A Fallen Star [1x1] (LynxAmelia x Vizzy) [Inactive]


I will kill you ^.^
LynxAmelia submitted a new role play:

A Fallen Star - What happens when a star up in the sky fell to the ground.

A young girl was merely passing through the woods when she saw a star fall. Only that it fell a few feet from her.
Hayley adjusted the glasses on the bridge of her nose. She had her backpack full and a couple of books in her hand as she walked home from the library. For someone as thin as she was, it would usually be a great hassle to carry so many books. But she seemed rather comfortable. And on this clear cloudless evening, she decided to take the route by the woods.
A sudden crash accompanied by blinding light startled her. It was a little distance into the forest. Clutching the books to her chest, she attempted to peer between the trees at what might have caused the crash. Even after squinting her eyes, she couldn't see it. She looked around. The road was deserted. Slowly, she made her way into the woods, planning on going back if she didn't find anything within 15 feet.
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'Ouch' is about the only word Walter could find for it. He should have been expecting it though, the population up there was getting pretty high, and he'd done more evil than good. Who was he to complain that Gabriel ripped his wings from his back, snapped his halo in half, and Sparta kicked him down to earth. The worst part; was that he was speeding towards the ground from another dimension in the clouds with no way to lessen the impact he'd face when landing. The fall was the absolute cherry atop the cake. The wind howled in his ears and deafened him, while the same wind lashed out and sliced at his exposed skin. Thankfully, it was over in a matter of minutes. He dropped faster than a sack of potatoes and the impact was lessened by some divine intervention...It didn't intervene to the point of him no longer feeling it, but it keep from from being injured majorly. 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger' or something of the sort.

The flash of light came after he had already landed, if not immediately after. It stripped him of his divine right to being ageless, to be totally carefree about being in the nude, it gave him his old inhibitions and morals back...That light made him human, if anything it was a blessing in disguise for that man. To live again, and to the fullest was possibly his most wished for thing when up in the clouds about the first decade or two he was there. His prayers had been answered, albeit a bit late and not as gentle as he thought. When the light vanished it left Walter unconcious, for reasons known to only Gabriel and the lord himself. However, before Walter slipped into a deep inky black ocean, he spotted a paved road about seven feet from where he had 'crashed'. (Hopefully this is okay, as I said before..I'm a bit rusty.)
Hayley pushed up her glasses with a single finger. The forest seemed to be rather quiet. Too quiet. "Stop sounding like a cliched horror film drama queen," she admonished herself. She looked down the road once more. Empty. Hayley took a deep breath to muster some courage to venture further into the forest.

"Wha~!" Hayley squeaked as she tripped over something, her arms flailing as she landed face down on the dirt floor with a rather loud crunch of leaves. Her glasses had fallen somewhere there and she could barely see in the darkness. Her books where somewhere down there too, but try as she might she couldn't put her hands on them. Nearly blind as a bat, she turned around to see what had tripped her. All she could make out was the form of a man, lying unconscious on the ground. Immediately, she scrambled backwards.

A corpse? God, she didn't want this right now. She had an exam tomorrow and she couldn't afford to miss it in the light of her being involved in any investigation. Then it struck her. The guy who had fired the shot was probably still around, probably taking aim at her right now. "Please don't kill me," she squeaked rather loudly, hoping the killer heard her, "I swear I won't tell anyone." She was still flailing on the spot, attempting to find her glasses and her books.
You know, when you sleep on a really comfy bed, and all you wanna do is just sprawl out at random times and drool profusely onto the cushy pillows...Well, after not having slept in about four decades, that ground was the equivalent to the bed. Sure, it wasn't his first ideal place to be forced to sleep, but he wasn't going to argue now that his eyelids had sealed themselves. Of course, the outside noise of a girl's squeaks whittled their way into his subconscious. Of course, the only word he really heard was 'Please', so you could only imagine what his mind was cooking up. The most stupid grin spread across his lips as he shuffled around atop his dirt mound to lay on his side facing the direction of the voice. His breathing almost lighthearted as he seemed to almost chuckle in his slumber.

