
  1. ElectraHeart-1990

    Fantasy Angels and Demons

    I watched a short animation on YouTube and now thought up an au and plotline I am dying to sink my teeth into. Angels and Demons have been at each other's celestial throats since the beginning of time. Specifically, the highest most considered Gods who have grown tired of petty squabbles and...
  2. Adorian

    Multiple Settings Even The Largest of Suns Cast A Shadow Somewhere

    Hello all, my name is Adorian. Feel free to call me whatever you wish to. I've got roughly six years (overall) of role-playing experience. Despite starting out by partaking in *these types* of RP, I have found myself enjoying more literary and detailed stories since my time back. — A few...
  3. AstroBunny

    Multiple Settings Back and looking for roleplays!

    Its been MONTHS since ive been on here! Been busy or too unmotivated, but now I have this sudden urge and motivation to roleplay and I have so many ideas! I have forgotten how to make posts fancy, so for now this post will be boring- but I just really want to start some roleplays! First, about...
  4. senjus

    Fandom Looking for Naruto roleplay! MxM OCs or HashiMada

    Hello! I'm a little bit rusty as I have fallen off roleplaying for some time, but I'm finally getting back into my interests and I'm looking for a patient partner to write with! I normally write 3+ lengthy paragraphs per response; give or take, depending on the pace. I prefer quality of writing...
  5. prospitest

    Multiple Settings longterm rp partner - fandom and original plots

    A B O U T M E im adri/lain i go by he/him pronouns! im currently a third year psyc major who enjoys roleplay on my spare time. aside for my love of writing out my favs i also enjoy gaming. which you will probably see by the fandoms that my rp interests consists of. as for what i bring as an rp...