have worked on the worlds first firearm type weapons. Although they are very basic firearms, they are far more effective than those used by pirates and other kingdoms. they are just enough to combat magic. Large fireballs are answered with cannons, raining shards of shadow are answered with rains of bullets, and iced over floors are answered with oiled over floors. The craftsmanship and the technological headstart the dwarves possess give them incredible military might, but this might is mainly restricted to within the kingdom due to the difficulty in moving technology around, and the lack of a navy.

Another disadvantage is the the education system, whilst it is good for the dwarvesalone, it never teaches of much beyond the Kingdom, resulting in many narrow-minded children who evidently grow into narrow-minded adults. As well as this, the education is actually inaccurate in many aspects, even teaching some things blatantly incorrectly due to dwarven pride, arrogance, and ignorance.

The kingdom itself is large enough to house a great many people, offering great deal of room room for the local population within the mountains themselves, where large undeground passages have been formed connecting each mountain city as a means of easier travel, trade, and communication.

The dwarf nation is the most heavily fortified nation currently known, Orezmoth is littered with military forts. Particularly, The Sea Wall. The Sea Wall is a huge stone wall made from 'God Stone' which is lined with huge steel cannons. And although from the outside the dwarves appear invulnerable, this wall is a result of a great weakness. The dwarves lack any sort of navy, and no matter how strong their defense is. They have a considerably weaker offense because of it, this is further handicapped with the lack of magic, since technology is much less reliable when on the move in an invasion. Hoping to fix this problem, the dwarves are currently looking for a way to bring inanimate hunks of tempered God Stone rock, and impervious dwarven steel to life in the shape of golems - in order to act as walking fortresses of pure destruction, ready to make the already immensse might of the dwarven military even mightier.

Despite everything, the dwarves are a peaceful people; hence the focus on defence over offense, they pride their technology, and science over shows of power. Yet even so, being impervious to assault, and having the capability to crush invaders is a growing necessity which was born out of a great fear of the Andoran Empire. With the collapse of that empire long ago, however, the dwarves have found themselves sitting comfortably without threat. Though the newly formed Andor is a growing concern which Wyer worries over per passing day.

Scotty Freeman

Age: 34

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 195lbs


Very weak fire magic, lots of utility magic like light, healing, navigation.

Weapons: Flint lock pistol, Cutlass

Relationship status: Single

Anything else you would like to include: Although he is not the technical leader of Somalia he does have the most followers.




Mogadishu, on the largest island of the archipelago.

Government: Plutocracy

Population: 9652

Education: (1-5) 1

Magic: (1-5) 1

Military: (1-5) 5

Wealth: (1-5) 5

Land (size): (1-5) 3

Natural resources: (1-5) 4

Description of your nation: A nation ruled by pirates, made up of several small islands and archipelagos. Known for their surprising amount of unity in battle they boast one of the strongest military's in the world when they get along. A deep iron mine was recently found on a newly conquered islands causing an influx of wealth and power for the nation.

A song that represents your nation: [media]



Age: 67

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 137lbs


Shadow and stealth based magic.

Weapons: Hidden blades, throwing knives, and a crossbow.

Relationship status: Widower

Anything else you would like to include: Although he is the leader of Heligdom, most people know the general Alibaba as the true face of the country.




Tehran, In the north-east corner of the nation.


Population: 10,000

Education: 4

Magic: 3

Military: 4

Wealth: 3

Land (size): 4

Natural resources: 1

Description of your nation: An entire nation of assassins, theives, and masters of stealth. They follow the strict laws set forth by their god Cyric.

A song that represents your nation: [media]

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/cd3a6c58004eca574a94058bd460990a.jpg.1013338ecca5b01cc06a6f0ad08ad3b0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117080" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/cd3a6c58004eca574a94058bd460990a.jpg.1013338ecca5b01cc06a6f0ad08ad3b0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Gamir Irkvaught

(38 Years old)

Height: 6'2 ft. (1.8796m)

Weight: 237 lbs. (16.9286 Stones)

Magic: Wields the holy light of his people, though it is not he himself who supplies it, but rather someone near and dear to him. As a powerful king, his is by far the most influential, though by no means is it the strongest. The light in which he possesses qualifies within the ability to purge. Though the explanations of light are more complex than just that, his is more healing based, and in times of war, he fights like any normal man with a sword at his side.

Weapons: (As seen in picture above) Ornate Longsword.

