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  • how dare you hurt me with that title

    i mean i'm not necessarily much better but still-
    I'm sorry :< I hope my cookie will make you feel better!
    "You can rest now, Tony."

    *lights candle and waves it in the air while sobbing*

    p.s. Sorry for the sudden drop here but your profile pic, broadcast message and forum sig still invoke the major feels for me up to this day
    It took a while to settle down after that, but you could really see that everyone watching was into it. It's like even the fictional Avengers became IRL heroes, even if just then. It really amped up the atmo!
    I definitely can agree with you there. I consider myself an avid fan of comic book movies in general but there's something special about the MCU. Endgame, though I know a lot of people felt mixed about it, was the best love letter to the fans they could have written. All of the callbacks and satisfying endings made me feel redeemed in sticking through some of the not-so-great moments in those three phases.
    The loose ends were there to sequel/franchise bait (Loki's, series though, is something I'm pretty much anticipating), but by God was the movie so satisfying, and yes, I did feel my love for it beat loud again each minute I sat in my seat and watched. Tony's end, while sad and still damn tear-inducing, was the most fitting one to me. He was the man who started it all, who really gave people to look forward to, who had so many downs and we were there with him each time he climbed back up. We saw how he loved, how he lost, and how he finally won it all back. He may have left a family behind, but in tune with his character, it was the end, the rest he really deserved. Man's been through hell and back so many times already he should move to heaven for a long needed vacation LMAO
    The Perks of Being a Wallflower is on Netflix and the film is still as impactful to this particular wayward son as it was when he first saw it. An absolutely flawless film and one of my favorite for a lot of reasons (most of them personal).
    "Carry on my..." ;P
    Ahahaha, you made me choke on my milk! 😂
    Oh no I'm sorry D:
    I came here to say "carry on". Not surprised Ayama got here first (10 months ago!) XD You got the song in my head! Great song!
    Nice profile picture, dude. I kinda haven’t really been catching up with the show a while, but it’s great to see someone else appreciates it.
    And nice username. c;
    This person is bringing folks together without even trying.
    Part of my natural charm. 😁
    Okay but seriously thank you for the warm welcome! Glad to know there are fellow fans of my fine trash that I adore lots! 😁
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