Silent Child

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  • You sit there listening to, or perhaps reading, this poem
    Where I speak tiny little words
    And you think you know their meaning,
    You think you know all meaning,
    But you don’t.
    And I don’t.
    And then comes the question: who does?
    The answer might shock you, the question isn’t real, it’s a trick
    An illusion with an eye
    To see how you might react
    There is nothing here,
    No society remains intact
    Everything is false
    There is no meaning

    But you.
    Everything is relative to you.
    You, acting all important
    And in your own head, you are.
    You are in mine, too.
    But that’s just because I can’t be me
    Without first not being you.
    I love you like I love my favorite book;
    You make me happy,
    And I’m a better person because I found you.
    I know for a fact that the moment we part
    The sky will rain, and flood the earth,
    And never stop until the end of days.
    The wind will howl
    And earth would be engulfed
    In a fit of emotions not fit for anyone
    As pure as you or me.
    The sky will sob because it lost a connection
    It was never meant to.
    The world has no meaning outside of the fake societies we build up
    To play pretend with consequences unreal
    The world has no meaning if we don’t give it one
    Consequences don’t matter if we can agree that the actions are fake
    The world has no meaning if it’s cause doesn’t either
    Situations only produce consequences when importance is places on them
    The world has no meaning, none at all
    We were indoctrinated as children to thinking that it does but that’s false
    The world has no meaning other than a setting where
    One plus one equals two; where
    I met you under the pale blue sky, in that garage by the old shipyard
    I am content in the knowledge that I will never write anything
    That amounts to something more than
    A loose pile of metaphors and concepts
    With no bearing on what we say is real.
    What I truly lack is the words to say
    “If I see you every day for the rest of my life
    I love you
    And if I don’t see you again until the day I die
    I love you”
    In any meaningful way
    Riddled with subtlety,
    Dressed up in beautiful skirts,
    Completed with a set of complementary pleats.
    Our friends will think we’re cool.
    They’ll be right about
    you, of course,
    But I’m
    I don’t know why I’m
    However, I still hide away my
    I know that they’ll still
    love me.
    Something about saying
    “I’ve been lying to you for a certain amount of
    That’s laced between my words
    Ties a number of knots in my
    No, I should use words less
    sharp and refined than stomach.
    Tummy is it.
    I am still a child, after all.
    You are, too,
    What is poetry but a fancy way of saying
    “I love you in a way we will only hope to describe”?
    What is art but a fancy way of showing
    “Your beauty is unparalleled, save for Aphrodite herself”?
    I might be Achilles.
    I might be Patroclus.
    You will never know.
    I guess I should touch on it here, in this foreword
    Put forward, a jumble of sounds I think is
    And hope you do too.
    The theme of
    ❤️love❤️ and strife, then the connection and war between, was an allusion
    To some Greek philosopher named Empedocles.
    Something about the elements and their isolation and lack thereof.
    Something only someone smarter would understand.
    I am lying in the ditch, and you are too.
    Only difference is that I’m looking at the ✨
    And you’re listening to me describe them.
    I doubt I will ever know
    What people mean when they say
    This world is
    kill, or be killed,
    But I refuse to become a
    The thumping of the piano keys,
    While I sit in the
    sun’s warmth,
    Playing with my toys,
    Feels like home,
    And I think my legs have
    The way to get back there.
    Chaos followed by calm waters,
    Serenity followed by shambles,
    Writing followed by reading,
    Poetry followed by art,
    Love followed by strife,
    Connection followed by war,
    Me followed by you,
    You followed by me,
    A letter written to you,
    A response composed by you,
    A description of how important you happen to be,
    I’ll let you in on a secret:
    The human experience was supposed to be last.
    A falsity was written first.
    I was never supposed to be a poet.
    But here we are, I suppose.
    The most beautiful parts of the human body
    Are the collar bone, and shoulder blades.
    The collar bone, the
    To the garden we call a neck,
    Decorated with
    roses where kisses should go,
    And the shoulder
    blades, trimmed wings
    Tied up in skin in a way that reminds us
    That we are flightless
    angels, doomed to walk with our feet.
    They are chains, to the
    ground, to love, to being human.
    Or more importantly, to
    not being an angel.
    Rewrite the story but once, only to fix typos, never ideas.
    What is the story?
    Explain it to me once more please, no matter what you say, I just can’t wrap my head around it.
    Is there something
    wrong with me?

    I hope not, for both our sakes.
    Silent Child
    Silent Child
    Honestly, that's fair. But the story could have a purpose other than one viewpoint. So though someone may take "murder is good" from the story, someone else could understand it's entertainment. Or another could believe something else entirely like the power of friendship triumphs all. It really depends on how you relay the messages and which one people choose to believe.

    This made a lot more sense in my head, lol
    So basically Death of the Author, right?
    Silent Child
    Silent Child
    Essentially, yes
    Here I am.
    Do your worst.
    Become everything evil.
    Become the only good.
    Become a Shakespeare or a failure.
    Do your worst.
    I’ll bear it.
    Your destiny is in your hands, I put it there.
    The ⌛older⌛I get,
    The more I appreciate🎵music🎵
    I’m thankful to have something that can 💧drown💧out
    The 💭thoughts💭 in my head
    On 💻command💻
    Darling, can’t you see?
    The beauty in the mirror is your reflection.
    It’s your own achievements,
    It’s you.
    If you don’t like it, then change it.
    If you do like it, then why don’t you like yourself?
    Stop looking down.
    If you need somewhere to get lost,
    My eyes are a good part to start.
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