Walter dreamed of women, wealth, women, and were women mentioned? He was a simple man who'd been in a war and sent to heavens before even having a date, so naturally it'd be all he could really think about in his first dream since god only knows when. Not to mention impure thoughts like his would have been condemned to exile long ago, if he were to ever have them. So while his mind ran rampant with the pent up desire of forty years or so, his body responded in record time, despite the severity of what had just occurred. Arousal was quite possibly the only bodily function he hadn't used since he was shot, so this new yet familiar feeling was welcomed by the young ex-angel as he simply nuzzled the ground on which his head lay.
Surrounded by silence, the girl was forced to calm down once more. She hadn't moved a muscle our even taken a loud breath. Only too glad that she hadn't been shot yet, she began patting the ground in earnest. "Oh dear lord," she said aloud as she stood on her fours, looking for her glasses. And when she did find them, she wished she hadn't. Firstly, one of the lenses were irreparably cracked. When she finally was able to see through the other lens, her face turned a bright red and she put a hand over her eyes before reaching for one of her rather heavy books and throwing it at the man on the floor, probably hitting him right on the head.

A drunkard. That was what she was dealing with. And the quicker she got out of the place the better. But then she realized she'd just thrown one of the books at him and would probably have to take in the same 'view' if she turned back. Still holding her hand over her eyes, she dearly hoped the man woke up and gave her the book so that she could go back home in peace. She held a hand out towards him in that hope, as she waited rather impatiently.

Wake up, man. Just wake up. This is so not cool.
Walter's eyes upened as pain shot through his temple, the light in the woods was dim, but he could faintly make out the outline of a female who obviously saw more that she bargained for. He wasn't angry to be woken up in such a way, if anything he felt a twinge of guilt for letting himself be exposed to a little lady. The thing that had hit him was none other than a book, and it left a fairly nasty bump on his head. He was quick to dismiss the fact that the book wasn't given to him and opened it up and laid it over his groin, shielding his family jewels from the world. Using one want to keep the book in place, and the other basically push himself to his feet was proving to be a strenuous task. His bones ached and his knees knocked against one another, it didn't help that he felt an uncomfortable breeze between his legs that made him sneeze out loud.

Walter cleared his throat, surely he'd made enough noise to let her know he was moving, but a vocal warning might have been the better option. "Thanks, I needed something to cover up with. Although some actual clothes might have been a better idea.." Walter said with the suppression of a laugh and a click of his tongue against the roof of his mouth. That dumb smile upon his lips had only grown larger as he brought his other hand up and ran it through his hair, attempting to slick it back in some way. The pages of her book crinkled as it bumped up against his skin, letting her know exactly what fate that piece of reading material had.
"Oh dear lord!" Hayley whined. How was she to return that book to the library tomorrow! She turned around a little. At least he was sort of covered. "Go home, put on some clothes and give me that book," she said, her big blue eyes narrowed into a glare. With her other hand she picked up the other book she had carried, "Else guess where this is going?"

She dearly hoped there would be some sort of civilization around. It wasn't even that dark. The watch on her wrist told her it was barely past 7. "How far is your house?" she asked, "Or do you have some sorta cabin here in the woods?" She began looking around in search of something of the sort. "And what the hell are you doing out here in the open naked?!" she nearly shouted. Hearing yet another crinkle of paper, Hayley winced. That was not the place for a math textbook to go, even though she had often asked math to go *beep* itself.

Books, it was apparent, carried great value to her, even if it was borrowed. "Please be careful," she said, nearly whining again, her expression pained as her eyes, no, eye was fixed on the cover of the book.
"Home.." The world rolled off Walter's tongue and left his lips as a sullen lullaby. His 'home' died with his mother, and surely his younger sister was already long gone. His amber eyes seemed almost glassy as he twisted his lips from side to side trying to think of something to tell this young lady. 'Yeah, I dropped from the sky' didn't seem like the explanation that would convince her that it was safe to be around him. Not that he already wan't exuding a 'red flag' image by simply being nude in the woods off to the side of the road. Another crinkle snapped him back to his normal jovial self and he rose a hand in apology as he made sure to not let the book stick to himself. "Sorry, didn't mean to do that...Just thinking." Walter said as a plastic smile spread across his lips.

