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Fantasy A Bunch Of Godslayers Share An Apartment: OOC

Not from me~
I'm just waiting for the CS to work on it now >w<
So the term GOD is broad
Its more of a name given to those creatures nuking your city with godlike power
Like I said
No OC Gods or Beings
It has to be a classical mythological deity or hero or legendary figure
By legendary figure do you mean people who's name have gone down in history (Hercules) and/or beings like Dracula
So the legends surrounding him would translate into a power or two
Like it says in the lore
Gods gain power depending on their legends
So let's say you kill Hades, you could potentially get necromancy, hell fire manipulation, soul manipulation, or some type of control of the underworld?
You'd only get 3-5 of those and they would tweak themselves to better fit YOU
Also your Godslayer Body may be tough but its still mortal
It can't handle using a GODS POWER more than once a day
Each Authority can be used once a day
So say you killed Achilles
You would get maybe 3 of his powers
Invulnerability save for a weak spot
Summoning his Chariot to ride on... also ramming
Temporarily Boosting Battle Capabilities
Sorry, got distracted with school work the past few days. Finals are next week so I've been studying nonstop. I'll be working on my character today since I have no work or classes.

I do have some questions about the character sheet though:
Is there an age range for the characters? like 20-75 or no one below 18 kinda thing?
I am assuming the Divine Authorities part of the character sheet is to explain the gods our characters have already slain?
What do you mean by Authority/Sphere of Influence?

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