Relationship status: Widower

Brief History: A king, aging as the years press onward, seeks to attain global piece, though sees only one means of doing it, war. A desire to become the most powerful nation though the lands of Altheria already bless great wealth and resources. In the eyes of Lord Irkvaught, it is not enough to drive away the persisting hungers of domination, absolution.

Gamir was raising into nobility, seeing his mother and father, Vance XIII and Elina II raise him throughout his life. He was brought up on the finer edge of things that inevitably shaped him and polished him into a evidently sophisticated lifestyle, along with proper grace and manner.

The boy soon grew, learning the ways of life, and every race within it, establishing himself in knowledge before he had even grown old enough to sport whiskers under his chin. However, as time trekked onward, two fortnights before his seventeenth birthday, his father caught ill and the entire kingdom was thrown aback. There was no leader, no more guidance for them in times of doubt. Seeing a grave look within his mother's eyes as the nights grew longer, he set out on a quest to find medicine to heal his own father, once reading of a spring that overflowed with so much magic that it had the very foundations to alter the earth should the user so choose so. Gamir however, sought no such power and kept about his way until a year had all passed. He was now nearing eighteen, almost a man and yet, despite that year of searching, despite the effort and countless men he had taken with him, he returned home, defeated and empty handed only to learn of the death of Vance XIII. Soon after, he learned, his mother, in her depression, had killed herself to ensure that his father would not remain alone in the afterlife or have to wait in misery.

Bitten astonished with shame and with disgrace, he hid himself for a year, sulking about and mourning the death of the two who had given their lives for the cause of the kingdom. And it wasn't until he met Sophia Haelstus in the late summers of his twentieth year did he quickly recover. Love had rebounded his pain and soon, he was to be married to the ashen haired woman with sparkling blue eyes. Like water, he had once that, like that of the ocean, a misty veil gleamed with rays of light. Within the year, Sophia would become pregnant with his daughter, Valentina. Unfortunately, and unknown to the behest of the kingdom, Sophia fell quickly after childbirth and soon died, leaving Gamir once more alone with only his daughter, a broken remnant of a once happy family.

It was at this point, Gamir had lost his sight of peace, at least by manner of diplomacy and began massing forces, scattering camps and building firm marble establishments all throughout Altheria. Grand heroes began to form under the banner of the nation and soon, he had the largest army to date, all with well trained and well equipped soldiers. Just before his parents had passed entirely, he had made it his solemn mission and final crusade to take the world and write their names in history, along with that of his beloved Sophia.

16 Years have passed since and Sophia grew into the beautiful flower he would have only expected over her, and began to develop her skills in magic. However, stricken with fear, Gamir had isolated her from the world and never let her leave, persisting in the evident that she was indeed, too kind and if word got out to the people, Gamir would certainly be overthrown from his position as king. It was a burden far too great to bear, so in cowardice, he sacrificed his daughter's freedom for blinded power of his citizens.

To this day, not even Gamir's most trusted advisers can sway him from something he truly desires.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/worlds_collide_2.jpg.b6ff3ad3cf6742fd2a4f7cb8a1dc5527.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117118" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/worlds_collide_2.jpg.b6ff3ad3cf6742fd2a4f7cb8a1dc5527.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Valentina Irkvaught

(16 Years old)

Height: 5'4ft. (1.524m)

Weight: 107lbs. (7.642 Stones)

Magic: A brandished user of light, she possesses a very specific form known as Mystique. It is by far the most ancient magic in the land and holds a glorified power over all others, but being locked away and refrained from speaking to most others, she knows very little about her magic except from her secretive childhood friend Reed. He has helped her into using little bits of her magic to create small balls of light, but little more is known about what she possesses other than, it is powerful and has yet to be unlocked.

Weapons: None.

Relationship status: Single

Brief History: After birth, the young princess of Altheria was locked away and hidden, following the death of her mother, so much so as to be kept in secret that the entirety of the kingdom had forgotten entirely about her existence. It was only a minor thing at the time and people had passed it off as rumors before it slipped away entirely into myth. However, as she grew older, a young male, who was once scaling the castle to get away from some guards after stealing bread, stumbled into her room where the two soon became friends.

They began to talk more and Valentina uncovered much about her magic, but had no method of controlling it. Reed, the boy, began to teach her a great many things, things that were abstract, things that were realistic, all of it, he became a veil of knowledge for her, and over time, there came a wonderful bond between the two.