Homeless, naked, and quite obviously troubling a young lady who didn't seem to be fond of him at this very moment. He had hit the trifecta of being a complete scumbag in his own eyes. He also seemed to remember a solider in his platoon told him that women could tell when someone was lying, so he figured it best to just come up and out with the trust. His cheeks flushed a shade of crimson and he aimed his gaze towards the ground, almost like a child getting ready to tell their mother they broke something. "I..Uh..Don't really have anywhere at the moment." Walter's tone was somewhere between a beaten puppy and a jester that had just been told he wasn't funny, and saying that one single statement might as well have shattered his pride for a long while. An audible tearing of a page snapped him out of the little funk and his eyes grew wide, a look of pure guilt and surprise crossed his face as a page from the book float down to the ground.
Hayley would've actually listened to the man if she hadn't seen what had happened to the book. With a rip, it had floated right down to the ground. If she had been able to, she would've fainted right then. Just thinking of the fine the library would levy on her for this made her ears ring. She shook her head a little to recall what the man had said. "What do you mean?" she asked, before she noted his apologetic expression as well as embarrassment. Maybe he wasn't a drunkard, just maybe. And maybe he was being honest. She certainly couldn't imagine herself being out in a forest naked and homeless. In a moment, she almost felt sorry for the man, almost.

Hayley lifted a hand to scratch the side of her head where her electric blue hair began. It had been some sort of strange fad when she dyed it and well, the color was yet to fade. She looked to the road once more, this time relieved that no one had come there yet. "Tell you what," she began, "Keep that book without ripping another sheet and I'll be back in 10 minutes with some sort of decent clothes for you." She wondered where she would get them though, perhaps from her brother's closet. She didn't care what David would think, she wanted to help this poor man, "Can I trust you not to shred that book?" she asked, lifting her eyebrows slightly.
It seemed this man was all smiles, and he could quite possibly be the only person alive to look so defeated whilst wearing one. He nodded, afraid that his voice may give out into cracks and rasps. He was just glad to get some help out of this rather tough spot he'd found himself in. Not just that, but paper-cuts were no laughing matter! "I think I can manage." Walter said as he cleared his throat, and again he moved the book further away from his body so it didn't come into contact with his skin, but still covered him in a way that kept the little lady at ease. Who knows, maybe she'd be more comfortable talking to a clothed man...Well, that was obvious.

Keeping the book from ripping was going to be easier said than done. When the wind blew, pages whipped around and turned, and created a breeze which caused Walter to sneeze...It was almost like someone was having a field day with his current situation. He liked one little thing though, it just showed him how different the world was today...Books were surprisingly the same, but the way the girls dressed and looked was something to be noted...Not to mention they seemed more fierce now, than before when he was alive. He was almost eager to get out there and see what this place had in store for him, of course he couldn't do that in the buff so waiting for the girl seemed to be his best bet. He'd also have to figure out a way to repay her, for both the book and clothing.
Hayley nodded a little. "Be careful with that book," she said, "And stay away from anyone's sight." And with that, she walked off. The speed at which she walked got her home in a record time of 3 minutes. Once there, she dumped her books in her room and picked out her spare pair of glasses as she saw many people laughing at her when she walked through the streets with the broken one. Then came the difficult task : Getting her brother's clothes. But it wasn't too difficult. He seemed to be out and, judging from the heavy scent of cologne in his room, on a date.

She managed to grab a pair of black jeans, a white tee and even a pair of boxers. Going through his shoe rack, she also pulled out an old pair of sneakers with socks still in them. Ew! Stuffing them all in a shopping bag, Hayley stepped out of the house once more. It didn't take her long to reach the woods though. All she could think of was the condition of the book and whether she had trusted the wrong guy. "Yo, naked dude," she called out, not knowing how else she should call him as she was yet to know his name, "I got some clothes for ya!" She looked around, wondering where he was now. She had asked him to stay away from people's sight, but not from hers!
Walter had taken to sitting down with his legs crossed and reading the book, in such a way that nobody would see over it and get a glimpse of his 'goods'. He understood most of the stuff, basic math and whatnot, but he didn't really get into it. He was glad it didn't take long for her to return, but it seemed she'd forgotten where they were originally. Holding the book with one hand, he brought to fingers to his mouth and let out a shrill whistle to give her an idea of his location. He stood up, careful to mind the book's pages, and planned to meet her half way. His lower body was shielded by some foliage so he removed the book from his pelvic area and closed it. "Over here." He called out to the little lady, his voice deeper than before, but still carrying that goofy and lighthearted chime to it.

