• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Futuristic 𝚣𝚘𝚍𝚒𝚊𝚌𝚜: 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚔𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚛𝚜 || character sheets



norn is my wife <33


by zodiac


welcome to the cs! I'm not one to hinder creative freedom, so i don't have a set cs code for you to use! however, i do love a good bbcode so i request in your applications use one! i have a few basic requirements listed below that i need to see in your cs for it to be considered. you can, of course, add more stuff if you'd like.

i understand that this was not the original plan so I am going to be much more lenient with this deadline. If saturday rolls around and you need an extension, please shoot me a PM! I do encourage you to try to get it done by Saturday because if we have more than one person going for your position and their cs is completely but you haven’t even started on yours yet, we might be inclined to go ahead and give them the spot!


codename: this will be the zodiac sign you're applying for
age: 19-22
dob: remember they must be born during the time of their zodiac!
face claim:

personality description: this can be brief!
headcanons: at least 25. see my cs or any of my mods if you're confused as to what this looks like!

method of killing: this is kinda like their signature thing? is there a certain way they kill? is there a staple to any crime scene that shows they were there? put that here!
weapon of choice: keep in mind if the sign you're applying for! for example sagittarius weapon of choice is gonna be some sort of long-ranged weapon not close-range.

history: this is optional! if you choose to do this, you will be writing their history pre-serum. they wont have any memory of this life

♡coded by uxie♡

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  • filler tab. ignore!

♡design by dreamglow, coded by uxie♡
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  • runaway

    Olivia Hawthorne
    date of birth
    Kseniya Leonova
coded by natasha.
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Corvus Dravic
corvus valerian dravic


cor, crow, dravic, player 1


july 15th




romantic orientation

polish on his mother's side

new york city

model & twitch streamer
Monday, January 27
slide to unlock
face claim
tsokkur on ig

dark green, almost brown

black, shaved at the sides. often left unstyled

pale porcelain


lanky, with very lean muscle. not overtly built at all

distinguishing features
small scar on his cheekbone

My head is full of nightmares and flare guns, I try to wake myself but I can't run
Corvus at first glance seems like an ordinary person, but there's something unsettling lurking in his eyes. Upon hearing him speak, it becomes crystal clear there's something wrong with him. He firmly believes that himself and all the others are in a simulation, and he is the "protagonist" that will set them all free. His delusion is absolute, and challenging it makes him go from a somewhat calm but weird young man, to a manic and aggressive hostile. Every sentence is shrouded in gaming terminology, his favorite terms coming from MMORPGS although he uses information from all genres. He is seldom psychical, and prefers to use words as verbal weapons upon the others. He's snarky and sarcastic to those he isn't familiar with, but to those he's close with it's more teasing than harmful. He's very selfish and possessive, over both his things and others. Above all Corvus, much like his sign, is emotional in ways that are different from the normal conation of emotional. Seldom one to cry, instead his emotions flip on a dime. Going from happy to annoyed, to homicidal for little to no reason at all.

— very agile
— his flexibility helps him dodge attacks as well
— able to use a variety of weapons
— only good up close and personal
— has horrific stamina
— defenseless without a weapon
— his #1 fear is bugs crawling in his ear while he sleeps
does not like needles

method of killing:
Unlike the others, Corvus doesn't necessarily have a specific method. It's more broad in that, he copies deaths from well known video games. His photographic memory allows him to clearly picture the deaths and recreate them the best he can. While he is not adept at all weapons, he's able to handle most. He's much better with blunt and bladed weapons, and struggles with guns. He tries to avoid those if he can, but if he feels he has to recreate a death using a gun, he'll seek assistance from Sagittarius. He's found the best way to approach his prey, is by feigning an injury and gaining the trust of his victim.


— well known twitch streamer
— when opening a bag or container he'll call out "open inventory"
— calls his favorite people his "companions"
— when he's anxious or stressed he tends to gnaw on whatever's nearest, most of the time his own arm but sometimes he'll attempt to bite the person next to him
— when they were injected with the serum he briefly woke up, and while he doesn't remember much it fed his delusion of them being trapped inside a game
— when he kills people he calls it "unplugging" and thinks he's saving them
— has a strange love for bananas
— sometimes it's the only thing he'll eat
— horrible at taking care of himself
— forgets to eat or shower
— "i don't like it when they enable autonomy, free will is hard"
— plays sims because he finds it ironic
— made all the zodiacs into sims
— when he's mad at one of them he'll put their sim into the "naughty badtime jail" which is a room with no windows or doors that he created and he slowly starves the selected sim till he's no longer mad at the zodiac
— his favorite person of the week is shown by how well he treats the sim
— persephone is one of the few people that understand him
— would do anything for her
— while he's the main hero the other zodiacs are part of the mission as well
— "it' co-op not campaign, obviously"
— hates getting his picture taken
— "that's how the government gets you!"
— as a model this creates problems, thankfully the company is very good at lying to him
— heavily watched and controlled when it's time for interviews
— must always be interviewed with another zodiac, preferably one that he gets along with and can force him to behave
— the interviews are told very specific questions and if they go off base it rarely ends well
— often shushed by persephone on stream bc he says too much
— chat loves how weird this funky little dude is
— very flexible
— has all the newest and greatest in gaming gear
— rages incredibly so in league of legends
— can't cook at all
— almost burned the kitchen down numerous times
— not allowed in there anymore
— knows a lot of random facts and trivia
— has an photographic memory
— not scared of death since he thinks he has "unlimited lives" and will just "respawn"
— more to come later
code by valen t.
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100% complete

