Zippy's Muses


Just a place where I plan to post my characters as well as character development posts if I happen to be running low on muse. Gotta practice my writing chops one way or another!
Artie Hughes
Name: Arthur Malcolm Hughes
Nickname: Artie | Art
Age: 11
Year: First Year
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Height: 4'8
Weight: 80 lbs

Artie is a frail and small boy, constantly making jokes about his own stature and "waiting on puberty" to set him straight. He has thick curly brown hair that is more often messy than tamed. Not that he minds really, his entire presence is fairly disheveled. His eyes and hair are both a dark brown and his facial expression seems to alternate between only two settings: a mischievous grin, or an expression of extreme confusion. His small stature, though a bit annoying in some aspects, lends well to keeping him nimble.


Despite being fairly disorganized, Artie dresses quite well. His assortment of button downs is a bit excessive for someone his age. He accompanies his tops with slacks or nice jeans, angering his mother whenever he dresses so nicely and yet still goes outside and plays recklessly. Being flashy and silly are also staples of Artie's wardrobe. One wouldn't be surprised to see him with a pair of bright sunglasses and some hat with a ridiculous slogan on it.


To use one word to describe Artie, it would be insufferable. His inflated sense of self importance and hyperactive behavior creates a cocktail of annoying behavior. Growing up in a house full of rowdy boys, he's used to being a bit of a jerk and not caring about other's feelings. He tends to tease people relentlessly, not out of maliciousness but simply because it is how he interacts with others. In addition to this he is very talkative, not really catching onto social cues when people don't exactly want to talk to him. He feels that he's interesting enough, so everyone should want to speak with him.

Artie is also quite the mischievous boy. He often gets himself into trouble but that doesn't stop him from coming up with elaborate schemes and pranks. Although he couldn't be considered "book smart", he is pretty cunning. He has a bad habit of lying about nearly everything, even things that don't even warrant a lie. He functions best around people who are pushovers, and butts heads with those who aren't so quick to bend to his will. This isn't to say that Artie is violent, though. He isn't ignorant to his small stature and prefers to keep things non-physical. It's more likely that he insults one verbally and ducks out of physical confrontations.

Likes: outdoors | swimming | relaxing | dancing | teasing others | sweets | muggle media | cats | adventuring
Dislikes: sensitive people | school | Quidditch | reading | dogs | rain | tea | cowards | tattle-tales


Artie is the second oldest of 5 boys in the Hughes family. Being that each child was separated by a year or two, the Hughes brothers are a very close and rowdy bunch. His parents, Darcy and Thomas Hughes, did their both to manage the crew. Thomas was a professional Quidditch Player though, leaving Darcy at home alone most days to watch over all 5 kids. A near impossible feat of course. They were all free to do as they pleased, running wild in the neighbor and tormenting not only each other but the other neighborhood kids.

Tradition in the Hughes family is very important. Despite the fact that they are not purebloods, they are notorious for taking their magical abilities very seriously. Starting at age 6, each child is sent to Charm School (a primary school designed to discuss the very basics of magic with the children). And then at age 8 they are given private Quidditch lessons. It was an easy way to keep the boys out of trouble and active but Artie was never really a fan of it. He much preferred making his own fun as opposed to being forced to learn about Quidditch and run around with the stupid quaffle in his hands.

Getting their letter to Hogwarts, though expected, always calls for great celebration in the Hughes household. So when Artie got his, he was overly excited to begin his journey at Hogwarts. All he wanted to know was what house he'd be sorted into.



"Don't be so sensitive, it's just a joke."
Wes Valentin
Name: Wesley Ross Valentin
Nickname: Wes
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Role: The Prince

Face Claim: Timothee Chalamet
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Height: 5'11
Weight: 160

Wes is on the tall and gangly end of the body shape spectrum. Although he carries himself with a confidence and swagger one would be hardpressed to notice the awkward length of his limbs. He usually has a polite but disinterested smile on his face, his hazel eyes distant and unfocused. He has no tattoos or piercings on his unblemished skin, and is fairly pale. So pale, in fact, that he's much more likely to burn than tan. His hair is shaggy and may have the appearance of being not cared for, however, Wes spends many precious minutes to get it to appear that way.


Wes wears what the stylists tell him to. He doesn't care much about the latest trends or what may be in, but he wears it anyway. Used to having photos randomly taken of him, he's made a habit out of always looking presentable and neat. The one thing he does have control over is the color. He much prefers muted colors. Ironically enough, he doesn't like to draw attention to himself although the thousand dollar belts he wears seem to say otherwise.


Wes plays the young playboy role that he's meant to play. Never hesitating to flash a charming smile, he's quite the suave young man. It's as if he always knows what to say or how to get people to like him, perhaps that's what a lifetime of cameras in your face does to a person. You learn how to portray what people want to see. On the surface it's like Wes is good at everything. Naturally talented at anything he tries his hand at (aside from sports) and access to an immense amount of wealth allows him to receive whatever his heart could desire.

