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A League of Nations


Elder Member
In a world like ours, only far behind in technology and science and instead ages ahead of us in magic and supernatural prowess. You are the leader of your very own country. Is it a kingdom, dictatorship, democracy, republic, oligarchy? Govern your country however you like, make alliances with other nations and wage war on others.
Four letters were mailed out, addressed to King Hywel, King Emric, King Zayden, and King Wyer. They all contained essentially the same message:

Third of Rain's hand, Age 254E

Dear _____,

I write to you on behalf of my country, and perhaps the world as we know it. As I am sure you are aware, the country of Heligdom has recently become more prevalent and unafraid to push their religion on any land that they can. The Somalian Pirates are no joke either, with a recent influx of power and wealth they have been terrorizing all sea trade and have even begun raiding along coastlines. Both of these issues are dear to me and my people, and goes against our core values. The purpose of this letter is an effort on my part to attempt and create a league of nations between us so that we may work together and shape the world to be a safe place for all. I hope to hear from you soon and that you will accept my offer to at least join us in a meeting three weeks from now.


Sinbad, King of Sindria

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Emric sighed, lounging in his chair. The Council had begun to argue heatedly, or what was considered a heated argument in the presence of the king. Their tones were sharp, their words accusatory, and their faces blank. If the term "passive agressive" could have physical form, Emric believed it would be the men and women in front of him.

"Surely you do not believe that these religious fanatics pose no threat to Andor? Or are you simply ignoring the issue because it only effects the Numadic settlements, rather than your mighty Eleheim up north?" Ruben asked with a scowl. He was the representative of the Numadic Humans on the council, and had grown to dislike General Torygg, Representative of the Eleheim tribes.

"Of course I see the threat, Ruben. But ther's more at stake here than just the blasted Heligs. We should be focusing our attention to the north, to our coastline! The Abyss, while halted, is still a threat. It continues to effect the world around it, and our coastline just happens to be in its sphere of influence. The King's health is a factor here as well, in case you've forgotten," Torygg replied in a gruff voice, crossing his arms.

Admiral Darrius spoke up at this point, raising his hand slightly to signal he was going to speak. "The Somalian pirate parties have begun raiding numerous merchant ships in the southern waters, which has put quite a damper on our trade rates. Gentlemen, we are faced with fights on every front. You cannot expect the King and Queen to devote all their attention on one issue while the others simply escalate."

High Queen Estre sighed, shaking her head. It wasn't her place to speak up all too often as she was seen as more of a religious figure than that of a warrior. Being vessel to the ancient Andorian magics was no easy task, and it came with plenty of disadvantages. She looked at Emric, who noticed and locked eye contact. Some sort of unspoken agreement was given, causing Estre to stand. The council looked up, slightly surprised. "Fellow Councilors, all matters that you have brought forth today are of great consequence. But there are other factors we are overlooking, such as the threat of Orezmoth, and the numerous nations to the west. We are not known for peace, and have made plenty of enemies. Who is to say that they won't take advantage of our weakness and invade? No, the truth is we cannot handle all these threats at once. We must find allies, or fall to them."

A silence overtook the room as the council mulled over the Queen's words. Allies? Andor would need allies? The very idea seemed preposterous. The silence was broken by the sound of the doors opening, and sharp footsteps echoing off the walls. A guard stepped forward, with a foreign courier close behind. "My apologies for the intrusion, but this man is from Sindria. He says he bares a message from Sinbad, his king."

Emric smiled, holding out his hand. The courier placed the letter in it, stepping back as Emric read each line slowly. The councilors watched him in silence, scanning his face for any sign of alarm or happiness. Emric laughed slightly, putting the letter on the table before him. "It would seem some of our own worries are shared by the nations to the west. Sindria has called for peace talks in order to combat Heligdoms' and Somalia's rise."

Estre almost laughed as her words were reiterated by the letter. So Andor might find allies after all...

Emric pulled out a parchment and quill, quickly scrawling out a reply.

To Sinbad, the Great King of Sindria,

Andor shares many of the concerns you do concerning the rise of Somalia and Heligdom. We have felt the direct effects of their antics, and have been strategizing ways to combat them effectively. I believe this League could prove helpful in the years to come, as does my ruling council. I would like to host this monumental meeting in Kalina, the capitol of Andor. I assure you that any such needs you and your diplomats have shall be met.

