4-2: The Difference A Year Makes [For A Better Age]

Asyk & Chain

Nagh, I don’t think we need any rolls. [OOC] After listening to Asyk, Visul grimaces and takes up the Superior Contemplates Advice stance. “The Solars have returned to Creation,†asks with suppressed surprise. “Along with their Lunar mates? We had heard a little about their increased influence since the Contagion. We receive news only slowly out here. Between doing what we can for our people, and penning up the Varajtul ghost’s, we have little time to keep track of the events of the wider world.†Visul rubs his jaw. “If this is true, then this changes a great deal.†He turns as though looking at something on the wall. “The Dragon-Blooded could keep a cap on no more than a couple dozen Solars, but the balance of Creation is going to shift violently if even half of the Solars have returned. Doubly so with addition of the Lunars. Can’t say the help of those two upstart gods wouldn’t be helpful also. With the Celestial Exalted’s help…†The plagued Dragon King ghost turns back to Asyk. “So what is it that you require of us? I doubt you came here without a purpose.†[B]Alfrun[/B] As Alfrun pulls out her string, Maiden’s head tilts quizzically. “Hey, what are yo-mugh-muh-mhm-mmm,†she says as her beak is muffled. Livias lets out a giggle as she watches the two. “If that is all it took to finally shut that one up, I think I and a lot of others would have done so a long time ago.†Alfrun gets the sense that Maiden is looking at her with irritation. The volcano goddess’s eyes narrow when she sees Alfrun’s caste mark. “So what is it you wish to talk about Solar? I doubt you have come all this way for pleasantries.†[B]Bjarn[/B] Auvir sighs as he looks at Bjarn. “Hakin has been given powers similar to your own. Though he no longer goes by the name his kin gave him. He only answers to the title of Harbinger of Irreconcilable Venom and Conflict, King of the Skandir, Emperor of the North, and a half other titles besides. He has become a frightful figure that is a terror to all. Resisting him and his fellow deathknights has proven to be nothing short of suicidal, and the only options are to submit to their power or flee.†Auvir leans up against one of the tents posts in pain. “Yes, I am a proud being. And that pride has been stepped upon, both back and now.†He looks back at Bjarn with own stony features. “You are fortunate if you have never had to have your pride hurt Bjarn. In the way I have. Where years of faithful and honorable service gets you relegated to being a babysitter to a pair of argumentative, immature, and difficult brats.†“We’re right here you know, Auvir,†says Maiden with an edgy annoyance as she crosses her arms before her chest. “Sorry if a temporary assignment from Dad wasn’t good enough for you.†The Skandir god frowns at Bjarn. “You should be careful about how quickly you denounce others.†He looks down on the ground, and away from Bjarn. “Why did you leave Bjarn? Why did you abandon your people? Hearing what you have done here in Icehold, you could have stopped your cousin, and what has happened to the Skandir. You were supposed to bring a golden dawn to your people, but when you gained the ability to commit greatness you ran. Many among the Skandir that have ran away with me speak of what you have done as a betrayal you know. Gone off and fought for another tribe while your people needed you.†Horizon waves off Auvir’s words. “Little touchy about being called out on what you are Auvir? What you and Bjarn did was different, and you know it.†“I also would like to know who those why advised you were also,†says Maiden coldly. “I’ve never heard of this. I would like to hear just how stupid you were.†Auvir’s nostrils flair as he turns to look at Maiden. “Like it would have done any good to explain to you two. You probably wouldn’t even have believed me.†“For good cause,†bites back Horizon. “It’s generally not a good idea to trust the word of a betrayer.†Auvir sighs deeply as he closes his eyes to contemplate. “It is a complex situation. Since the Usurption, there is a faction of those in Yu Shan who do not favor the Solars and their Lunar mates, and sought to prop up the Dragon-Blooded. And they make their desires plain to the spirit courts. That faction in Yu Shan has always found Nasamara and Voharun’s position on the Solars, and certainly the Lunars, to be wanting. This has been a matter of no small amount of danger to them. During the Usurpation the God of War of the East not so mysteriously disappeared when she openly supported the Solars during the fall of the Solars. As a result she was replaced. Nasamara and Voharun have never been so open in their support of the other Celestial Exalted, but it is known they have at the very least supported the Lunars in their battles against the enemies of Creation. Their official neutral stance on Solars has been a source of consistent irritation for that faction.†Maiden sighs and rubs her forehead. “Ah yes, Heavenly politics. Always a fun topic.†“Because your grandfather hasn’t taught you to be a political animal Maiden,†says Auvir dismissively. “Anyways, as a result they are always looking to undermine the Northern Gods of War. I only found out this later, but they were unhappy to see the Valhal, under Maiden and Horizon, growing in power in this region. A tribe that for them had uncomfortably close ties to the Lunars.†“So they arranged for me to be the front man for their scheme,†Auvir says remorsefully. “They used my hurt pride, and promised me the position of my own group of Icewalkers as part of the scheme. I helped cause the initial division between Maiden and Horizon, and-“ Maiden steps forward angrily. “Wait, you were behind that! You were working with the damn Sid-“ Horizon quickly steps in front of Maiden, and puts a hand on her shoulder and mouth to keep her from leaping onto and assaulting Auvir. “Perhaps we should hear the rest of this out Maiden and watch our mouths for once,†says Horizon with caution as he looks Maiden in the eyes. Auvir scowls at the two gods and turns back towards Bjarn. “To put it briefly, I helped to embarrass those two and their father, and caused a split between Horizon and Maiden. A split I then exploited to the result you are now aware of. For my part I was offered protection from Nasamara and Voharun. Thus the split between the Skandir and Valhal was created.†“And a fine job you’ve done with them,†says Horizon with a biting tone as he lets go of his sister. “What with you letting undead abominations errun them, and them becoming a mockery of what they once were. Why did our Dad want us to learn from you again?†Maiden continues to glare at Auvir with spite. “Can we go ahead and kill their traitorous failure? The sight of him makes me ill.â€