Walter leaned forward and placed the book on the ground in front of the large patch of foliage before returning to his original hiding spot. She couldn't have come sooner. His toes were freezing and he felt his nose starting to drip..He couldn't wait to get some kind of clothing on his body. At this point he'd have accepted rags if they were all she had to offer. "I just really hope, these clothes didn't come from a dead man." He muttered to himself as he clapped and rubbed his hands together to keep them from getting too chilled.
Hayley finally found the man, as a result of a loud whistle no less. "Shh.." she said with a light chuckle, "I don't want someone to see you." Then she extended the bag of clothes to the man. "Here, get dressed," she said absently as she leaned forward to pick up the book. Holding it with just her thumb and forefinger, she muttered, "You're gonna get thoroughly cleaned," she was speaking to the book, "I would put you in the washer but you're a book, not a dress." Then she decided to turn her attention to the man before her.

Indeed, she thought the foliage was a much better substitute than her book, mainly because that wasn't going to be returned to the library. "And no, that didn't come off a dead man. It belongs to a guy who will kill me once he finds out that it is missing," she said, letting out a short laugh. Then she turned around and put her hands over her eyes once more. "Get dressed, I promise not to look."
Walter took the bag of clothing with a nod. He was a bit surprised to see her speaking with the book, but he'd seen crazier things done in his short lifetime. Walter slipped into the clothing, only really having trouble with the pants as they seemed a bit tight on his larger frame, or maybe it was just the style. The tee-shirt also seemed to a a single size too small as it clung to his body and balanced on the border of revealing the skin below his navel each time he raised his arms. The shoes were a perfect fit though, the socks were simply too foul to touch and ended up being tossed out into the wilderness. "If I didn't see the men's tags, I'd have sworn these clothes belonged to a woman.." Walter muttered before slipping out from behind the foliage and adjusting the hem of his shirt and pulled at the collar. However he took a deep breath and t-posed for the girl "Well, is it normal enough?" Walter would ask as he did a slow spin, modeling his clothes for his 'savior'.
Hayley turned around a little, splitting a couple of fingers to peek between them. "Oh hi! You look much better now," she said, laughing in relief. Then she looked at how tight fitting the clothes were, "Well, something's better than nothing eh?" Then she thought for a moment. Perhaps she was concerning herself a little too much with this man. But who could not pity a homeless man. She was rather tempted to ask him what happened but he was probably still too upset to talk about it. Despite all his smiles, she could see that. "Where are ya gonna go now?" she asked him, her voice rather soft compared to all her yelling earlier. She had no nicer way of asking this but it was all she could do.
He had his back turned to her when she asked him about his plans, he might have been able to hide things with that smile, but his body language was terrible. Walter's shoulders quivered, and they involuntarily lurched before he spun back around and placed either hand on his own waist. His smile was cheesy, and more plastic than a ken doll's behind "I'll figure something out, in Na---before I lost my home I took some pretty rough survival courses." Walter gave her a reassuring thumbs up, though it seemed more like it was meant for himself. "Anyway, little lady, I never caught your name." Walter stuck out his hand in a fairly casual greeting despite all that had happened "Walter Klein, pri--homeless and unemployed."
Hayley had suspicion written all over her face. Nevertheless, she took his hand in hers and shook it, "Hayley Wilson, soon-to-be graduate," she said, "And Walter, if I may call you that, don't lie to me. I despise liars." Her expression was rather stony and she knew it herself. Soon, her harsh glare softened as she let go of his hand, "And I am not about to let you 'survive' out here." She looked down for a moment, her bottom lip bit in thought. "I don't think mum and dad would mind if you stayed with us till you get a home," she said, half to herself but loud enough for him to hear, "They'd understand if I told them." Then she looked up at Walter, "Come on then, let's get you home. I want you to meet my parents."
Walter was a hardened veteran who had taken gunfire, but that glare was about some of the scariest things he experienced. Liar, just another thing to add up to his long list of shameful things. Walter did however swallow his pride for the time being, miss Wilson was showing him a kindness and he'd be an idiot to refuse. He wasn't sure what seemed scarier, meeting the mother of this scary young girl, or seeing what the father thinks of a twenty three year old homeless man who showed his daughter his willy. Walter was at war with himself over accepting and declining her offer might only cause more of a situation. "Meeting your parents? I don't know about that, miss Wilson." His voice shook, and Walter was almost cussing himself out for it. His time up in the clouds really had softened him up in terms of showing emotion. Drill instructors back then made sure you didn't have anything to show by the time you got to the field.
