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  • Rafiii. I haven't seen you forever. ; _ ;

    Hope you had a good holiday season and are having a great 2014!
    0.0...Rafi...you weren't a mod when we started our roleplay, were you?
    Woah! Hey! Sorry, just saw this message a few seconds ago-- How have you been? Nope, I was offered a position with the mod team in September, and accepted. :3
    Whew...I have a unreasonable fear of mods...Glad to hear it! Congratulations, though!
    *grins ruefully* You're not the only one. Anyways, good to see you around the site, and thanks! :)
    "It's all right letting yourself go, as long as you can get yourself back." -Mick Jagger
    "When I have a terrible need of - shall I say the word - religion, I go out and paint the stars." - Vincent van Gogh
    Hi, I saw your "Notes" section of your character, and I thought that if you haven't seen her yet, Lothiriel is a PC rahmane whom you could potentially partner up with. I don't play her so if you haven't yet you'd have to ask Highly Unorthodox for a partnership. :) -Quill

    P.S. Urk, I don't meet the requirements necessary to post a link here, it's post #6 in the OOC/Sign-up thread on Page 1.
    I /did/ see that, though I think they would have conflicting interests- which might not be a bad thing, actually. Thanks for pointing it out! :) (Also, welcome to the site!)
    "Human beings are not born once; life obliges them over and over again to give birth to themselves."
    We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.
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