(Long History is not applicable to this character.)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/5507825572eaed3f8d6e99bf686c1f78.jpg.31ab81a6803c4ac110ca0e6a476e506a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117135" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/5507825572eaed3f8d6e99bf686c1f78.jpg.31ab81a6803c4ac110ca0e6a476e506a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Reed Alindale

(18 Years Old)

Height: 5'10ft. (1.524m)

Weight: 148lbs. (10.5714 Stones)

Magic: None, but possesses knowledge of it.

Weapons: None

Relationship status: Single

Brief History: Reed, the scholar and charismatic youth, born into the streets and cast off without a care. Though he was deemed for success and failure, he grew into a young man with a pursuit of knowledge and gold, but not all too great the handiness for fighting.

He never knew his father, nor his birth-mother. And growing up as a toddler on streets that would deem far dangerous for someone of his stature, pressed him onward into a pursuit of craftiness and connections. Both in which he developed underground, being one of the single largest criminals in the kingdom who was well known for his alias, "Black jack". Though young, he was, singlehandedly, responsible for stealing nearly over half of the imperial treasures (though the spoils were later found at his dig spot and returned) and for his way to once waltz into a ball, completely unnoticed and left before the guards had even known he was there.

Throughout the years, his craftiness and charismatic skills had increased, and he was still very much alive. So much so that when he reached his teenage years, he was admitted into the band of thieves that prowled, not only on ships, but on land, in sewers, the entire company. Their numbers ranged over a few dozen.

His goal however was to one day go off and join the pirates of Somalia and seek further fame and fortune. This was all halted however when he met Valentina and fell in love with her, though he spoke fondly of his dream, he never spoke of his desires to be with her.





<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/17061207-Symbol-of-protection-sword-with-wings-and-shield-Stock-Vector-logo.jpg.7be4020b78299a23304e9dc87d62686c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117082" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/17061207-Symbol-of-protection-sword-with-wings-and-shield-Stock-Vector-logo.jpg.7be4020b78299a23304e9dc87d62686c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Capitol: Du'Vant

Government: Total Monarchy

Population: 25,000(-/+)

Education: 2

Magic: (Only select few can use magic)

Military: 4

Wealth: 4

Land (size): 4

Natural resources: 4

Description of your nation: On the outside, it is crystalline and pure. Marble walls and golden statues, all adorned with embroidery. Poverty is impossibly slim and the good nature of folks often keep life happy. Falls are abounding and forests are overflowing, mountains reach the skies and fjords stretch out far to the open seas. Though it is their wealth and land size that most accurately reflects the nation, being the crowned jewel that they are, little know of the current armies that are gathering, for spies are often checked for. Unfortunately, due to the desire to keep himself within power, Gamir has resorted to selective education to keep young minds only learning about certain things, and in a global comparison, it lacks... Severely.

In regards to military, it is filled with thousands of able armed men and women, some youth even, for those with the heart to fight. And amongst it all, there are the massive buildings and fineness of them that glint in the horizon. Often referred to as, "The Pale Lands", it shines white from a bird's eyes view, and at night, the lights from the port cities light up the black glass of the sea.

Though, deep within, as within all things, there is corruption, gilded gold of a once pure nation, stirring within the heart of the king.





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This will be a two part character sheet, one for your character and one for your nation.


Raku Ugong

Age: 17

Height: 5'33

Weight: 200

Appearance: (anime or realistic pictures)


Magic: (if applicable.) Barrier magic making boundaries and shields uses his skills to defend his nation

Weapons: A bow and arrows and two epee also a dagger

Relationship status: Single

Anything else you would like to include:


Name: The Mandarin Mafia Principally


Flag changes based on what Mafia Family is ruling


Capital: Jong-Wan


Government: Mafiapallcy (Where one Son from the 5 Mafia families is choice and rules for his whole life until death and is called the Big boss or The Grand Mafia)

Population: around 4000 permeant being part of the mafias and 1200 learning in the Bodyguard's school of Protection and War Academy

Education: (1-5) 3

Magic: (1-5) 1

Military: (1-5) 5

Wealth: (1-5) 5

Land (size): (1-5) 2

Natural resources: (1-5) 3

(Maximum of 19 points)

Description of your nation: As it used to be a small place having 5 small towns and 1 Medium city it was a constant war against the Five Mafia the Ugong Mafia, Fu-Wong Mafia, Kail-Lee Mafia, Mail-Lee Mafia and the Hon-Swan Mafia it was a big Gang war calling it the war of five Flowers and once in power Od-wan Hon-Swan 50 years back offered each Mafia Group peace and an offer that they all become one mafia but many did not like this so Od-Wan made a new Government called Mafiapallcy where everyone was happy but in rapid succession to his death many Grand Mafia where killed in assassination because everyone wanted to be in power and the Big Boss Jomo Kail-Lee made the Bodyguard's Academy of Protection and War to make sure that the Grand Mafia won't be killed so easily. After these conflict many where insecure and most mafia members hated the other ones so it's political unrest is big as tension grow bigger but after the Death of the Grand Mafia Haru Kail-Lee a young son named Raku Ungong a son of Undon Ugong and Mai lee Hon-Swan came in power now he showed dominance in the realm as his genius tactician mind was growing...

