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  • I'm sure many of you have already noticed, but I am currently on a mini Hiatus. I promise to be back by next week! Sorry ;^;
    Intriguing avatar. ^^
    Do let me know when you start picking up the series. There's some hidden symbolism as well as foreshadowing throughout, I want to see if you'll be able to pick some of them out. c: (2/2)
    I find it difficult to understand why people aren't open to branching out, especially when it involves reading the manga that the anime they love so much is based off of. I understand that some might not like to read, but there are pictures so it's not terribly overbearing. (1/2)
    I will be sure to get back to you once I start. I'm not sure how soon that will be, due to my busy schedule this week, but I can't resist the mention of symbolism and foreshadowing. I'll do my best to get some reading done within the next few days, though, so expect something from me soon. ^-^ (2/2)
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