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.𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞.
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Resist turning into empty dreams and solitude, if it saves your soul

break heal transend
the joker
so what if we do fall apart?
be quiet and drive(far away)
connor-hadwick(deftones cover)
mood: magical
location: Savior's Crest, Dormatories/Commons Area
interactions: Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum , AI10100 AI10100 , . D O V E . D O V E , birth of venus birth of venus
As soon as he got there, Lucky was glad he came to the party. He found himself dancing and taking in all the pleasures that were to be offered at an event like this one. This was a fun time, considering his first-day studying was going to be a bit of a nightmare with a hangover. Lucky was a lightweight because he'd never had the opportunity to do something like this. He was used to having his face between the covers of a tome. He hadn't even unpacked his stuff before being whisked away to the festivities.

He'd ended up having to pass by the statue again. To Lucky, the creepiest thing about this school was the statue of the Lady. She stood tall, in the center of a gorgeous water fountain that had spheres of levitating water dancing in perfect sync. Her pose looked up to the sky, with a hand flung out as if to grab at something. In all honesty, it was the fact that it looked as if it wanted to breathe that got underneath his skin. White alabaster that looked like skin used to terrify him as a child. He strolled by while some students kicked and splashed around in the fountain's water. Lucky just sighed at the sight, then smiled.

It was with his third glass of tequila and Mountain Dew Code Red in his hand that he began to feel a little uninhibited. The glass was charmed to not run dry, a simple party trick. Lucky's eyes fluttered a bit as his dormmates introduced him to some new people. It was funny that, in his drunken state, he could see people's aura. Just a dim glow on some people. However, there were at least four beacons he could count in the crowd. And one was coming really close to him. He moved away from the people he was with toward the light. It took some stumbling and a little incoherence, but he finally reached the first of the beacons.

"Hi," he said sweetly, pulling his hair out of the ponytail it was in and readjusting it--as he did at least 20 times a day. "Is it just me or are you completely glowing?" he asked, as the other pillars of fiery white converged on his and the other person's location.
© reveriee
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Eloise Clarke-Griffin

Parties were never Eloise's favorite event, unless it was one of class and elegance. Especially raves. Perhaps it was due to her introverted nature, or perhaps it reminded her of certain events she'd rather not talk about. Either way, it was too late to back out. If only Gyu hadn't caught her and gave a very eloquent reason to attend the gathering and it was hard for her to turn people down.

She was... On her fifth glass of bourbon whiskey already. The anxiousness has made her mouth feel parched, hence the amount of drinks she had consumed. Fortunately, she has a high alcohol tolerance and she hasn't hit her limit yet. That wasn't the problem though, the problem was that at some point she found herself away from her companion, Gyu.

She passed by the statue of the Lady, eyes swinging from side to side to look for the man that brought her to this place but the music was loud and the beats of the song matched the beat of her racing heart. "Gyu!" She called but her voice drowned from the overwhelming sound of everything. People having the time of their lives, drunk, or out of it. She shouldn't have gone here. Where was he?

She let out a gasp, she could feel the sweat sliding down her neck. Her body felt cold and trembled ever so slightly. Until she landed on a familiar figure, someone she considered a good friend. "Zeke, you're here." She panted, grabbing his arm with her free hand with a lot more force than she intended. "Help me find a quieter place?"

Interaction: AI10100 AI10100
Mention: . D O V E . D O V E

Contrary to popular belief, Zeke didn't hold any contempt for parties. In fact, he liked to observe them. He partook in them, occasionally when people gather up the nerve to extend an invitation his way, and he often found himself enjoying it. Maybe he didn't enjoy it in the same way that others did. He didn't dance or shoved his body against other people in the flashing lights where you couldn't even see someone's face properly— no, those were reserved for other people's enjoyment. To him, the parties were great times to be able to dispense some new... delicacies he had concocted.

