7-Headed Dragon Strike


Four Thousand Club
Cost: 7m

Mins: Martial Arts 7, Essence 7

Type: Extra Action

Duration: Instant

Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious

Prerequisites: Disruptive Wounding Blow, Blinking Death Kata

Follow-ups: Dance Between Raindrop Moments

In swordfighting, there are 9 basic strikes; head slash, two shoulder shlashes, two side slashes, two leg slashes, one groin slash, and one thrust. This Charm can strike up to 7 of these places… at once.

Approaching the pinnacle of the style, the user of the Dragon Transcendent Speed begins to move beyond the limits of normal cause and effect. This Charm is the first step into that area, allowing the user to make multiple actions, not simply at a high rate, but within the exact same moment. Their form seems to split into multiple glowing images of themselves, and with speed invisible to mortal eyes, the character unleashes their sevenfold fury.

Activation of this Charm allows the character to make seven strikes, parries or combination thereof against any enemy or enemies that may be in range. These actions are all resolved at precisely the same moment.

This Charm, when used to defend, nullifies the DV penalty of coordinated attacks by the number of parries it makes. And of course, when it makes multiple attacks against a single opponent, they count as coordinated attacks.

A character targeted by multiple attacks from this Charm must defend against many attacks at the precise same moment and, thus, may not be capable of applying their defences against some.

Example: Talena, using one sword, unleashes the 7-Headed Dragon Strike while sparring with Misho, a fellow Solar, who wields two blades. Seeing 7 swords now coming at him at once, Misho is hard-pressed to defend. Activating Heavenly Guardian Defense, Misho defends perfectly against one attack, the thrust; sadly, one attack is all it affects, and this Charm unleashes 7 of them. Nevertheless, using a stunt to draw attention to the length of his blade, Misho justifies using HGD on two attacks by using one blade to parry two attacks at once. Misho uses his other blade to parry the groin attack, and successfully dodges the two leg slashes with another stunt. Sadly, he can do no more, and now possesses no DV against the remaining two attacks (Though if he had them, the bonus from shields or cover would still apply). To add insult to injury, he is now at -5 DV against Talena’s next attack.

The mode of defence is critical to defending against this Charm’s attack; only those defences capable of stopping multiple attacks at once will truly prevail.

Style: Dragon Transcendant Speed
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