zeki aydin

# virgo

# oktay çubuk

♡coded by uxie♡

Zaman Yok






Zeki Aydin


Sırık (regards his height), aydin, vi, Baykuş


22 years old.

hair c.

Dark brown

eye c.

Dark brown



His world had separated into two things: one of wants and needs; the common desires of his own and the physiological aspects that he cannot control. And like most things, satisfaction is often muted by the suspicion of disaster afoot. It was only natural that he'd become
over the control of things he could control: the way in which his bed is made; the way in which something is cleaned--spotlessly without a single give that any mess was there anyways; the way he sat at his desk organizing, reorganizing, and falling into a hole; and the routine--there was always routine.

It became common for him to be the pillar that upheld these behaviors, a young man that more often than not, would nearly shake towards the contrary; nevermind the lingering fear that if he wasn't in control, situations--even the smallest ones--could go terribly wrong. Zeki is not a fan of unpredictability, thriving in
rather than chaos; chaos often brought on problems that could've been avoided, problems that neither he nor anyone else should face. There is one thing, however: He breaks. And he breaks. And he keeps breaking; instilled in him was a fear of failure, one of which he cannot escape. Failure often snuck its head around sharp corners, an idea out of his control, and a very real one that he cannot help but run into the constant loop of.

Think first, talk later.

Zeki thrives in being low-profile: subtlety over extravagance (when it comes to himself—nevermind the victims), and above all, he is quiet. No, the quiet is not in fear that his ideas will be rejected, there is tenacity that runs in his veins, but the
is a form of meditation. He learns in it, grows,
observes, and uses this to his advantage
in any given moment: the
remains constant as he collects the readings of others--more for the calculation of predictability, never straying from the idea that another's movements, tones, and expressions, often tell more than the words that they speak.

The psychological guard often keeps him from harm's way, contains his anxieties when he is most vulnerable, but the guard is often down when the few he cares about are in the picture; this trust is not easily won, a young man with his own reservations towards the confidence in another—he has no explanation for this other than the fact that he cannot hold faith to the words of another, nor can he in their actions. It is then that the obsession with control continues, fighting with the consuming thoughts that often bombard him with the expressions of more disappointment and anxiety.

He avoids the conversations of his own vulnerability: believing that one’s acknowledgement could become his demise—unable to know if one’s intentions are true or, by human nature, malicious.

There is, however, good in him, one that creeps up every so often despite his actions: he is empathetic, allows for others to confide in him with the promise that their secrets and true thoughts may never come to light. It’s not like he actively waits for this; some find him easy to talk to, this being the product of his silence.


chews the skin of his lip when anxious.​
talks quickly when in distress. gets jittery.​
does not like it when people move things, even if it is slightly off; there is a reason he put something there.​
cannot sleep unless he has exactly 5 pillows and two blankets regardless of how hot or cold it is.​
a healthy eater; this is to preserve his own definition of fitness. a healthy body equals a healthy mind.​
sometimes will pretend he is doing something, but is really eavesdropping.​
workaholic and a major one at that. do not interrupt his practice.​
collects hourglasses; they are all organized by size, and are always--somehow--going at the same rate.​
digs his nail into his thumb as he's thinking; often does not realize this.​
can only make eye contact for a short period of time before his brain tells him to look away; he does not enjoy eyecontact in the slightest.​
his breakfast will always be the same thing: a cup of yogurt, two fried eggs, (1) thinly sliced avocado, two slices of rye bread, one cut cucumber, three cherry tomatoes.​
wakes up early or doesn't sleep at all.​
caffeine addiction: coffee is 3/4 brew, 1/4 almond milk--very little sugar.​
cares more about the wellbeing of his friends than his own.​
insults people in turkish, thrives off of the fact that they most likely wouldn't understand.​
constantly snacking on something: almonds or granola.​
dislikes when people are too touchy with him; personal space is personal space, but there is an exception with a select few.​
must have one light on at night. he cannot explain it.​
does not like being spoken to like he is stupid.​
doesn't style his hair much, thinks there's no need for it.​
starts with a hot shower, then finishes it with cold showers.​
reads often, on his off time will read newspapers or books; does not like bookstore settings and will order online.​
hates grapes.​
frogs are cute; slightly disgusted by toads, but also drawn to them.​
does not drink alcohol often. lightweight.​
was on scholarship.​

observant, trustworthy, dexterity, attentive, reserved, resourceful


judgmental, overthinker, self-critical, secretive, irrationally anxious, obsessive perfectionist


deep waters, small spaces, disorganization, failure, vomiting, kids when they throw tantrums.


