Search results for query: *

  1. Caroline1539

    Anime & Manga New Anime Recommendations?

    Hi! I've currently hit somewhat of a drought in anime I've been watching. I just finished Hunter X Hunter, and some of my favorites include My Hero Academia, Demon Slayer, and Mob Psycho 100! I've watched Chainsaw Man, Jujitsu Kaisen, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Mushi-Shi as well. Currently...
  2. Caroline1539

    Fandom The Stanley Parable!

    Stanley clicked on the interest check thread before him. It had caught his eye- an interest check about him? Really? Surely The Narrator wasn't being this desperate, was he? Putting out an interest check for The Stanley Parable- as if Stanley wasn't already at his desk, spinning the scroll wheel...
  3. Caroline1539

    Fandom The Cake Is A Lie

    Hello everyone! I'll be hunting for an old fandom again, Portal! I'm adept at playing Wheatley, GLaDOS, Caroline, and Doug Rattman! Crossovers are welcome, and I'm adept at playing within any time frame of Aperture's existence, although I'm most familiar with the 70s up to future present in...
  4. Caroline1539

    Viewpoint Why Don't People Do More Crossovers?

    Hello everyone! I've seen a lot of people, including myself, looking for fandom roleplays that are niche. The question that I've been wondering for a while is this: why isn't there more of an acceptance of crossing over different fandoms in order to be able to play with both interests the...
  5. Caroline1539

    Fandom Niche Fandoms! (Portal, Half Life, The Stanley Parable, Marble Hornets, etc.)

    Hello there! ^^ I'm Caroline1539! I've been around this site for a couple of years but I don't think I've ever made a comprehensive search thread before, so here I go! I don't really mind roleplaying with people under 18, by the way! I've never really roleplayed with anyone that age since I...
  6. Caroline1539

    Fandom Partner Seeking!

    Hello there! Looking for partners who are willing to write with Fandom stuff because I've been really looking for them. I don't mind crossovers! So if you don't share one with me we could workshop something! I do prefer longer replies and will give them myself, 2-5 paragraphs is what I usually...
  7. Caroline1539

    Fandom Partners Wanted! (Fandom and Discord friendly!)

    Heyo y'all, I haven't sought out people on this site in forever but I've lost my usual roleplay partners because they have other duties to attend to, so I thought I might as well cast my own line out here. ^^ I'll be listing the fandoms I'm in as well as the characters I'm good at within them...
  8. Caroline1539

    Suggestion PM Folders?

    Hello there! I am a user that utilizes the PM system a lot, and I'm also one that enjoys organization with her things. Unfortunately, I'm unable to organize my PMs by anything other than age, and I find it difficult to navigate through them going off of their titles. (I'm also loathe to delete...
  9. Caroline1539

    Other What type of character do you usually play?

    I know there's probably a thread for this anyways, but I was curious as to see what characters other people favored. For example, I favor highly emotional characters (or those going through powerful emotions) that are pretty serious and care deeply about other people.
  10. Caroline1539

    Anyone still interested in OFF?

    It's an indie game that came out a few years ago and was a pretty big hit. I've recently gotten interested in it but I haven't seen anything recent in lieu of its fandom being active. Is anyone on here still a fan of the game?  (Also, if you don't know about it I recommend you check it out...
  11. Caroline1539

    Undertale 1x1!

    Hey! I'd like to find a partner, if anyone is willing. I have some partners on other sites, but they're really busy with their real life stuff, so I really need a creative outlet. I have tons of ideas for the characters, and I can literally write a book about them, so if you want to hear it I...
  12. Caroline1539

    Fandom Undertale RP?

    Hey, so I don't exactly know where to put this thread...but I guess here is okay? Anyways, does anyone want to do a Undertale roleplay? I've been wanting to do one for a long time, but my usual friends have gotten very busy and haven't replied to me in forever. I like sticking near to the...
  13. Caroline1539

    Hello there! ^^

    Hi! As you can probably tell, I'm new here. xD I just started. I've been needing to roleplay for a long time, because my other friends have gotten really busy, and I came across this forum! ^^ I'm hoping that there are some people willing to roleplay with me, and I'm glad to be here.