Although Wes always seems to have people around him, he never truly lets people close. Really he feels quite lonely. He's been playing the role of a player and lady killer for so long, he feels as if he's stuck that way. His charm, the charisma, the confidence, all an act. But he feels as if it's far too late for him to change now. He's grown so hollow inside that if he removes the mask, there may not be anything left inside of him. So instead, he carries on popping his pills and faking smiles for the cameras.

Likes: Candles | Sunsets | Skipping rocks | Wednesdays | Silence
Dislikes: Puns | Tight fit clothing | Alcohol | Messes | Drinking


Wes is the only son of Melanie and Doyle Valentin. Yes, *the* Doyle Valentin. Two time Oscar winner and 8 time nominee. Wes has been in the spotlight for as he can remember. Surrounded by wealth and prestige, he was raised with a lifestyle many people envy. Never did he want for anything. In fact anything that he ever wanted, he received in excess. A new pair of shoes? Sure, Wesley take ten brand new. Things that would be foreign to anyone else were norms for him. He traveled the world with his father and mother so frequently that he didn't know what place to call home.

By age 11, Wes was already a paparazzi expert. Although there were periods of time where things were slow, Wes knew that once his father was back in the public eye then so was he. The countless marketing people who worked for Doyle taught Wes the works as well. When to smile, how to smile. Who to hang out. Who to be friends with. Where to hang out. Everything that he did was product placement for whatever company. Although initially it was overwhelming, he learned to shut everything out. It didn't matter how he felt on the outside, as long as everything looked fine from the outside.

School came easily to Wes. Though the boy wasn't naturally smart by any means, tutors were "always accessible" as his father would say. Toss money at any problem and it will go away. Even if that problem is your own son. Loneliness and neglect were two feelings that he got to know very well. So he used his perfectly crafted persona to attempt to fill these holes. He became Wesley Valentin, Doyle's playboy son. Surrounding himself with whoever and whatever would come his way. His money and charisma made it easy. Who wouldn't want to be Wes Valentin's friend?

It wasn't enough, though. Wearing a mask for so long only increased the depression he felt. There was only one thing he trusted to make him feel "alright". Wes turned to drugs late into his Junior year in highschool, hiding it from everyone. It wouldn't be difficult to put the pieces together, though. The already withdrawn boy was becoming more and more zombie-like by the day.

Theme Song:



"No one can wear a mask for very long."
Elias Larsen
Name: Elias Clay Larsen
Nickname: Eli
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual

Face Claim: Tarjei Sandvik Moe
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Blonde
Height: 5'9
Weight: 145

Elias is of average size although he sometimes he wishes he was just a bit taller. He moves about with fairly aloof motions, his brain seeming always to be somewhere else. His friendliness is reflected in his face, a sweet smile always playing on his lips. A hat often covers his blonde hair, and his eyes though green are so dark that it's indistinguishable from brown unless he is in direct sunlight. He has a slight dimple in his left cheek. Other than this, Elias' most noticeable features are his slender hands. Still soft somehow, and almost always speckled with various colors of paint.


To put it simply, Elias dresses for comfort above all. Soft t-shirts, hoodies, and warm jackets are his entire wardrobe. He also has an odd penchant for tacky Christmas sweaters. At least they're cute, right? He isn't one to match colors or care about what he puts on outside of it being comfy. He also is the type to do what he calls a "sniff-and-go" test. If it's on the floor and it still smells fine, then he'll wear it. No use in wasting laundry detergent if it isn't all that dirty.


Elias is a generally cheerful and loving person, always happy to put other's needs before his own. Being soft spoken and a bit shy, it can be easy for him to be a pushover to people's whims. When around large groups of people he gets overwhelmed, preferring to be on the fringes of the space as opposed to pushing himself into the spotlight of attention. Being with his friends helps him to be more comfortable, but he only truly feels comfortable when he's around his best friend. It is difficult for him to open up to people, which often leads him to push away people who may be good for him.

Being a very creative person, Elias tends to see the beauty in the mundane. Many people see him as naive, but he prefers optimism over pessimism. He believes that all people deserve a chance at redemption... maybe several chances. This is perhaps one of the main reasons people can walk all over him. Perhaps Elias is far to quick to forgive people who have wronged him.


Growing up as an only child, Elias has always been a bit of a mamma's boy. Though his father was never outright hurtful, his aloof attitude towards his son distanced their relationship to the point of no repair. Growing up, the quiet boy struggled with making friends but for him one was enough. Him and his best friend were inseparable even from a young age. They spent countless hours together, the closeness and friendly love creating the perfect whirlwind within Elias. He found himself developing an impossible to act on crush, the obsession bordering on unhealthy. Over the years Elias has met new people, and made new friends (creating a close-knit group), but none of this did anything to shake the feelings he had.