Myrrah Guide You,

High King Emric and the Council of Andor

Fifth of Rain's hand, Age 254E

((Oh my god that was longer than planned, sorry))
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It was early morning. Hywel walked through a hallway in the palace. Only a few servants were out and about either cleaning, eating, or attempting to wake Hiero from his slumber. Though Hywel was a busy person, nothing usually happened in the mornings. It was his peaceful time, when he could be alone. But this morning happened to be different. Being the inexperienced king that Hywel was, he often held council meetings in order to make the best decisions. But late last night, Hywel had received a message. It was from Sinbad, King of Sindria. Hywel was confused as to whether he should consult his council over this letter or not. They often tried to influence his decisions so that they would gain something too. So, Hywel consulted the only person too lazy to be biased. His younger brother Hiero. A few servants hurried by headed in the same direction as Hywel. After they paused to bow, the three picked up their pace and rushed around a corner. Hywel was soon around the same corner and strolling up to a dark purple double door. Hywel entered the room to see a few servants on either side of Hiero's large fluffy bed trying to coax him out of it. Hywel dismissed all of them, waiting for the last one out to shut the door before waking his brother himself. "Get up, Hiero." Hywel commanded.

Almost instantly, Hiero rolled over in his bed to face the king. He chuckled a little at the thought that Hywel saw through his bluff. "What? I was having fun, since they insisted on waking me this early in the morning." He glanced at his brother.

Hywel sighed. He knew that his brother was hard to wake up, but the servants were too easy on Hiero. The banging earlier that morning had probably woken Hiero. Hywel suspected that a few servants decided to bang pots and pans in order to wake Hiero. But Hiero loved playing tricks on the servants. It was one of the only things that he would exert any energy to do. So, when the servants only begged him to wake up Hiero would stay in bed, wide awake, and fully aware of the servants. But he wouldn't give them any signs. "So what do you want?" Hiero snapped.

"I got a letter this morning. I can't decide what to do."

"So? Go talk to your old council about it."

"I doubt they'd give me their thoughts without trying to throw in their own subtle political gains. I just want a straight answer."

"Why come to me though?" He sighed. "Why not Hesper. I'm sure she'll give an answer that will satisfy you."

"You know Hesper has a side, though she tries her best to remain unbiased. I just think that you'll have the most objective opinion in this palace."

"Wow, I'm so flatter." Hiero sits up. "So what's in this letter?" He watched Hywel bring out the letter from his packet. Hywel read the letter to his brother then watched as Hiero thought it over. "Hm... It's politics..." He grumbled. "Well, I guess since the king of Sindria is hinting at the threat that is, Heligdom and Somalia, you should be aware too. If you want to start protecting this nation from Heligdom and Somalia before they become a threat, then you should find as many allies as you possibly can."

Hywel left his brother's room, finally willing to write a response. He returned to his own chambers and took a quill and paper.

Dear Sinbad, King of Sindria,

Ruha has heard your concerns and share many the same. We are both small nations, and must stick together. I would like to attend this meeting, and I hope it is ok if I bring along a couple comrades.

Health be to you,

Hywel, King of Ruha
The Crossroad Confederacy as a whole rarely had any unifying policy beyond immediate self-defence. With every Canton in the union more interested in its own internal matters and harmless bickering with its immediate neighbors and long-time rivals, its no surprise that the warnings about some distant pirate nation becoming more active, or a religious order of zealots and thieves making trouble in some far away land to cause little more than a few raised eyebrows toward the foreigners bearing the news. For all intents and purposes, to the common citizen life outside his or her own goals and causes had little to no meaning at all.


Yet where some saw a pointless curiosity, others saw a chance to make a bargain or gain knowledge. "The Magnanimous Guild of medicine" in particular, itself first and foremost searching for ways to extend life beyond usual restraints has taken active steps to take advantage of the chaos at sea and around, and has impressed upon the "Ambassador" of their desires. Already emissaries of the guild had been sent out among the scattered islands of the pirates, seeking contact with more mercantile Somalian commodores and presenting a modest proposal to any among the colorful hordes who might be interested:

"The Magnanimous Guild of Medicine" is willing to buy the bounty of any healer, doctor or flesh-warper thrice-fold of what its host nation offers for it, and is willing to pay a ten-fold bounty if the captured healer is first among its type in the guild. Most harbor-cities of Crossroads Confederacy have a representative of the Magnanimous Guild present, and will be available for bargain.

