Recent content by Alienated Pupper

  1. Alienated Pupper

    Warrior Cats FeralFront Refugees And Others Let's Chat!

    Like many others posting here, I, too, am surprised to see the site go. While I recognize there were many controversies over the years, as well as too many "Hell Den"s, it still hurts to see the first-ever roleplay forum I really got into fall. Like, I've been with Feralfront almost since it's...
  2. Alienated Pupper

    News Serial Killers

    We've got Ed Gein, Jeffrey Dahmer, and Edward Edwards (which I really only put because who names their kid that anyway?), to name a few. Clearly, we've birthed a few cannibals here.
  3. Alienated Pupper

    Fandom Long Term One on One Fandoms

    I really like 10 tbh (Doctor Who). Allons-y, right? If we do Harry Potter, I'm fine with pretty much any era. I'm in far too deep at this point. ;P
  4. Alienated Pupper

    Fandom Long Term One on One Fandoms

    Hi! I absolutely love Doctor Who (and Harry Potter, for that matter) so I'm 100% interested in doing a RP with you! Out of curiosity, which Doctor would be involved in the roleplay (or if we're doing Harry Potter, which characters would be involved? I'm a sucker for Snape, lol ;3c). That is...
  5. Alienated Pupper

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hi! I'm Nikolai, and I've been roleplaying since.. 2009? That sounds about right. I first discovered the site WarriorCatsRPG (shortened to WCRPG) when I was a wee child, and quickly fell in love with creating characters and acting out the lives that weren't mine. I really love romance and...