"I came here planning on finding any that had Awakened, and if not, then I was planning on capturing as many fledglings as possible to begin their education. There are facilities in Icehold waiting for us as we speak. While I have little expierence with younglings, my oath requires me to try my best to restore what I can. I now humbly ask for your blessing in this task."

Ignoring Maiden's frustrated glare, Alfrun draws a reserved smile that borders on coy when Livias laughs. When seriousness returns to the goddess's demeanor, the smile does not go away.

"You're right, of course. I came here to tend to some business." She says with a nod. Reaching to a bag hanging from her broomstick, she draws out a scroll and holds it up to the goddess, letting it unfurl. On it is the design of a manse, set rather clearly atop a volcano. Even the least-educated god would recognize something that included its domain.

"I intend to build a manse on this demense, to turn it into a metal-producing factory that will supply Icehold indefinitely. It'll be quite a thing of beauty. I came to speak with you to make sure that you would cooperate with the construction." Alfrun explained in a friendly tone. That smile does not leave her face. She holds the scroll open for the goddess to read, and once more waits for a reaction.
Asyk & Chain

The dead Dragon King begins to pace as he look to the side at Asyk. “We do have a couple Awakened of our kind in addition to these two. But they are young. And primitive. Keeping any of the Awakened of our kind has been difficult. It’s hard to explain. But it is as though the savage among our kind seem to have a malevolence towards their Awakened kin. One beyond just the predator instinct of our savage selves. This has made it even more difficult to instruct younglings. We have been getting disturbing that the god who supplanted Leeayta in Yu Shan has somehow caused this change in behavior.â€

One of the other Dragon Kings steps up to present himself. “Are you aware of the Path of Spiritual Enlightenment Asyk? It is a Path that fell out of common use with the rise of our civilization, and was only used by those directly in charge of Awakening the younglings. We could possibly give you the instructions you need to learn that Path. It would likely be of great help to you and the other Awakened in raising the younglings.â€

Visul spins back towards Asyk stoney faced. “It might be necessary for you to take the next step in enlightenment warrior-priest. To become one of the olchilike. This is not a decision to be taken lightly. But in addition to the return of the Solars, we have been receiving other dark rumors that we do not like, and we may not have much time to drag ourselves out of the abyss we have fallen into.â€


The volcano goddess crosses her arms and holds her chin with one hand as she looks at the scroll with disinterest. “Yes, it’s pretty and all, but I fail to see why I should care,†says Livias as she waves the scroll off dismissively. “What does it matter to me if some human mudhole gets some metal or not? Sounds like you want to turn my beautiful little volcano into nothing more than an ore processing plant with dirty little humans walking, milling, and slaving all about.â€

Livias turns her back to Alfrun and walks a slow circle away from Alfrun as her pillar of lava moves with her. “Sounds like this is just going to be a bunch more work for me, and ruin the serenity of my home. If I want worship from the mortals I can just cause some local trembles and throw some smoke up, and get what I want from the cowering masses.†The volcano goddess lets out an exaggerated yawn. “This project holds little appeal to me.â€

Maiden manages to scrape the string off of her beak, and shakes her head in irritation. She turns her head to whisper into Alfrun’s ear. “Did I forget to mention that she can be a bit of prissy, stuck up, bitch?â€

Determined to make the shipyard work to the best of his abilities he invest much of himself into the arduous task. Forgoing sleep and comfort until the situation is resolved

Bureaucracy + Intelligence for smoothing out the city’s bureaucracy. 5+3 [URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2879552/"]8d10 → [3,6,3,5,10,4,3,1] = 2[/URL] Survival + Perception to identify quality wood for the ships. 4+3 + 1 Success (Willpower) [URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2879555/"]7d10 → [6,8,1,6,1,5,4] = 1+1 = 2[/URL] Bureaucracy + Intelligence to administer the creation of a good shipyard. 5+3 [URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2879556/"]8d10 → [3,7,3,6,5,3,2,2] = 1+1 = 2[/URL] Geeze Awfull rolls.
Chain was the definition of awestruck. First, being able to observe the interaction of a species so foreign to him was interesting enough, but this was his first time in the presence of actual ghosts. He had heard of the phenomenon in his travels about Creation, but this was his inaugural meeting. While lost in wonderment he was easily caught off guard by the boisterous dragon king. Luckily Asyk was able to ease the tensions before anything came of the confrontation. Now, more aware, Chain waited for any moment that he would be able to assist.

Reaching up, Alfrun puts her fingers around Maiden's beak and then holds it shut, keeping her hand there a moment to remind the god to stay quiet.