Perfection isn't the easiest thing to conquer; one must watch, observe, take note of what works and what doesn't. That's what works so well for Zeki, he molds to another's fears—watches from afar, befriends, will do what he can to lessen the outcomes of failure. He is the shadow of a target, follows them in the dark, watches them for hours, knows their schedule day in and day out.

There is this, however: Zeki will always keep clean—scenes shrink wrapped throughout every crevice and corner; gloves are always on hand, as are goggles, and—as out of place as it seems—a pair of wireless earphones to play music as he "works."

Riddles, clues, puzzles handmade—left behind for others to decipher, thought it may not be easy—he may even leave a quote by an author he'd read that week. Eyes are glued shut, he never liked how the dead seemed to look into his soul even after they've been glazed with ruin.

Some say that their homes are missing something, be it small or big: he collects an item that often goes unnoticed—a trophy? Or is it a way to stay close to humanity, even after its destruction?

Precision is important, but in order to do that the target shouldn't be able to move right? When close enough, a target unable to resist the false charm, he injects them when they least expect it: this will only keep them quiet, paralyze them when he needs it. There's something peaceful about bringing someone some place isolated, quiet, where no one can hear—he's left to his own devices that way, with little interruption, and more time to dig further into what he should do. Almost a form of meditation, the scene is wrapped, covered, clean—their death is symbolic of their wrongdoings sins, thus the weapon of choice differs. There are several common weapons that pop up in his inventory more often than not: a singular boning knife, an assortment of scalpels, a chemical agent that, when injected, will melt the body from within, and a jambiya dagger.

Afterwards their bodies are posed in what he feels is appropriate (this is when he has time—scenes are heavily dependent on the things the target has done.)



Some dreams died in his childhood. At least, that’s what he thinks; it’s hard to tell exactly when it happened, but it did long before his teens. In a quiet room with his ear pressed against his pillow, the sound of his heartbeat lulls him to sleep against the starvation in his stomach. He’d spent the majority of his childhood that way: sometimes he’d stare out the window, looking in between the tall building structures to catch a glimpse of the rest of the skyscrapers—Zeki wanted to reach for them, know what it was like to live in such high places with little worry; the people he saw there, they looked happy, fed, seldom was there a grimace attributed to the thought of missing a dinner or wondering when the electricity would be cut off.

Trust dies here. Despite his parents' promises for a better life, there has always been some sort of slip up. Sure, he understood that life as an immigrant wasn't easy, but their empty promises didn't go unnoticed. As much as they loved him, his mother's love for vanity and his father's love of gambling often got in the way. He loved the both of them more than their interests, tried the best that he could in school to guarantee a better life in the future, one that could provide for not only himself, but the family he cherishes. But he could never trust their word in anything; not the promises of getting better, not the promises of moving to a better place, nothing. Zeki took it upon himself to do this on his own.

So he works, takes on the family burdens, fights to survive to make it easier for them.

Maybe this is why he'd fallen into the treacherous hands of the people his father borrowed from. He shouldn't have taken this, shouldn't have wrapped himself further into their troubles while juggling his education. They depended on him too much now; Zeki, however, couldn't go back on his word.

There are promises written into his skin—promises of a better life; there are promises of paying his father’s debts; there are promises that he will build a better future for himself and the people that he loves. The promises are dates, scars, most from the past, some for the future—oaths carved into the flesh of his back. And the exhaustion of it does not let the wounds heal.

Maybe it’s better off that he cannot remember, despite the (rare but precious) moments spent with family that kept him fighting.



♡coded by uxie♡
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full name

charlie pyper









ashkenazi & iranian jewish


    Charlie Pyper. Professional cynic.

♡coded by uxie♡
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Sabrina Chase

The Leo

♡coded by uxie♡

Waiting Game


The Leo.




