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Fantasy A Friendly Wager (angel/demon; 1x1 starbear & endersheart)

Alula was not convinced, she arched a brow and put her chin on her hand, leaning her elbow against the table. “That’s your only reason? You could always.. I don’t know, call me by my name.” She laughed, reaching across the table and putting her pointer finger on his nose. She left it there for a second, wiggling it playfully and then putting her hand back down. “In all seriousness; Alula, Lula, Lulu.. there’s a lot of names and nicknames you could come up with, angel sounds like a pet name or like…” she paused and scrunched her nose in disgust, “like we’re a couple.”
"A couple?" Tony laughed. "Aw, c'mon now, you don't have to look so disgusted."

A sly grin crossed his face as he caught her hand before she could pull it back completely.

"Does the idea bother you that much, Alula?"

He let her name linger on his tongue, drawing the sound of it out as if savoring each syllable.
Alula wasn’t expecting him to grab her hand before she was able to get it away, when he did she met his gaze. She held his eyes cooly, an emotionless look taking over. On the inside she was flustered, but she wasn’t going to let it show. “We both know an angel and demon together is forbidden, not just that but it would never work.. so in a way, being disgusted might be a good way to look at it.” She wasn’t sure what trick Tony was playing, but she knew he knew as well as her the way their different worlds would find a relationship such as that.

— "Does the idea bother you that much, Alula?"

Finally a blush coated her cheeks, dusting pink all the way to her nose. Does it bother her? Bother seemed to be the wrong word, she only had something against it because she knew it would be better than thinking it was okay. It wasn’t, it was worth a death sentence. Falling in love with a demon would only cause pain and misery, the upper hands would make sure of that.

For some reason, part of her wanted to fight that ideology: she was already down here what else could they do? But deep down she knew there was a lot more they could do. “I—“ she was at a loss of words, she knew what she wanted to say and she also knew what was right. Her eyes trailed down to his lips, lingering there for a moment, before going back up again. “It doesn’t bother me, no, not really.. but if I think that it’s okay it will only lead to my demise,” she whispered truthfully.​
That gave Tony a moment of pause, his cocky smile faltering at her quiet words. It was one thing to tease, sure - that was just his nature. But to suggest anything serious between them...well. 'Trouble' was putting it mildly.

"Sorry. I was just kidding around," he said, pulling his hand back from hers. "I know it'd be a bad deal for both of us. Trust me, Gehenna's a bad time on a good day, the last thing I'd want is to be dragged back as a traitor."
Alula’s blush darkened at his confirmation that it was just a joke. She had put so much thought into it, it made a small ping of pain strike her heart. It’s forbidden, don’t ever convince yourself otherwise, she looked to the side. Hurt flashed over her features for a moment, before she waved one of the waitresses over. “We’re ready for our check, you can just put it all together- thank you.”

As a working woman, Alula didn’t mind paying for both milkshakes. She had finished hers a few minutes before and, after the awkwardness of their conversation, she wanted some sort of distraction. Dragged back as a traitor, she knew he wasn’t lying. It would be bad for both of them, it would be, yet she couldn’t help the small want that burrowed itself inside of her. What was going on with her? She didn’t understand.

It didn’t take long for the girl to arrive back with the check, Alula handed her fifteen dollars and smiled, “the extra is your tip, thank you again.” Standing up, she waved for Tony to come on. Glancing back at him with a forced smile, “come on, buddy, she hummed.​
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"So now I'm 'buddy?'" Tony laughed as he followed after her. "Wow."

The night air was inviting, clear and pleasant as they left the cafe. He thought back to their previous conversation - no doubt to any passersby they looked like an ordinary couple, out for a walk. Glancing over at her he thought about how easy it would be to put his arm around her shoulders, how well they'd fit together if he did...

Oh, he really needed to get his head on straight.

He was distracted enough that he didn't notice the heavy presence in the air at first, a distinct chill that sent goosebumps prickling across his skin. He knew this sensation - there was no mistaking it.

