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  • It's a wonder I have friends at all. The only interesting thing going on in my life is my imagination.
    Ah, I see. I've been fine! And well, I do have a bit to do, but with me being on break that's been kind of a reset period for me? So I'm working to actually REALLY be able to get ahead on stuff now, haha. How have you been, though? Well, I hope? C8
    P U R I T Y
    Oh, I'm glad to hear you're not too overwhelmed. Break is both a relief and like silent agony of the inevitable. How's your group story going, did that take off or are you onto other things and I'm ancient? Haha. Dealing, getting better I'd say, just eliminated negative energy. Such a job.

    I had every intention of responding to our PM, but since I went ghost for a while I thought I'd just start over with you c:
    Yeah, haha. If only every break could last two weeks. As for that, yeah, to be honest it kind of slipped my mind. I probably won't be able to do anything with it until this summer, because now that I'm back, I know that I won't have the time to start it up, haha.

    It's totally fine, no worries. C:
    'Ello, I'm Sausage Sandwich, but my friends call me Sarnie.
    Hello there Sarnie! (May I call you that?) I don't mean to make you panic or anything, but sausage sandwiches are possibly one of my favorite things to eat.
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