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Futuristic A Flower Cannot Bloom Without Desire - Lore


my head hurts
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Seeds, Blooms, and Weeds

Seeds are seed-like growths that are found within humans at birth. They can grow anywhere inside the body, but the most common spot is the wrist. Some people are born with multiple seeds, this is extremely rare, but it does happen (one in one-hundred-million for reference). Seeds act like a second heart for humans in this world. If a seed is damaged or cut out, it can prove fatal. As time goes on a seed will grow and bloom, this usually happens around the age of 16, but can happen sooner or later. Seeds can bloom into anything and feed off the hosts personality and desires. When a seed blooms, it is no longer called a seed and instead is called a bloom. A bloom can be anything, literally. It can help with a lot of different things like simple tasks, jobs and war. Some examples are: a flower vase with vines that have healing properties, for someone who desires to help others and wants to be a doctor. A book that has everything they've ever seen or learned in it, for those who want to be a teacher or educate the world in some way. A bloom that encases hand/wrist/arm/whatever in a gauntlet that can allow them to control elements or move things with their mind. Like I said, the possibilities are endless. Most of the time, seeds will bloom into tools of destruction, or weapons. Blooms feed off emotion and desire. Once a seed blooms into a bloom, it will feed off emotion and desire and evolve as you grow older. During specific situations if a persons emotion and desire is spiked by adrenaline, it can cause a bloom to evolve and change for a limited amount of time to fit the situation, but this is rare. Society praises those with strong blooms, so kids during bloom development will desire strong blooms or blooms they've seen on TV and in comics. Schools even compete against other schools and hold tournaments to see who has the strongest bloom and more skill. These objects that bloom out of people are still connected to them by strong vine-like muscles. If a person wills it, their bloom can contract and go back inside them, allowing people to only bring out their bloom when needed.

Weeds are artificial or modified blooms. People who develop a weak bloom or a bloom they dislike will often modify it through surgery to something they like more. This is expensive and extremely dangerous. Some people change the location of their bloom and those that desire to have more than one bloom usually inject artificial blooms inside them. Artificial blooms are extremely expensive and aren't nearly as strong as a bloom that develops naturally.

Because artificial blooms are so weak, this creates a blackmarket for exotic bloom hunting. Those with strong or exotic blooms are usually kidnapped and have their bloom cutout, killing them if not handled properly. They then use the cutout bloom to sell or inject inside themselves. Criminal warlords and military executives have been rumored to have up to 10 or sometimes more exotic blooms inside them.

Exotic blooms are blooms that are extremely powerful/useful. Bloom ranks are: F, C, B, A, S. Blooms ranked A and above are considered exotic blooms. The majority of the public has C and B ranked blooms. F rank blooms are useless and are rare for someone to have.


Peony and The Garden Organization

The world our story is going to take place in is called Peony. The year in this world is 2142, slightly more technologically advanced than our own. The main setting is going to be at one of the major cities in this world, on an island nation. The name of the city is Umbra. Umbra is home to The Garden Organization, the biggest bloom organization. The Garden recruits those with strong blooms or those that have the potential to have strong blooms (bloodline, strong ambition/desire). The Garden employs doctors, teachers, architects, archaeologists, beast-tamers, adventurers, mercenaries and many other professions and have institutions all over the world. To join The Garden you have to have an exotic bloom or be very skilled in your profession. Those that join get a special license signifying your enrollment into the organization and can be used to get special treatment and discounts all over the world. Most join The Garden for wealth, fame and glory.

Ranks and missions. Depending on your profession, The Garden will assign special missions that vary with each rank. They're 6 different ranks that are extremely hard to climb, ranks mirror skill. You might have an exotic bloom, but if you aren't skilled or experienced with it, then it is as good as useless. The higher your rank, the more renown and money you'll get for completing missions. The ranks, in order from weakest to strongest, are: bronze, silver, gold, platinum, palladium and rose. They're currently only 7 people in the world with the rank of rose.

The Garden has a secret mercenary sector inside of all of their main buildings that they use to take on odd jobs that couldn't otherwise be performed through standard means. This secret sector is known as The Black Lotus. Here they train new recruits or outcasts with strong blooms that don't qualify for other positions. This sector is usually used for taking down black market organizations or gangs and disrupting their business and means of acquiring more blooms from them kidnaping people.

