Bunny Hop

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  • How is everyone today?
    Bunny Hop
    Bunny Hop
    What sort of RPs do you like? do you have an interest check thread at all?

    (I'm always looking for new partners myself)
    Well, to be honest I accepted double the partners that I actually need for most of my searches simply because I know that the beginning of planning and the intro posts is where most people fall off and leave. The only actual search that I am keeping active is my Zatch Bell RP search. It is a fandom (apparently not a popular one here). If you are interested, you can read the thread and then post.
    Bunny Hop
    Bunny Hop
    I'll have to read about it. I feel you about not being in a popular fandom
    TMW one of your lecturers earns a whole barrage of swear words and insults being released at her. 

    What can I say, she brought it on herself

    *Only called her a stupid cow*
    Bunny Hop
    Bunny Hop
    Basically, she's the department first aider. 

    The same woman told basically told my friend, who has heart trouble, off for disturbing the class because she was crying due to the pain.

    I quote "I'll have to call the first aider now, you've disturbed the class"  She only added "no offence meant" after the whole class stared at her in either shock or anger.

    We unleashed the swearwords and insults after she'd left the room to escort the girl
    She deserves it! 
    Calling all Assassin's Creed and Jurassic Park fans. I will be sharing my crossover story for both fandoms.

    Assassins V Dinosaurs, who will win? 
    Blaire Wisteria
    Blaire Wisteria
    Probably dinosaurs...
    The Mechanist
    The Mechanist
    That's a very unique rp cross over you've got going
    Bunny Hop
    Bunny Hop
    It's currently a fanfiction but I've hit writers block head on so maybe an rp is a good idea for it
    Came face to face with a huge spider in the bathroom, said "f*** nope" and woke my dad to throw it out the window (I'm too short to reach the window, let alone holding a cup with the spider in)

    For reference, it was between the size of a 50p ( UK, 2.8mm diameter) and a US 1$ coin (3.8mm) and it was black with huge long legs. 

    I'm honestly not arachnophobic, I just couldn't physically take care of it myself. 
    i am and i wouldve noped the fuck out, never to return again/ xD
    I'd just grab a can of bug spray, douse it, and then flush it down into the sewers.
    Bunny Hop
    Bunny Hop
    It was on the wall outta reach. It got thrown out the first floor window.
    issac's heading towards his lab just so you know
    Bunny Hop
    Bunny Hop
    ok. Do you have to post a new status for every point (It's one of my pet peeves, sorry)
    Leo Radomir
    Leo Radomir
    lol no but since people have missed two or three of my posts amoung other factors it seems i have to be more out there then i'd like
    unless i'm mistake he's still in the subconscious plain
    Bunny Hop
    Bunny Hop
    I tagged him just in case Magnus returns or he could hear. Plus she's interacting with his character
    May, eventually upload some more of my stories for you guys. In the meantime, check out the first one in my blog
    Just uploaded my first Overwatch Highlight as Sombra!

    She and D.Va are my favourite heros to play 
    I can del most post if you want but in his own way he's trying to help and later on when he gets his full memory back he'll fully explain why he hates lightning and shadows types in detail.
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