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  1. ThunderDire

    Fantasy The Forgotten Island (1x1) [Closed]

    Clearing his throat, Knight's relieved blue eyes didn't leave her. Yet while beautiful he was watching for any signs of illness, injury, mental strain. He was a doctor at heart, a very good one and that trait never left him. Even when trapped on a desearted island it seemed. When she was out the...
  2. ThunderDire

    Fantasy The Forgotten Island (1x1) [Closed]

    2 days after the event: Looking back at the women, her light almost white hair messy and framing her face he stood there mezmerized. She was so small, thin, looked fragile and yet...beautiful. Realizing this was the first time he really took a look at her he shivered, not from the cold but of...
  3. ThunderDire

    Fantasy The Forgotten Island (1x1) [Closed]

    2am. As Knight hurled for the seventh time in his own confined bathroom. He couldn't help bust cure out the staff at Winston Hospital. Thinking he would finally have a break from the work life they stuck him on this ship. They were probably all watching the weather channel hearing about the...
  4. ThunderDire

    Fantasy The Forgotten Island (1x1) [Closed]

    A woman just lost her job, sold her home, leaveing everything behind and decided to take a trip of a life time. Yes, some would say she was crazy but she had enough money already, she could return any time and buy a home, get a job, go back...right? The cruise is amazing, everything she dreamed...
  5. ThunderDire


    What is you found your crush dying in your basement.... ...This girl did... <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca1b90298_ScreenShot2016-05-21at10.49.48PM.png.5424d3a9d4024910388fa36c082ed200.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127659"...
  6. ThunderDire

    ~ I N U Y A INN [ Sign x ThunderDire ]

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.61b18345cbd295ed47114b7da6538657.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="29869" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.61b18345cbd295ed47114b7da6538657.jpg" class="ipsImage...