"I'm sorry, Livias." Alfrun apologizes. "I'm afraid I didn't quite get my point across." She says cheerfully, before all humour bleeds from her voice and face. "I must've given you the mistaken belief you have a choice."

Rising to her feet, Alfrun stands on the thin bar that is her broomstick, held in place by her Essence, drifting a little closer and higher than the volcano god, looming over her.

"This manse will be built on this demense. I said I came to secure your cooperation but it makes no difference to me if you become a member of our glorious new empire as a functionary or my new set of hearthstone bracers." Alfrun's tone is utterly even, her eye locked on the volcano goddess and not giving her a moment to avoid the feeling of her presence.

"How will you be cooperating, spirit?"

With a deep bow, "Elders, I hardly know what to say. It is an honor that I had never seriously thought I would ever achieve." He notices the confused look on Chain's face. "Olchilike in our tounge roughly translates as Joined One. It is a process where a willing spirit and a Dragon King merge together to form one being with the blessings of both kinds working together. It was a rare thing when I was a youth, and one that I had thought lost with the passing of most of my kind." He turns back to the ghosts before them. "I have heard of the Path, but I have only witnessed the most basic parts of its use. Without a teacher, I was going to have to try and make up what I could in order to Awaken our children, but with this Path it will make things much easier." Not only have we found children that have begun the process of Enlightenment, but now I will have a chance to learn the proper way of leading them to the light! Not to mention the chance to become olchilike! Such an honor! I wonder what spirit will choose to join with me? He bows once more. "Elders, I am ready to take the next step. What must I do?"

One comment cuts deep, and Bjarn's face grows thunderously angry. "You know how our people would have reacted to me if I had returned. You know they would have thought me possessed, and you know what they would have done. It was this or go back and conquer my own blood- and is that right?"

"I did not know the state my people were in, Auvir. I did not know what you had allowed to happen to them. And what do you think I plan to do now that I have a city at my back? You're a warrior, a leader- you know I couldn't leave the Varajtul at my back and go against Hakir. He will get what he deserves for this."

Closing his eyes, Bjarn's head tilts back slightly and he says, "I swear by the honour of my ancestors that he will get what he deserves by my hand."

He sighs. "Vengeance... vengeance is important." He fixes Maiden and Horizon with a steady gaze. "But I would ask you to stay your hand. Auvir has betrayed you, yes- been manipulated into betraying you, though that does not excuse him. But would it not be better to take your due from him? Not mere revenge, but what he took from you."

Then he looks at Auvir. "I think you know what I am offering. Your aid, your influence with your refugee army, and your support for the rejoining of Valhal and Skandir in return for your life. And know this- I am willing to give another chance to those who wrong me and mine. One other chance."

"Another betrayal will bring my wrath against you, and if you know Heaven as well as you say, then you know what I and my kind are capable of."

"Where to?" Narrante wondered as her new vessel took to the sky, emerging from a low covering of fog where they had been hiding from pursuit. "Anywhere," she answered, and flashed a smile. The brightest anyone in the North had ever seen from her. The wind began to ruffle her hair as the ship rose, and she looked out to the horizon.

This is freedom.

A few weeks after Narrante practically vanished from Icehold, the city was subject to a shocking sight. Duke Walks, the twin gods, and the Circle members still around at the time were alerted quickly by the approaching figure in the afternoon sky. An air boat, flying no banner or flag. Before it was close enough to appear threatening, Enlightened Emerald Maiden flew out to address the arrival. She had come armed for battle, but was stunned to find a grinning Narrante behind the helm, offering a cheery greeting. The ninja girl set the wondrous vehicle hovering above Icehold when she was not in it, descending via ladder with her crew. However, she was not around long except to greet those whom she had come to regard as friends, and convene with the important figures of Icehold to assure them her comings and goings were of no threat to anyone; Icehold was to be her harbor, no different than before.

Narrante was a busy young woman in the following weeks and months, and those close to her soon began to notice a change coming over the Iron Wolf. Her serious, distant demeanor was beginning to come undone. She talked, smiled, and even laughed in the nights she spent moored in the city, with her crew and friends. She began to drink, play games, and even trade what few stories she had to offer with others. The girl seemed happier than she'd ever been before. She grew more confident, and not without reason. Time and time again, Narrante set out from Icehold, telling few of her exact operations. She sailed South, or East, and moved across the North with whatever direction amused her. Word began to spread in the Southern coasts of the daring thief who arrived in the night, stole every scrap of jade from a noble's manor, or plundered warehouses and armories of the rich, and vanished with no sign of a ship ever entering or leaving harbor to carry it all. The Guild suffered far to the East from Icehold; its caravans were set upon by a rogue airship decked in Haslanti banners, plundering goods and tools of all sorts and freeing slaves, sometimes to take them away on the ship if they asked, to Icehold or to join her crew. Narrante scoured the slave satrapies, freeing entire towns of drugged slaves.

Narrante dealt with Icehold, selling the city the goods, as well as any other who would buy from her. Selling plundered arms, tools, and even the odd artifact began to fill her personal coffers, and she never said a word about what it was all for. The change in her attitude also overtook her attire. The girl began dressing in a more fitting way, styling herself Captain Narrante. Within a few months, she was a very different person, but the echoes of her old self were still there to those who knew her.