Sabrina Marie Chase








August 11th






Savannah Lee Smith



The lion is welded from fire and ash, a gift befit for the Gods themselves. He prowls through the savanna with resolution in his gait and honor in each tuft of his mane. Eyes made of gold, as if pricked by the medallion fingers of Midas himself, hungry, watching. Greedily he drinks up the sun’s embers, a sight most sublime, most regal to the gaze of his followers. The kind to leave you breathless in awe and fearful all the same, weak at the knees, heart a raging storm at your ears. It is clear from where he sits that there is only one god before you. Your hands shake. His gaze falls elsewhere. The savanna is deserted. It is only you and him. He is beautiful you think, and yet, you can’t help but wonder: how could a creature as magnificent as he be so alone?

In many ways she and the beast are the same. She too prowls with vigor, heels clicking against marble floors, asserting her presence. Mane a symbol of honor, each strand serving as a reminder. Her eyes too are made out of gold, of gems sent by the Gods. And she too, despite being an image of beauty, treads in complete solitude. She is- as she always was and always will be- a lion at heart. Or so, she
supposes. For memory is a shadow that seldom plagues her apparition; the urban kingdom is not what it once was and where she parts ways with the magnificent beast, is at the point of her own uncertainty. She feels only half as powerful as she used to be, not the killer she once was. She feels her lion slowly dying.

Sabrina, as one would expect from the mighty privileged, was always puzzled by her peers, those who’d been segregated into boxes when she was but a mere cub. The top of the food chain, the center and the very bottom. A tale as old as time itself and yet, her sympathy remains. She understands that people like her, important people are to do whatever they must to remain in their rightful place, though she cannot help but wonder
why. A lost spirit, just as others confuse her, she confuses them. Neither friend nor foe, the woman’s behaviour is often unprecedented, unpredictable and with a little less forethought than before. A compliment here, a snide remark there, a gift here, a knife at your throat there. Bri now lacks the proper footing to establish connections- bad or good, like she used to. Her name, which once meant everything, is now worth nothing in her current environment. There is no best nor worst, no food chain. She is just another experiment and for that reason she is bewildered, hopeless without her mother’s pestering guidance, hopeless without her followers or her reign. She wishes that she could remember- if only for a little while- how it felt to be the best and to believe it too. How it felt to be the lion that drank the sunset as if it were wine.

With her now muted social capabilities, Sabrina lacks the control and confidence which she once oozed. A queen that has now become her servant, a ward. All is lost on her. And as such, she is far clumsier than she desires to be. Like a wounded cub clambering back toward her pride, her little remembrance has- if only unwillingly and only slightly- humbled that large lioness ego of hers, has somewhat tamed her. Of course Sabrina still fancies the admiration, the glamor and the respect, but there remains a very real struggle between the identity she once had and the one she is now forced to make. Everything has been brought into question, everything.

H E A D C A N N O N S.

• will not set foot in a chain restaurant
• goes on spending sprees when she’s stressed, will buy the most random things
• has a comfort plushy that no one knows about, her name is Ms. Squiggle
• all her clothes seem to be in sets and are always put together and matched
• will treat an acquaintance to a day out if they look like they need it
• gives unsolicited advice and opinions when she’s comfortable
• terrible at giving compliments but great at receiving them
• incredibly awkward when it comes to affection
• goes for style over comfort, has made people switch clothes with her mid-event
• has a very meticulous and arduous nighttime routine
• huge on skin care and organic makeup products, won’t apply anything toxic onto her face
• refuses to cry, puke or poop in public, the three big no-no’s
• has many stylists, a makeup artist, assistant and nanny (that she still keeps in contact with)
• a raging insomniac, her sleeping schedule is heavily impacted by her feelings and anxiety
• an ambassador for several brands, has been issued in several magazine covers
• likes to go on runs to clear her head
• has a Pomeranian named Armani “mani” for short
• is gluten free and a vegetarian, tries to be as waste-free as possible
• literally so embarrassing when she’s on her own, shakes ath to old taylor swift songs
• whenever she gets overwhelmed, she excuses herself to the ladies’ room and scolds herself into courage
• nails are always done as she hates not being out together
• has a picture of her dad on standby
• will share knowing glances or “WTF” faces with friends nearby
• has known to intimidate, bribe and humiliate enemies in the past but has forgotten all that and will likely get jumped HELP
• will go above and beyond for whoever she wants to court, once rented out a stadium only to get rejected.

S T R E N G T H S.

Generous, hardworking, ballsy, determined, agile, acrobatic, put-together, routinely, structured, attractive.

W E A K N E S S E S.

Stubborn, aimless, curt, insecure, lost, ingenuine, judgemental, prissy, manipulative, envious, possessive.

F E A R S.

Heights, public humiliation, her career getting ruined, never meeting her mother’s expectations, not making her father proud, staying in a constant limbo for eternity.