Elias' love for art also started at quite the young age. He seemed to have a natural eye for not only identifying beauty but creating it as well. Getting into a great art school was just one step towards solidifying his dreams of becoming a renowned artist. Many of his days are spent poised in front of an easel, contemplating his next stroke.


"Art is a lie that makes us realize the truth."
Stefan Feldt
Name: Stefan Wade Feldt
Nickname: none
Age: 12-17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Face Claim: Ty Simpkins | Max Barczak
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Blonde
Height: 5'10
Weight: 155

Young Stefan's most notable feature is definitely his adorable smile. Coupled with his pinchable, slightly chubby cheeks, the young boy has a bit of an innocent little cherub look going on. His long, blonde hair creates a fame for his face. As a youngster he is a bit taller than the norm, not towering over his peers but enough to stand out. One shouldn't be surprised to spot Stefan with a smudge of dirt across his face.

As Stefan grew older his face thinned out quite a bit, giving him a more mature and serious look. Though his height advantage over his peers didn't stick around as he only grew to be of average height. Though he jokes that his hair has improved quite a bit from the old days, many people reckon it could still use a cut.


Stefan is the type of person who seems to be perpetually cold so you'd be hardpressed to see him anything less than a long sleeve. More often he's wearing some sort of sweater or cardigan. His favorite color is yellow and he likes to incorporate it into his wardrobe as much as possible. Other than these facts, there isn't much that is special about his clothing.


Stefan has always been a fairly clever guy, his parents even saying that he thinks too much for his own good. His ideas are often supported by passionate rants to his friends, though he's learned to keep it to himself when he's in public. This isn't to say he is overly serious. Stefan has quite the sense of humor, he loves making people laugh. Whether he pulls a silly face or tells the cheesiest joke you've ever heard, it's all just as good to him.

Sincerity is a trait Stefan prides himself on. He simply wants what is best for himself, his friends, and his family. He is also dedicated and a loyal friend, but since he is a overly skeptical, it takes him longer than normal to make friends with people. Despite his good intentions, Stefan has a habit of being too quick to judge situations. He always thinks that what he is saying is right, since he comes from a place of morals. One could say that even though he is very intelligent, he listens too much to his heart.


Karl | Father

Karl and Stefan are fairly close. He works for the government, and many of the questions Stefan asks go unanswered due to the secrecy.

Mia | Mother

Mia isn't as good with boys as she is with girls. His incessant rants exasperate her more often than they don't.

Valkyrie | Sister (5 years older)

Valkyrie was the one who instilled in Stefan the skepticism. She told him to never believe anything anyone told him. Though as she grew older she became indoctrinated into the system. Stefan misses who she used to be.

Erikson | Brother (2 years younger)

Erikson is quite explosive and keeps to himself. Stefan doesn't mesh well at all with him. Most conversations either end in yelling matches or violent encounters.


"The skeptic would say this is not by choice."
Harrison Ellis
Name: Harrison Tyler Ellis
Nickname: Harry
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Face Claim: Christopher Kellie
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Height: 6'
Weight: 175 lbs

Harrison isn't shredded by any means, but he has a dedicated fitness plan that keeps him in shape. No matter where he is, his posture always reflects his poised and calm personality. He has somewhat dark features with dark brown hair to match his dark brown eyes. Inexpressive eyes don't lend much softness to his face either, as he isn't really one to smile outside of the occasional smirk or two.


Harrison dresses like the young professional he is. At the very least he wears a nice t-shirt with a pressed pair of slacks. Though it is much more likely to spot him in a long sleeve button down with a tie, or a simple and classy suit. A penchant for cleanliness, you'll never spot him with so much as a speck on his clothing.


Harrison is extremely focused. Perhaps too focused even. He is so focused with his work that he hardly ever gives others the time of day unless they are beneficial to him professionally. When made to interact with others he is quite courteous, though keeping a respectable distance between himself and others emotionally. If one were being harsh with their words, they'd call Harrison a bit bland. He struggles with letting loose and really allowing himself to have "fun". To him, fun is relaxing on the couch after a hard day at work or spending a Saturday deep cleaning the garage.

When it comes to his love life, Harrison views himself as a lot more loving than he actually is. Due to his absentminded and distant nature, he never really gives a woman as much attention as they deserve. Although he can easily make conversation with others, Harrison is just as happy with being left alone and blending in. He isn't really interested in sex for pleasure, drinking, drugs, or anything else he deems to be temporary pleasure. For one he thinks it's boring and childish, but he also just doesn't have much time for tomfoolery.

Likes: fluffy dogs | mystery books | simplicity | puzzles | peace and quiet | commenting during movies | country music
Dislikes: messes or messy people | seafood | camping | excessive spending | camping | gambling | aimless flirting


Harrison was raised in the middle of nowhere Louisiana with his two younger sisters and his parents. Being raised on a farm has certain effects on a kid growing up. For Harrison, it bred an intense feeling of not belonging. He wasn't meant to be a country kid. He had so much more that he could grow up and do. Harrison was "too smart" for the farm life. But he couldn't prove this to anyone. He and his siblings were homeschooled so they could work around the farming schedule. Long days of tending the fields with school work mixed in became the norm. It was what he was meant to do, and when he got old enough he'd take over and the farm would be his. This wasn't the life he wanted.

