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Fantasy A Kingdom's Gambit (AlwaysXeno and JyoMonty)


Just a person that writes
"Sooo, you said you wanted a turkey sandwich and a drink?" Winola stated, writing down the order on a notepad.

The man nodded as he placed the menu down. He was a bit on the big-boned side and considering that, Winola gave a slight smirk.

"Are you sure that's it? I mean...you don't have be on a diet if you don't want to. I can throw in a whole cake if you like."

The man's jaw dropped. Winola then took the menu and opened it herself, pointing at an item on it and showing him. "Come now, we have a gigantic cheesecake with your name on it. Live like there's no tomorrow, right?"

"WINOLA!" a scream pierced in from behind the kitchen doors. Winola winced. She knew what that meant.

She then bowed at the gentleman. "Excuse me, sir. We'll have your order ready shortly." Heading through the kitchen doors, she placed the notepad down on the counter. A tall shadow loomed over her as she knew Reginald was a mere foot away from her.

"Winola," Reginald seethed, a vein protruding from his forehead, "do you want me to lose customers? Do you WANT me to yell at you about etiquette so many times?"

Winola raised in eyebrow. "Reggie, I was just trying to make him laugh and up sale to boot. No harm done."

He closed his eyes and pressed his fingers on the temple of his nose. "No harm done? Just last week a customer complained that you called him a personified weiner dog!"

"What?" she laughed. "Correction: I called him a human Dachshund because he was! He was just so tall and lanky!"

"He was the mayor of this town!"

Winola shrunk back at that. Maybe it would be good to confirm who she was dealing with before poking fun at them.

"Winola, get your act together. You're smart, you're capable. But, stars be my helper, you have such a mouth."

She sighed. "Reggie, I-"

"It's Reginald, Winola. Just get back to work and no more wisecracks, okay?"

She bowed. "Yeah, no more wisecracks." She then spoke under her breath. "...for today."
"Lady Avelyn!"

The voice of her king bellowed from inside his "war room," prompting the knight to turn from where she was standing guard and open the door. Usually, she was a present participant of the planning going on within these chambers, yet today King Eres and his princes prompted Avelyn to stand guard. Stepping into the wide and lavish space, Avelyn straightened her posture and bowed before approaching the table.

"Your Highness. How may I be of service?" Avelyn started, her voice as calm and crisp as usual. The room was brimmed with more unfamiliar faces, not simply just royalty, generals, and war advisors, but also summoners. Avelyn remembered how her mother would refer to magic users as demonfolk, enemies of humanity, or just plain heretics. However, their faces were soft, and in some ways they looked even younger than her. Just what was going on?

The king looked from his lead advisor to Avelyn, taking in a sharp breath. "We've decided upon our next move. I had you wait outside as we discussed details because I did not want you to grow concerned for this endeavor. Raffoul, my strongest and most consistent magic bearer, brought up a suggestion that we all came into agreement upon. There have been many great warriors in this empire's past, what is to say that we can't bring one of them back? That is, we shall create a way to go and receive one of our ancient elites to turn this war in our favor."

Avelyn's jaw tightened, gritting her teeth behind a neutral stare. Is this the desperation her kingdom would resort to? Dangerous, untested magic when the entire livelihood of the Aurelian Empire was at stake? It was risky and ridiculous, but maybe a hint of that was envy. Avelyn was one of the best knights in the modern era, was she simply not good enough for her king?

"So, your Highness, what does this have to do with me?" The knight questioned, her eyebrows raising in a perplexed manner.

"You will be retrieving this warrior...!" Raffoul exclaimed suddenly, stepping towards the table in eagerness. "We shall curate a connecting portal that links their world, their time, their reality with ours. From there, you shall enter their space and bring them back with you."

This time, Avelyn couldn't hide her reaction. Her eyes widened and she gasped, taking a few sharp blinks as she looked between her king and the crazed summoner. "Bu- thi-, there's no way. This is madness, your Highness! There's no possibility that you think this is a feasible idea, we have to consider alternat-"

"Enough!" The king shouted as he slapped a ringed hand on the table. "I will not hear another word, Lady Avelyn. This is what we have decided to do, and you are the most reliable soldier I possess. You will do what I ask to the best of your capability. Our kingdom and our lives depend on this. You will leave at this instant."