They were safe for human consumption of course! In small doses, it gave people just the right amount of high that allowed them to loosen up and continue what they were doing. Zeke wouldn't purposefully put other people into harm no matter how much they had slandered his name. He had tested it multiple times, with and without alcohol to make sure the chemicals didn't react negatively to each other. In any case, it was due to this ability that Zeke was sometimes asked to go to parties and he was more than happy to oblige. He gave these concoctions sparingly, knowing that an overdose would prove to be fatal and he would have to answer for it. He was a careful man.

Zeke waved off a group of students who were trying to get their third high for the night but he managed to evade it and lead them away to the alcohol table. He nursed a singular glass, taking occasional sips of it to ward off anyone who said he wasn't 'enjoying the party' in their words. He took another sip as his eyes trailed to the Lady statue, watching it carefully as if the pose would change in the span of him staring at it. It didn't. It was a little bit of a shame. It stood there in its opulence, yearning for something out of reach. Sometimes, he found himself by the water fountain when he felt a little lost on what to do. There was something about it that gave him this strange sense of urgency that helped.

He looked at his watch. It was just about time to—

A firm grasp on his arm and Zeke almost yanked his arm back, ready to berate the person for suddenly grabbing him when he found that it was Eloise.
"Oh. It's you."
He attempted to wriggle out of the hold but Eloise had him in an iron grip. He would have commented on the pain if he cared enough for it.
"A quiet place in a party? You're asking to find a needle in a haystack."
He huffed and yet he turned around and made his way through the party, dragging the other alongside him.

"Whose bright idea was it for you to go to a party when you're so easily spooked by loud sounds?"
He said as they moved through the party, loud enough for Eloise to hear it over the drowning sounds of the music. He gave a small gesture of his hand.
"This isn't your environment and you know that."
He stopped nearby an archway. They were still relatively close to the party, he could still make out multiple of the students who were dancing in the middle. Instead, he turned to Eloise and procured what looked to be headphones from his inner coat pocket and handed it to her.
"Wear this. It's enchanted to be better at muffling noises to your desired volume."
It worked wonders for him personally and he seemed nonchalant as he let it hang between them.

the jack


♡coded by uxie♡
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filler! ignore


filler! ignore

  • Goo Gyu

    The King

♡design by dreamglow, coded by uxie♡
Resist turning into empty dreams and solitude, if it saves your soul

break heal transend
the joker
so what if we do fall apart?
be quiet and drive(far away)
connor-hadwick(deftones cover)
mood: magical
location: Savior's Crest, Dormatories/Commons Area
interactions: Gyu ( . D O V E . D O V E )
Lucky looked at the man before him and listened to his response, with a rising blush burning into his cheeks. He was known for his innocent double entendres leading to utter confusion. In fact, he's gotten into and out of scaly situations with his surprisingly silver tongue. The man's pillar of light faded into a continuous glow about them. Lucky smiled and nodded his head to his new companion.

"Yes, I can. Call it a hunch, but I think I am supposed to be in your company tonight," He said in a jovial tone, "Come with me." he said, taking the mystery man's hand and taking him along with him to the next pillar of light. Lucky wasn't completely surprised by the discernment of this nature. Weird things have always happened around him.


"Shhh...he'll hear," the librarian whispered as she closed the door to the office halfway. "Poor thing. First his parents and now this?" She fiddled with the buttons of her cardigan as the Dean crossed his arms. "Are you sure that Leorian can wield both magics?" he asked in a stiff tone, built up from years of leadership and tutelage.

"He was reading the book while it levitated for him. And when I took it away, he sensed where I put it. He knew the combination." She replied, her voice calm like the winds before a storm. The Dean stood there for a moment in awe. Not even he had the combination for the Vault of Tomes. No one had the ability to wield the Fundamentals with no lack of at least one of them. He scratched his beard and thought to himself of the boy's situation. No one knew what happened in the midst of the fire, but Dean Orwell had a lingering feeling that whatever happened had to have awakened something within the child.