At age 17, Harrison left home and cut all contact with his family. He drove into the nearest town, bought the first train ticket out of there, and traveled north until he couldn't take being on the train any longer. He got off in Des Moines, Iowa with the intention of completely reinventing himself. Within the next two year, he obtained his GED and saved up a solid amount of money working countless hours at a shitty part time. Though he didn't want to chance things with college. Without being in contact with his family, he had no way of obtaining enough money for it and didn't want to risk excessive loans.

Instead, Harrison used his coding skills and smoothing talking to test out his entrepreneurial abilities. He started a small business creating websites for people and making the process a lot easier. It was a rocky start, but despite his hatred for his background the farm life came through for him. Harrison was a dedicated worker, pulling countless all nighters to ensure the success of his business. Eventually it took off, and when it did things moved quickly. At this point, Harrison was around 24 years old. He was now making enough money to live a cushy life, and had hired enough people to where the business could function without him.

Of course Harrison didn't take this as a sign to slow down and relax. In fact he threw himself deeper into his work. His work ethic, while beneficial in most situations, was going to kill him. He was constantly fatigued and seemed to never be well rested. At the rate he was going, he'd be completely gray by 37. Or dead from the stress.


"I'm not dull, I just have my shit together"
Jude Kendall
Name: Jude Dorian Kendall
Nickname: Judy Moody (antagonizing)
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Role: Tree Hugger

Face Claim: Matthew Clavane
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 6'1
Weight: 170 lbs

Jude has very delicate features, outlined by a messy mane of light brown hair. He has thick brows that rest above his wide and expressive eyes. He is tall but wears his height well, slender but elegant. This coupled with his facial features causes him to look a bit effeminate, especially if he pulls his hair up into a messy bun. His hands are surprisingly soft, even after spending much more of his time outside than in. Jude has no piercings, but has always wanted to pierce his ears himself.


Due to Jude's borderline hatred of the fashion industry's impact on the environment, he exclusively wears clothing that has either been thrifted or passed down to him. Because of this, his clothes are often worn and old. He likes soft flannels and sweaters the most, often wearing them even when the weather is begging him not to. One notable thing about Jude is that he seems to never wear socks, even if he is wearing tennis shoes. Although he is much more likely to be wearing no shoes at all.


Jude has good intentions, noble even, he just goes about them the wrong way. Due to his forward nature, he can be a bit too forward about his beliefs and what he thinks is right. In short, he is incredibly opinionated and not afraid to "educate" others. Jude's love for Mother Earth is central in how he lives his life. Animals, plants, and bugs receive the majority of his love. Humans are often the second thought for Jude. It probably isn't surprising that he is the archetype of boys who have their heads in the clouds. With so many fantastic ideas that are highly impractical, he spends an absurd amount of time day dreaming.

Although he often despises humans for their selfish nature, Jude would consider himself to be more optimistic than pessimistic. He believes that everyone has good in them, and that they can be redeemed if they receive enough love. Though he likely wouldn't be the one to deliver. Jude has only been in one relationship thus far, and it crashed and burned miserably. He has yet to find anyone who has made him feel on fire as much as being out in the open land does. Perhaps some day.

Likes: nature | spiders | tomatoes | family | rom-coms | acoustic guitars
Dislikes: sweets | mondays | being laughed at | anything that can be faintly considered horror | cars


Jude is the youngest child of his parents by quite a bit. The result of an unintended pregnancy, his parents were very done with raising up kids when they got the news that Jude was on the way. They loved him equally as his older 3 siblings (who were graduating from highschool and older when Jude was born), but due to their age they adopted much more of a hands off approach to raising the boy. He spent more time out on his own, riding around on his bike than doing any activities with his parents or hanging out with his much older siblings.

His interest in conservation and nature spurred from a very young age. His father often fondly recounts the story of Jude crying because he didn't want to kill the spider that had interrupted bath time. From there, his excursions outside never ended without the boy bringing back some creature that definitely did not belong indoors. At school, his annoying antics began. He continuously "educated" his fellow classmates about respecting animals and the plight of Mother Earth. He often got teased about this. Cruel boys would antagonize Jude by stomping on ant hills and calling him "Judy Moody" when he would cry about it. Luckily, the boys grew out of that cruel behavior. He wasn't as unfortunate to shake the nickname, though.

In high school, Jude decided to take his activism a step further. He started a conservation club and organized various outings to the local beach to pick up trash. Of course, he's more notable for the more controversial things he's done at school. Like covering himself in fake blood and lying in the middle of the floor to protest the school cafeteria providing meat to students. But it's for a good cause!