A song that represents your nation: (this would basically function as your national anthem)


Family Mafia Flags:

Ugong Family:


Fu-Wong Family:


Kail-Lee Family:


Mail-Lee Family:

Hon-Swan Family:


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This will be a two part character sheet, one for your character and one for your nation.

main foreign dignitary

Name: Ambassador Sil Silhouette

Age: 45

Height: 1.70 m

Weight: 60 kg

Appearance: (anime or realistic pictures)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/1434179006287.jpg.8ce21d5da4cdc4ae2f0a270f4a6732cf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117658" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/1434179006287.jpg.8ce21d5da4cdc4ae2f0a270f4a6732cf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

A thin man, with an eternally present grin and a friendly voice.

Magic: (if applicable.)

Weapons: walking cane, a decorated flintlock pistol.

Relationship status: Married

Anything else you would like to include: The main diplomatic dignitary of the Republic, Mr Silhouette has shown remarkable success in handling trade relations beyond the nations borders. Due to his deals more often than not benefit nearly every other major house and guild in the republic, his station and wealth is rarely contested, as a rare unanimous agreement exists between the Oligarchs to mostly follow through on the Ambassadors plans.

Character: Military commander

Name: General Heel Hessain

Age: 39

Height: 1,80 m

Weight: 85 kg

Appearance: (anime or realistic pictures)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/landsknecht_fight_by_guzboroda-d3fpimw.jpg.1af1be9ddad7b7622618f2e1ba1514dc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117659" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/landsknecht_fight_by_guzboroda-d3fpimw.jpg.1af1be9ddad7b7622618f2e1ba1514dc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Aura of Command

Weapons: Zweihander, decorated flintlock pistol.

Relationship status:Married

Anything else you would like to include: The revelrous commander maintains and trains the primary military force of the Confederacy, and commands their deployment. Due to the skill and professionalism of his men, Hessains mercenaries have earned a reputation for quality fighting force available for the highest bidder. The general spends most of his time however inside the Confederacy, drilling and overseeing the further recruitment of his forces while his deployed mercenaries are led by capable officers, subjugated first and foremost to coin.


Crossroad Confederacy

Flag:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c910e37fe_Allalaaditudfail.png.05936085ae2cdcef67436950325efd5e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117665" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c910e37fe_Allalaaditudfail.png.05936085ae2cdcef67436950325efd5e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Government: Loosely co-operating Confederacy, with strong suggestions of an oligarchy.

Population:~400 000 landowners, Uncounted dependents, yet averaged ~5 per household.

Education: 4

Magic: 1

Military: 3

Wealth: 4

Land (size): 3

Natural resources: 4

Description of your nation:

Nesting between the outermost edges of the fallen empire of elves and now rising Andor, and the mountainous and fortified Orzemoth monarchy, the Crossroads Confederacy is nominally little more than a collection of often uncooperative cantons, saved from assimilation by either massive neighboring monarchy by the peacefulness of the Dwarves (And lack of a truly mountainous area to fortify), and the good luck of being just far enough from the former elven empire to avoid annexation before its fall took the wind out of its expansionism.

The Confederacy nests in a temperate climate, and is used to both winters and wind as the fertile soil allows for considerable farming to be done, turning it into the "breadbasket" of the region. However the land itself is on relatively even terrain, making fortifications and defensive fighting difficult and costly.

Because of the difficulty in defending the area, the often bickering cantons of the confederacy come together quite easily in the event of an incursion or threat to any individual part of it, often responding with exaggerated force to any hostile intent. Yet once the main threat passes, the unity between the cantons quickly disappears along with it, as the smaller landowners, farmers and merchants focus on their own small lot in life, with nearly zero imperial ambitions on the average citizen.

Yet this does not expand to every citizen of the Crossroad. The richer merchants often stiffled by foreign tariffs, aspiring politicans wishing to create a bigger government and even wannabe-warlords are just some of the many that try to go against the grain of the mostly passive-reactionary populace.