The woman fixed her face at the king's bellowing, nodding as she was made to follow the summoners and a few advisors out the door. Avelyn was escorted to the chambers that lay beneath the royal family's palace, into a room that was as large as the central courtyard in Aurelia's capital. For the most part, the giant room was empty albeit for a few symbols that littered the floor, with candles that were perched on stone pillars. One of the summoners approached Avelyn, handing her a small stone.

"When you are ready to return with a hero, grip this stone with all your might. It's a flimsy rock yet embedded within it is the magical capability to open a portal on the spot. It will deliver you back here. We wish you safe travels, Lady Avelyn." The summoner explained, before stepping away to take his position standing on top of one of the many symbols.

With that, the summoners began their ritual, hands raised and chants in a language she could not understand. The symbols made a circle, and at the very center, a grayish-black hole was beginning to form. At this point, Avelyn knew there was no turning back. She had a job to do.
Winola plopped down on her bed. Thank goodness her shift was over. It had been a long, grueling day so it really shouldn't surprise Reginald that Winola would do anything to stave off the boredom. She actually did make a few of them laugh, but she did do some questionable things to the food of those that were just obnoxious. Like, how would anyone in their right mind tell her she needs to show more skin? Well, he got to see some rat skin and wasn't any the wiser.

Overall though, she was just so tired of this life she was living. She should've been in college at this time. At Princeton University. A well-known institution that housed the minds akin to Albert Einstein. Though, currently, it housed a campus full of pompous pricks. She sighed. How many dreams will come crashing before she implodes? How many disappointments will she endure before she felt existing wasn't worth it?

She rolled to her side and closed her eyes. She then heard a faint buzzing sound. A sharp, crackling followed. She tried to ignore it. In such a large complex, she was sure it was probably her neighbor messing around with is massive PC rig. He could be heard all manner of the night playing some shooter at the loudest settings possible. The noise stopped and eventually smelt something. Was that...dirt and cinnamon candles?
Avelyn marched into the portal with her eyes closed, her confident demeanor shaken slightly by the unknown possibility of what could be laying in wait for her on the other side. Anything could be at the end of this portal. Perhaps she'll come face to face with nothing, or a sword pointed at her throat. Maybe she'll walk out of this portal and off a ledge, plummeting to her death. These were the king's best conjurers, at least allegedly, so they should not have led her astray.

Placing a foot on unfamiliar ground, Avelyn stepped out of the portal, hearing it shimmer and then close behind her. She brushed off some of her armor as she gathered herself, finally taking a chance to take in the area around her. Looking around, she was obviously in some room of sorts, but it seemed so otherworldly. There was a desk and minimal decorations, yet nothing felt similar to Aurelia. Were the ancient legends of Aurelia just beyond comprehension?

She turned slightly, freezing at the sight of a body in a bed. The figure laid facing the wall, unmoving. Pinkish light hair grazed its shoulders and for the most part, they did not seem to be threatening. Was this who Avelyn was looking for? She crept silently closer to the bed before clearing her throat. She didn't know what to say, so Avelyn defaulted to what she was here for.

"Hello... I'm looking for someone in particular. Are you Aurelian?"
Winola heard clanking of metal. Weird. It sounded awfully close. Was her neighbor playing a medieval game now? Well, at least he's supplying some variety.

"Hello... I'm looking for someone in particular. Are you Aurelian?"

Upon hearing the voice, Winola felt all the hair on her body bristle up as she shot up. However, the motion caused her to fall backwards, hitting her head on the ground. "OW!" She winced, closing her eyes to the pain. When she opened her eyes, she saw what she thought was a silver haired warrior cosplayer. Her eyes widened, taking in the realization. Her door was locked. It was midnight. How did this girl...? "WHO IN THE LIVING HELL ARE YOU??"
The woman was obviously startled by Avelyn's appearance, slinking back in shock before falling from where she laid. Avelyn instinctively took a step back, watching the individual hit the ground, wincing in pain. Upon looking up at Avelyn, she immediately yelled at her, questioning who she was. Avelyn was taken aback, tilting her head in confusion. This person didn't appear to be some legendary warrior in the slightest.