Theme Song:


"Love Mother Earth and she'll love you back."
Ken Marsh
Name: Kenneth Wallace Marsh
Nickname: Ken
Age: 54
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Position: Chief of Staff

Face Claim: Mark Strong
Hair Color: Brown (kept shaved)
Eye Color: Green
Height: 6'3
Weight: 185 lbs

Ken is a large man with severe looks, an appearance some may find quite intimidating. Not one to smile much, he often has a serious and pensive look on his features. Light brown eyes that always seem to pierce straight through a person and look directly into their core. His hair, once a full head, was starting to fall out so instead of balding he simply decide to shave it off. Most say that the bald look suits him better. Perhaps it fits his stoic personality best. When it comes to the rest of his body, he keeps himself in good shape. A fit body helps to keep the mind sound, especially at his age.


When one spends as much time in the Capital as Ken does, they can't afford to not look sharp. His suits are nothing special, though he opts for black more often than navy or gray. He prefers the severity black brings him. For ties, he likes to keep it simple. Much more likely to wear plain black, red, and blue as opposed to anything patterned or decorative. His undershirt is either white or a charcoal grey depending on circumstance, and he always wears a simple pair of polished black dress shoes. When not working, he wears simple dress shirts with black or gray slacks.


Ken is a serious and stoic man, not one to play games or take no for an answer. He can be very short with people, and patience is definitely not one of his strong suits. His strategical tactics focus much more on strong arming and ultimatums as opposed to tricks and subtle manipulation. In the simplest words, he is very direct. He doesn't mind to play the politics game, though he is much better at bending the rules to meet his demands than bending himself to meet the rules. He is not too concerned with bureaucratic red tape, and despises being told what to do more than anything else in the world. Perhaps this has led to him making some questionable moves in the past, but to him it is no concern so long as the outcome was beneficial.

When it comes to his personal relationships, Ken is loving but intense. A strong proponent of "tough love", he demands excellence out of everyone he interacts with, perhaps not taking enough time to slow down and praise those around him for the good they've already done. To him, past success is important, yes. But continued goals for the future are much more relevant to him. For this reason, retirement is something he thinks he'll ever consider. Even if he isn't in Washington in his old age, he is certain that he'll still be making moves to improve the political landscape.

Likes: power | politics | winning | yes men
Dislikes: manipulation | mind games | being told what he can and can't do | reminders of where he came from
Vices: stubborn | cold | demanding | inflexible | blunt
Virtues: passionate | intelligent | quick on his feet | not easily manipulated | driven by success


Growing up in a small town in Minnesota meant learning how to do things the hard way. His mother and father were loving but distant, both working near constantly to keep their 7 children from feeling the effects of the poverty they were experiencing. But Ken noticed plenty, being bullied at school for the holes and his shoes and going harsh winters with a coat much too old were things that were easy to feel. He didn't despise his parents for it, he understood that they were doing the best that they could. Although, it would be a lie to say that there weren't times that he wished they'd simply done better.

In school, Ken was always extremely focused. He didn't let trivial matters distract him from the most important idea in his mind. Education was his key. Education was his way to pull himself out of poverty and make something of himself. So starting from the tender age of 11, he threw himself into his studies without care for anything else that may have come up in his life. Girls? Boring. Sports? Not for him. Friends? He had a few, especially throughout high school, but he didn't allow them to be a distraction. He graduated valedictorian from his nobody high school, and took his first step towards becoming someone with real power.

He accepted a hefty scholarship offer to attend Princeton University.

While there he majored in Political Theory, taking a great interest in the subject. In addition to this he joined their very successful debate panel, contributing to 4 years of success and even serving as the president in his final year. After receiving his Bachelor's he attended Harvard Law, receiving a J.D. before moving on to his first actual gigs in Washington.

When he first arrived in DC he wasn't quite sure what to do, but eventually he settled on working as a Legislative Aide for various senators. During his early years, he also went back to school and received his Masters followed by his doctorate in Politics at his homeschool of Princeton. He did this for several years before moving on as a Policy Analyst, Policy Adviser, and many other jobs on Capitol Hill. He preferred it this way, it allowed him to have influence and power without having to be in the spotlight. In fact, Ken has never run for office himself but he hasn't hesitated to work on the campaign staff of many people in congress who he personally supported. Of course, working with Greyson was his most prestigious job yet.

As the chief political adviser for the Greyson campaign, Ken often had to tell the tough truths that candidate did not want to hear. He used his years of expertise to effectively evaluate the field and ultimately help steer the campaign on the path of success. Although Ken was certainly grateful, it'd be a stretch if he were to say he was surprised to be tapped for Chief of Staff.



"We are nothing more or less than what we choose to reveal."
Conan Ros
Name: Conan Luke Ros
Nickname: n/a
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Place of Origin: Derry, Ireland

Face Claim: Emile Woon
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5'7
Weight: 145 lbs

Conan is a small young man, one who often blends into the wall as opposed to commanding attention. The messy smattering of freckles on his pale skin are the one feature that cause some interest. A mark that is decidedly Irish that interrupt his otherwise Asian features. He keeps his hair short and mildly maintained, sometimes much messier than others. Very frail, Conan's stature makes his mutation a bit more ironic. The ability to contort his body and stretch to magnificent lengths sometimes allows for him to forget how small his natural size is.

