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A commoner's wonderful Nightmare.

Joe glanced at her for a moment before looking back at the road Little do you know, there is a lot more than dumping you in a few days which could mess just about everything up... he frowned a little bit and continued to drive to William's home "There are a few rules I'd like to discuss." Joe spoke up before starting "Rule one: You tell no one about where he lives. If you do, things can get crazy. Rule two: If you join William on his trips to different consert places, you must have some sort of coverup. Weather it's sunglasses or a hat. Rule three: Stick to William when you can because if you get caught by yourself... Reporters can swarm you." with that, he did a few more rules and finished them up "That's all. Any questions before we go in?" Joe asked as he pulled into the small lot of the home and parked
"Nope." Lyla said, still looking calm. She opened the car door and stepped out, closing the door before crossing her arms over her chest. "Lead the way." She said, tapping her foot as she thought of all the things happening. Any girl her age would be overjoyed to be now living this life, being dressed in the finest clothes and being pampered like a star...but it wasn't something she'd signed up for. It was obligation. She'd caused trouble and it was now her duty to play her part until it all washed over. She would do as she was supposed to. She would abide by the rules Joe established. She was doing it because she had to, but also because Joe seemed friendly and didn't deserve any trouble. He'd been a warm face among the crowd thus far....She would do what she could to make things easier for him. William, however, was a different story. She didn't know quite how to feel about him.
Joe nodded and approached the front door, pulling out his key and unlocking the door before pulling it open and allowing her to go in first "I will warn you though, if you stay here from time to time, William will establish rules for you... He's a very picky man. I will admit." he would give her more pointers but not now. There was no need to.

William walked in from the back and approached the front "You do know your words carry out through the house." the star pointed out as his arms were crossed as he looked at Lyla "I have many of rules for you actually." he then turned his back to her and began walking "The one big rule out of my list is: Do not enter my room. Not to even ask me a question. You stand outside the doorway of my room while I talk to you." (Door is open when he talks to her) William kept walking away from the two "Rule Two:"

Joe looked at Lyla, noticing she wasnt following. Quickly Joe gently pushed her along so she would listen to him "just follow" he whispered "He'll get mad if you dont."

"Do not -under any circumstances- bring anything that is peanut related. I'm highly allergic." William suddenly stopped and turned to her "Do not eat my food in my fridge. Joe can tell you what you're allowed to eat." Wasnt he just a picky man? "If you make a mess: Clean it up. Dont expect me to be your maid. Dont leave the Lights on when you're not in the room. The only light that is allowed to be on is the kitchen light in which can be dimmed."

Joe sweatdropped before speaking "Erm, William. Isnt that too many rules?"

"No. It's not." he looked down at Lyla and studied her "And do not lay a finger on me unless I allow it."

(Sorry if I was controlling your character just slightly >.<)
"You make it sound like I'd want to lay a finger on you." Lyla retorted with an eye roll, arms crossed still. She chewed on the inside of her cheek in thought, tapping her index finger against her arm to push back the frustration gnawing at her insides. "I mean, c'mon Joe, do I really have to stay here? Wouldn't it be easier on the both of us if I just stayed at my place and he stayed here? I could travel up when I'm needed and then I wouldn't have to put up with half of these silly rules." She clicked her tongue, turning to look at Joe. "I'm sure if I had to stay here with him we'd both end up trying to kill each other."

She glanced at William momentarily, a frown forming along her lips instantly. What did all of her friends see in him? He was just a celebrity. Someone that made way too much money and thought they were better because of it. Someone who thought he could boss her around just because she wasn't at the same pay grade as he was. She wouldn't stand for it. No, she was too feisty for that. Sure, the peanut thing was sensible. Why wouldn't she respect that? But the light thing? What if she was terrified of the dark? What if she was experiencing something horrible and had to go into his room? To be honest, she was mostly concerned about the rules because of the way they could end up negatively impacting her. She didn't want to risk her safety just because this star couldn't handle someone coming in his room or laying a hand on him.

"I think it's safer for the both of us if we don't stay in the same ten mile radius." She finally said, taking a step back. "I'm fully prepared to catch a cab home after this radio broadcast."

