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  1. Lady Luna Ravenswood

    Fantasy Cirque de Monstres (1941) first edition

    Paul shook his head. "I have an idea, may just weaken me but it will be quick." He offered a hand to both of them. "Hold my hand, I will transport us just outside the wall. Less of a big bang. After that get Mera, and head to the inn in the next town over. I will meet you there." Nora...
  2. Lady Luna Ravenswood

    Fantasy Cirque de Monstres (1941) first edition

    Paul looked around, he knew what was going on. He stood up looking at them both. "We need to leave....NOW!" He motioned for them to follow him, he would find a way out. He had too at least for Nanami and Ignis. Mera needed someone she needed Cirque members. "I have to get you two out of...
  3. Lady Luna Ravenswood

    Fantasy The Cirque de Monstres (1965)

    Welcome young and old to the Cirque de Monstres! We open at nightfall and feature a carnival and circus entertainment. Be sure to check out the side show and our famous hall of mirrors. And to the wonderful members of Interpol, we proved our innocence! Please leave us be. RP takes place in the...
  4. Lady Luna Ravenswood

    Fantasy Cirque de Monstres (1941) first edition

    Agrat laughed. "Oh...if I would have known you were here I would have worn better clothes." She let Sammy's body fall limp to floor. Agrat stood in her demon form. Unlike Nora she wasn't towering over human's rather she stood at a modest 5'7. "Let me see last time I ran into you.....35...
  5. Lady Luna Ravenswood

    Fantasy Cirque de Monstres (1941) first edition

    "She will know of cirque and will understand her mother leaving her. She is with the oldest cirque member Thomas. Who is now a crazed talking skeleton." Paul rubbed his chin, he could feel stubbles from not shaving for a while. "Mera will understand, what Nora did was the only thing she...
  6. Lady Luna Ravenswood

    Fantasy Cirque de Monstres (1941) first edition

    Paul nodded his head. "Yes, she does. She hid her pregnancy from you all by traveling to Germany before the cirque. It was why she was gone for several months. She didn't want anyone to know, she didn't want to drag her daughter into our problems." Paul shook his head when Ignis wondered if...
  7. Lady Luna Ravenswood

    Fantasy Cirque de Monstres (1941) first edition

    Nora was confused, although she may better gauge the situation if she was in the same room as him. At the moment all she heard was the chatter. "She is not the hunter? Whatever do you mean John?" She was downright confused. "Well whatever the reason, if she is not then who is?" Nora...
  8. Lady Luna Ravenswood

    Fantasy Cirque de Monstres (1941) first edition

    "Well the thing is we don't have time. I just realized something.....My mother is no longer in the inferno." Nora had no idea where her mother went. But one thing was certain, her mother was in the human realm. "She is most likely after Ignis. See, my mother and father were not.....well...
  9. Lady Luna Ravenswood

    Fantasy Cirque de Monstres (1941) first edition

    "The contract is a binding one. Basically you give up well, let's say, you give up your sadness and fear. I take your sadness and fear and I become your servant. You get a personal demon servant and I get whatever you sacrificed. The contracts remains until either you null it or die. But the...
  10. Lady Luna Ravenswood

    Fantasy Cirque de Monstres (1941) first edition

    "However we need to make sure my parents nor my fiancé cannot drag or summon me back to the inferno." Nora spoke up, not that she was afraid of the in between realm, she just knew her family very well. "They will you know, the minute you think I'm all good and back there they will drag me...
  11. Lady Luna Ravenswood

    Fantasy Cirque de Monstres (1941) first edition

    Nora had tapped into Dax and heard what John said. " no, no. You get to pick an aspect or emotion or two, I get them and you no longer have them till the bond is broken. It's the reason Paul is all nice and loopy now." She sighed, tired of usin Dax as a phone. "Harper, how are you faring...
  12. Lady Luna Ravenswood

    Fantasy Cirque de Monstres (1941) first edition

    Agrat turned and looked at the wolf man. "So learn what I am soon and your little friends cannot hide my daughter away...." She looked forward and continued walking, smelling the inferior demon even when he was locked away and under ground. "Show them to...
  13. Lady Luna Ravenswood

    Fantasy Cirque de Monstres (1941) first edition

    Paul gave Ignis a "seriously" look. "Nora is trusted a friend of your Ignis. Nothing more nothing less. In her eyes you are like her son." He wheeled closer to Nanami. "dear you know Nora would never let him hurt you. She would drag him to the inferno and give him a long lecture." He...
  14. Lady Luna Ravenswood

    Fantasy Cirque de Monstres (1941) first edition

    Dax blinked at John. "" He looked at the woman before turning to the mirror. He mumbled under his breath and suddenly, was only visible in the mirror. A mere trick on the eyes but, he felt he was more out of the way. Nora jotted down the last of the plans. She...
  15. Lady Luna Ravenswood

    Fantasy Cirque de Monstres (1941) first edition

    (Adding her now)
  16. Lady Luna Ravenswood

    Fandom Vampire Knight : Guilty

    No problem I know how that goes!
  17. Lady Luna Ravenswood

    Fandom Vampire Knight : Guilty

    Because I'm on a phone and tablet for the next week but I want to join this again!
  18. Lady Luna Ravenswood

    Fandom Vampire Knight : Guilty

    You should post a link here as well
  19. Lady Luna Ravenswood

    Fantasy Cirque de Monstres (1965)

    (And mistress Luna says pause!)
  20. Lady Luna Ravenswood

    Fantasy Cirque de Monstres (1965)

    Sebastian nodded at Yumi's questions. "Good questions all ones I have looked into an put together in this file." He set a large file down on the table. "so far, 7 have disappeared during their stint here so far. The only pattern I see so far is that they are all 18 years old or older. Over...