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  1. Alienated Pupper

    Warrior Cats FeralFront Refugees And Others Let's Chat!

    Like many others posting here, I, too, am surprised to see the site go. While I recognize there were many controversies over the years, as well as too many "Hell Den"s, it still hurts to see the first-ever roleplay forum I really got into fall. Like, I've been with Feralfront almost since it's...
  2. Alienated Pupper

    News Serial Killers

    We've got Ed Gein, Jeffrey Dahmer, and Edward Edwards (which I really only put because who names their kid that anyway?), to name a few. Clearly, we've birthed a few cannibals here.
  3. Alienated Pupper

    Fandom Long Term One on One Fandoms

    I really like 10 tbh (Doctor Who). Allons-y, right? If we do Harry Potter, I'm fine with pretty much any era. I'm in far too deep at this point. ;P
  4. Alienated Pupper

    Fandom Long Term One on One Fandoms

    Hi! I absolutely love Doctor Who (and Harry Potter, for that matter) so I'm 100% interested in doing a RP with you! Out of curiosity, which Doctor would be involved in the roleplay (or if we're doing Harry Potter, which characters would be involved? I'm a sucker for Snape, lol ;3c). That is...
  5. Alienated Pupper

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hi! I'm Nikolai, and I've been roleplaying since.. 2009? That sounds about right. I first discovered the site WarriorCatsRPG (shortened to WCRPG) when I was a wee child, and quickly fell in love with creating characters and acting out the lives that weren't mine. I really love romance and...