((You're fine. I understand! ^^))
Joe laughed nervously "W-Well you dont have to stay here but sometimes it is an option." he knew William like the back of his hand. Simply because he experienced similar rules to what he had given the teen. He leaned down and whispered into her ear "He did the same thing to me when we first met. I had to deal with that for a long time." he said with a sigh and looked at William who looked surprised. A different expression other than serious "Oh right, I didnt tell you about the Radio broadcast... Well one of the stations wanted to interview both you and Lyla. I decided that we should do it now that your "Secret" is let out to the public of your "girlfriend" "

Will blinked and then slowly nodded "Alright. When does this take place?"

"In three days. Which is why I'll have the stylist take a look at Lyla and get her fixed up." he looked at Lyla "Lyla, you can tell her any style you like. Heck, show her pictures if you have to so she can get a basic look on what you like so you dont look too overly dressed." Joe smiled softly

William just looked at the two "I'm heading to my room. Knock on the door if you need me." he went to the kitchen, grabbed a drink and headed upstairs. Being in just his socks, he was quite silent on the way up

"Sorry about him, Lyla.."
"It's fine, Joe. He's so obligated to be nice to me or anything. To be honest, I'm sure he and I have the same mentality as to how we feel about each other right now." Lyla responded with a small smile. She wasn't enthused to be in William's company, so why would he be eager to be in hers? If anything, she tagged along because of Joe's part in it all. He was a friendly, warm face and he comforted her. Sure, he was just making sure things ran smoothly, but he did seem like he had her back and she needed that in these circumstances. I mean, William surely didn't right now....

"I mean, you've been a great help and all....I just don't know if staying here is best. I mean, William may be lightened up to you with time, but I'm sure that won't work with me. It's my fault we're in this mess and I don't think he'll be over it...ever. I think if I'm not here it'll just help to keep him from being angry or something like that." She sighed and looked down, shifting her weight uncomfortably from one foot to the other. She didn't really know what to do. She didn't know what she could do. She thought about running away from all this. Blazing out the door and running down the road and getting home and throwing her phone on the bed and never picking up. She could see the headlines, "Star's Girlfriend Gone Rogue!" And she could almost smile....But she knew that wouldn't work. She knew there was nothing else she could do but stay as she was, doing her part in the whole mess of things.

"I'm just worried, I suppose. I'm sorry, Joe."
"Dont be worried. I'm here and i'll help you." he smiled "Give him time, it may seem like he'll kill you but he wont." he then led her to the kitchen "Alright, he mostly eats salads and drinks special jucies so just about everything else in this fridge is what you guys share other than those salads and drinks. You got water and soda in there as well as things like fruits and what not. He's a healthy man. That's why he's so skinny!" he chuckled and then sat at the breakfast bar that was set up in the middle island. "This place is well furnished so if you need anything to make something, it's all around in this kitchen." looking at the time, he furrowed his brows "I wonder where she is..." he muttered

"Anyway, there's a pool and garden out back if you ever want to go and have some fun. At least he didnt make any rules about that." pools were nice "otherwise I would say make yourself at home."
"Thanks." Lyla said, smiling slightly. She took a seat at the bar and looked around. It was true that there was a lot of stuff. She could make some nice meals for herself and take a dip in the pool. It could end up being relaxing. She would just avoid getting in William's way. After all, she didn't really have anything she needed him for anyways. If they kept their distant, all would end up well. "Let's go swim then! After the girl takes my measurements and such! That would be fun, right?" She said, leaning over the counter with a big smile.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. On the other side stood a women in her early twenties talking on the phone. Her clothes were lavish, her hair blonde and falling in gentle curls around her graceful frame. She wore makeup, but it was natural and light. It complimented her face, making her light up instead of blend in. Her emerald orbs were concentrated on the door, but she talked on the phone easily. Once the conversation was over she finished the slipped the phone in her bag and knocked on the door again.