Power/Mutation: Elasticity- Conan has the ability to stretch himself to many lengths, proving to be quite flexible. With enough concentration, he can do so at a speed that faster than what an average human would be able to do. He also has incredibly fast reaction times. There are weaknesses to his ability though, as he is unable to stretch as well the colder the weather gets. He also is extraordinarily vulnerable when in a stretched state. Also, if he stretches extremely far he is left with painful bruises that last for quite awhile.
New or Old Student: Old. Conan has attended the school since age 14.


Conan is an inoffensive and gentle boy, much preferring to stay out of the spotlight himself. He is quite shy and easily flustered, often embarrassed with quite the tendency to stumble over his own words. Niceness is the name of his game. Putting smiles on other people's faces is one of his favorite pastimes, and though he isn't very great at making friends, those he holds he are quite close to his heart. Loyalty is incredibly important to him. He wouldn't consider himself to be clingy or overbearing, but he does have an intense fear of being abandoned. Especially after certain things happening in his personal life.

When it comes to his mutation, Conan is well past despising himself for the differences. No longer does he wish he were "normal". Instead he's begun rolling with the punches. It does help, being a part of a community where he is no longer an outcast. And yet Conan still finds himself feeling quiet lonely from time to time. Though his shyness cripples him, he still finds himself craving companionship that he doesn't often hold. He has quite low self esteem, but at least he's working on it... Right?

Likes: outdoors | cross words | relaxing | dancing | sweets | cats
Dislikes: bullies | attempts at nicknames | sports | fruit cakes | politics
Hobbies: drawing | poetry | watching television
Fears: being left to suffer on his own | stretching to the point of no return
Quirks: intense stutter when under pressure | cracks his knuckles


Growing up in a small flat with just his father around, Conan has always been keenly aware of his place in the world. How he was just a teeny tiny piece of a much larger world. Despite the fact that he was an only child, it still seemed that he couldn't do much to grasp his father's affection. It seemed that the severe man had blamed Conan for his mother abandoning the both of them. Conan could never be sure if he was at fault though, as it wasn't a topic his father truly wanted to speak about. It was only a "fact" to be wielded as a weapon when Conan misbehaved.

The resentment only seemed to grow when Conan's mutation surfaced. Age 8, far too old to be playing with dolls in his father's opinion. So the man took Conan's teddy and placed it high atop a bookshelf where he knew Conan couldn't reach. Except twenty minutes later Conan had the bear in his room, cuddling it as if nothing had happened. He snatched the stuffed animal again, placing it in the same place except this time hiding nearby. He was horrified when he watched his son stretch his arm upwards in an inhuman fashion, cursing the boys mother for bringing such a monster into his life.

Incidents like this continued as Conan grew older. And when Conan's father was contacted about the academy, he was grateful to have the boy taken off his hands. Conan has been living there since he was 14 years old, only contacting his father with an occasional phone call.



"I'm different, not special."
Dalton Horowitz
Name: Dalton James Horowitz
Nickname: DJ
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual

Face Claim: Joland Novaj
Hair Color: Brown but currently dyed slightly lighter
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 6'
Build: ectomorph

Dalton is quite thin, some may even say frail. He's tall but not incredibly so, yet still his limbs and his brain seem to never cooperate. Clumsy would be the easiest way to describe his movements, taking away from the seriousness of his ever-present frown. His hair is naturally a chestnut brown, but out of curiosity he decided to bleach it. The color is currently growing out though, with the natural color present at his roots. His style of dress is decidedly "fashionable". Or at least in sync with the current trends. He wears oversized long sleeve t shirts or decorative, button-down short sleeves if it is too hot. The scar along his arm is raised and pale, something that Dalton is a bit self conscious about.


Dalton is quite the anxious guy, in the habit of blowing things way out of proportion and constantly stressing. He is someone who doesn't like to not know what is coming next, and plans vigorously for every occasion. Over the top? Sure. But his brain enjoys betraying him by conjuring up images of the worst possible thing that can happen in any given situation. Because of this he prefers calm, relaxing activities that have no chance in resulting in something bad happening. The boy is not nearly strong enough to stand his ground though, and is often dragged into situations that he would rather not be in.

When it comes to friends, once he takes a fierce liking to someone he considers them family. Relentlessly loyal despite what may seem like a flippant attitude. He shows his love through thick layers of sarcasm, and though he may seem to be perpetually grumpy he never passes up a chance to hang out with friends. Though sometimes he can be too harsh with his words, those who have known him long know that he only means well. That being said, when his mouth does get him into trouble Dalton tends to let others take care of it for him. He isn't the best at direct confrontation.

