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Nation Building A League of Nations


Elder Member
Please put all of your questions, comments, and concerns here and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
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Hmmm, How would the actual role playing go? Just a concern that came to mind. If tech is behind, how would the various world leaders keep in touch.
For the nations section of the sign-up, what do the numbers mean? Is it that 1 is smallest and 5 is biggest? Could you give me a kind of comparison to something? Sorry for the confusion. Thanks!
HuSoldier9999 said:
Hmmm, How would the actual role playing go? Just a concern that came to mind. If tech is behind, how would the various world leaders keep in touch.
The roleplaying is generally the same as your average roleplay, but with the addition of large scale battles where you control your own forces. Incredibly nerfed portal magic and letters would be how leaders communicate.

Gael said:
For the nations section of the sign-up, what do the numbers mean? Is it that 1 is smallest and 5 is biggest? Could you give me a kind of comparison to something? Sorry for the confusion. Thanks!
Imagine... 1 is small, like a country in Central America. 5 Is a major country, like Mexico or Canada or the US. 3 would be around the size of France, Spain, or Chad.

@Branden2396 Heres the new roleplay incase you missed it
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Absolutely! I was busy the past week, and wasn't on th site at all, apologies.
I am here with interest upon request and would very much like to discuss this in its entirety.
Hi, i would love to know if my signed up nation fits into the setting, and if there is something i could change to make it fit a bit better.
Robertaka123 said:
@Rook Was stuck on what to do for a calendar so I thought you would appreciate TES calendar.
I thought that date sounded familiar... TES is always a great fallback when it comes to fantasy settings.
NilNul said:
Hi, i would love to know if my signed up nation fits into the setting, and if there is something i could change to make it fit a bit better.
The technology seems to be fine for yours, since ships would have cannons and the like. Just make sure you don't go overboard with the technology and your nation should be fine.
*Curls up in a corner* Let me know when something happens. I'm gonna just wait here, maybe go to sleep, maybe I'll walk out later, who knows. But I'm always watching.....

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