"Get behind me," he said as he came to a sudden stop, his voice a low growl. "We've got company."

The other demon seemed to melt out of the shadows, a thin, pale man with an unnatural red gleam in his eyes. He smiled a sharp, toothy grin at them.

"You're a little far from home, aren't you, friend? This is my territory."
“Not much different than you calling me ‘angel’ if you ask me,” was her reply. Unlike Tony who was focused on her and their circumstance, she was very much aware. So when the prickles of anxiety and fear met her skin, the prickles of a presence she knew all too well, she faltered. Why was a demon around these parts? What was it doing? She shivered, “Tony—“ of course he cut her off as he had noticed too.

It didn’t take much for her to do as he said, she was in a frail position. She hid and clung to his back like her life depended on it, “I know.” It was a meek response, but she didn’t have the courage to speak too much. The demon could kill her, she couldn’t fight it right now.

When the other male came out of the shadows, she couldn’t help the look of disgust that crossed over her face. How was this his territory, how did anything from hell own any sort of territory besides that from where it came from. She grabbed Tony’s sleeve lightly, not speaking and not coming out from her spot behind his back.​
"Not looking for any trouble, friend," Tony said, his gaze sharp and focused on the other demon. "We're just passing through here."

"'We?' Oh, and who is that delectable morsel you have with you?" The other demon's grin widened, eagerly. "A human? Or...wait, no. This scent...an angel?"

"Alula," Tony said, dropping his voice low enough that only she could hear, "Get ready to run. I'll hold him off, you just get as far away as you can. Got it?"
The way the both of them said ‘friend’ sent chills through Alula, it wasn’t at all friendly. The feeling of dread only increased as she heard the other demon continue conversation, the word angel leaving its lips all too eagerly. She was hoping Tony could have just befriended him and talked him down, after all the two of them came from the same place. Maybe the other knew exactly who Tony was, though, that he was currently banished and not at all in any type of authority. Still, she had, had hope; all of that seemingly had vanished into thin air now.

At Tony’s voice, she shook her head, she couldn’t just leave him. “I can’t, look, we’re friends.. right?? I can’t just leave you here by yourself, I might not have much magic but I can at least heal or support or—“ she was rambling. She wasn’t sure if she could actually do any of that, but she at least wanted to try for him. She hesitated before shaking her head again, “I just can’t, I won’t.”
- "We're friends, right?" -

The simple statement made Tony freeze for a moment. It sent an unexpected flutter of warmth through his heart to hear her say that, though he wasn't really sure why - it shouldn't matter what she thought of him, and he certainly shouldn't feel anything for her. So why was he so happy to hear her call him a friend? Why was he willing to put his life on the line to protect her?

He didn't have time to think about it further, as the other demon lunged forward in a blink of startling speed. His fingers had become long, dark talons and his eyes glowed with a preternatural red as he partially shifted forms. Tony moved in front of Alula, taking a defensive stance as his own dark eyes turned red.

"Back off, asshole."

"Hey, hey now, what's this?" The other demon jeered. "You wanna keep her all to yourself or something? Tell you what, you let me have her, and I'll forget you're trespassing. Deal?"

"Not happening!"

Tony growled as he lunged forward, dark energy gathering around his fist as he lobbed a wild punch at the other demon. The fight was vicious but brief, tendrils of dark energy swirling as the two demons traded blows. Tony could feel his true power struggling to break through, but only just managed to keep it in check - if he went all out here, it wouldn't be just this one demon that would be drawn to the fight. And if Alula saw his true from...

A glancing blow from the other demon caught him in the side, and Tony hissed in pain as he jumped back. He used a last blast of dark energy to knock the other demon away, then turned, grabbed Alula's hand, and pulled her along.

"Come on, let's go!"
Alula’s eyes had fluttered closed, preparing for the onslaught of claws as the demon all but flew towards her. She shouldn’t have expected anything, she didn’t, and yet air seemed to be the only thing she felt and then words of anger: did she hear him right? Her eyes flew open, Tony had just called the other demon an ‘asshole.’ For some reason she couldn’t help but smile, not only that, but the redhead had also completely blocked the other from her. He was protecting her, the realization made something melt in her heart.