"Who am I...? I am Lady Avelyn of Renata. I'm a representative of King Eres on behalf of the Aurelian Empire. I was sent to retrieve a fabled legend of our past wars. Apparently they have bested the kingdoms that surround us in the past and we need their help to do such a thing once more." Avelyn paused, looking the woman up and down. "Reportedly... if the summoners sent me to the right place... you are who I'm looking for."
Winola sighed as she massaged her head. "Look, Lady Ava for Rattata. I barely understood half of what you just said. All I know is that you appeared in my room out of nowhere, stinking the place with cinnamon and dirt, and..." She rolled around and sat up to look at the newcomer closer. Her eyes widened once again. "Girl, who did your hair!? It's flawless! You must go to Grand Clips, don't you?"

She stood up and shook her head. "No, wait." She pulled her phone out and dialed three numbers. "I need you to be real with me. Before I press 'send' and have this place swarming with law enforcement, I need you to tell me honestly how you got here and why. You have 10 seconds. And, please, be more believable this time, will you?"
The woman responded in confusion. Did she not know what Aurelia was? The Empire has kept its name the same for hundreds of years, there was no possible way a warrior of grandeur would forget. She continued her rant, before siting up and pausing. This time, she started a new tangent about Aveyln's hair. Avelyn again looked puzzled, this time raising an eyebrow at her comments. "I am sorry, but what is this Grand Clips you spea-"

Avelyn was cut off by the young woman finally standing up, pulling out an obscure device. She asked again for another explanation, which once more confused the knight.

"Again, I am telling you the truth. I am Lady Aveyln, I was sent here to retrieve you. My king has a skilled collection of magic users who summoned a portal for me to get to you. Now, if you're done berating me with the threats of law enforcement, you should come with me. This matter is urgent!" Aveyln's voice grew more stern, as if making a complete demand.
Well, that did it. Reginald had always emphasized urgency. Hurry up here. Get here on the double. It was scudding hell on Earth. And then this cosplayer shows up demanding her time as if Winola owes her some grand service.

So, irritated at the girl's stern voice, Winola got in Avelyn's face, forgetting her phone entirely as it dropped to the floor. "Urgent?! Don't rush me around like I'm some brat! If it's so pressing, prove it right here, right now! If you showed up from some kindgom, take me there and quit whining about already!"
Secretly, Avelyn already understood that this woman wasn't some heralded warrior of a prior time. However, the fierceness displayed was unparalleled. No one had ever yelled at Avelyn in such a way in a very long time. She listened to the woman berate her, slowly wrapping her fingers around the stone given to her by one of the summoners.

"Fine. Be careful what you wish for." Avelyn whispered, grabbing the front of the woman's shirt as she dropped the stone on the floor. Her foot followed, slamming it down on top of the rock that instantly shattered. A bright light emerged from the floor, and the same crackling noises that signified Avelyn's arrival began. Another portal began opening up on the ground, and before they knew it, they sank right into it.

Because of the portal placement, the two fell from the ceiling, right back into the giant chamber that Avelyn had departed from. This time, it was completely empty and devoid of any symbols, just a large room with candles dimly lighting it.
The portal opened up beneath their feet and Winola's eyes went extremely wide. "Wait, wait, wait!" In a flash, they fell through and the world she saw was no more.

With the floor approaching fast, Winola held onto Avelyn tightly to hopefully break most of the fall. They hit the ground with loud thump, echoing throughout the room.

She rubbed her bottom before pulling on Avelyn to leverage herself up. Looking around, the room reminded her of a large cellar. The stone walls glistened as many lit candles burned on the floor around her. The smell of cinnamon flourished about.

"Well, this is...I..." She sighed. "This is all real? Are we still alive?"
Avelyn groaned, her heavy armor only making her fall more brutal. She took a deep breath before standing up after the woman she just dragged with her. Why would she do such a thing? Avelyn could tell this woman wasn't a warrior in the slightest. She did not know what Aurelia was nor did she even possess anything that would indicate some kind of heroic origin. Yet, what was Avelyn meant to do? Return home with nothing? Leave her kingdom to die? Maybe there was a chance this woman was just playing a trick and acting unknowledgeable, but regardless there was no turning back now. Perhaps she was a mighty warrior who simply lost their memory over time. With an exasperated sigh, she dusted herself off, looking around herself for the first time.

