Chitchat Zodiac sign

Libran here. Not sure I'm balanced in any sense though! Usually one extreme to the other!

Just for fun, what other sign would be a good match for me and what personalities are usually associated with that sign?

The best match is a Libra and a Libra. I mean, if you want to believe in zodiacs and I really am quiet attune to my own sign. I'm a twin. I've got a lot of lawyers and scientists in the family. There are also a lot of artists in my family. I myself have a fascination with art history and the balance of science and sociology. I am also highly emotional and make passionate rash decisions at time. I am probably the most true to Libra one can find.

My husband is A Libra.Any long lasting relationship I've had has been a Libra. If you want fire and passion a Leo may do but the relationship wont last because you are an air sign.

Look for signs that compliment air. Water is a good one. Other signs that value social and physical beauty is another great sign. You need someone who can also value the softness of love.

All in all look for a Libra love. Those will last. I would avoid any other signs that are highly emotional in nature. Cancer, Sagittarius,Taurus and Aquarius don't tend to mix well. You may find yourself speaking your thoughts freely about emotions and they just get the wrong impression. In general, avoid people who can not grow or express themselves in a healthy manner.Especially where beauty is concerned. Libra's really value their beauty and that isn't like material things. Beautiful people inside and out attract us. It's why often times it's very easy for a Libra to read someone.
I'm a gemini, please don't hate me.

I'm not much of a social butterfly nor good at communicating with others.

I'm pretty bad at being a gemini.
. _.
I'm a gemini, please don't hate me.

I'm not much of a social butterfly nor good at communicating with others.

I'm pretty bad at being a gemini.
. _.

You can actually have a few attributes of several different signs. Your "zodiac sign" I'm pretty certain is just a rising sign. If you looked a bit deeper you may find you click more with your assenting sign or other signs. No one person is just a single sign. It depends on when you were born, phases of the moon, stars. Everything. I used to be much more educated in this area lol But do some research on other signs you resonate with. =)
Hating someone over a sign is silly. I love all signs and attributes.Just as I love all skin colors, eye colors, hair color's.
I dunno why, but there were instances people kinda assumed that I'm a two faced person just because I'm a gemini.

I love my sign, and the rest too. I'm just a bit sad that there's still people out there who uses that excuse to hate someone just because of it.

But oh well, life goes on.
Thanks. His name is Vincent (his real name is Ace) and his sort of like a prequeal character. He's the first zodiac defender of his times.
I'd recommend another fire sign or maybe an air sign. But I'm single so take my advice with a grain of salt.
I want you to be with someone that makes you happy. I'm not that person. Personally, I don't want to date.
Listen......I......I don't want to have this conversation. There are lots of people better than me. I'm a wreck. You can find someone else.
I'd recommend another fire sign or maybe an air sign. But I'm single so take my advice with a grain of salt.
The single ones are the best to get advice from, at least they aren't in a bad relationship. I gave all of my friends relationship advices for let's say, 6 years and never had one relationship during that time. Nor one night stands. I found a boyfriend and 5 years later married him haha.

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