She didn’t have much time to think on it as within mere seconds Tony had shot forward. He was obviously intent on fighting the other demon, whatever that meant. Alula didn’t know what to do, so she stood there looking petrified. Finally, some sense seemed to come to her and she had to keep herself from rushing forward. Tony could handle himself, she couldn’t right now. She would only get in the way or make things worse.

Clenching her fists, she looked away. She felt so helpless, standing on the side like this while her friend tousled with a bad guy. Normally she would have been front and center, right there next to him. This wasn’t what her nature was used to, this isn’t what she wanted. She wanted to help, somehow.

Tingles met her as a hand wrapped around hers, pulling her along. ‘Come on, let’s go!’ She turned to look back, the other demon laying on the ground. Did he knock him unconscious? She wasn’t sure, but she didn’t want to sit around and find out either. So she followed him, running behind him as he pulled her along to what she could only assume would be safety.

It didn’t take long before they were far away and drawing closer to Tony’s place, it was then Alula looked down. She came to abrupt stop, “Tony,” she started. How hadn’t she noticed his wound sooner? She almost felt ashamed. “Tony, you’re hurt,“ the wound could be worse, but that didn’t stop the sticky red substance from dripping down. Blood was covering the area of his shirt where he had gotten hurt. It could be worse, but that didn’t stop it from being bad.

She tugged on his hand, since they were still walking hand-in-hand. She realized they hadn’t let go of each other since they started away from the demon from before. Not that it bothered her much, actually, she realized it didn’t bother her at all.

“Hey, let me heal you.”
Tony honestly hadn't even noticed that he was bleeding until Alula pointed it out, blood seeping through a ragged gash in his side. He grimaced as he inspected the wound, and couldn't help thinking that this was really not how he'd hoped this evening would go.

"It's okay, it's not that bad," he said, even though it definitely was that bad. "Healing takes a lot of energy, yeah? I can't ask you to do that when you're already low."
Something shifted in Alula’s gaze and she pulled her hand away from his, “it wasn’t a request, you’re going to let me heal you.” Rubbing her hands together for a second, like she was preparing for some random magic trick, she gave him a sheepish grin. “It’s been a while,” was all she mumbled, before concentrating on her task.

It took her a minute, but finally a golden glow illuminated her skin. The magic aura drifted off of her skin, her hair slightly floating from the power. Opening her eyes, as she had previously had them closed to ward off distractions, her light blue hues had taken on an almost sky like color. It was quite apparent angels were meant to allure people. She had, had to call upon her angelic abilities in order to do any healing and she hadn’t used real, strong magic in a while.

Lightly placing her hands on his shoulder, her energy started drifting into him and inch by inch his wound started closing up. She was almost proud of herself, she didn’t expect to have this much life left. She continued, even with the ache she started to feel in her body, she kept going.

After what seemed like an eternity, the wound was fully healed and she dropped her hands back to her side. “See, I knew I could-“ her words cut off as a sudden sharp pain jolted through her. As if on cue she staggered forward, instinctively her arms wrapped around Tony for support. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, “I can’t feel my legs.” Her body had suddenly went numb, her energy seemed to be draining completely. She had done it this time.​
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Tony couldn't take his eyes off Alula as she cast the spell, so completely enthralled by the golden glow surrounding her that he almost didn't even feel the gentle warmth flowing through him as his wound knit closed. She looked...

She looked beautiful.

The moment came to an abrupt end when she staggered forward, slumping bonelessly against him.

"See, this is exactly why I told you this was a bad idea..."

He gathered her up into his arms when he realized she could barely even stand, knowing she didn't have the energy to protest the compromising position. Fortunately they weren't too far from his apartment, and he was able to carry her there and lay her down in her bed. He considered her for a moment - she looked wan and pale, her skin taking on an alarming ashen shade in sharp contrast to the soft glow that had surrounded her earlier.