Rolling for her raids. First up is Intelligence+Stealth to avoid being tracked back to Icehold: Using First Stealth Excellency to add five dice.

10 3 8 6 4 6 9 4 2 5 6 4 = 4 successe

Then Intelligence+Sail for speed of gathering resources:

1 2 6 3 5 10 6 9 = 3 successes

Within two seasons, Narrante had built up enough wealth to take her first big step. With no more than her usual farewell from Icehold that heralded one of her trips, she set out with a very different goal than before. In her traveling around the Haslanti League, both before and after acquiring her new toy, Narrante had come across a promising little town. She had gotten quite practiced in redecorating the ship for what eyes were meant to see it; the last thing she wanted to do was have the Haslanti recognize their lost air boat. After months of work, she touched down in the village of Wolf's Den, a place marked on few maps, and only those because of a certain facility it possessed: an old and small airship factory. The place had seen little use in years, but from what information she gathered, it was still equipped to repair and build, and there were men and women in the town who remembered its workings and the ways of the air boats which the Haslanti manufactured as fast as possible.

In a show of wealth that did not escape any of the townspeople, Narrante purchased the facility wholesale and hired several skilled hands both to repair her ship and train some of her crew in the art of proper maintenance. With the presence and money brought in by Narrante and her crew, Wolf's Den livened up in more ways than one. She was gone from Icehold longer this time, and for weeks was busy raiding, directing, and ferrying materials and people to Wolf's Den. As Narrante had transformed, the town began to transform, reflecting her influence. Such was the presence of the Exalted, she was realizing. A blazing sun in a world of candles could not possibly be ignored, and one's very existence made the world around them ripple and change. She was unsure if this was a good or terrible thing in itself, but did not let the matter weigh on her mind heavily.

For the first time in years, the factory was put to proper use. Narrante announced to her employees that they were to begin work on new ships; she had gathered materials and let them study her own in order to replicate it in mundane form. In the nights when Narrante left or returned from a raid, she would see the windows of the factory aglow with candle light or that of metallurgy. She had taken the first, but could not capture all of what she needed for the future. The day would come when the skies of the North would witness a sight much greater than that of the piddling air boats ferrying supplies to the wild folk of the Great Ice. It would see a fleet. One that knew Narrante as its only master.

She smiled at the thought every time.

Jorik soon finds himself under a pile of work to get all he wants to get done, and centuries of inertia, corruption, and incompetence to work through in Icehold and correct. Jorik slowly manages to get Icehold’s bureaucracy into a respectable state. Drumming out the dead wood of the bureaucracy, training those who remain and new recruits, and changing rules to make things work better.

With some help from local experts, Jorik is able to identify some of the needed lumber good for ship construction. Work goes steadily on the shipyards. Luckily once he is able to procure the help of some of the elementals work goes quickly, and the docks are back into a respectable state, and the construction of new ships starts.

If there are any other charm you wish to use for these activities feel free to use them. [OOC] [B]Asyk & Chain[/B] The ghost nods to Asyk. “Though it will be difficult, we should be able to teach you the Path. We have already started teaching the Path to one of our Awakened pupils. Though it has been an arduous process due our loathsome condition, and the conditions we have had to work under.†“I wish we could take such a step as a showing of your purity, dedication, and personal feats,†say Vasul remorsefully. “But I’m afraid we are doing this for practical reasons. Luckily we have retained the knowledge of the process to become olchilike. The next difficult step will be to find a spirit willing to become olchilike with you. It might be able to attract the attention of Leeayta, the Lizard Queen. Though it may prove difficult to pull her interest away from Rathess given that seems to be her sole interest anymore. If you have any suggestions or ideas, we have pretty thorough database on spirits who have in the past joined with us, and how best to attract them.†The ghost then walks over the Chain to look him over. “And what about this one? Is he one of the Exalted? It would be good to see the physical support of the Exalted in our efforts. It might be good to make a show of force and ability to the Awakened we have on the island. As I am sure you are aware of. It is one thing to hear of the power of the Exalted, and another to see it first hand. It might make them more…amicable to moving to Icehold and the changes that need to come.†[OOC] Hopefully I will be able to get with Table on finishing those Paths up. We could also have one of the Awakened Dragon Kings know that path and free up Asyk to do other things.[OOC] [B]Alfrun[/B] “Hhhmmmrrrr,†Maiden grunts in anger when Alfrun pinches her beak shut. Livias looks up in wide eyed amazement at Alfrun as she makes her ultimatum to her. “You are threatening me,†the goddess says in indignation and surprise. The pillar of lava rises and twists so that Alfrun and Livias are face to face. “Well I can throw out threats too you know. What if I decide to just blow this volcano? Just start spewing fire, magma, and ash everywhere,†she says as she crosses her arms and looks away from Alfrun with her chin raised up like a spoiled child. “How do you like the idea of that huh? Bet that could cause you all sorts of misery.†She turns her head to face Alfrun again with a frown. “So you are one of those Solars that took over Icehold then? I’ve been hearing the rumors of what you have been doing. Such as you putting this uncouth upstart, and her inbred brother,†she says as she raises a hand to flick Maiden in the side of the head, “in charge of the local spirit courts in addition to being the gods of Icehold now.†Alfrun feels a pinch as Maiden slowly starts to dig her claws into her shoulder. It is fortunate that she is an Exalted, otherwise those talons would have sunk into her flesh. Livias starts to take long steps around Alfrun as she looks down at the volcano. “I don’t see what you see in the two uppity inbred morons, but if you can give all that to them, then you should be more then capable of giving a great deal to a much more distinguished goddess such as myself,†she says without even a hint of modesty. Livias smiles widely as she looks back to Alfrun. “For that manse of yours,†she points at the scroll Alfrun is carrying. “I want statues and other pieces of art of me in and around it. And I want a statue made in my honor in Icehold as thanks for me graciously allowing them to draw metals for their town. Also I want a temple for myself in that manse. And in the surrounding villages for the people who will be working in my demense. Those mortals need to know who they should be thanking for their livelihood.†Livias grins as she looks up into the sky and thinks to herself. “Also I want new priestesses to my name. Mortals to serve me. Oh! Also I want a yearly festival in Icehold and the surrounding countryside in my sole honor.†Livias props her elbow on a secondary pillar or lava she summons up and smiles at Alfrun. “That should be more then easy enough for you and your friends to arrange. Don’t yu think?†[OOC] I work on getting the stuff for Bjarn and Narrante up next. [OOC]