"Yes, we're alive." Avelyn stated in a slightly annoyed tone, the bundle of confusion she stood across from being a constant reminder of the situation she was in. "We're in Aurelia, the mightiest empire to exist in the modern era. This is where I was sent to retrieve you from. I was sent directly to a warrior of our past and it brought me to you. I wonder what wars you fought in. How many battles you've won. How many men you've slain. What is your name, madam?"
"My name? Winola. As for everything you just said, " Winola said while holding her head, "'let's take it one thing at a time..."

She massaged her head as she paced and gathered her thoughts. "Alrighty, you say I'm a warrior from your past? I'm from the year 2023 AD. Based on your outfit," Winola walked around Avelyn, "you look like you're from...our European Middle Ages that spanned from 500 AD to about 1500 AD. What year is it here?

As for battles won, if you count my numerous debate club victories, maybe eight. As for men slain? I hurled my share of insults and objects to those who catcalled me at work or when I'm out and about. I did that about...30 times?"

Deep down, she knew none of what she said would appease Avelyn. If anything, it would probably make the warrior more upset for thinking she was something special when she was nothing more than a know-it-all with an extra spicy mouth.
"Winola..." Avelyn murmured to herself. Nothing rang a bell. She could name a few legends that she was told about growing up. Elfred, Minerva, Otonia, there was never a mention of a "Winola." This had to be a joke. Were the summoners traitors to Aurelia and attempting to lead the King astray? For now, she couldn't worry herself with conspiracy theories but focus on the matter at hand: Winola. At that same moment, Winola was beginning to respond to Aurelia's questioning.

2023 AD...? That couldn't be right. "I do not know what "AD" means, however, our recorded history has spanned for thousands of years, long before the Aurelian Empire even existed. We are in the year 3202, at least that's what our oracle says. I do not deal with the matters of astrology." Winola had to be babbling nonsense, because every word that uttered from her lips perplexed Avelyn. Her responses came off as a joke, as if Aveyln's questions weren't of importance.

The knight was usually coldly calm and composed, however the nature of Winola's attitude was disturbing such a demeanor. Her eyes flared with annoyance, taking a step to the woman and snatching her by the front of her shirt, this time pulling Winola close and slightly off the floor. Avelyn was a fairly tall woman, standing at 5'10, a height only boosted by her armor. She held the girl at her eye-level, staring directly at her.

"Listen, Winola" She growled. "My country has been under siege for thirty damned years. Since I was five years old I have had a blade in my hand, learning how to slaughter a man in the most efficient way possible. There have been countless innocent men, women, and children who have died because of this war! This isn’t a game. I don’t know who you are and where you are from, but you were brought here to help us win this war. There’s no alternative, this is life or death!”
Winola scowled as her voice became cold. "Again with the demands. Look, I'm not trying to be funny. I'm trying to relate. I have no personal experience in war. Zero, zilch, nada. What I explained is all I know. Though I could spout my deep knowledge of wars in my world, I doubt it would help because I can see you want ME to help fight this war, not relay information of other warriors. So, we are both in predicament seeing I've been ripped from my world and life while you gained nothing from a mission to find this fabled past warrior."

She pushed herself out of Avelyn's grip. All hint of joking gone. Just pure, unbridled fury. "Here's a thought. Did you ever think that whoever ordered you to grab me would give you a name or description of who this renowned warrior would be? Did you even question what the consequences would be if you grabbed someone from the past, as you say, to your present? Let's say I am from the past as you state. The recoil from displacing me in time could throw your whole world upside down if it hasn't already!

Lastly, who are you fighting anyway that one, just one, warrior would change the tide of an ENTIRE war!? THIS MAKES NO SENSE!"
"I was forced into this. Actually, I thought this was a terrible idea." Avelyn wouldn't rise to Winola's level. She was already shocked at the fact she let herself force an outburst in that manner. When Winola broke free from her grip, she didn't retaliate, only listening to the woman's borderline lecture about the ramifications of her ruler's actions. "What am I supposed to do? Simply deny my king? Possibly face the gallows for a treason act? Yes, maybe this could've been communicated to me better, but my people, the Aurelian people, are desperate. That has rubbed off on the ruling class. I can't speak for them, can I?"