"Sorry, Angel," he muttered, "I know you didn't want this, but I really don't think we got a choice..."

He took her hand in his own and held it gently, transferring a small amount of his own energy over to her.
"See, this is exactly why I told you this was a bad idea..."

Alula couldn’t help the light, amused giggle that left her lips. “It would have been a worse idea to leave you like that,” was her response. Feeling her weight being pulled into the air, she realized pretty quickly that he was picking her up. “Oh,” she couldn’t help the words, “are you my knight in shining armor now?” It was a lighthearted attempt at flirting, especially after their conversation earlier.

It didn’t take long before they had reached Tony’s apartment and he was laying her gently on her bed. She watched him look over her, examining the way his expressions changed. She knew what he was thinking before he even voiced it, “I just—“ she was cut off by his words and him grabbing a hold of her hand.

She felt the pull, the want, the way her resistance faded. The way her leftover energy gladly drew his into her. She knew somewhere in the back of her mind, this wasn’t supposed to happen. Her body lifted, she placed her free hand on his cheek and her forehead against his; she knew it was her body subconsciously trying to get more energy. Suddenly, a want she didn’t think she’d ever feel found it’s way into her mind. She knew consuming dark energy was like an addiction, she had been told by somebody who experienced it firsthand. Now here she was, experiencing that same feeling.

Finally, she found the strength to pull away completely, severing all contact. The loss of the energy made something in her feel bare, incomplete. She didn’t like it at all. Forcing herself to stand up she walked away from him shaking her hands and trying to clear her head. She knew it was a bad idea, she knew from the beginning. Turning to face him, she tried her best to clear her thoughts. A part of her wanted to go back and touch him again, but deep down she knew it would only make things worse.

“What type of demon are you? What was your rank?” She had a feeling she needed to know, like it was something important. It had drawn on her he didn’t use his full powers earlier, he didn’t shift, why?​
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It worked - Tony should have been glad for that. Alula already looked more vibrant with even just that little bit of energy, but he knew how dangerous it was to give her a taste of that. Part of him wanted her to crave it, though - wanted her to need him, to follow him down into the dark.

To fall.

He shook his head, glad that she'd put some distance between them. He wasn't entirely sure he could fight those instincts if she hadn't.

"What does it matter? I'm a demon. Hellspawn. The opposite of you." But the insistence in her gaze did not fade. He sighed. "You really want to know? You won't like the answer."

He shuddered as his wings unfurled - wide and adorned with black feathers that shimmered with a gossamer sheen. His dark eyes flared red, a halo of shadow hovering around him. He stayed like that for only a few moments, before shifting back to his human form.

"There. I'm a Fallen. Happy?"
Alula knew it mattered, she knew there was something important. Not only with the energy she had just felt, but with the way he had been covering up. So when he insisted it didn’t matter her gaze only hardened. She was figuring this out, she needed to know. Finally, it seemed at though he had given in and wings unfolded from his back.

At first, she didn’t know what to think. Her mind had gone blank, she just stared, tracing the feathers and making sure her head wasn’t playing games with her. Then, as quickly as he had unfolded them they vanished, he was an angel. He was one of her kind. He is just like her sister. Her mouth opened to say something, then closed again.

The reason she was treated differently was because her family was shamed, after her sister fell in love with a demon she changed, her parents weren’t understanding; Alula tried to be. She remembered all those conversations they had about the ‘boy she loved,’ all the questions Alula had asked. When she finally came clean about who and what, unlike their parents, Alula still tried to be there for her. They were inseparable after all, they were sisters more importantly.

Finally, Lisbeth had made a decision that Alula couldn’t stand by: she was going to give away everything for him. She did. Somehow, Alula had never understood that feeling until now. She still didn’t want to understand that feeling. So, why now? Why so suddenly?

“You’ll meet someone someday, then you’ll understand.”