The confederacy itself nominally consists of leadership elected by the land-owning citizens, yet since the government control is so small and the cantons of the confederacy often quite individualistic, its often little more than a ceremonial title that is vied more as an object of fancy than power.

Yet where the government lacks power, private interests replicate the same. The so-called "ambassador" Mr. Silhouette has become the primary instigator of foreign contacts, and a middle-man between foreign rulers and the often conflicting interests of the Confederacy citizens, while the well-trained mercenary forces of self-styled General Hessain have taken the general mantle of main military force in the region.

The Confederacy as itself is quite content to only muddle on its own affairs, yet its unofficial "nobility" has taken a sudden interest in searching for immortality, or expanded lifetime due to tales and poems from both the elven and dwarven kingdom seeping into the middle-nation, while the General Hessain is suddenly concerned about his mercenaries becoming out-dated, and has started looking for ways to improve their capabilities.

A song that represents your nation:




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TheSourPunchLime said:
This will be a two part character sheet, one for your character and one for your nation.

Raku Ugong

Age: 17

Height: 5'33

Weight: 200

Appearance: (anime or realistic pictures)


Magic: (if applicable.) Barrier magic making boundaries and shields uses his skills to defend his nation

Weapons: A bow and arrows and two epee also a dagger

Relationship status: Single

Anything else you would like to include:


Name: The Mandarin Mafia Principally


Flag changes based on what Mafia Family is ruling


Capital: Jong-Wan


Government: Mafiapallcy (Where one Son from the 5 Mafia families is choice and rules for his whole life until death and is called the Big boss or The Grand Mafia)

Population: around 4000 permeant being part of the mafias and 1200 learning in the Bodyguard's school of Protection and War Academy

Education: (1-5) 3

Magic: (1-5) 1

Military: (1-5) 5

Wealth: (1-5) 5

Land (size): (1-5) 2

Natural resources: (1-5) 3

(Maximum of 19 points)

Description of your nation: As it used to be a small place having 5 small towns and 1 Medium city it was a constant war against the Five Mafia the Ugong Mafia, Fu-Wong Mafia, Kail-Lee Mafia, Mail-Lee Mafia and the Hon-Swan Mafia it was a big Gang war calling it the war of five Flowers and once in power Od-wan Hon-Swan 50 years back offered each Mafia Group peace and an offer that they all become one mafia but many did not like this so Od-Wan made a new Government called Mafiapallcy where everyone was happy but in rapid succession to his death many Grand Mafia where killed in assassination because everyone wanted to be in power and the Big Boss Jomo Kail-Lee made the Bodyguard's Academy of Protection and War to make sure that the Grand Mafia won't be killed so easily. After these conflict many where insecure and most mafia members hated the other ones so it's political unrest is big as tension grow bigger but after the Death of the Grand Mafia Haru Kail-Lee a young son named Raku Ungong a son of Undon Ugong and Mai lee Hon-Swan came in power now he showed dominance in the realm as his genius tactician mind was growing...

A song that represents your nation: (this would basically function as your national anthem)


Family Mafia Flags:

Ugong Family:


Fu-Wong Family:


Kail-Lee Family:


Mail-Lee Family:

Hon-Swan Family:


NilNul said:
This will be a two part character sheet, one for your character and one for your nation.
main foreign dignitary

Name: Ambassador Sil Silhouette

Age: 45

Height: 1.70 m

Weight: 60 kg

Appearance: (anime or realistic pictures)

View attachment 262105

A thin man, with an eternally present grin and a friendly voice.

Magic: (if applicable.)

Weapons: walking cane, a decorated flintlock pistol.

Relationship status: Married

Anything else you would like to include: The main diplomatic dignitary of the Republic, Mr Silhouette has shown remarkable success in handling trade relations beyond the nations borders. Due to his deals more often than not benefit nearly every other major house and guild in the republic, his station and wealth is rarely contested, as a rare unanimous agreement exists between the Oligarchs to mostly follow through on the Ambassadors plans.

Character: Military commander

Name: General Heel Hessain

Age: 39

Height: 1,80 m

Weight: 85 kg

Appearance: (anime or realistic pictures)

View attachment 262110

Aura of Command

Weapons: Zweihander, decorated flintlock pistol.

Relationship status:Married

Anything else you would like to include: The revelrous commander maintains and trains the primary military force of the Confederacy, and commands their deployment. Due to the skill and professionalism of his men, Hessains mercenaries have earned a reputation for quality fighting force available for the highest bidder. The general spends most of his time however inside the Confederacy, drilling and overseeing the further recruitment of his forces while his deployed mercenaries are led by capable officers, subjugated first and foremost to coin.


