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  • genork... you're 20 now?! omg... but hello!! i hope you've been well, i've been lurking a lot on RPN as of late for old times' sake, haha! it's nice to see one familiar face is still active~

    Yes, haha, I'm the big 2-0 now xD I still think I'm 19, though. It's nice to see you! And I hope you've been well, too!

    Also while you're here, go check out Kortia a;sdjf;alsjdf;lkajds;fljkas;dj
    I really should get back into coding now that it appears hidden scrolls are still possible and that was what made me stop

    Also I should really continue that OC storage thread, geez---
    Hahahahahaha starting interest checks for 2 smallish groups two days before my spring semester starts was a GREAT idea hahahahahahaha
    Man, I missed roleplaying. Let's hope I get back into the swing of things some more... even though... my spring semester starts a week after tomorrow ;w;
    You're lucky, my spring semester started two weeks ago x.x
    I am wishing you the best of luck, comrade ✊ 😔
    I hope everyone's having a safe holiday season! Sorry I haven't been around/writing much--I hope to get back into it during the rest of my break!

    Hopefully working on Kortia won't kill me A;LSDJFA;LSDKJF;ADSFA
    I am officially going to be cowriting a visual novel-type of game produced by Dulcet Games.

    Y'all should play Kortia when it releases~
    I have gotten through 99% of my RP responses that I owed, so that's probably a good sign. And with school starting soon, hopefully this productive streak will continue.
    I swear I'm alive (I mean I don't feel that way, but I am)

    I'm getting used to this free time now that summer camp is over...
    The fact that I vaguely came up with an RP idea based on Shakespeare plays means I've almost certainly gone crazy
    Welp work has most certainly kicked my ass

    I'm not sure why this year is just way more exhausting than previous years (perhaps wearing a mask with the children? perhaps how annoying the children are being in light of current events?), but I do NOT appreciate that besides work, visual novels have stolen my time 😭
    The day I realized someone had made a marching band related otome visual novel was the day I realized maybe humanity isn't as screwed as I thought
    I'm given to understand this is how most things go in One Piece

    Luffy: I'm gonna be King of the Pirates
    Stranger: lol you're dumb
    *two episodes later*
    Stranger: yo you're the coolest can I join your crew
    To everyone who is different from me (a straight, white woman):

    Please stay safe. Please keep being you. Don't let anybody tell you do otherwise or prevent you from being yourself because that is NOT what you are meant for.

    Spread love, not hate.

    Also, cuddle a bunny if you can. They're great.

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