However, the words that settled the most in Avelyn's brain were the discussions of time. This was beyond anything she could truthfully comprehend. She was a soldier, a knight, a warrior designated to kill and defend. She wasn't a diplomat or a scholar, her teachings were minimal in every sense. Were these things the summoners just considered and forgot about? Avelyn looked down, contemplating what Winola stated.

"Again, I'm just a soldier. A brick in a giant wall. I was ordered to do something, so I did it, because I believed my king and his advisors have this empire's best interest in mind. The warriors of our past were rumored to have some sort of magic, at least from the tales told. The tides of war were shifted by these powers, imposing Aurelian will upon the opposition. This war has drawn into constant battles of attrition, and we needed something to flip the gods' favor to us. I don't understand what any of the repercussions or consequences of what we're doing mean, I just want to help my people." Avelyn, for once, sounded less high and mighty. Instead, she sounded sincere, her gaze softening slightly.
Winola face softened as she saw the knight's distraught look. She wasn't some butt-kicking warrior. She was...human. Granted, she gathered that much already, but Avelyn wasn't in this matter any better than she was. All that Avelyn stated was clearly sincere. No harshness in her voice, no brute force in her tone. She sighed and plopped on the ground, crossing her legs.

"Look, I'm tired. You're probably tired. Let's just get to the next step of this plan. Where do we go from here?"
There was a breakthrough. The tensions that had raised had died down as both women got their opinions off their chest. Winola sighed, choosing to sit on the ground. Aveyln started to pace back and forth, contemplating what to do. She signed, running a gloved hand through her silver hair.

"Well, the right to do is bring you before the royal family. They're expecting me to return with someone, but they have no clue about when I should be returning. That stone I dropped and stepped on was how I was brought back. I'm sorry to say but I have no clue how to bring you home. For now, I urge you to go with the flow and engage in our endeavors. Everyone in this kingdom is on edge, especially the king. To be fair, I'm not even sure King Eres knows Aurelian history in detail... you could probably make something up."

Avelyn began to walk towards the doors that led to the stairwell. "Just don't make hasty decisions as we go forward. I don't believe you want to be hung for treason or disgraced and thrown in a dungeon. Stick close to me."

From there, the duo climbed the staircase to the ground level of the palace, stepping into an expansive corridor. The interior of the palace was considered a marvel of Aurelian architecture, the beautiful blends of red, silver, and gold decorating the velvet floors. The walls were white marble, the pillars etched with the insignia of the Aurelian Empire or donning paintings of historic figures in the empire's history in other places. Early morning sunlight breached through the occasional window, the hallway being entirely empty in the very start of the day.

Avelyn gave Winola no time to take in the scenery, immediately beginning a silent march to the throne room. It wasn't far from the chambers they just emerged from, giving Avelyn ample opportunity to avoid any of the king's advisors before she got there. After a few minutes, the knight brought Winola to a set of giant wooden doors, stopping before them in a second of nerves. Giving Winola a quick glance, Aveyln pushed the doors inward, opening up the throne room in full view.

The throne room was the true spectacle of the palace. A long walkway was decorated by a red carpet, pillars lining either side of the path. The path itself went on for a little bit, ending off at the base of a circular platform, on top of which lay the throne of King Eres, with a slightly smaller one for Queen Inora beside it. The center platform was well lit, as if a beacon from the gods shined upon the throne, a beautifully painted mural of an ancient Aurelian battle highlighting the walls and ceiling above their heads.

Lady Avelyn led Winola down the path, stopping right before the King and Queen, who sat in surprise at the knight's timely return. King Eres' lead advisor, Nero, stood beside his leader, eyebrows also raised in reaction to Aveyln's appearance.

"My King," Aveyln said while bowing. "I have brought you what was requested. The summoners sent me to where they sought fit and I have brought back an individual of one of our heralded eras. This is Winola...!" She sidestepped, giving the royal rulers unblocked sight of the lady Aveyln practically dragged here.
Winola watched as Avelyn paced the room. It was clear this was weighing on the knight, so Winola made up in her mind to try not make this a living hell for either of them.

Avelyn stated, "Well, the right to do is bring you before the royal family. They're expecting me to return with someone, but they have no clue about when I should be returning. That stone I dropped and stepped on was how I was brought back. I'm sorry to say but I have no clue how to bring you home. For now, I urge you to go with the flow and engage in our endeavors. Everyone in this kingdom is on edge, especially the king. To be fair, I'm not even sure King Eres knows Aurelian history in detail... you could probably make something up."