Crossroad Confederacy

Flag:View attachment 262118


Government: Loosely co-operating Confederacy, with strong suggestions of an oligarchy.

Population:~400 000 landowners, Uncounted dependents, yet averaged ~5 per household.

Education: 4

Magic: 1

Military: 3

Wealth: 4

Land (size): 3

Natural resources: 4

Description of your nation:

Nesting between the outermost edges of the fallen empire of elves and now rising Andor, and the mountainous and fortified Orzemoth monarchy, the Crossroads Confederacy is nominally little more than a collection of often uncooperative cantons, saved from assimilation by either massive neighboring monarchy by the peacefulness of the Dwarves (And lack of a truly mountainous area to fortify), and the good luck of being just far enough from the former elven empire to avoid annexation before its fall took the wind out of its expansionism.

The Confederacy nests in a temperate climate, and is used to both winters and wind as the fertile soil allows for considerable farming to be done, turning it into the "breadbasket" of the region. However the land itself is on relatively even terrain, making fortifications and defensive fighting difficult and costly.

Because of the difficulty in defending the area, the often bickering cantons of the confederacy come together quite easily in the event of an incursion or threat to any individual part of it, often responding with exaggerated force to any hostile intent. Yet once the main threat passes, the unity between the cantons quickly disappears along with it, as the smaller landowners, farmers and merchants focus on their own small lot in life, with nearly zero imperial ambitions on the average citizen.

Yet this does not expand to every citizen of the Crossroad. The richer merchants often stiffled by foreign tariffs, aspiring politicans wishing to create a bigger government and even wannabe-warlords are just some of the many that try to go against the grain of the mostly passive-reactionary populace.

The confederacy itself nominally consists of leadership elected by the land-owning citizens, yet since the government control is so small and the cantons of the confederacy often quite individualistic, its often little more than a ceremonial title that is vied more as an object of fancy than power.

Yet where the government lacks power, private interests replicate the same. The so-called "ambassador" Mr. Silhouette has become the primary instigator of foreign contacts, and a middle-man between foreign rulers and the often conflicting interests of the Confederacy citizens, while the well-trained mercenary forces of self-styled General Hessain have taken the general mantle of main military force in the region.

The Confederacy as itself is quite content to only muddle on its own affairs, yet its unofficial "nobility" has taken a sudden interest in searching for immortality, or expanded lifetime due to tales and poems from both the elven and dwarven kingdom seeping into the middle-nation, while the General Hessain is suddenly concerned about his mercenaries becoming out-dated, and has started looking for ways to improve their capabilities.

A song that represents your nation:

Both are accepted, once the other people respond I will write your nations in.

Name: Ben Strizer

Age: 25

Height: 5"7

Weight: 150 lbs

(This is the closest I could get)
Magic: This is a special case. Ben isn't like his ancestors before him and he lacks magic. He can only use telekinesis on objects that weigh 100 or less pounds.

Weapons: A rapier.

Relationship status: Single

Anything else you would like to include: All of Ben's family before him and even the ones currently living have a incredible ability to use magic. Ben is the only exception only having a weak telekinetic ability.


Name: Bevilla


Capital: Vixtra

Government: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy (Google it if you don't know what it is.)

Population: 500,000, with 5,000 being linked to the government and the other 495,000 being average citizens

Education: 3

Magic: 2

Military: 4

Wealth: 3

Land (size): 3

Natural resources: 4

Description of your nation: Bevilla is a very odd nation. It is only a few hundred years old yet has managed to go pretty well. Elections are held every 2 years and tend to only have 4 candidates. Most of the choices are made by the people but there are government politicians who handle more pressing matters like military and money. Magic tends to be in the older generations and is usually only passed down to a handful of people. Education has a small concern with the government and most people are home schooled with only about 150 public schools nation wide. Bevilla sinks a lot of money into their military. Joining is optional, but during a war, 100 people over 22 are randomly selected to join for the duration of the war. Bevilla has plentiful natural resources and usually does a lot with them. This comes at a cost however, as most of the resources are for manufacturing and not so much food. The only soocial classes are created by the people and aren't made by the government. People get free healthcare but taxes are large. The taxes are at 25% nation wide.