With the anarchic nature of the vast pirate hordes, there was little point in sending a representative when a few paid criers and couriers could gain the same effect.


Yet the same couldn't be said about the strict society of the Heligdom, where scarcity had enforced central order to a degree that would seem excessive even to the most fanatically utopian of Crossroad citizens. And that is a place where coin is better spent on a silver-tongued diplomat than on subversive advertisements.

Mr. Silhouette stepped after his local guide toward the capitol palace proper, followed by four of his personal guards a respectful distance away, as he patiently waited for audience with the public leader of the fanatical group of assassins, thieves and more sinister shadowy magic. He carried a proposal for the subversive order, and wished to talk this over with the holy leader of the Theocracy itself. Or its nearest earthly dignitary would be fine as well, just as long as the message gets cross.


General Hessain´s red-bearded face turned into a slight scowl as he read the latest report. By now, there was no denying it. His mercenary forces, once the might and best any coin could buy, were falling slowly, but surely behind compared to their contemporaries. While not the fault of the soldiers itself, the boys he turned into men were skilled and deadly in fighting in formations and in close combat, their long pikes and spears a nightmare to any standard enemy or army that dared face them in melee.


A nightmare to any standard army of yesterday, as he mulled bitterly over the latest report of how a detachment of some of his finest pike-fighters were simply outgunned by nothing more than mere pissants with gunpowder weapons.... Oh, they killed them all after they catched them, but the losses were simply too costly to continue this method once more. A single peasant could take out one of his veterans with 10 years on his belt with simple luck, and if this attrition rate continued, he was soon left with just throwing whimpering recruits at the meatgrinder and hope for the best.

Yes, there was no denying it. For his mercenary forces, the pride of his lifes work to survive, there has to be some painful and costly reforms... reforms and lessons as new weapons would be adapted into the core of his forces. Even he most likely had to change, he bitterly thought. Cant teach your own men how to use weapons you yourself had never used. And that would mean going back from being the grizzled commander of 13 000 mercenaries to a neophyte learning on the first day on how to swing a sword. Or in this case, how to handle a musket.

A small smile broke on the old warriors face of a sudden at the image, as he shook his head of the memories of his own youth running through his mind. No time to get stuck in past glories. He quickly signed the grizzly report with his own commentary and stored it away, before taking one of the prepared list as he glanced over the research his hired scholars had done.

"Hmm... Orezmoth.... Somalia... other, less know users..."

The list contained all the power-blocks that had made major use of the firearms, with Somalian pirates dominating in practical application, while the industrious neighbors to the east, the Orezmoth kingdom, has as always the finest weaponry and armor around, and unsurprisingly has made major strides in artistry and design of the weapons... Seems he needs expertise from as much sources as possible if he wants his mercenaries to be worth their weight in gold again.

With a sigh, he took an empty paper sheet from nearby, adjusted his reading glasses a bit, and started penning his letter to the neighboring monarch

To High King Wyer of Mount Hyessi.

Dear king Wyv...

Most deep and wise king-

the eternal mountain gnome of that place on the rock-

You dwarves were right after all, i have to admit. While i thought those muskets and flintlocks of yours were nothing but an odd toy to blink at a more easily frightened beasts, i have now seen on my own troops on how effective they are when used properly and with skill. And because of this i would like to ask for your kingdoms expertise in equipping my lads with the same weaponry.

I would like to buy both the first training patch of your rifles, as well as invite some of your experts here to help kickstart their manufacture in Crossroads Confederacy. Our smiths at the moment have little than zero experience with the weapons themselves, and it would speed things up considerably to have experts on hand to whack the forge-boys on the head for doing stupid things. Sure, they will never match the artisanry of the forges of Orezmoth, but it would be a start in the right direction. Of course in return we have both coin, food, and my mercenary forces to offer, as well as most likely attracting interested buyers and sellers from other Cantons, and perhaps even nations when my mercenaries would show the true value of your weaponry.