((I figured this would be the make up person and all. ^^))
"if you want to gon in the pool, Sure! I just dont have time to get wet though." hearing the knock, he got up "I think that's her." Joe jogged over to the front door and unlocked it as well as opened it to reveal the stylist "Come in, come in! She's in the kitchen." moving out of the woman's way, he allowed her in and he locked the door behind her "We were just talking about you not too long ago." Joe headed to the kitchen "I think you might like her, she's quite nice. Lyla?" he called "This is our Stylist, (if you dont have a name, I have one :) ) and (name) this is Lyla. The mystery girlfriend of williams."
((I've got a name, I think! ^^))

Audrey walked into the kitchen to see Lyla sitting down at the bar. Lyla spun around in her chair to look at Audrey as Joe escorted her in. "Oh, hey. Is this the stylist?" Lyla asked as she slid out of her chair and approached the girl. She extended her hand. "Nice to meet you." Lyla said, watching as Audrey shook her hand politely.

"So, you're the mystery girlfriend? Hm..." Audrey walked around Lyla for a few moments, tapping her chin with her index finger in thought. "You have a simple style. Something that isn't flashy. You're straightforward, practical...but you're also something more. You're trouble, mischief, fun. I think I know what I'm going to do with you." Audrey put down her bag and rummaged through it for a few moments. She pulled out some measuring tape and had Lyla stand with her arms stretched out. She began taking measurements, writing them down every once in a while, and pretty much making plans as to what she was going to make.

"I have great plans for you, Lyla." She said, seeming excited. Lyla smiled, but she looked to Joe helplessly. She wondered if Audrey really did have an idea that was good for her.
Joe chuckled "Lyla, you're in perfect hands. If she makes Will's clothes and make them look awesome. Then Audrey could make some pretty awesome clothes for you. After we finish all this drama, you are able to keep the clothes if you'd like. We wouldnt make you clothes and then have you give them back to us. That just isnt right, you know?" he said, sitting at the bar again and watching the two girls as Audrey measured Lyla from head to toe "Hey Audrey, what colors do you think would fit her? I would say maybe a light color like purple or something. I'm no professional but I am stating my opinion." Joe grinned and gently spun in his chair
Audrey glanced over at Joe, thoughtfully. "Purple would mix well....but I'm also thinking that blue goes well with her. The clothes I bring over will definitely have some purples in there. Good eye." She smiled, finishing up the measurements with ease. She put the tools away and slung the bag over her shoulder. "Does William need anything else?" She asked, tilting her head slightly. Lyla walked over to the counter and leaned against it, watching Audrey carefully. She looked very confident and poised, ready. She figured that the woman was very successful in her field. Only the best serve people like William after all.
Joe grinned and loved the feeling of being complimented. Once she finished the measurements on Lyla, Joe nodded in acceptance before looking at Audrey when she asked about William "No, not yet. We dont have any conserts planned. Only a radio station broadcast but he doesnt need to be overly dressed. Thank you for asking though." secretly, Joe had a nice crush on Audrey but never had the guts to tell her. She was so beautiful and could be her own Model if she wanted to be. Why did we have to have such a beautiful stylist? She's an angel that has come down from heaven hasnt she? he thought to himself.
Lyla glanced to Joe, noting the way he seemed to look at Audrey. She smiled slightly, slowly approaching Audrey. "Hey Audrey?" She called, watching the stylist turn to the white haired girl curiously. "Hm?" She chimed in. "I'm about to go swimming....so if you're free this afternoon you could stay and swim with me? Joe wouldn't join me and I don't think William will either." She pouted some. Audrey smiled and rubbed the back of her head. "I don't know if Joe would welcome me to stay longer than my appointment." She glanced to him. She was already making calculations in her head, but she figured if she was welcome she could take a break to around. Besides, being around might give her from more ideas for outfits.
Joe had an oncoming blush as Lyla decided to ask her about swimming. When eyes were on him, he chuckled and nodded "I wouldnt mind you coming over this afternoon. Plus, I'm sure Will wouldnt mind either since he likes you as his stylist so." Joe shrugged and was glad that Audrey would come back "We're all friends here after all." even though he was kind of thinking of how wonderful Audrey would look in a bikini. This made him blush more and go to the fridge to pull out water just to cool him down "Feel free to stop by when you can." he opened the bottle and took a drink from it.
Audrey thought about this for a moment before nodding. "Okay, I'll stop by in a bit. I have a really cute idea in mind for a swimsuit for Lyla anyhow!" She clapped her hands together eagerly, as if smitten with this new thought that had popped into her head. "See you soon, lovelies! Joe, you best get some flippers because when I come back you're getting in that water!" She proclaimed before walking out the door in a burst of energy and grace.