A song that represents your nation: [media]
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Name: Narsen

Title: Emperor Narsen

Age: 24

Height: 6 feet

Weight: 180 lb

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/33y3ts7.png.31b6ea2c7d50bc1b3d91de2e85cb6834.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118753" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/33y3ts7.png.31b6ea2c7d50bc1b3d91de2e85cb6834.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Magic: basic offensive and defensive magic

Weapons: A silver long sword that once belonged to the daughter of its first ruler who usurped his position to pacify the nation.

Relationship status: Single

Dragon Council:

The council that shares power with the king and is in charge for many affairs within the country.

Member 1: Ellen

Age: 25

Title: Ellen the Kind

Status: Single

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/madan-no-ou-to-vanadis-ep1.jpg.13c52e7cbd13e3626e6fb48720f942a7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118754" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/madan-no-ou-to-vanadis-ep1.jpg.13c52e7cbd13e3626e6fb48720f942a7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She is the head of the army, and elder sister to Narsen. Her duties include watching over the military and borders as well as organizing it. She is often quite happy and many question why she wasn't chosen as the next ruler. She doesn't care, as long as she can swing her long sword and serve her people, she's happy.

Member 2:

Name: Sora

Age: 18

Status: Single

Title: Sora the Psychic

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/no_game_no_life-02-sora-sinister_smile-protagonist-jerk-interesting.jpg.45766fe488b1381806767b6fead4c5dc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118755" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/no_game_no_life-02-sora-sinister_smile-protagonist-jerk-interesting.jpg.45766fe488b1381806767b6fead4c5dc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

He is in charge of the justice system and foreign affairs. He is called psychic because he can read people like an open child's book. He is intimidating to hold a conversation with because he can spot the slightest signs of lying in the best of liars.

Member 3:

Name: Elizabeth

Title: Liz the Child

Age: 11

Status: Unmarriable (until 16)

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/837ac3765b2de5d7a1562dfd1ec6b9ee3768a954_hq.gif.3fca5be62e5b15e504632a82a83ae079.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118760" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/837ac3765b2de5d7a1562dfd1ec6b9ee3768a954_hq.gif.3fca5be62e5b15e504632a82a83ae079.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The youngest member of the royal family. A child on many levels, but she is quite smart and disciplined. Her job is managing finances of the nation and the welfare of citizens. She can fight, and it's with a battleaxe. (Note from all: She's adorable, but she can also be scary.)

Member 4:

Name: Firnlia

Title: Firnlia Mystic

Age: 26

Status: Single

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/no-game-no-life-ep-10-image-06.jpg.887b0655977ed9baebbc566d62126356.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118756" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/no-game-no-life-ep-10-image-06.jpg.887b0655977ed9baebbc566d62126356.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The member in charge of magic. She is skilled in lots of magic, but most skilled in illusion. She is quite joyful and is always smiling even if she's in a battle or argument, except under certain conditions. She is also Elizabeth's caretaker.

Member 5:

Name: Lunarin

Title: Lunarin the Silent

Age: 30

Status: Single

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/76291092_15118211_large.jpg.c0e340c4407346e1463e60d72340d394.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118761" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/76291092_15118211_large.jpg.c0e340c4407346e1463e60d72340d394.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The representative of the Moon Clan and nephew of its current head. He is in charge of the more secret and dirty operations such as assassination and intelligence gathering. He's a little cocky and likes to shove hints into his conversations to use for various purposes.

Member 6:

Name: Trilin

Title: Grandmaster Trilin

Age: 35

Status: Married

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/b8a7d346f0f4f6d8ace1468dd847959c.jpg.36fc79e52571645845e60013470434cc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118762" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/b8a7d346f0f4f6d8ace1468dd847959c.jpg.36fc79e52571645845e60013470434cc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The current Grandmaster of the Holy Knights. His duty is managing the knights to wipe out corruption and evil. He is very disciplined. Ellen, Lunarin, and him share different views making it hard to work together at times. He is also a half-elf.

Member 7:

Name: Harlock

Title: Admiral Harlock

Age: 33

Status: Not open to a relationship

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/captain_harlock_release.jpg.9bc5bdb399b0f96685a93cc68b9391c7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118763" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/captain_harlock_release.jpg.9bc5bdb399b0f96685a93cc68b9391c7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

He is the leader of the entire navy and was only recently appointed. He was once a powerful rogue pirate. He was offered position after being captured by Firnlia, Sora, and Elizabeth when they were called to capture him while searching for the next Admiral. They say Elizabeth pointed at him and said, "That one." with a glint in her eyes that says she wants something.