Likes: conspiracy theories | painting | antiques
Dislikes: large open areas | astrology | loud noises
Vices: grim | irritable | easily spooked | cynical | relentlessly meticulous
Virtues: intelligent | grounded | honest | dependable | loyal
Fears: anything living that should be dead | storms | being possessed
Quirks: Always chewing something (gum, toothpick, lollypop stick)


The Horowitz's have always been close as a family, staying nearby in cases of emergency or just to have a lovely chat. When Dalton was born, things didn't change at all. He lived in a small and cramped house with his parents, older sister and grandmother. Growing up, his grandmother subjected him and his sister to countless stories about the mysterious town they lived in. Some more unbelievable than others, but each still striking fear into the heart of a young Dalton. It was never Margaret's intention to scare the Horowitz children, to her the stories were simply a part of a rich history. For Dalton however, they became the root of his paranoia and bitterness.

Never one to enjoy adventuring, Dalton was more likely to be seen indoors on the floor in front of his television playing video games long into the night. His sister was the opposite, often begging Dalton to come out and play. To check out the woods with her or to explore that creepy cave. This made things even stranger for him when she turned 18 and simply disappeared. People in the town made excuses, claiming she simply ran off because she was tired of the bland Midnight life. But Dalton knew his sister's love for Midnight, and the ominous stories about those who explored too far. Perhaps it was because things happened when he was so young (only 11), but Dalton maintains to this day that something more sinister happened to his sister.

In school Dalton faired well enough. Not popular enough but not quite weird enough to be isolated completely on his lonesome. He made friends, a tight nit group of them, that occasionally would add a new face or two to the fray. Despite Dalton's attitude towards exploration, his pushover nature often found him on these outages. Though since Cameron's disappearance, Dalton has wished he was more firm about not messing around with Midnight's rules.

Dalton is certain that whatever happened to his sister has happened to Cameron as well. And that going after him will end in the same fate for him and all his friends..



"If we all die, just know I told you so."

Russell McKinney
Name: Russell Anton McKinney
Nickname: none
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Face Claim: Lucas Bin
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 6'
Weight: 165

Russell has soft features that contrast with his somewhat harsh personality. His light blue eyes are large and expressive, with somewhat plump lips that always seem to be pursed in a slight frown. His blonde hair has a slight wave to it, and often moves as if it has a mind of its own. Physique wise he is a bit taller than average but not excessively so, fairly thin but not sickly. His style comes from an obsession with all things 90s. He has a disgustingly large collection of denim items. He also enjoys wearing long sleeves underneath his short sleeves, and despite not receiving a single hand me down his items all seem to be tragically oversized.


Russell is a creative soul, one who enjoys creating media and feels that he can properly appreciate art. He is a bit of a wallflower, not particularly shy but certainly someone who keeps to himself more often than not. Though to call him nice would not be the right word, because despite him being out of the spotlight he does tend to find his fellow humans to be a bit... Dense. Especially those he think art is dumb and pointless. Russell isn't exactly "intelligent", but he simply thinks he's a bit better than everyone else.

Many would label him as weird which is debatable and all but they'd definitely be correct to say he's a bit unstable. Moping is one of Russell's greatest skills, and he sometimes wears his volatile emotions as a crown. He's quick to snap at people, quiet but not willing to be walked all over. He's even capable of being violent, though he is quick to apologize afterwards. His online presence is a magnification of the strangest aspects about him. His instagram profile highlights his unhealthy obsession with all things macabre. His tik tok, while slightly more playful, also has some... strange videos there. Though his feed at quick glance is filled with aesthetic photos of all sorts of things, a look at the captions captures a strange image of the boy's psyche.

Likes: all things 90s | painting | poetry
Dislikes: dogs | "normies" | suburbia
Vices: grim | manic | easily angered | condescending | socially awkward
Virtues: artsy | creative | honest | open minded| observant
Fears: death despite his obsession | being unimportant
Hobbies: making videos | playing his guitar | exploring


Russell's home life was painfully average. His mother stayed at home, constantly doting over him and his younger brother. His father, though often occupied with work, used his weekends to take the kids and their hyper Labrador Retriever out to the park. It was all perfectly stable, and though this lifestyle should've bred the happiest and healthiest kiddo, Russell always felt distanced from who they expected him to be. His younger brother, he was the McKinney boy they were meant to have. Russell though, he was the outcast in his own family. Ignored by his own younger sibling, he adopted a bit of a bitterness towards the world around him and an obsession with being seen as different.

In school, Russell was quiet but attentive. Always paying attention to whatever was going on around him but not bothering to give his own opinions. Instead he turned to the arts and developed a love for nature, music, and death. Though he never had any first hand experience with the latter himself, it didn't stop him from adopting a persona that many kids found strange. Middle school became three years of wearing heavy eye-liner, painting his nails black, and dying his hair and array of strange colors. Russell found acceptance not in his peers, but in the strangers of the internet.

