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  1. LovelyRose

    Fantasy After the Gods

    (Hey, Is Signup still open? ;o)
  2. LovelyRose

    Realistic or Modern Wolves Run Free

    Once Azrael finished his meal, he headed towards the local stream to wash away the evidence that marred his fur and muzzle. His hunger was fully sated for the time being, but his boredom ran rampant. There was noting to do, no fights to watch, no pups to play with, nothing. How droll, a pack...
  3. LovelyRose

    Realistic or Modern Wolves Run Free

    (Is she a part of the pack yet or no?)
  4. LovelyRose

    Realistic or Modern Wolves Run Free

    Azrael laid near the mouth of the pack den, lazily almost, when the smell of a fresh kill reached his sensitive nose. Something was dead, the sweet smell of freshly spilt blood and raw meat made his mouth water and his tail wag a bit, but the feelings ceased instantly. He was an omega. Bottom on...
  5. LovelyRose

    Fantasy The Mansion of Neko

    Azrael had his back to moonlight, an he forced a few tears to well in his eyes. He was going to play the pity card first. He bobbed his head, the three earrings in his ear jingling as he did so, his amber eyes down cast staring at bare feet. "E-everything hurts...please.." he forced his voice to...
  6. LovelyRose

    Fantasy The Mansion of Neko

    Azrael entered the mansion, moving quietly and soundlessly. His amber eyes were painfully alert and his dark red fox tail was stiff and barely moving. He couldn't make out any single scent, but the primary one was cat. Feline Nekos. Azrael was new to this whole concept of living in a huge...
  7. LovelyRose

    Realistic or Modern Wolf Now and Forever

    (Hey, I'm about to join this rpg and I plan in making at least 3 characters. Is anyone in need of a mate? Or Pups?)
  8. LovelyRose

    Realistic or Modern Stray Away

    Tears welled up in Honey's eyes fairly quickly. "You don't want me anymore?" She asked her voice thick with tears as she stared up at Bowser with tear filled eyes. "Was I a bad dog?" She asked her ears drooped and tears leaking out the corner of her eyes. "You're gonna leave me like my mommy and...
  9. LovelyRose

    Realistic or Modern Stray Away

    Honey stirred a bit when she felt Zeus stop walking, eyes blinking open at the exact moment Bowser said; 'She's not welcome here anymore'. She blinked in her confusion and Zeus sat her down on her rump. "Wha? Me? Mr.Bowser?" Her voice trembled a bit. Perhaps she ad heard him wrong, she hadn't...
  10. LovelyRose

    Realistic or Modern Stray Away

    Zeus and Honey were too far gone down the path to hear the commotion, they quickly reached Charlie the human's home. Honey was trembling a bit but she didn't squirm. She just hung limp and still. Zeus trotted up the porch steps and set the pup down. "Hey Charlie! It's Me! I'm home, come open the...
  11. LovelyRose

    Realistic or Modern Stray Away

    Honey whimpered at the sudden tension in the air, and backed away from Bowser and Vixie stumbling Over Zeus's paw. She didn't understand Why Vixie and Bowser were being so mean to Zeus, or why Bowser was saying bad words and looked so angry. Her eyes had widened into ocean blue saucers and...
  12. LovelyRose

    Realistic or Modern Stray Away

    Zeus was a bit upset that Vixie didn't want to go with him and he growled lowly to himself. He hated Bowser. At Jasper's whispering, Zeus' calm demeanor quickly snapped morphing into something vicious and volatile. He snarled, his sharp white teeth bared and eyes dark. He crouched low to the...
  13. LovelyRose

    Realistic or Modern Stray Away

    Zeus growled. "Why does everything have to be about Bowser?!" He snapped, "He doesn't control you, he's not your owner!" Why couldn't Vixie make decisions for herself? "I wouldn't take you to my human If I knew he was a bad one, I care more about you than that. He's a nice human, he's seen you...
  14. LovelyRose

    Realistic or Modern Stray Away

    "Exactly, cows. I heard my Human talking about it once, when one of his human pups tried feeding a baby squirrel some cow milk. He said Cow milk isn't good for animals. Then he fed the baby rodent some Puppy Formula, it's a powder and he mixed it with water and then fed it to the baby rodent...
  15. LovelyRose

    Realistic or Modern Stray Away

    Zeus shrugged. Before standing but he was still concerned. "Human milk? Dammit Vix, that could kill them. The only creatures on this planet that can live off of that stuff is humans, that milk will Kill her." He said in hushed tones as he walked with Vixie, eyes open and alert on the watch for...
  16. LovelyRose

    Realistic or Modern Stray Away

    "Marvelous," he retorted dryly a half smirk on his lips. He felt bad for the pup, abandoned at that age? How cruel. "But you know my day really starts when the sun goes down, I'm a creature of the night so to speak," He tossed her a lop sided grin, one of his ears flopped over. "Milk? What...
  17. LovelyRose

    Realistic or Modern Stray Away

    Zeus was a guard dog. His father was a guard dog. His Mother was a Guard Dog. His grandfather was a guard dog. He liked to think he had quite the legacy to live up to, and he treated his job as such. He's been chasing away cats, raccoons and unwanted humans for the past 4 years and was damn good...
  18. LovelyRose

    Realistic or Modern Stray Away

    Had had opened her mouth to reply, but Vixie and Bowser had beat her to it. "Hey Jack wanna play? Huh? Huh?" She asked as she crouched down, her tail wagging from side to side. A playful growl erupted from her throat and she lunged for him, her soft milk teeth nipping at his ears and the back of...
  19. LovelyRose

    Realistic or Modern Stray Away

    Honey returned the smile shyly. "Okay," she replied before scratching behind her ear with her hind leg. "You look like Vixie," She looked from Vixie to Jasper and grinned. Sure, he was a bigger and black version but they looked similar to her. She turned to jack "I dunno," Honey said in a...
  20. LovelyRose

    Realistic or Modern Stray Away

    Honey glanced over at Jack. "Solid food hurts my teeth," she mumbled completely embarrassed. She made do of hiding behind one of Vixie's furry forelegs. "But Milk doesn't," she perked up a bit just by talking about milk. She looked over at the dead rodent and licked her chops, she wanted it, she...