"Hayley, please," said the owner of the name rather monotonously. Then she crossed her arms across her chest, "In any case, if you won't come to meet them, I'll bring them here to meet you," she said before tilting her head to one side, "Which would you prefer?" She knew her parents wouldn't mind. In fact, they would be proud that Hayley had made a good choice in bringing a homeless man home instead of letting him freeze in the biting cold. She couldn't bring herself to do that, she just wasn't that heartless. "Either way, I am not taking no for an answer. Do let me help you," she said, softness attempting to creep into her voice, "Please?" She did wonder though, as to why she was pleading. Perhaps she was trying to save herself from the lecture she could see her conscience giving her, in the off-chance that he declined her offer.
Such mysterious creatures women were, it didn't take much for them to both scare and enchant men into getting the desired results. Of course, it was the 'Please' that wrung Walter's heart. He has always had a weakness for it, and couldn't quite turn down any offer regarding it. Walter nodded, and raised his hands in surrender. "Right...Hayley, I'll come with you. No need to drag your folks down here." Walter paused as finally a genuine lip-twisting grin came upon his face "I'm really grateful for all the help, not too sure just how many people would be doing this for someone else.". However, it dawned on Walter that he'd have to explain himself to the parental figures. If they were half as good as their daughter at sniffing out lies, he was surely doomed to speak only the truth.
"Good," Hayley said with a light chuckle. Then she began walking towards home rather quickly. It was just a street away and they were there in just a few minutes. She then unlocked the front door of a seemingly empty house. Then she tiptoed into the house, closing the door behind Walter silently before whispering to him, "Stay right here, come in only when I call you." Then she walked into the living room, with a rather sheepish smile. "Mom, dad, I want you to meet someone. No no, not what you think, he's not a boyfriend," she said with a small giggle. There seemed to be no response to her words as the house remained eerily silent.
It wasn't much of a trip to her house and Walter was glad, for he didn't make her take an extremely long detour when getting him clothing. Walter stayed outside as instructed and put his ear to the door trying to see what was being said. If he was going to cause trouble he wasn't going to be hanging around for more than a second. Although she seemed to be speaking with someone, the replies were unheard. Almost like she were talking to a wall, and having a loony fantasy about talking to her parents. Of course he pushed the thought out of his mind and pulled his ear from the door before leaning up against it's frame. "What I wouldn't do for my old 'toon to see me now." Walter chuckled to himself and placed his hands inside of the insanely cramped pockets.
"Well, I guess you want to see him then," she said, a small and a rather sad smile on her face. Peeking out of the door, she nodded Walter to come in. Inside, there wasn't a soul there. But right above an unused fireplace, there was a picture of a happy couple with two babies, a boy of around 5 and a baby girl, less than a year old. "This is Walter. I don't know much about him but I'm sure he isn't going to kill me," she said with a wry laugh. Then she turned to Walter, her eyes quite filled with tears by now, "That's mum," she said pointing to the rather beautiful lady in the picture, "And that's dad," she said, pointing to the man there. Despite her tears, she held a smile on her face. "Don't cry in front of guests, Hayley," she could almost hear her mother's voice say inside her head.
Tears, good lord almighty was his heart being strangled by this girl. He was stunned at first, her parents were gone and she obviously was hurting about it. Yet she tried pushing on as if nothing was wrong. Walter could have almost broken down with her if it weren't for some sixth sense kicking in and he tried reaching out to her. More or less to comfort, at the very least to wipe away the stream of tears. "Sir, ma'am, you raised one sweet little girl, helped me when I needed it most. Pretty brave too, hitting a solider with a book and all." Walter spoke in a hushed tone, as his hand was gently placed upon Hayley's shoulder. He dared not go further for fear of freaking her out, but as he spoke his eyes remained glued to Hayley rather than the portrait of her parents.
Hayley blinked away the tears that had welled up in her eyes. Nope, no crying, not now. She didn't want to seem like a whining kid in front of a stranger. She lifted her tightly clutched little fists to wipe her slightly wet face before turning to the picture once more. "See? I told you he wasn't gonna kill me," she said before laughing wryly once more. It took her a few seconds to recall his words from earlier. "You're a soldier?" she asked Walter, her big blue eyes wide with surprise, "What the hell were you doing in the woods then? I mean," she went on, blabbering rather nonsensically, "Are you on a mission or something? Do you have to report to your team? And why would you be homeless? Don't tell me the government let you down," she was a barrage of questions. It was obvious that this thought process of hers was mostly a distraction from her train of thought earlier.

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