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A boy and his dragon (Telios, Robin)

(Out of game spell! :D )

"Hm..." Mir thought of a spell and focused. His symbol glowed as he slowly shrunk down until he was only one foot tall including his horns. "This might work." He chuckled as he looked at himself.
(I feel like we just broke the forth wall here xD .)

Selina smiled and picked him up. "You look so. Just want you squeez you." She carried him inside. She carried him to the bed Olivia was sleeping in and she put him down. "There." She said softly.
(It's our own 1x1 and it is (OBVIOUSLY) involved with magic and spells. xD )

Mir curled up next to Olivia and watched her asleep, smiling.
"Not really... Onyx Dragons form a pact with their own Masters. So unless you meet an Onyx Dragon egg and it reacts to you, nope." Mir answered.

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