She realized she had just been staring this whole time, her mind was in another world but to Tony it probably looked like blatant shock. In a way she was shocked. She didn’t expect him to be the same thing she knew deep down her sister had become. Shaking her head, she placed a hand against her forehead. She needed space, something to get out of this suffocating confinement with him. Her mind was a mess, she had so many questions and the yearning for him was still beating the back of her head.

“I-“ she didn’t know what to say, she didn’t know what to do. So this is how it felt to be consumed by the feeling of dark energy? It was hell. Finally pressing forward she moved to the corner of her room, forcing her feet to work. She picked up a duffle bag, trying to concentrate on the task at hand. Her head was pounding, “I have to go to work.”

She turned once the bag was secured on her shoulder, “we can talk about this once I get back?” She glanced out the window where the sun was finally rising, it was early. Her work place was open twenty four hours every day anyway and it’s not like she couldn’t make them let her work a shift. Forcing herself to finally meet his gaze, she pushed back the want and forced a smile, “I’m not judging you- I can’t, honestly, I just need some time to process everything. Plus, if I don’t get going I really will be late.”

With that she gave him a small wave and, as fast as her feet could carry her without looking rushed, she scurried out the door.​
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Her reaction had been about what Tony was expecting - shock, fear, disgust, he'd seen them all before. It was natural, after all, for angels to revile his kind; he was living proof of what they could become, if they lost their light. Usually, he didn't care about how the high and sanctimonious of Elysium looked at him, but for some reason...

For some reason, he didn't want to see that look in Alula's eyes.

She was gone before he even had a chance to come up with a good response, leaving him alone with his thoughts.

"I'm not judging you," she'd said.

Yeah, right.

Well, what did he care? She'd known from the start that he was a demon, so the fact that he had technically been an angel once a long, long time ago shouldn't make any difference. They had always been on different sides; nothing had changed between them. Nothing would.

He wanted to tell her that, but after a couple of days it became more than obvious that she was ignoring him. So much for talking things over. Finally, after he'd had enough of her sneaking around him, he decided to follow her out the next time she left the apartment. She'd said she was going to work...but he couldn't help but wonder just where she was heading as he trailed her out of the neighborhood.
On a shady corner of town, laid a place called “Golden Gate Casino.” Sure, it wasn’t the only place Alula could’ve gotten a job, but she got paid a lot more than the other jobs around town offered. The other jobs she had qualifications for, that was. She didn’t do much but dancing, serving alcohol, and making sure anyone who came to gamble or make deals was content. Today, she wasn’t doing any staged performances but she still had to get dressed as if she was. Meaning, she strolled around the place in a blue belly dancer outfit with darker blue stockings and elbow length gloves. It was comfortable, to say the least.

At the moment, she could be found at the bar, leaning against the counter talking to what could only be perceived as a customer. “No, but, seriously Alula did you ever think maybe your reaction was a little much? Not to mention, you’ve been practically avoiding him since.” A short puff could be heard from the taller blonde, previously called Alula, frustration clear on her expression. “It’s not like that, Sisi, he just.. ugh.” For a second sympathy flashed over Sierra’s features, before she shook her head, “he reminds you of your sister?” At the comment, Alula tensed, blue eyes wavering before she found something else to look at.

Sierra was Alula’s best friend, since before she got banished actually. So to say she knew anything less than everything would be an understatement. The first time they met Alula had saved her from a bad situation, something the two didn’t talk about often.

“I don’t know..” was her distant response, something more than uncertainty swarming in those blue depths of hers. Sierra put an elbow down on the counter, leaning her cheek onto it as she watched the angel for a second. “You could use a drink or two,” it was a joking matter in the moment of a serious conversation, she knew all too well Alula didn’t drink. Blue and amber eyes met for a moment, before Alula rolled hers and shrugged, “I mean, I could, but honestly alcohol doesn’t really effect us like it does you guys.” That piqued Sierra’s curiosity, not the statement, but the fact that she was even willing.

“Woah, Lu, did you get bad girl vibes all the sudden?”
Of all the places Tony might have guessed Alula was heading, a casino was pretty much close to last on the list.

