New profile posts

It's been a while since I logged on here.
To my previous writing partners, sorry for being MIA for the longest time. I hope you all have been doing well. It has been so long, but if you want to continue with our story, let me know! I'm trying to get back to roleplaying again. Thank you!
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hOi :3
thnx zyla , ur kind and nice , hope we make good friends
omg did u just join me i was just having a little chitty chat about our pets
i followed you :3
thnx so much
There’s nothing like hitting the light mode button while meaning to press your notifications in your dark room late at night.. my eyes are in pain
I'm back from the exposition! Social and energy batteries are at an all-time low, but I'll manage. Onward to another big week of work, so I might be a bit slow on the replies !
Hey! Haven't been here in a long while, decided to change up my game. Willing to RP a lot, dont be shy to ask!