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Fantasy —◦✧the lore that time forgot✧◦—


give 'em hell, kid.





The world of Ahressa is quite unlike our own, being made up of vast empty skies and floating islands which generally range in size from a small state to an entire continent, though there are some notable exceptions. It is a strange and dream-like place, filled with odd and seemingly inexplicable things if one dares venture beyond its familiar horizon.

Ahressa's known and commonly travelled area would be about triple the size of our planet, though exactly how populated some locations are is debatable as many of the smaller islands are home to only a few tribes or humble villages. Others have grand cities and kingdoms filled with impressive magic-based technology, and the merchants and travelling ambassadors visiting from these locations are often the only contact with the outside word a tiny island will have.

The largest and most populous of these floating continents is Phaland, which is just a bit smaller than North America and generally considered to be the most powerful locale due to its strong economy and reasonably good standards of living. For hundreds of generations Phaland's royal family has ruled with an iron fist, and all smart island leaders allied themselves with their regime or at least offered trade. Few dared challenge them, and all that did were quickly brought to surrender... but times are growing more uncertain. Most of Phaland's once-rich mana sources have been depleted, leaving it no choice but to secure them elsewhere.


Life on the islands of Ahressa is as varied as the islands themselves. Magic is common and used in a variety of ways, both industrially and on a personal level. About half the general population are born with an inherent magical ability, though the vast majority of these are more useful in day-to-day life than grandiose or spectacular. Those without one need not fear, as the world itself provides free-flowing mana that can be collected via crystals and used for all sorts of technologies and applications. From great airships to enchanted wash basins that make laundry so much easier, the more populated continents of Ahressa have almost anything one could desire so long as they are able to pay for it. (But only fantasy type things, no one is going to be having a magical iPhone or machine gun, sorry.)

Beyond such populous places, smaller islands survive just fine with traditional villages and potions, as they have for centuries. What these locations lack in technology is easily made up for by their wild, untouched lands rich in both mana and resources and they are often vital partners in trading.

Mana can be seen as somewhat similar to oil in our world, though infinitely more useful of course. There is still plenty of it to allow for its continued regular usage, but supplies are being depleted far faster than they can regenerate in more populated areas and so searching for it is essential.


To go past the horizon is to dance with fate itself. A name given to anything beyond the populated web of islands and their familiar surrounding sea of clouds, the horizon is the stopping point for all but the bravest and most determined of adventurers. What lurks through its shifting skies and strange empty islands is unknown, and many a great airship and her crew has gone missing here. Is there life out there? No one has been able to answer that question yet, though it's a frequent topic of conversation on many islands and has inspired more than a few books as well.

Maps of places beyond the horizon do exist, but most are unofficial and seem to be quite off, almost as if things out there were constantly changing and shifting...


Almost all of the larger continents have at least one official airship, and Phaland possesses an entire fleet of new and advanced vessels. Smaller islands may have a single outdated or handmade option, though this varies from place to place. Personal ownership is rare but not unheard of and will certainly gain one popularity amongst the masses. For most however, travelling between islands requires either a commercial airship (these usually operate daily or weekly between the more populated continents) or to hitch a ride on a vessel being used for trade or other official business. As most locations are quite self-sufficient and families tend to remain on a specific island, many people go their entire lives without travelling aboard an airship. For the well to do however, it's seen as an enjoyable pastime and luxury sky cruises are major moneymakers.


A legend that has been around for generations, which is kept alive by children and old adventurers alike. Most believe it to be entirely fictional, but those who claim to have visited insist that such a wonderful place truly does exist.

Descriptions have been known to vary, but peaceful, seemingly angelic occupants and the offering of a wish to travellers is always involved. Those that supposedly return say that they are a very curious people, and great lovers of songs, tales and art of other worlds.


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