Auvir waves off the co-accusations. “It does us little good to talk about whom should have done what. Fact is we are going to have to proceed based on what is.†Auvir looks Bjarn in the face with determination. “But I warn you. The Varajtul are nothing more than an irritation in comparison to Hakir and the forces brings to bear.â€

Upon hearing Bjarn’s solution for vengeance, Maiden grins at Auvir. “Now that does sound like a plan to me. I would be more than happy to get our people back.â€

“I would have like to have liked to leave Auvir as a pile of starmetal in the dust,†says Horizon with a shrug. “But letting Auvir live in atonement for what he did does have a certain appeal. Especially after losing everything like the fool he is. Seems appropriate.â€

The Skandir god’s eyes widen as he hears Bjarn’s ultimatum. “Y-y-you would leave me destitute? You would have the Skandir taken away from me? Have me lose everything? Or…†He turns his head to Maiden and Horizon, and shivers. “You would have me work under those two again? After our history?â€

Horizon shrugs again. “I could always give you a mercy killing if you really want it. Just saying.â€

Ignoring Horizon, Auvir turns to Bjarn. “What am I to make of this second chance?â€

I’ll try and get a reply up for Narrante’s stuff Thursday. Just hit a timewall tonight and I’m getting tired. [OOC]

The witch seems mildly curious about Livias's little display, watching as she tries to appear threatening and then proud. When the goddess gives up threats and turns to demands, she seems to barely be suppressing a smile. When Livias finishes, Alfrun can hold back no longer.

"MMMMBAHAHAHAHAHAAA! Ha ha ha ha! Oh... Oh my... Wow." She laughs, almost doubled over, her arms wrapped around her middle. When she rises and wipes a tear from eye, she is smiling once more.

"Oh, thank you, I've not laughed like that for a long time." She grins. "Never have I heard of a god threaten me by offering to ruin its sphere of influence and drive away what few worshipers they have. Is suicide one of your typical first-line tactics? You're funny, Livias, you really are." Finally, she regains her composure, stretching a little to add to the displayed irreverence.

"You can have all those things you ask for if you work for them. I would most certainly make it known that you are the manse's patron, Livias, and one of Icehold's provider gods. They'll worship you, and they'll do it with smiles on their faces, if you are good to them. And us. Perhaps you might even become the god of manufacturing for the Fifth Arm as our nation expands. The rewards are great for those who serve, and serve well." She agrees, offering Livias everything she wants for her service. With that, she gestures and tosses the scroll with the design to the goddess, to review at her leisure.

"So, Livias, I take it we will have no problems from you, then?"

Trying to keep his excitement in check as the conversation continues, Asyk now ponders the options. "I had the honor of meeting Leeatya once in my youth. She struck me as a powerful person; not one to cross. Of course, it wasn't like I had a long talk with her one on one. I doubt that she will remember me, especially after all this time. From my lessons I recall that she is a very martial goddess. Perhaps the military campaign my companions and I have been waging against the Varatjul would get her attention, using force to build a emprie in the north that supports the Dragon Kings. A series of prayer services to her may be enough to get her attention, especially when done by a member of the old priesthood." He looks over at Chain. "Add to that the influence of the Exalted, and it might be enough. That is assuming that you would be willing to join in, of course."

During one of her early visits to Wolf’s Den, Narrante is invited to the mayor’s residence. An elderly woman named Agithin Riverbrook with a matronly aura to her. She invites Narrante to sit at her table and places some heated cider to her. “Alright girl, I’m going to be strait up with you, what are you doing here,†she says as she gingerly lowers herself into her own chair. “Don’t even pretend you aren’t. I’ve raised enough children and grandchildren to know what someone is up to something. And bringing in your mercenaries from far off, and buying up the old facilities and building new airships isn’t exactly inconspicuous.â€

“So what are planning girl,†she asks bluntly. “I’m giving you the opportunity to put it in your own words rather than jumping to any conclusions myself. So let’s be about it.â€


Livias smile goes immediately to a frown when she see Alfrun start to laugh at her. Maiden also joins in on the laugh. Livias face takes on a pouting scowl, and she stomps down a foot. “Stop laughing at me! Take me seriously,†she yells in frustration.