Winola gave a light smirk. "No worries there. I'll have you know I quite the imagination."

Avelyn began to walk towards the doors that led to the stairwell. "Just don't make hasty decisions as we go forward. I don't believe you want to be hung for treason or disgraced and thrown in a dungeon. Stick close to me."

Winola gulped and nodded. "Since I don't like either of those options, I think I can manage. Don't make a scene or fuss, right?" But, oh, this would be quite the test of self-control. She stood up and followed the knight.


Avelyn and Winola, after a quick trek through the castle, found themselves standing before what seemed to be the king, queen and the advisor.

"My King," Aveyln said while bowing. "I have brought you what was requested. The summoners sent me to where they sought fit and I have brought back an individual of one of our heralded eras. This is Winola...!"

Winola looked over at Avelyn as the knight bowed before the royal officials. She didn't want to look too out of place so she mimicked Avelyn's bow in hopes that it would fit the situation.
Her heart pumped loudly in her chest. She could do this. All her life she had to pretend happiness in times of her deepest bouts of depression. Now, all she needed to do is feign the air of a guardian. Easy....right?

She cleared her throat. Here goes nothing. "Winola Blackwell. I look forward to be of service to you, my King. Thy bloodline, King Eres, has been heralded as an exceptional lineage to this Kingdom. And as the leader within house Blackwell, it will be my honor to protect this kingdom so that you and your family can rule in peace for generations to come. Let it be known that my soul will be thy blade to sever our enemies as my feet lead us into an era of everlasting peace." A bead of sweat ran down her face. Hopefully, that wasn't too flowery.
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Lady Avelyn kept a stern face, even though behind the calm exterior, she felt as if she could throw up at any moment. She stepped aside, turning to face Winola as she interacted with the royalty. As she spoke, Avelyn had to stiffen what was going to be an expression of surprise. For all she knew, Winola was set to do something as feisty as possible, similar to what transpired in her world. Yet, she tidied her speech, speaking confidently to the king.

Clearly, the king bought into it for the moment, a slight smile gracing his aged lips. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Lady Winola. I've never heard of the Blackwells in recent history, perhaps they were of a time even further back than what we aimed for. Especially with your attire... its unbelievably foreign." King Eres looked the woman up and down, from her dark clothing and bright pink hair, it was unlike anything he had ever laid his eyes on. "I do hope Lady Avelyn wasn't of any trouble in bringing you here. She's efficient and trustworthy, hence why I sent her to receive you. With that being said, I'm sure you are both quite exhausted. I shall see that some workers get a dinner and a room for rest prepared for you, Lady Winola. Lady Aveyln will be by your side from here on out. If you need anything, refer to her."

Aveyln was not thrilled by that proclamation. She wanted this problem to be off her hands already. All she did was her job, why was she being tasked with the continuation of this issue? Then again, Aveyln was choosing not to state the truth about Winola and in reality, Winola was saving her neck by her performance today. The complication though would be how they shall continue her performances. What happens when the fields of battle call for their arrival? Winola can't fight, she doesn't possess any ancient magic, there would be nothing she could do.

There was too much to think about and too much to consider, with Aveyln stuck in the worst situation of her life. The King would dismiss them, and as soon as they left the throne room, Aveyln's shoulders sank, the woman looking pretty much distraught at what just happened. She pressed a hand to her forehead, rubbing her temples in exasperation.
As they walked down the hall, Winola shook her wrists continuously. "That, that, that worked! Ooooo boy, that was nerve-wracking. Would you believe that I learned that from literature in my world? Had NO idea it would come in handy now." She felt like she was on the verge of tears thinking about the many ways that could've went south.

She looked over at Avelyn and noticed her slumped shoulders and temple rubbing. She gave the knight a pat on the shoulder. "Ava. Can I call you Ava? I can tell this is not ideal, but we have to...'work with the battlefield we're thrust upon.' It's originally a different saying but thought it would be more relatable. I have no idea how we'll get through this but, darn it, we're both two stubborn women against the world." She let out a small giggle. She never seemed the type to try cheer someone up before. She hoped she wasn't pushing it trying to do so now. Especially so informally.
Aveyln could hear the girl rambling in the background, worsening the headache that was developing. To be fair, she was rather lucky that King Eres wasn't well-versed in Aurelian history nor was he that smart of a man. What he lacked in knowledge he made up for it in charisma, being one of the most beloved leaders in recent history. Then again, who needed extensive knowledge when he had his advisors. It was stupid, this whole ordeal was senseless madness. Her frustrated reflection didn't last long, as a pat on the shoulder broke her focus.

