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  • I spend most of my time with a dull hum taking place of any actual thought process and I've grown comfortable with it, this disassociation from myself has become a norm. However, every once and a while I seem to fall into a state of being a hopeless romantic. Everything I hear, see, or think I will relate to an action I crave but about skin deep know will likely never happen. Its cute but off putting and makes me realize how strange it is to be together alone. idk
    I'm gonna keep pursuing what I'm pursuing because I'm doing that it's taking up more of my time I'm not gonna be able to spend as much time with you. When I do spend time with you I'm gonna be thinking about all that because of that, you're gonna start to resent me. You're gonna tell me to ease up on the everything spend more time with you because you're not feeling important. I'm not gonna be able to do that. Really, I'm gonna start to resent you for even asking me to stop. We're just gonna start to hate each other so for those reasons, I'd rather just break it off clean.
    Ah, One day I'll be old and have free time. Until then, I'm guess I'm just old.
    I think you start getting LESS free time as you get older
    Daisie Daisie Well, that very well could be true if I never retire or never decide to live off of what I've saved.. I almost wish I noticed all the time I had as a child. But I guess its no point in looking back at something so insignificant.
    You know that feeling when you are incredibly annoyed or angry at something you shouldn't be? And because you shouldn't be that feeling intensifies tenfold because you keep telling yourself to stop, and you're wrong until it turns into depression? But then you realize you have no right to be depressed?
    Yeah. I feel that.
    I used to think that the worst thing in life was to end up alone. It's not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel alone.
    -Robin Williams
    The entire site is on hush mode. Pause before the silence. Silence before the storm. Legit though, I probably won't be active until after the update.
    All I do on RPN now is check for your updates, read it, maybe reply, then vamoose
    I just had a really long dream that I picked up two cats from a post apocalyptic meat market and started carrying them around with me. To make it weirder I ended up going birthday shopping with a friend who needed a gift for a chef but it couldn't be a chef card because the store owner wouldn't allow it. Somewhere along the way I dropped the cats and left only to stop and dead panic running back in screaming "BLACK! SCOOTER!" Until two cat came running over. Last minute I get a cat bag and we set out on a long journey  we can defeat the aliens that had overtaken our planet and mutated us into strange beasts. Yup.

    View attachment 206500
    Silent Howling
    Silent Howling
    Good dream
    Agreed. There were lions and  minotaurs, fricking kangaroo people, some dude was riding a motorcycle made from a tree. 
    Silent Howling
    Silent Howling
    I better have been the kangaroo person xD
    Oh for fucks sake. I leave the virtual world for 7 hours and this shit happens? For the love of cheese pizza. I can't even.
    Goes to show that letting monkeys vote is political malpractice. 
    Count Gensokyo
    Count Gensokyo
    Yeah, no thanks. I'm a villain for not supporting LGBT, so yeah, lol.


    Hawkeye, is that you?

    I have a habit that when I can't sleep I lay in silence listening to my heart beat. Sometimes when I start to doze off or slip into unconsciousness I feel like it gets weaker and weaker until it's not even beating anymore. A little more on the morbid side for being a habit I guess.
    This is going to take a bit or getting used to. But hey, done it before I can do it again. I think? 

    *internal screaming*
    It really isn't as bad as it seems, I was incredibly intimidated at first but after about an hour or so (And making a new RP to figure it out) I realized it's not nearly as hard as it seems :)
    *Looks at the 3 day of BBCoding done for a RP to be made after update*

    No more pretty post either :/
    @Finnick well it started out a far cry from what it is now-- I'm just hoping that eventually we can put more.. decorative ideas to our posts. ?

    @NoviceOfRoleplay  Same. Armageddon looks-- cancerous. Or it did. Who knows..
    Sleep is a thing right?
    I hear its where you get to close your eyes and hallucinate vividly-- I wouldn't know. I mean between phone calls of someone needing something, and my own needs I swear this thing-- "Sleep" Doesn't exist.
    It's weird, right? People dress up in "sleeping clothes", lay down on special "sleeping mats" and then they spend hours completely comatose whilst hallucinating vividly. Though I remember some recent odd hallucinations, the memory of "sleep" is distant.
    I swear not long ago I once participated in their odd yet soothing cult things. I think I'm going through withdraws though, I mean I have headaches and-- Yeah. Its interesting this sleep thing.

    Oh man. I remember when you used to be Ehscheani *sniff* You've grown so much! (At least with us ^-^) I hope you see many more!
    Where else would I go? This is the BEST place to waste my time. Thanks WM!
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