It was a nice place at least - Tony had been there a handful of times, even though he and his friends tended to frequent seedier establishments - but he just couldn't reconcile an angel's presence here. Was she looking for lost souls to save or something?

He lost track of her inside, and wandered around for a while before he wound up at the bar. He ordered a beer, and nearly choked on it when he spotted a familiar blonde in a very unfamiliar outfit.


The familiar voice was not on the list of voices Alula had thought she’d hear at this establishment, not tonight and not any night really. Still, controlling the urge to either run or walk away, she turned around to face the same person she had been avoiding for the past few days. Father, why here of all places?? “Tony,” she responded quietly, her voice seemingly leaving her throat. In this outfit? At this time? What would he think of her? It wasn’t like she was doing anything promiscuous, but it probably didn’t look that way.

Sierra looked between the two of them, puzzled. Eventually though she turned, downed her shot, got up from her seat and waved awkwardly. “Um.. you go ahead and take this one, Lu, I’ll see you later? Cool.” Before Alula could respond or grab her to keep her from going, she shifted uneasily and walked in the direction of the doors. Leaving Alula and Tony by themselves at the bar.

It seemed Alula had gotten ahold of herself, with only a faint pink still spread across her cheeks, “um.. you’re here?” She didn’t know why she was talking to him like they barely knew each other, yet after a moment of just staring she sighed. Grabbing his hand, she quite literally yanked him off of his seat and pulled him to the back, the alleyway out back to be precise.

Finally realizing he was actually standing in front of her, she placed a hand on her head gently. The sudden cravings from before rushing back like they had never left in the first place. This is another reason why she had been avoiding him, she didn’t want to break; she didn’t want to give in. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, meeting his grey eyes with her blue ones. She rested a hand on the wall beside her, keeping herself stable, “for avoiding you.. we were supposed to talk.”
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"Uh...yeah, see, now we've got a whole other thing to talk about," Tony said, nodding at her to indicate her outfit.

He knew it was a bad idea to stare, but he was having a hard time taking his eyes off her in that getup - if she'd been a demon or a human, he wouldn't have such a problem admiring her figure, but given their situation this was just adding fuel to a fire that was already threatening to burn out of control.

"What are you doing here? Don't tell me this is where you work?"
His words caused her cheeks to heat up again, self-consciously folding her arms over her chest in an attempt to cover herself. “Ugh,” she mumbled, she had found it so hard to talk to him about anything in the first place, now this? Glancing to the side, she tried to get the way he was looking at her out of her head. It was so intoxicating, it had been days and she still wanted him as badly as she did that time before. What a dilemma.

When he brought up her working here she nodded, “I don’t just play dress up for fun, so yes.. I work here. Is there a problem?” She turned her gaze to look at him again with a brow raised, wondering if the idea upset him as much as he made it sound. As an angel, she should be more upset about getting caught in such a place. With Tony, she wondered just how much trouble she could get into. She wondered if she could really irk his nerves with it. For some reason, a side of her wanted that possessiveness from him.​
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'Is there a problem?'

There shouldn't have been, and yet for some reason the thought of Alula working in a place like this, dressed like that...it didn't sit well with him. He shook his head, as if to clear those thoughts away.

"No, it's just, uh...it doesn't seem very angelic, I guess," he said, with a shrug. "You know, this being a den of temptation and all that."
At the thought of it not seeming angelic, Alula pursed her lips. It wasn’t, she knew that, but the fact that it didn’t bother him in the slightest irritated her way more than anything else. Eventually, she knew she’d have to address the problem over him. “Well, you’re right, but it pays better than most of the places around here and.. believe it or not, I’m a really good dancer.” She confirmed everything he said, giving her own reasoning and twist to it as well.

Being this close to him seemed to just be getting harder, the feeling of want growing as the time passed. She let out a huff of air, temptation, though, is whatever this shit is you did to me.” Glaring at his chest, she took a step back to see if it would soothe her nerves at all. Of course, it did next to nothing.​

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