Also, lets be frank. We are more or less a meat-shield between you and the elves. And you know damn well that every pointy-eared prick from the west we manage to stall is one less problem for you later on.

Looking forward if you might have a counter-offer, or if you would like to discuss this in further detail or face-to-face

With best regards.

General Heel Hessain

Harjö Canton

Crossroad Confederacy.

The general looks over the letter for a moment, wondering if he should let a scholar look at it before he accidentally insults the neighboring monarch or not... before shrugging and sealing it in the envelope. The dwarves have a thick skin, and kings usually have their head screwed on rightly there. He passes the letter to mercenary, who quickly grabs it and starts riding away toward Mount Hyessi
The council was in meeting, all the members were sitting around a table with Narsen in a large and regal chair in the center. The place was quite varied. Once the doors were closed, Firnlia sent a spell across the room to make sure they wouldn't be listened to so long as they were inside her cone. Ellen and Harlock had just returned from assisting to fight the pirates and bandits. Lunarin had also just returned from assisting his clan in the south. Lately, the council had been spread thin. Liz was always away managing finances and helping to repair the damage done by the outlaws, Harlock, Ellen, and Trilin were away quelling the hell being raised, Sora was busy with all sorts of law issues and trying to get an idea what the hell was going on from the other countries. The only ones who had constantly been available to Narsen these days were Firnlia and Ryner.

"Fifty thousand gold spent on military for both the imperial military and the Holy Knights, two hundred thousand spent recapturing and repairing the raided port city of Ulia, and five thousand spent on protection and repair to the citizens. With that, about five percent of our treasury has vanished," Liz said as she read her parchment and placed it down.

"And that's just the cost it took to begin stabilizing our nation..." Narsen sighed as he looked at the table. "To make matters worse, I received an anonymous letter telling us to meet at an appointed spot in three weeks, it arrived a few days ago. In our time, it would take a while to reach that point. They claim to want to quell the activities of these terrorists."

"My my...they don't expect all of us to come, do they?" Sora asked as he gave a dangerous grin leaning his elbow on the table to prop his head up. Not many payed much heed to the young Justice as he looked around at everyone's faces. "I just got done prosecuting a major city's Duke's son for high treason, then I had to work out affairs with Lady Elizabeth in the west."

"Sora, are you denying your duty as the man in charge of our foreign affairs?" Trilin asked as he shot a stern glare at Sora.

"Maybe, I was appointed because of my skills with politics and people. Remember the law I passed back when we were about to erupt in civil war over greedy nobles? They were scared stiff," Sora said as he sat upright.

"Well, I'm going. I wish to see who this person fighting for peace wants. If he sent this to other nations, we could be in for trouble if something bad happens," Narsen said as he raised his hand.

"No!" Elizabeth shouted as she stood up in her chair. "I don't want you to go brother, what if something bad happens to the rulers? I should go with you!"

"Absolutely not!" Ellen said with a raised voice as she and Elizabeth stared at each other with stern looks and determination. "I will not let you go, I will go."

"No Ellen, I'm choosing my candidates for this mission. I need you to remain here with everyone else," Narsen said with no sign of backing down. Both sisters quieted and sat there quietly. He then stood up and made his selection.

"I choose Firnlia and Lunarin! The rest of you will remain here to run the nation and protect it. I am putting my faith in you."

"Smart choice, if something bad really happens, having a couple mischievous and tricky elves won't hurt," Ryner said with a grin. "Wasn't Firnlia's ancestor's old nation the hardest to conquer before the usurping?"

Firnlia giggled and said, "Magic was our strong point, I'm just impressed that Conqueror William decided to let us keep some power. He must have seen our magic as useful if he employed my seven times great grandfather after conquering his nation." She then turned to Narsen and said, "When do we depart?"

"It will take us two weeks to get there, so we depart today," Narsen said. "Until one of our returns, Sora is in charge of the council in my absence."

"I get to play king, that's annoying," Sora said with an impassive face. He clearly wasn't excited about his job. "Have a good trip Narsen."

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