Maiden wipes away her own tears with a wing. “See, not the sharpest sword in the armory is she? This is the type of stupid crap I have to deal with in the spirit courts all the time.â€

“Who cares if I kill a few mortals,†says Livias with indignation as she refuses to look at the two. “They will just come back even if I kill them all. If there is anything those mortals are good at is breeding like rabbit, and taking up land.â€

Maiden shakes her sadly. “You really aren’t giving the mortals enough credit Livias. They do tend to get heroes, Exalted, or other spirits do deal with particularly nasty or troublesome spirits you know.â€

Livias waves off dismissively of Maiden’s comment. “Typical human-blooded attitude,†she says venomously. Any amusement drops from Maiden’s demeanor as she is called human-blooded. An Old Realm word Alfrun knows to technically refer to those spirits with a human ancestry, but in modern day use has extremely negative connotations and is generally only used as an insult. “Ohh, what’s the matter Maiden? Did I hurt your feelings,†she says with false concern. “Don’t worry, by the sounds of it you seem to be doing pretty well for yourself. Of course, that is probably only because you are acting the part of a harlot for at least one of those Solars. As this Solar said, there are rewards for serving and serving well.†She laughs as though she told a hilarious joke.

Maiden mumbles loud enough for only Alfrun to hear. “Trying…hard…to not…kill…her…â€

Livias catches Alfrun’s scroll with ease. “I suppose these terms are acceptable,†she says with bored disinterest. “It’s about time that everyone acknowledges me and my importance, and this should do nicely.â€

Asyk & Chain

Visul takes up the regal stance of Academic Informing Student. “She is indeed an ancient and powerful deity. Though she is not what she once was. As you can imagine, she has been reduced along with the rest of our people.†He begins to tap the top of his beak in contemplation. “I believe you are onto something. As the Goddess of Territorial Expansion, she would likely be very interested in what you are doing.â€

“Here is what I suggest. We will supply with you some copies of the scrolls we have for prayers to Leeayta. Those should give you all the instructions you need. With those, go out to the head of this conquering army of yours. Perform the rites with the Solar army. With your own position as a warrior-priest, the presence of the Solars, and a conquering army determined to bring the Dragon Kings back to prominence, you should be able to attract the attention of the Lizard Queen, and then hopefully convince her to Join with you.

The pitiful display doesn't move Bjarn. "Our people are hardy, Auvir- and so should you be. Can you not muster the strength to find your own path? You need not stay with us once Hakir is cast down- as long as you remember your debt. You have watched our people for hundreds of years, you know what happens when the greatest of the Skandir seem beaten. Did Varl Galetread give up when he was lost and alone in the blizzard? Did Logan abandon hope when his ship foundered on the reef? We have followed your ways for so long, Auvir- and now it is time to see where they take you."

He grins, and says, "Do you think Heaven has a God of Second Chances?"

The temper tantrum makes Alfrun's laughter cool into a respectful smile, but that vanishes at the display of open prejudice. Ice fixes in Alfrun's stare and her muscles grow rigid with tension.

"Watch your tongue, spirit." Alfrun says firmly. "You're serving mortals, now."

With that, she turns on her broom and rides off in silence, leaving Livias to simmer on that statement. Once the volcano is but a speck on the horizon, however, a smirk starts to reappear.

"Hm... Mhmhmhm..." She chuckles under her breath, then glances to Maiden. "Maiden, I want to be there when you inform Livias that you now outrank her."

Auvir looks down at the ground as he thinks over his predicament and what Bjarn has told him. “Perhaps I am a better teacher then an example,†says the Skandir God with a chuckle. “Seems that getting whipped for the past couple of years has caused me to lose my nerve. But my problems seem to go back much further then these sorrowful times. It would seem it is past time I own up for what I have done.â€

Struggling against the pain of his wounds he faces Maiden and Horizon. “Horizon…Maiden… I’m sorry. For everything I did,†he says solemnly. “I did things I am not proud of. Ashamed of would be a better word. Some part of me hoped that at least by running the Skandir properly I could make up for those mistakes, but in the end that sour fruit I planted so long ago has ripened.â€

Auvir runs his talon over his face in exhaustion. “Because of who I allied with, my people grew to be suspicious and intolerant of the anathema. I saw no major problem with that before, but now I see that resulted in the Skandir turning against the man destined to bring a golden dawn to his people.†Auvir grins as though laughing at a joke only known to himself. “But it seems that prophesy has a way of twisting itself to be true. In a way, it seems that Bjarn still found himself bringing greatness to the Skandir. In the form of the Valhal. Meanwhile the Skandir have been inflicted with the greatest curse it has ever seen in the form of Harbinger. Bjarn’s own blood.â€

Auvir drops down to his knees before the Raven Gods. “Please, allow me to atone for what I have done,†he begs the two gods of the Valhal. “To free my-Our people. To rejoin the Valhal and Skandir. To make up for all I have done to you two.â€

Horizon and Maiden look at each other in confusion. Horizon scratches the top of his head with a claw. “Uumm,†is all he is able to say as he looks down at the prostrate Auvir.