What does a lion enjoy more than a feast? Simple, it’s the hunt. The thrill of the kill is by far the most primal pleasure of all. He craves the adrenaline, the pleas for mercy as if it were water, childlike as he makes an act out of his dinner. And in turn, it is all quite delicious to Leo, who, in a desperate attempts to reclaim the nostalgic control she once had, often resorts to cruel and merciless games. Kinds that no prey could win. Her favourite? Why, cat and mouse of course. The objective is simple: the victim is to run for the hills (or however far safety lays) as fast as their legs can carry them, with the little huntress cooing at their tail. Voice here and there, taunting, laughing as they propel themselves further and faster, the small flicker of hope swelling at the sight of the main road until bam-! Down they go just like every other one. It’s a shame really, you’d think even with a head start at least one would get away but no, it seems her advantages haven’t failed her quite yet.

W E A P O N.

Every cat has its claws. Akin to the baghnakh, Leo has her very on set, sharp and ready to kill.



♡coded by uxie♡
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  • libra.

    my kink is when people admit i was right




    reagan andersen

    code name






    date of birth

    october 9th

    place of birth

    auckland, new zealand


    half-danish, half-korean

♡design by natasha., coded by uxie♡

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fc: Gemma Arterton

T h e L I B R A

S o p h i a G a r c i a





name: Sophia Garcia

nickname(s): Lib, Soph.

Code name: Libra

age: 20

DOB: October 3rd

gender: Female

sexuality: Bisexual

face claim: Gemma Arterton

personality description: A very calculated, cold person. Being the leader of the group, Sophia is the glue of their crew. Rarely does the female ever get her hands dirty, but she’s not afraid too. She normally just sits off to the side and makes the calls, telling them who the new target is, all that good stuff. Sophia is definitely the most Sane out of all of the zodiac, and the one who is more down to earth and knows what they want and when they want it.

Sophia is crazy good with Tech, and knows how to get access to the camera's all around the city, and delete whatever footage is needed, create new documents for different people, etc etc. Sophia is the one behind everyone pulling the strings, and directing others. Sophia also thinks that she’s playing a board game, everyone else are the chips, and she can add or knock different chips off when she pleases.

1. That Sophia secretly loves coffee
2. She hates being told what to do
3. Likes being incontrol
4. Likes to be cuddled
5. Is a softie inside
6. Hates modeling
7. Hates being alone for too long
8. Dislikes Ramen
9. Loves donuts
10. Loves rock
11. Hates country
12. Will listen to music while coding
13. Hates new people
14. Doesn’t like people bugging her
15. Nagging, she hates it.
16. She dislike people who can’t read the room
17. She secretly loves energetic people
18. Likes girls more than guys
19. Has a stuffy, talks to him every night.
20. Has a snake, his names terry.
21. Hates all animals other than snakes
22. Loves, I mean loves Snakes
23. Sometimes she’ll fuck with peoples documents for fun.
24. Loves kids.
25. Wants children one day

strengths: Sophia is good at tech control, maintenance, and manipulation. Sophia is so scary good at all of these, that it’s almost to the point where even the biggest and baddest people get the chills from her.

weaknesses: Not being incontrol, Sophia absolutely hates this and cannot stand it whatsoever. If she isn’t in control, then she will slowly start to wither and fall apart

fears: Not Being Incontrol.

method of killing: Whenever Sophia has someone Cary out a task for her, or she does it herself, she has them, or she does it herself, she puts a small drawing of a crown on a flat surface, close to wherever the crime was committed.

weapon of choice: As said before, Sophia will rarely ever get her hands dirty. Though, when she has too, she uses a Japanese Tachi sword. I’m her opinion, she finds it to be the most affective and a very elegant weapon.


(80% done)
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R. Hayden Barr

"The best way to predict the future is to create it."
- Peter Drucker
FC: Lucky Blue Smith

General Identity

Sexual Orientation
Romantic Orientation
Date of Birth
Romeo Hayden Barr
Rome or Hay
21 (Twenty-One)
08 JAN
Romeo can control his urges, and won't just jump at the first chance to something. He will wait for something better to happen, that is how he got to where he is now. Romeo cares too much for his organization, he is tedious and manic when it comes to things being out of place. He doesn't miss a detail, especially in his room. Along with all of this when he gives someone else his full attention, he listens 100%, he listens so carefully that he won't miss a thing the person says. He loves it when someone asks him for his advice because he won't tell someone something that he would never do.