Lyla looked over towards Joe, tilting her head some. "She was sweet, but I can tell you think highly of you." She winked playfully at the boy before sitting in a chair at the counter.
Joe chuckled as Audrey left and he looked at Lyla "She's absolutely beautiful. If she wanted she could be a model and designer at the same time. I will admit, I do have a crush on her. I have had it since not long after we met when Will first debuted." Joe revealed to his new friend "I jusr havent made a move on her yet. I dont think it's even time to do that right now." nor was he ready to even confess his love. He was too afraid to even do so right now. Besides, he had to take care of Lyla who was in this mess!

Actually, they were all in this mess.
"Well, you should definitely involve her in a lot of our activities. It's nice to have another girl around and if she hasn't fallen for you yet she surely will then." Lyla grinned and grinned at him playfully, stretching her arms above her head before looking around. "What should we do in the meantime? Go grab a bite to eat? Plan stuff for the radio broadcast?" She wasn't sure how any of the things she was suggesting would go. She was sure they'd all involve William, who she wasn't exactly sure she was getting along with at the moment. Sure, she hoped it worked out well...but she was also afraid it wouldn't.

She smiled, regardless, but on the inside she was having many doubts.
Joe chuckled softly and shook his head as he turned to her "Well if you plan to go grab a bite to eat, you're going with Will. If anyone saw you with me, they'd think something's up. Though, William's favorite food is a chicken wrap. So if you find a place to go and eat with that on the menu, he'll grow on you im sure."

William came down just in time but the sound of keys jingled in his hand.

"And where do you think you're going?" Asked Joe as he looked over at the star.

"I'm going out and she," he pointed to Lyla "Is coming with me." in his other hand was two pairs of sunglasses. One for him and one for her. William walked over and put them over her eyes and then grabbed her wrist "Let's go. I'm hungry." he didnt feel like he was in the mood for salad anyway. Maybe a wrap would suffice. Without hesitation, he started to drag her with him to the front door.
Lyla felt the sunglasses pushed onto her face, blinking some before feeling her wrist being grabbed as she was pretty much dragged towards the door. She glanced over her shoulder, giving Joe a meek wave as she was escorted away. She felt a little silly for suggesting they go out to eat. Of course I can't be seen with another guy alone. She thought. The press would freak. That would mean a lot of bad news for the two of us.

She wasn't thrilled about the situation, but she was definitely less thrilled about bad news. It could ultimately destroy them both. And she wasn't even a star! Well...She supposed she was becoming something....but that was only because of her affiliation with Will.

"See you soon, Joe!" She called, smiling some. She appreciated his help. Maybe Audrey would come back and they could go out to eat together. Or talk. They deserved to be able to relax and have fun, too. Lots may have happened, but Lyla didn't want it to diminish their spirits. She hoped they could all find a way to coexist and mingle together efficiently.

She managed to find her way to the front seat of the vehicle they were taking. She buckled up with little problem and adjusted the sunglasses some, glancing towards Will slowly.

"May I ask where we're going?" She asked, curiously. She figured it would be a place with a chicken wrap, but she wasn't sure. To be honest, she'd never had one herself...so this would be an interesting experience.

((Sorry if it seemed like I controlled your character or anything. I wasn't trying to.))
(It's no problem :D if you need to control william a bit in your post, it's fine with me.)

Joe had waved back to Lyla with a smile "See ya" he said

William let her go once they got to the car and he got into the driver's seat. He buckled up and put on his glasses and slipped the keys into ignition to start the car "We're going out to eat." he simply stated as he turned the key and the car came to life. Will got out of the driveway and headed to the road where he began to drive. "I did say that i was hungry when we left, did I not?" he glanced at her before looking back at the road. He was being so mean and it seemed that he didnt care.