Maiden rubs the back of her neck uncomfortably. “Well this is awkward. Really did not expect things to turn out this way.â€

“Yea, the moment of our ultimate revenge has not exactly turned out the way I imagined,†says Horizon with a sigh. “I was totally not prepared for this.â€

“Could we get a little help here,†asks Maiden embarrassedly. “We have kind of spent most of our lives looking for revenge.â€


Livias is taken back at Alfrun’s sudden biting comment. As she flies away Alfrun thinks she might have heard a scream in frustration on the wind behind her.

Maiden hops down onto the broom and lets out a sigh of relief. “You have no idea how hard it was to keep my beak shut on that matter? Nice and clever of you to sneak in that comment about the Fifth Arm.†Maiden shakes and ruffles her feathers in annoyance. “I assure you, Livias is going to be several kinds of unhappy when she realizes the actual pecking order around here.†She shakes her head in disgust. “Don’t worry. I’m not going to do anything to jeopardize the new manse. That’s a little too important for simple personal matters to get in the way. Just going to keep a boot on her. She can be troublesome in general sometimes. As you probably noticed. Might have to slap her around a time or two if she gets particularly unruly.â€

Maiden looks back towards the volcano. “You have any idea how irritating it is to have to deal with other spirits when they dismiss you because you aren’t even a millennium old? That’s not even getting into the open prejudice some spirits have for those that are ‘human-blooded.’ Pff, old bastards are just looking for excuses to exclude and be mean to others.â€

Maiden hops closer to Alfrun and looks up to her. “But enough of that unpleasantness. Considering we have a couple hours of travel ahead of us, I was wanting to ask you something.†Maiden extends a wing and bows respectfully to Alfrun. “I humbly ask that ou please teach me and my brother Celestial Circle Sorcery. Dangerous days are ahead of us, and we want to be as ready as we can for them.â€

"If she hasn't changed her ways by the time the manse is finished, feel free to feed her to the forges." Alfrun answers Maiden seriously. "When it's built, her purpose is served, and I will not abide that bigot's ignorance."

As they sail along through the sky, Alfrun slowly sinks to sit sidesaddle on her broomstick, preparing for the long flight back to Icehold. She is thankful for the additional surge of power she has felt from the reverence of the people of Icehold since her arrival, as it has made these long-distance flights immensely easier. Pulling up her hood as the air whistles past them, she takes a moment to glance at the ground whipping by below, before turning her attention back to Maiden as the goddess makes her request.

"You want me to teach you about the Sapphire Circle?" She says with a note of curiosity. "I suppose, with the size of the elemental workforce, I guessed that there were sorcerers already in Icehold. I did not expect it to be you or your brother, though." She admits, before nodding her consent. "Alright. I'll train you..."

There is a moment of lingering, letting Maiden's excitement grow briefly. "But..." She adds.

"Before I do, I will need two things from you and your brother: First, your spellbooks. I want to copy them both into my own notebook. Second, I will need your assistance for a future venture of mine, one that will be very important to all of Icehold's future sorcerers."

Captain Narrante had come to respect a few traits about the Haslanti. They were strong folk, hard workers, and often bluntly honest. Subterfuge was not the most natural of practices on the ice, though the city folk could remind her unsettlingly of the Realm. Still, the people were refreshing, and she didn't flinch from the mayor's question. She took off her new hat, a stylish three-cornered thing she had picked up in one of her raids farther South, and set it on the table.After a sip of cider, she met the woman's gaze with a smile that had started to come naturally to her these days.

"I would be wasting an awful lot of money building expensive toys if I were not up to something, ma'am," she answered smoothly. "Yes, my activities must seem strange, but there is no cause for alarm. I've found my affairs tied up in the North, and I suspect I might be here for some time. Investing in these marvelous machines seemed like an excellent idea, and I felt I needed a quiet place to work for a while." She sipped from the glass once more, speaking nothing but the truth. "My associates and I could benefit enormously from having a few air boats on-hand, but you must know that the great Haslanti League has most of their vessels tied up in running supplies between the cities and the Great Ice. I could go penniless trying to buy such a precious commodity from them, so I decided that building from scratch was the next best plan.

"I did not mean to alarm you and yours, though; I apologize if I did. Sailors of the sea are known for their troublesome ways, and I suppose sailors of the sky would cause the same stirs in any harbor they found." She set her glass down as she spoke of this matter, addressing the woman with a respectful seriousness that didn't have to come forced. Narrante had long since practiced the virtue of respect, drilled into her many years ago. "I will 'be straight up with you', as you put it. The North is a dangerous place, and I intend to gather a fleet of ships to protect my associates' various ventures, and provide them with safe and reliable transport. I need people who can aid me in this venture; people who can sail these ships, repair them, and fight with them if necessary. And I need a place to work from. I hoped Wolf's Den could benefit from my activities as well. Sailors are eager to spend when they reach harbor, and I pay well to those in my employ. If you would allow it, I am sure your town could benefit from skilled workers I might bring in from all over the North." She wrapped up her long explanation with that, waiting patiently for a reply.