Liable, organized, self-control, excellent managing abilities.
Knowledge for everything, cannot forgive, always awaits the worst things to happen, stooping.
Family, traditions, music, minimized status, quality craftsmanship.
Almostall the things to definite level.
Romeo fears not being able to reach the top because he is a born winner. He is terrified of losing and getting shamed for the same by people.
--Everything in his bedroom serves a purpose
--Starts every day with an iced white mocha
--Doesn't like to work out but does so just to keep in shape
--Doesn't like to be caught in tight cramp places
--If there is a mess, he will clean it
--Chews each bite approximately 15-20 times before swallowing
--Reads books in spare time for knowledge and enjoyment
--Privacy is everything to him
--He listens to his favorite song ten-twelve times a day
--Allergic to bees
--Hates the taste and smell of sushi
--Loves nature and photography
--He is fine with consented touch, anything else will result in broken fingers
--If given a piece of paper and pencil, you'll catch him writing out everything he needs to complete
--Got punched in the fourth grade and had to have a tooth replaced
--Never wants romance
--Hates to work with others
--Drink all coffee-based beverages
--Loves to give gifts
--He will reorganize an area multiple times until satisfied
--Favorite genre tends to be modern fiction or high fantasy
--Broke his arm in sixth grade, and fractured two fingers
--Snaps his fingers when irritated
--Belongs to Slytherin house
--Cannot play a sport for the life of him

Romeo will wait for the perfect opportunity to strike his target he is assigned to take out. He watches them for days while he prepares for his kill. He uses a poisoned knife to take out his garbage while he adds to his most valuable possessions. He collects a shrape of each of his victims clothings, and pins them inside of his binder which is kept inside a safe to keep them aware from prying eyes.

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kore magnolia feverfew


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse laoreet, libero nec finibus gravida, leo justo mollis risus, et porta dolor ligula vitae turpis.

  • requisite.

    full name

    kore magnolia feverfew




    dmab; any pronouns



    date of birth

    may 23







    hair colour


    eye colour

    dark brown

♡coded by uxie♡
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Who in the world am I? Ah, that's a great puzzle.

Lewis Carroll

the archer

aveline wren.

full name

aveline mae wren


ave, lin, mae, or wren






december 2nd






arctic monkeys



brief apperance

if you asked aveline, she's a plain jane. flaming red hair, that always seemed to be tangled or messy, that fell nothing short in waves down to the middle of her back. she had generic, almond shape, blue eyes and a face full of freckles. she had a mesomorphs body type and was often referred to as being a 'triangle' shape, not that she really had any opinion on her own body. to be frank, she really wasn't one to stand out. which was a good thing. just a shadow in the background, easily blending into her surroundings.




130 lbs

hair c.


eye c.



laura gwyneth butler



Aveline can be described as nothing but short and sweet. She wasn't the most upbeat or outspoken person, and was rather reserved and quiet, but she has always been a genuinely caring person. Wanted to be someone who was kind just for the sake of being kind, even in her profession. It was something she strived to be. Along with the several other goals she had in her mind. Even in the situation she was currently in, Aveline hoped that other's would confine in her. To speak their mind openly as she was always one to openly listen to the problems of other's.

Smart by nature, gullible by choice. Chooses to see the good in everyone unless they are just...so downright evil even she can see the red flags waving high, then yeah, she knows her limits. this isn't to say that it's easy to fool Aveline, if anything, it's harder to do so. Sure she wants to be kind, to give everyone a chance, but don't take it as her being a fool with a full heart. For every mistake a person makes, towards her or any of her friends, she will remember it all. You might get a free pass once, but never again. And the second mistake is going to be met with nothing but anger and vengeance.

Stay off Aveline's bad side and you will never have a problem with her. She may not be able to withstand a 1v1 but that's nothing to be relieved about. For Aveline? She's the type you'll never see coming, as she already has you in her sights.


anything sweet!(says it helps her focus), listening to music, sitting way high up in trees, the sound of morning birds, tea, being free


anything sour, spiders and snakes, soggy bread, laundry, runny eggs, SARDINES!!


ranged combat, ranged weaponry, planning ahead, strong runner, nimble, works well with other's


alcohol, anything to do with close quarter combat more than just her being able to push someone away, a lil rebellious, arrogant yet envious


dying, the deep see, animals three times her size, blood, forgetting something important