Gangs run the streets of Umbra and are far from scarce. Gang wars often threaten the lives of civilians and their way of life. Gangs operate by controlling territory, stealing, killing and more increasingly by cutting exotic blooms from kidnapped victims and selling them for very high dollar on the blackmarket.


The Bloom Module Artifact AKA Pandora's Box

An ancient artifact that has been missing for decades. If a user places their hand on the artifact it will copy their blooms data inside it and then allow them to modify their bloom with all the other blooms registered inside (for every different bloom modification from a different bloom added to theirs, the strength of the bloom is multiplied). Allowing someone to create the ultimate bloom, capable of incredible, world-shattering power. Attempts to recreate the artifact have all be failures and the location of the artifact is still a mystery. If the wrong person got their hands on the artifact, it could spell disaster.

More to come!

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Locations/Points of Interest
Theme Song


Peony is the name of the world our story and characters are going to take place in. A technologically advanced fantasy world, about 100 years ahead of our own in terms of technological advancement. The year is 2142. Peony is the moon of the planet Noonun. Noonun can be seen even during the day and causes huge waves at beaches. The flora and animals are different, but have ultimately the same characteristics. May run into some species that are similar to our mythological beasts from stories here on Earth.



One of the largest cities in the world, Umbra is so big they had to start layering the city on top of itself. Home to The Garden Organization. Criminals and gangs rule territories all throughout, earning the city the nickname City of Chaos and Dreams. Chaos because of the gang operations and dreams because here in the city of Umbra, well, anything can happen. Schools, universities, stadiums, bars, organizations trying to make a name for themselves, hell, even brothels. If you can think it, it exists in the City of Chaos and Dreams.


the garden.jpgThe Garden

The Garden is considered home to heroes. People who usually have rank A or higher blooms, although exceptions are made. The Garden is an organization that trains and employs those with useful/strong blooms. They train/hire doctors, teachers, and all sorts of other useful professions. They also hunt criminals and take down gangs, their goal is to protect the peace and maintain regular life for citizens. Although the mercenary sector of The Garden is mostly unknown to the public. Those seeking wealth, fame and glory usually join The Garden. It is at the heart of Umbra. The biggest building in the city.


More to come as story progresses!


Theme Song

Monarchs are the strongest of the strong. Their strength is above the strength of S tier.


Flower Villain.jpg Crown - Monarch of Binding: Crown is a 24 year old gang leader with a S tier bloom, he is able to grow any kind of binding instrument from anywhere on his body. Whips, vines, chains, you name it. He can also add variety to the binding instruments he can summon. He can add blades to his chains, thorns to his vines and can even use razor sharp thin metal string as a whip. If Crown touches an object is will behave as a whip, he can then control this object, only if he is still touching it, to behave however he wants. It is said that Crown was experimented on as a child with the Bloom Module Artifact and that numerous amounts of blooms working together create Crowns power.

Picsart_22-11-06_17-23-08-128.jpgEznia - Chimera Monarch: Eznia is said to have once been Crown's lover. She is 26 and her current location and affiliation is unknown. She has the power to transform any part of her body she wants into that of any animal. She can mutate these parts to make them stronger. She can make the legs of a cheetah faster, the arms of a gorilla stronger, the eyes of a spider better. She can fly, run, and hit harder than any current bloom. She can infinitely stack how strong an animals part she is using is until it evolves. She can use multiple parts at once. Wings to fly, arms to hit, legs to run, eyes and ears to sense. She can combine parts too, she can combine the genes are an elephant and a gorilla to get an enormous fist and then mutate and evolve that fist to be at peak performance nature wise. Her potential is nearly unlimited. Some rumors say that she can do so much more. It is speculated that both Crown and Eznia were experimented on as children.

7ec55282b1cfc58409305794d080b082.jpgDuja Xaz - Pale Monarch: Duja is a 29 year old man, devotee to the church turned international terrorist. He is the king of a kingdom hellbent on conquering the world, the thing is the kingdom he rules isn't officially recognized. But if anyone could create a kingdom based on their sheer strength and power, it would be the Pale Monarch. It is said that he has a power known as the Pale Wrath. It is a mist that makes anyone who it touches pass out. You don't even have to breathe in, if it even touches your clothing, you're done for.

More to come as story progresses!

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