"I will warn you, paparazzi tends to follow sometimes. I'll be sure to get a room which they cant look in." they did have to keep her face a secret anyway. To avoid people following her like the reporters or his fans that want to kill the girl that 'took his heart'. William never wished that on anyone no matter who it was. He wanted to avoid any bad things that could potentially happen to her.
((Oh, okay! I was just worried! Thank you!))

"You did." Lyla reassured him lightly, crossing her arms over her chest. "I was actually hoping you'd be a bit more specific. As in, what restaurant?" She sighed, knowing that there was a huge chance he wouldn't tell her. She almost wanted to argue and say she had a right to know, but she figured that wouldn't help her case either. She glanced out the window of the car, thinking. She was lucky, she supposed...but she was also in great danger. She didn't know how she should feel about that. She didn't even know if she wanted to think about it.

"Oh." She breathed, nodding slowly. "I understand. Thank you. I appreciate it." And, she actually meant that. She didn't want to become anything to the press. If they found out what her face looked like, she would never see the end of it. Will's actions were actually helping her, which was a relief.

She didn't know quite how to view Will. He wasn't being overly friendly, but he did have her back. At least, for now. She wondered if all the time they'd have to spend together to keep up the charade would be like this. She didn't need to become his friend or his actual girlfriend, not after all that had happened....but she hoped that perhaps their relationship could become less...tense? She didn't know if that was the world to describe it, but she supposed it didn't matter.
William continued to drive "If I told you it wouldnt be so surprising now would it?" a tiny smile tugged the corners of his lips but it quickly faded before it could be noticed. "Just know it's a place to eat and I will occasionally bring you here when the time asks for it." such as if he brought her to some of his conserts or some important places. Though, it wouldnt be every time he'd treat her. Cant make their 'dates' boring! "This place also has a good amount of food to choose from. Pick whatever you want and i'll pay for it." no matter how expensive it might be for just both of us. he silently added as his mind was trying to come up with some food he wanted. For sure he was a wrap person. Maybe he'll get something like a soup or bread.

Just keeping my distance from Lyla is the best for me. If he created a relationship with her in any shape or form, it'd make things a lot more complicated farther down the road for when it's time to let her go and 'break up' then let her go back to her old life as a normal girl who didnt have anything to do with a popstar.
Lyla nodded, adjusting the hat on top of her head absentmindedly. So, I'm getting the least expensive thing. She thought, tapping her index finger against her arm. I mean, he's a star...but he shouldn't have to be bogged down by me if I choose something overly expensive. "Are you sure? I mean...I'd hate for it to be super expensive...I can pay you back." She reassured him, still thinking of trying to find something inexpensive. He probably had the money, but it was the idea of taking something from him that wasn't right. She knew she didn't belong to this world, not the world of stars and designers and fame. No, she didn't belong in it. And he didn't deserve to give too much to her when she didn't need it herself. She was already getting clothes out of the deal and she was spending time with Will....If any of her friends were in this situation, they'd be flipping out. They'd love it, devour it, soak it in. She liked attention, she supposed everyone does in some way or another, but she definitely didn't think she liked the idea of fame.

"Are you going to join us for swimming later, Will?" She asked quietly, tilting her head slightly as she glanced to him. She wanted to assume he'd say no, but there was no harm in asking.
"I'm sure. I dont care if you get the most expensive thing on the menu." why was she being so... thoughtful of him? He had tons of dollars in which he was able to use whenever he wanted. "You have no reason to pay me back either. By the time you manage to pay me back, I would have triple that money." Will would have already paid himself back. When Lyla asked about Swimming, he shook his head "No. I'm not much of a swimmer." really, he just put his feet in the water and that's about it. He rarely got in fully.

Pulling up to a fancy looking resturant, he parked and pulled his keys out of the car and then got out of the car itself. Shutting the door, he walked over to Lyla's side and opened the door before holding his hand out to her, waiting for her to take it. He wanted to make the tension between them a little less. One of the ways is eating with the person. Sure, it's awkward but hey, food. Who doesnt like a good meal with the tension in the air?

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