✧— an average fashion model!
✧— is very laid back about her career as a model! thinks it's just something fun to do in her spare time
✧— thinks she's not that pretty but boy...she's just humble jskljl;ds
✧— loves dressing up for her shoots but taking everything off is...annoying ahaha
✧— wants to one day own a bird and name them yogurt
✧— her favorite treat to eat is any flavor of cheesecake
✧— says sweets help her focus, and maybe they do, but it's mostly a lie. she just likes sweets
✧— very much a morning person
✧— enjoys spending all of her time high up in trees, reading book, on summer days
✧— she loves swimming just not in giant bodies of water
✧— the strangest thing she's ever witnessed was a man singing happy birthday to a squirrel on the subway once
✧— picked up long distance combat solely because she cannot stand the sight of blood (or so she believes)
✧— her favorite type of tea is lavender-honey
✧— she likes coffee but feels it makes her too jittery
✧— oddly enough, she's a merciless killer
✧— if she is tasked with a job, that is her job and she plans to carry it out
✧— her wardrobe rages anywhere from your mom's clothes in the 70's, chic, to casual wear
✧— she wears whatever she wants too and doesn't care ♡
✧— to calm her nerves, aveline always cleans her weapons before a mission
✧— allergic to bees
✧— cannot stand being so sweaty that it just drips off of her
✧— but also cannot stand being so cold her fingers tremble
✧— would rather just be comfy at all times
✧— can and will make sure you are drinking plenty of water
✧— probably has a first aid kit in her bag
✧— of course it's equipped with cute bandaids that have little bears on them~
✧— is the definition of "be soft but be ready"
✧— strives to be the cool aunt who shows up to the party but gets way too drunk before the party even happens
✧— no(yes), she doesn't have a drinking problem. she has a "my workplace requires me to drink" problem.
✧— pass her anything with gin in it and she will marry you
✧— she never drinks before a job if that makes anyone feel better jskdls
✧— once choked on some turkey but she will never admit it
✧— can paint!! she loves water color painting so much
✧— kinda a hypocrite
✧— loves taking care of other's but taking care of herself? pfft
✧— scary movie advocate
✧— espeically the movies that are just ... so bad they're good!
✧— knows how to cook basic food items
✧— if she ever remembered her mother, she's sure she'd either be a disappoint to her or someone exteremly proud of
✧— if she cannot decide to do something, she will pull a coin out and flip it
✧— loves to be in the company of other's!
✧— just the quiet peace is what she yearns for ♡


a brief history

Aveline grew up in a very loving home. Even with the absent father, her mother stepped up to give the young girl a perfect little childhood. She was taught to always be mindful of other's. To explore her feelings, to have a safe space. A mother's love and the warmth of good food. She had everything a little girl could want. She was spoiled with love instead of material items.

She grew up, never having any other siblings. Her mother never remarried after the trauma her bio father put her through. Understandably so. What she lacked in siblings she made up for in the few friends she made in school. Saw her friend's as the siblings she would never have and easily bonded with several people, continuing to do so even now. Although she's a little more on the reserved side, she still wants to make meaningful connections in her life.

Aveline was never a huge athletic person in school. She mostly did the easier ones, track and cross country, to keep in a little bit of shape. And she found out she was a pretty decent runner so she stayed with track mostly every year. As for academics, oh, she sailed easily along in her classes just fine. Always being that sweet little star that stood out. Never having any issues with any of her homework or her assignments. It all seemed easy in her mind.

And oh, how her mother was so proud of her. Yet, of course, Aveline doesn't remember any of it at all.





Olivia Wren

olivia is aveline's birth mother! someone aveline truly looks up to and wants to protect. they have always gotten along, no matter the space or distance between them. truly, olivia is a kind woman. someone who smiles no matter the struggle or the wall she faces. a gentle hand is always ready, outstretched, to help those in need. an overall welcoming, warm soul.

ivan ???

aveline's birth father. a man unknown to the young girl. he had left before she was even born. left her mother at the hospital to give birth alone, to come out of the hospital alone, and to raise the young girl alone. but that's not even the worst of what her mother has told her. the several stories she use to hear, all about how he mistreated her before aveline was even conceived, was far too many. a truly evil man in aveline's eyes and one, for his sake, she never hopes to come across.



method of killing:

aims to headshot, every time she is on a mission. if she's feeling really agitated with a target, she will aim for the heart instead though. and she never misses her target.

preferred weapon:

a solid black cheytac M200 intervention sniper rifle.

♡coded by uxie♡
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#barry keoghan

♡coded by uxie♡

Valentina Sofía Díaz

Val Val

*₊ ° . ☆ Aesthetic ☆ . ° ₊*
View attachment 975260
*₊ ° . ☆ Basics ☆ . ° ₊*

»Name: Valentina Sofía Díaz
»Nickname(s): Val, V
»Code Name: Taurus
»Age: 21
»DOB: May 17
»Gender/Pronouns: female/she, her
»Sexuality: pansexual
»Face Claim: Ana de Armas
»Ethnicity: Cuban/Spanish
»Height: 5’2”
*₊ ° . ☆ Personality ☆ . ° ₊*

