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  • In an interview I was asked to describe my personality. I said a brilliant ball of sunshine with a dash of hurricane.
    I was called a Smart A$$ today. My reply was simply "Thank You." Would rather be a smart a$$ then a dumb a$$.
    Oooh boy... Had just found this fantastic role playing website. Struck up the few conversations about getting some really neat ideas going. Then life happened. and boy did it happen hard! So to everyone I was chatting and maybe about to strike up some great Rps with, I'm sorry. Truly and deeply sorry. It was out of my control.

    A little scared to try again. But try I will. Maybe people won't hate me too much.
    Welcome back. ^33^ Good luck in your RP search!
    Thank you. It's nice to be writing again.
    9 of the 10 voices in my head tell me I’m crazy. The other one just keeps humming random show tunes.
    I duck my head down while driving into underground parking garages to make my car fit. Just in case you were wondering what kind of superior intellect I'll pass down to the next generation.
    I don't think the police should wear mirrored sunglasses. The whole time he was talking to me about speeding, all I could think was, 'I should really cut my bangs...'
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