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  • Meow ^_^ How are you today, cute demon?
    Meh. I been waiting for you to post here… -3- been going through some depression… I lost all my friends during the move. Atleast the ones I see in person… and the only ones I have left are the ones online….
    Rekai Leon
    Rekai Leon
    Sorry to hear that :(
    Time is starting to free up a little. Thank the lord. I was starting to get a little too tired. I almost passed out one day or atleast that’s how it felt with how light headed I got and how my brain tingled. Honestly I should tell my dad I was pushing too hard but still.
    I should be a sales person- now hear me out. Everyone hates a sales person. Except business people. But if I was in an add for Texan app favor I’d be hella popular cuz I’d rizz people up-. And since the apps name is favor i will say this at the end

    “FAVOR! The app that does YOU a favor!”
    Just saying I’d make a good content creator if given the opportunity
    Shout out to a hand full of friends on a game I play. I won’t say the game but I’ll say the nicknames or names of the friends


    And one other which Is my boyfriend who I’ll only refer to as X until I deem it safe anough to say everything else
    I hate to be seen as soft. I am a demon prince after all…. But I got the blues right now and thinking about the only friends I have left are the ones on rpnation…. There’s been a few I haven’t seen in a while like the feline friends that visit my profile every so often… the one with the clown stuff aswel. If you see this anyone that is my friend. Feel free to message below. The blues are hitting hard now that I’m seperated and all the friends I made irl are gone. I am isolated… and alone….worse than before… I could really use all the friends I have left
    image.jpgI HAVENT seen These in YEARS missed them a lot!
    Nestle dibs crunch was my favorite as a kid! Right around when I was 14 I stopped seeing them and couldn’t find them anywhere. Now I’m 21 and having my first one in years!
    I love those!
    Kaiju Cat
    Kaiju Cat
    I haven’t seen them either but I remember they are so good
    image.jpgTodays menu porkchops with a shit ton of blood! (Oil but it looks like blood so imma say it’s blood)
    I’m going to continue here the cat must’ve saw my grandma’s spirit that’s my guess. Unfortunately, she passed at my house years ago.
    idk I got scared. Cuz I’m so used to the things I see trying to hurt me with schizophrenia and my mind thinks the worst so. I thought someone broke in or something
    Kaiju Cat
    Kaiju Cat
    We signed for the house it is now ours now all we gotta do is move into the house which may take weeks to a month it more
    You just know who ever came up with public bathroom’s designs was a big perv… cuz… Yknow….
    It barely covers the toilet
    Makes it easier for first responders to get people out in emergencies.
    Makes it less likely that people would shoot up or get funky in the stalls.
    Makes it easy to see if a stall is occupied. Especially if kids are going in, locking the doors, and crawling out the top to leave it locked on the inside.
    Huh… thanks for the info
    Made it to my grandpas gonna go have dinner at texas road house. Since I didn’t see him for my birthday. Got 50 bucks from grandpa.
    Just found out texas allows pet lemurs… might get one
    Nevermind I did the research. Pet lemurs are horrible and their taken from their parents the day their born
    Forgot to post this. One last post until tomorrow. I’m at the hotel and safe for the night. I cant Post too much cuz unlike last time I don’t have my own room. I’m sharing a 2 bed bedroom with my dad. Night everyone I’ll see you in the morning
    Your mastermind behind the demon lord of lords grandson Nokumi character has turned 21 today!!! I’m legally able to drink. Go to casinos! Anything an adult can do I can do too! But I won’t- because alcohol will kill me with my medicine. Casinos are for gambling and I don’t wanna get addicted. So I’m gonna stick to acting like a dumb kid cuz I’m a child at heart!
    Your demon prince has arrived to tell you I will one day be a demon lord! Mark my words I am training hard! And finding out quite a bit about my ancestors
    Kaiju Cat
    Kaiju Cat
    Heh if you can take a screaming demon cat to join your army I’ll be happy
    Hah army? Why would I need an army for the demon trails? I will succeed in the trials!
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