"No one must know of this." He said quietly, making his way for the door. "We shall cross that hurdle when he is allowed to study under this school's banner. Till then, we shall give him the option to lead a normal life. For, I fear, his destiny may--" He said as if remembering something very important, something he was suffering to remember but forgot on the tip of his tongue. "His destiny may be great and terrible." He finished, exiting the room. The librarian exited the office and made her way to the sitting area, where Lucky was reading a comic book.

"Would you like some lunch?" She asked, with the twelve-year-old boy nodding to her. He knew not to tell her he'd heard everything. He knew it in his bones.


Lucky took the man's hand and went off further into the crowd. "So, what is it you'd like for me to do for you, stranger?" he asked, looking toward the sky, finding another light to join theirs.
© reveriee


filler! ignore


filler! ignore

  • Goo Gyu

    The King

♡design by dreamglow, coded by uxie♡

Eloise Clarke-Griffin

It was getting harder to breathe, as if her lungs were being squeezed but still she gave Zeke a small smile when he huffed. She let herself be dragged away by her friend, clumsily bumping into people who didn't seem to mind as they were more focused on their own thing. Eloise let out a small laugh at Zeke's question before answering, "Gyu invited me and it was pretty hard to say no and reason out when he gave me such an inarguable invitation." She shrugged, her companion knew full well that it was also hard for her to say no to people.

She took the headphones, which clashed with the outfit she chose to wear for the party, and listened as the party noise slowly drowned out from her ears.She took deep breaths to slow down her beating heart, her grip on Zeke loosening as she feels more at ease. "Sorry about your arm," Eloise said shyly while looking around her. There were less people at the arch way for sure, "And thank you, for letting me borrow this. It's certainly helpful."

She took out a handkerchief and proceeded to dab the sweat that formed on her skin during her panic attack. "I got separated from Gyu, we were together when a bunch of party goers came by and I got pushed away because you know him, Mr. Popular."

She let out a sigh, wanting to get out of the party but feeling the need to tell the one that invited her that she wanted out. "Can you help me find him? Everything is more bearable with the headphones but I'm still not in the mood for partying. The idea of leaving without at least telling him makes me feel bad though so, please?" She asked while taking both of Zeke's hands together with hers accompanied with a small and awkward smile. She wasn't used to asking for help.

Interaction: AI10100 AI10100
Mention: . D O V E . D O V E

"Any reason is inarguable to you."
Zeke said with a roll of his eyes, though she wouldn't have been able to see it while he back was turned to her. It was one of the more negative traits that the healer had— it was like she was incapable of denying a request. And even if she initially denied a request, all it took was some small prodding and she would turn back her decision. It was a rather pitiful trait that was easy to take advantage of— not that Zeke had never done it before. But that was between him and her.

As soon as she released his arm, he brought a hand up to massage the spot she had a death grip on. It didn't hurt too much but it was definitely sore. He wouldn't be surprised if an angry red mark was forming on his skin in the shape of Eloise's hand.
"You're welcome. I expect it to be back by the time you leave this party or when it's over. Whichver comes first."
It was one of his more prized possessions— the headphones itself coming from his ssiter and the enchantment done on it was from a personal teacher of his.

And yes, of course, the vice president of the council. The reason why they were in this predicament in the first place. He had only seen him here and there during the years of schooling that had gone by. His reputation across the school was absolutely stellar— which meant that he was either hiding something or he was amazing at controlling the spread of rumors. No one could be that perfect. Even little miss perfectly helpful he was with had her own faults, a lot of faults even. But Zeke wasn't there to judge people. If he wasn't bothered by them then they can do whatever they wanted.

Eloise took his hands and there was a visible shift in his face as he took them back.
"Fine. He should still be around in this party anyway."
He had already finished most of his experimentation on a large, inebriated population anyway. There wasn't much to do at the party.
"Where did you last see him? Rather, where do you think he's most likely to be?"
Among his group of admiring fans, perhaps? Or had he already made off to another location? Perhaps he was also looking for Eloise? None of that narrows down the scope of their search within the bounds of the party.

the jack


♡coded by uxie♡

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