The knight turned to face the woman, a bit bewildered by her attempt to comfort. "No, you will not call me Ava. I've worked hard to distinguish myself, so I shall not be relegated to some random nickname," Aveyln responded initially, folding her arms. But, she still let out a sigh in regards to what Winola said, she couldn't help the fact that the girl was right. "I don't know if this is a joke to you, Winola, but I'm guaranteeing you this is just the start. What shall you do when they force a weapon in your hand? When they press you to kill a teenage peasant boy who's simply fighting for his kingdom? What happens when a knight as highly regarded as me challenges you? There's just too much that can go wrong and now I'm partially response for your life too."

Aveyln paused, knowing she could continue her rant, but chose to save it. "Tsk... you know what. Let's get to dinner, it'll be private for the both of us. I want to understand more about this world of yours, especially since the literature is so... hm... inspiring. Also, you need to explain what box device you threatened me with was."
Winola's eyes widened as the knight's words ran at a mile a minute in her mind. She heard and understood it all, but my lord, there's a lot to consider. Winola backed a few inches away and let out a nervous laugh. "Fine. I'll stick with Lady Avelyn. And I'm still wrapping my mind around this whole war, so can you please have patience with me? I...you're not the only one responsible for my life. I'm responsible for it too. And though I said a lot of things back there, I want to do what I can to help if I'm indeed stuck here. Hopefully, it can involved more words than swords."

When Avelyn mentioned dinner and wanted to know more of her literature and...she seemed to hint about her phone, Winola nodded with a bit more pep in her step. "Yeah? lead the way. I have no problem filling you in on ALL of that. What do you all eat anyway?"
Aveyln let that discussion they just had go. It wasn't meant to be a reprimand or Aveyln tossing blame upon Winola, it was simply aiming to set a boundary. Regardless of the whimsical nature of Winola's presence, this was still a nation at war and Aveyln still had a job to do and a reputation to maintain. Her posture straightened, the knight walking with a more serious tone than she once had. Winola filled in, walking beside her as they traversed the corridors of the palace.

"Well, it varies on the occasion. However, it's more of the same across the board in the confines of the palace. Lamb and venison are popular selections, alongside maybe veal or a stuffed chicken here and there. Cheese, fruits, fish, potatoes, you name it, we probably have eaten it. Truthfully, only the royal family and the individuals closest to them get that expansive variety. The lower classes in society eat more starch and grains than anything else, or simple soups. The palace also has an absolutely divine selection of wine, my personal favorite drink. Apparently we buy it off traders from Dusha, this insignificant tiny island to our south," Aveyln explained, stopping before a set of doors.

She opened it, just as a few workers were finishing their setup. This was one of multiple dining rooms across the palace, a small but well-lit space decorated with a sizeable, long wooden table. The surface was covered in various plates of food, with a plate and individual chalices on either side for the two dinner participants. It appears King Eres wanted Winola to feel exceptionally welcome, while simultaneously rewarding his loyal subject, Aveyln.

"Hm... would you look at that. King Eres has no issue going lavish for his "heroes." A great selection though. I don't know what you people eat in your world, but this is lovely. Enjoy it."
Winola eyes widened as she released a small squeal of glee. It would've been much louder, but she knew she had to contain herself. Posing as a heralded warrior would mean less flippant words and gestures for more refined ones. Though, she couldn't help but be happy. The food looked much different from what she was used to, but in the best way possible.

The variety of food before her looked leagues above the options she had on Earth and from what Avelyn said, they were basic human cuisine. She walked slowly at first but shortly darted into a run before plopping down at the table. Bye bye McDonalds, Chili's and, her current - or rather former - place of employment called Grand Tour! This was her palette now.

She then looked at Avelyn and winced. "Sorry, I'll be more behaved, I swear. But...." she looked back at the spread. "This looks exquisite! And you eat like this every day?"

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