Member 8:

Name: Ryner

Title: Ryner the Learned (No not the verb, it's an adjective that means wise from learning pronounced learn-ed)

Status: Married

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/maxresdefault.jpg.7332adfb917b383105f94feee0439392.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118766" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/maxresdefault.jpg.7332adfb917b383105f94feee0439392.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

He is a Scholar and is in charge of education. He can use magic, but only enough to defend himself. He doesn't really care about what people say. He is very knowledgeable in history and is even looking to selecting an apprentice.


Name: Everkin

Flag: (Don't have a flag to give so I'm describing it), but it is a blue flag gilded with golden yellow and an emblem in the center that shows a shaded outline of a dove in front of crossed swords to represent their morals of fighting only when they feel is necessary. The dove is also flying out of black flames to represent their rise from darkness.

Capital: Dragon's Nest (because it was once the home of a dragon who lived on the open plain)

Government: A mix of a Monarchy and Oligarchy

Population: 300,000 (most are civilians)

Education: 4

Magic: 3

Military: 3

Wealth: 4

Land (size): 4

Natural resources: 1

Description of your nation:

It's a mixture of monarchy and oligarchy, there is an emperor or empress, but they have a group of people just under their rank who support them. This group which includes the monarch is absolutely bound by a very complicated and strong magical blood oath which keeps them in line. Smaller oaths are sworn onto the nobility. How this started was when the nation was under the ruler of a mighty conqueror, until he was usurped by his own daughter who challenged him publicly. Wishing for peace, she created a group of people and weaved the oath that would force them to keep peace and pass the same oath down to their apprentices. If broken, the oath eliminates the person. Each monarch is given the oath in case a new member of the group must be chosen. It is a nation of peace and light that cares for all people and fights only when they see necessary. They have a powerful clan known as the Moon Clan which is said to hold the blood of the Moon Goddess which grants them the Lunar Eye, allowing them to see in the dark, see magical auras, and increase their senses and physical prowess slightly. This clan is like their intelligence and are masters of stealth. Their emblem is a wolf howling to the full moon this clan has one member to serve in the king's small group of people. Aside from them, there is also the Holy Knights who are under direct order of their grandmaster who is one of monarch's comrades. Their mission is to destroy all corruption in the nation and slay evil wherever it may be.

Overall, the nation has many secrets and the group that rules it are The Dragon Council who wield immense power over the nation. They're an odd group that one might call an organized chaos since they have their own agenda as individuals, yet they show perfect understanding of each other. It's a little loose because each member is often highly independent.


Central: Plains

West: Forests and some mountains which houses a fairly large population of elves. It was once a former elven nation.

North and east: A mountain range and the sea

South: Moon Clan territory

A song that represents your nation: [media]

The reason this song represents the nation is mostly out of its rise from their ruthless conqueror from many generations ago.



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IDK90 said:
Name: Ben Strizer

Age: 25

Height: 5"7

Weight: 150 lbs

(This is the closest I could get)
Magic: This is a special case. Ben isn't like his ancestors before him and he lacks magic. He can only use telekinesis on objects that weigh 100 or less pounds.

Weapons: A rapier.

Relationship status: Single

Anything else you would like to include: All of Ben's family before him and even the ones currently living have a incredible ability to use magic. Ben is the only exception only having a weak telekinetic ability.


Name: Bevilla


Capital: Vixtra

Government: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy (Google it if you don't know what it is.)

Population: 500,000, with 5,000 being linked to the government and the other 495,000 being average citizens

Education: 3

Magic: 2

Military: 4

Wealth: 3

Land (size): 3

Natural resources: 4

Description of your nation: Bevilla is a very odd nation. It is only a few hundred years old yet has managed to go pretty well. Elections are held every 2 years and tend to only have 4 candidates. Most of the choices are made by the people but there are government politicians who handle more pressing matters like military and money. Magic tends to be in the older generations and is usually only passed down to a handful of people. Education has a small concern with the government and most people are home schooled with only about 150 public schools nation wide. Bevilla sinks a lot of money into their military. Joining is optional, but during a war, 100 people over 22 are randomly selected to join for the duration of the war. Bevilla has plentiful natural resources and usually does a lot with them. This comes at a cost however, as most of the resources are for manufacturing and not so much food. The only soocial classes are created by the people and aren't made by the government. People get free healthcare but taxes are large. The taxes are at 25% nation wide.

A song that represents your nation: [media]

The reason this song represents the nation is mostly out of its rise from their ruthless conqueror from many generations ago.

Accepted, I'll write you in when I get a chance. Was out of town the past few days and just trying to catch up now

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