»Personality Description: Like her sign, Val is dedicated to any task she is faced with. If you get to know her, she is an honest and dependable friend that will not hesitate to protect her friends if trouble arises. Val is intellectually-oriented and likes to have a plan before going after a target. She can be a bit stubborn at times, especially when standing up for something she really believes in.
»Headcanons (at least 25):
◦She has the tendency to hide her feelings when she's hurt.
◦She has a strong, unwavering gaze.
◦She'll often accidentally slip into Spanish when speaking.
◦Her coffee order is always a vanilla iced latte.
◦She bites her lip when she's thinking really hard.
◦She's constantly watching her back for trouble while she's out and about.
◦She's usually calm under pressure.
◦She loves food and will literally eat anything.
◦She prefers to lead a group rather than follow someone else.
◦Even though she can come off as cold if you don't know her, she loves physical touch.
◦She likes basically any sport (she's competitive).
◦She gets cold easily.
◦She doesn't like a lot of ice in her drinks because it waters down the flavor.
◦She has a good singing voice.
◦She's patient most of the time.
◦She likes the smells of coconut, wood burning, lavender, and coffee.
◦She's insecure about her height and likes to wear heels or wedges.
◦She loves all fruit.
◦She hates mornings.
◦She loves working out and might overdo it sometimes.
◦She is good at talking her way out of trouble.
◦She's very observant.
◦She twiddles with her hair when she's bored.
◦She really likes card games and is good at them.
◦She taps her foot when she's impatient.
»Strengths: usually a calm and critical thinker, trustworthy, determined
»Weaknesses: stubborn, she takes her sweet time to make sure things are done right, she is attracted to wealth because she believes you need it to be able to truly live life the way you want to and not be held back from your dreams
»Fears: not being able to accomplish what she wants to in life, poverty, heights
*₊ ° . ☆ Assassin Style ☆ . ° ₊*

»Method of Killing: Like her sign, Val is very focused and likes to have a strategized plan before going after a target. She is meticulous in tracking down her targets and uses her skills of blending in to make sure she’s never noticed. She is often underestimated by her targets due to her smaller height and gender and uses it to her advantage to appear harmless. Val’s victims are usually found sliced through with what seems like some kind of sword or long knife, if they’re found.
◦Her fighting style is a mixture of hand-to-hand combat and acrobatic martial arts.
»Weapon of Choice: Val’s choice weapons are either a katana or (to look less suspicious) a set of knives hidden under her clothing.
»History: Before she became an assassin, Val was studying performing arts and had a passion for singing and dancing. She still remembers some ballet through muscle memory, though she doesn't remember learning it. Nevertheless, it helped her find and keep a center of balance when she started practicing fighting techniques.
*₊ ° . ☆ Music ☆ . ° ₊*

villain playlist
hottie playlist
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awake, dear heart, awake. thou hast slept well. awake.

  • requisite.

    full name

    amethyst "amie" aliyah hill




    ciswoman (she/her)



    date of birth

    february 19th








    125 lbs




    dark brown

    dist. features

    intense eyes, dimples


    coco jones

♡coded by uxie♡
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edited his personality a bit, wanted to paint a clearer picture of it..maybe too clear.​







full name

Ross Lancaster



Ross, Rosy, Rose, R, Aqua.


code name







February 14th








face claim

Ezra Miller

  • injustice.

    the world is blind and so was I, till I rip the veil from my eyes. tipping the scales of judgement, blood is spilled as I rise.

♡coded by uxie♡
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I have made the executive decision (with my mods approval and begging) to move the CS due date up to THIS SATURDAY (April 16 @ Midnight US Central) bc I am impatient and want to plot properly!
Since this was not the original plan I am going to be much more lenient on extensions so if Saturday rolls around and you won’t be done just shoot me a PM!

Luke Callaghan

  • req.

    #Aries energy

    Lucas William Callaghan
    Luke, Pyro
    April 3
    Violence (bisexual)

    #the ram




    athletic and lean
    hair color
    chocolate brown
    eye color
    Charlie Rowe





♡coded by uxie♡

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  • Vera Galloway

♡design by dreamglow, coded by uxie♡
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I'm so happy 'cause today I found my friends. They're in my head.

  • requisite.

    full name

    Veronika Jean-Valentin Volkov


    Ronnie, Nika (affectionately and only for those she likes), Leo.




    August 8th.




    female. she/her.




    90s angelina jolie.





    hair colour

    Long tendrils of honey wheat with self-cut bangs. Usually in some state of disheveled or unkempt, unless she is on stage.

    eye colour

    Honey-brown. She feels like a foreigner looking into the mirror, spotting those eyes looking back at her.


    Slim and athletic.

    body mods.

    A simple tattoo behind her left ear of a heart with three swords in it (akin to the Three of Swords). A fairy tattoo behind the right ear (ex. here). This tattoo on her thigh. Two chain tattoos on her wrists. Red, gnarly scars cover the bottoms of her feet. Piercings.

    distinguishing features.

    Her eyes are the most harrowing feature about her. Strong, unending, unnerving.


♡coded by uxie♡
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