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  • Watching the episode of Friends where Joey won't call a girl back because she takes some of his food... SAME, JOEY.
    Finally finished the All Souls Trilogy! Now I can move on to the next books in my TBR pile...
    I've be in Colorado for nearly eight months now, but I still love days that make me feel like I'm still in Seattle. <3
    First day of fall, candle burning, wind is blowing, tea is steaming, and I'm reading. Life is good. <3
    Did you say Bath and Body works?! That's one of my favorite stores! Why the switch?
    I did, indeed! It was a great company to work for back in the day, though not sure about the changes they've made recently. But it's still one of my favorite places to go for smelly good things. You get more bang for your back at Yankee. Their sales are incredible and they have a broader scope of scents. I also like the way their candles burn better than the ones at BBW.
    I will have to look into those too, thanks for the recommendations.
    After a whirlwind few months, I now have my B.A. and a Master's certificate (and graduate credit)! Going to try to get back into things...
    Hey, I was searching for a witch rp and came along yours~ Maybe wanna try and reboot it? I'd be more than happy to co-gm and run a discord for it!! :3
    I underestimated what it was going to be like going from sea level to almost 7,000 feet...
    On today's "My Shitty Office",

    It was my last day at this awful place (hooray for moving out of state!)!! I will literally miss nothing about this job. Except for the hot accountant. I'll most DEFINITELY miss him!
    SUPER STOKED for tonight!! Zombie paintballing, flashlight corn maze, haunted house, and hard cider tasting tonight!! It's going to be a good night. :D
    So, I didn't get around to posting on our actual anniversary. But I got to celebrate eight years with the kid a few days ago. Still ridiculously in love with that boy. There's no one I'd rather do life with <3
    Congrats on the anniversary! ^_^
    Thank youuu!
    AGHHHH STUPID PHONE! It's like my phone decided to change my swipe password without telling me what it was and now I have to factory reset and basically lose everything...
    Let's play a game called "where did THAT  bruise come from?!"
    this makes me cry because i felt the anger and pain that filled you as you wrote this beCAUSE GIRL I TRLAGE WE COULD DO THIS TOGETHER

    *relate wtf how did that end up like that
    It's just more obnoxious than anything. Like, why do I have to bruise so easily? I bump into one thing and BAM purple for a week.
    Okay, so I know I complain about my job a lot. But let me say that it is also really fun to see honest, sweet, adorable office relationships start in front of you. Love is not dead, people.
    On today's "My Shitty Office",


    Or, at least, I'm assuming she's gone. Someone else was sitting in her desk when I came to work today and her stuff was cleared from her desk. I saw her when I was last at work on Thursday, so I don't know if, in the four days since, she quit or if she was fired. BUT AS FAR AS I CAN TELL SHE'S GONE AND I DON'T THINK I'VE EVER BEEN HAPPIER, EVEN WHEN MY BOYFRIEND PROPOSED.
    Today has been such a good day! My eyebrows, eyeliner, and lipstick all turned out PERFECT. Then, on top of only having one class today, that class got out fifteen minutes early. So I went to get tea and sweet potato fries from my favorite cafe on the way home and they were both made to PERFECTION. The sun is out, but it still feels like fall, and I don't have a ridiculous amount of homework this weekend. Sort of deliriously happy with life right now. 
    I've missed the ear ringing that only comes from being right next to the concert stage. <3 <3 <3
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