“Is it bad when I am already making a mental list of spirits I could replace her with,†asks Maiden coyly to Alfrun’s plans to remove Livias as a factor unless she shaped up. “Though I should warn you that gods generally don’t change quickly, and I figure this manse is going to go up pretty quickly. And Livias hasn’t struck me as the type to be intellectually adapt to changing circumstances.â€

“As for the elementals,†says Maiden when the topic turns to the massive elemental workforce in the city, “I’ll have to admit that most of them are Asyk’s. He can summon elementals in a fraction of the time it takes Horizon and I to with his Path’s. Though we did summon up what we could to get up to the numbers that were required.â€

Maiden looks up excitedly when Alfrun says she will teach Maiden and Horizon, but sighs when Alfrun give her a ‘but.’ “I hate but’s. Just a nice way of saying that you really want something in exchange for the help.†Maiden shifts her body, and suddenly and swiftly transform into her human form sitting right next to Alfrun on the broom.

Maiden begins to ruffle through a bag at her side, and pulls out a beaten leather tome. She looks down at the book with remembrance. She lifts up the book for Alfrun to take. “I accept your terms,†she says whimsically. “This is my spellbook. Please be careful with it. It is of sentimental value. It belonged to a friend from the Wars of Diamonds and Ice. It has every spell I have collected in it. Horizon and I copy each other’s spells. So everything one of us has the other does.†She flips to a page in the little book, and shows Alfrun the runes. “I’ve even managed to collect a few Sapphire Circle spells from some Lunar friends. I…haven’t been able to make much sense of them. But I was hoping you would be able to help with that.â€


The old woman listens silently and intently to Narrante as she speaks. “I see you like to dance with your tongue,†says Agithin as she leans back into her chair. “Frankly, I know nothing about you. Your accent and features are that of another land, and your true motives are unknown to us. I will state this plainly. I worry that whatever you are doing will hurt the League and bring down the wrath of the League down on our village. While we are out of the way. Eventually League officials will note the unusual number of airships being built here, and I worry what you are doing with them. Even here we have heard of rumors of those who have somehow gotten their hands on airships, and have been raiding the League and others across the North. The League traditionally keeps tight control of the production of airships, and what is happening here is suspicious to say the least.â€

After taking a sip of her own cider she puts the cup down. “Who are these ‘associates’ of yours? It would seem unwise to become friends with someone you don’t even know. Especially when a poorly known friend can bring his on baggage of enemies. Prosperity now does not mean much when your village is a burned out husk tomarrow.â€

Alfrun quirks a brow at Maiden's statements about Livias, smirks, but says nothing. She lets Maiden talk, acknowledging her briefly with a nod, making a mental note to go and talk to Asyk later; she still hadn't gotten to know her fellows too well, a fact that was continually nagging at her.

Then, out comes the spellbook.

"Impressive." She says as she takes the book carefully. "There will always be 'buts', Maiden. Nothing in this world worth having is ever free." She says as she starts to turn the pages, fingers tracing the arcane diagrams and mystic symbols.

Then, there is the mention of Lunars.

"Lunars?" Alfrun glances at Maiden, quirking a brow. "I had posited that there were other kinds of Exalted. Some of the libraries I examined on my way here have references to stories of Exalted who glowed with moon- or starlight, and there are always local rumours of the gods of the beastmen that run along the Wyld, but I've never met one myself." She says with the light of a sudden eagerness flashing behind her lone eye.

"Tell me, do you know where they are? Can you contact them?" She asks, closing the spellbook for the moment as she becomes intently focused on Maiden's words.

Bjarn looks solemnly at the worried faces of the two gods.

And bursts out laughing.

It takes him some time to calm down enough to say, "I'm sorry I spoiled your plans..."

He says nothing more for a few moments, then- no longer laughing, but still smiling broadly- continues, "Then you need to find another way for yourselves, too. You've been after revenge- but all the stories I know that tell of vengeance tell of an emptiness afterwards. You can build something here, Gods of the Valhal. You can make something greater still than your people would have been were it not for all this."

The grin turns fiercer, as they so often do, as Bjarn says, more serious in tone, "And if you still feel the need to fight and spill blood, there will be opportunity soon enough. You sought revenge against one who took some of your people from you, but Auvir is not the only one to have done so."

"It's time for you to make your people the greatest in the North."

Later, when asked why he did what he was just about to do, Chain will not have a simple answer. He will refer to the challenge placed before him by the ghost, the wanting look in his new friend Asyk's eyes, his sense of duty as a Champion, and the crippling pressures of having to live a secret life.

At first there was a light hum, but it grew into a crackle as a brilliant diamond emurged from Chain's forehead, throwing off bolts of lighting and sparks of essence. Arcs of essence sizzle as they jump accross his body, alighting on his active Integrated Artifact Transmogrofier, causing the patches to glow. All while a soft gold and blue light radiates from his entire body. While this spectacle developes, Chain states triumphantly,

"I am Exalt, I am Champion, and I will do what must for the people!"

1m periph to flare his anima to the 8-10 level. As clarification, he is not deactivating his appearance altering charm, so he still appears human, and his charms are still hidden, except his active internal charms. He has merely allowed his soulgem to show and flared his anima.

I knew that he was some sort of an Exalt. I just wonder what kind? He bows to Chain to show the man the respect due to one of the Chosen of the gods. "I thank you, my friend. With the help of the many Exalted that have gathered in Icehold, I have high hopes that my task will bear fruit rapidly. I just need to find a way to show my worthiness to the goddess to become olchilike."

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