As high school rolled around, Russell toned his edginess down a bit, still coloring his nails but forgetting the hair dye and makeup. His instagram and the ominous captions was starting to take off, and before he knew it he was becoming pretty tik tok famous. He thrust himself into that world, finding solace in the arms of 90s fashion and silly viral videos. Russell focuses in school enough to get by, but the weird kid in the back of the classroom is much more likely to be buried in his phone than in the drama at school. Not to say that the boy doesn't have some secrets of his own.

Oh right, bullies. Russell despite his weirdness has never attracted the bullying kind. The boy's anger issues aren't exactly a secret, and his habit of exploding on people often leads to people just leaving him alone.



"Tiktok isn’t cringe. You’re cringe."

Last edited:
Owen Calkins
Name: Owen Adrian Calkins
Nickname: none
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Occupation: Innkeeper

Face Claim: Richard Madden
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Reddish Brown
Height: 5'10
Weight: 170 lbs

Owen has a sort of gentle appearance, with kind gentle eyes and a soft smile. He is strongly built but not intimidating. His hair and reddish and curly and seems to have its own life. His face is framed with scruffy facial hair that he keeps low but never completely clean shaven. He is prone to nervous laughter and has a hard time keeping eye contact. His posture reflects that of someone with low self esteem, he seems to be constantly hunched over whether he is standing or sitting. The hunch can cause him to look a bit shorter than his 5'10 height.


Owen dresses in a clean but shabby manner. Though his clothes do seem to be quite old, he takes good care of them and never has so much of a wrinkle. Some people have noted that he seems to reuse the same three outfits. None of his tops are short sleeved, and he has a tattered brown overcoat that he likes to wear nearly everyday. Despite the shabbiness, he always smells clean and can often be seen hanging his laundry outside on clothes lines.


Owen has a kind heart, one that always wants to help people. He is quite selfless, even. Even as a young boy Owen always put other needs in front of his own. A gentleman and a mama's boy. A man in touch with his "feminine side". These are all things that have been used to describe the gentle man who Owen is. His love and kindness extends to animals, and he has an old basset hound who has been with him for the past 10 years. Though he may be a bit socially awkward, he enjoys interacting with other human beings and never understood why they didn't enjoy interacting with him back.

Perhaps they could sense his more sinister side.

Owen has a tendency to obsessive over people. With no concept of personal space he comes across as more than a bit creepy. His niceness he takes to far, imparting it on people who may not want him to. He thinks that since he is just a nice guy, they should be accepting of him and his antics. After all, where else would they get this kind of love? It isn't outside the realm of possibility for Owen to do things that would be considered illegal all in the name of kindness. Not all the lights are on in his brain. Though he may be gentle, if defied or insulted to much he can turn forceful.

Likes: Women | Strawberry | Calming Scents | The Inn | "Family Dinner"
Dislikes: Being Called Names | Loneliness | Other Men | Messes | Loudness


Owen grew up an only child to a young single mother. Allison gave birth to Owen after a fling with an older man. Of course, the older man was married so when he was told about her pregnancy he gave her an ultimatum. Get rid of it or take this money and move out of town. Allison couldn't bring herself to terminate the pregnancy and instead opted for the second option. She moved to upstate New York, settling in an decent sized town and keeping to herself. Raising her son was quite the difficult feat, but she managed well enough and the two clung to each other inseparably.

In school, Owen was... fine. He was easily distracted though, often following after the girls in his class rather than focusing on his work. The sensitive boy was teased by his peers though. A bit mercilessly some would even say. The boys poking fun at him for crying over minuscule issues and chasing after girls he never would be able to get. His mother would kiss his forehead and wipe away his tears, ensuring that he was still young and the other boys just didn't understand him. He was special. Her little boy.

Things exploded when Owen was a freshman in high school. After a bit of an obsession brewed when he met Jane he began participating in some less than savory behaviors. He followed the poor girl around school, constantly asking her friends about her and what she was up to. It was weird but no one thought too much of it. The only person who seemed to be bothered was Jane's boyfriend. So when he caught Owen skulking around Jane's house in the dark things there wasn't too much Owen could say to explain himself. An altercation ensued, one that ended in Owen shoving the other boy and the boy knocking his head hard on a rock. Luckily he didn't die, but Allison decided it was time to move.

And move they did, even further north and isolated from other people. Allison got a "crazy good" deal on the Berkshire Inn and with the help of her son they ran the Inn together. Though the Inn was run down and out of the eye of many travelers, they both took a liking to it. Owen has been running the Inn for the past 15 years, and solely for the past 5. His mother moved away with her new lover, leaving a bit of a bitterness in Owen's heart. Or so he says...

Theme Song:


"Don't leave so soon."
Noah Williams
Name: Noah Maximilian Williams
Nickname: none
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Blood Status: Half-Blood Dhampir

Face Claim: Robbie Satchwell
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Height: 5'11
Weight: 170 lbs

Noah's most notable feature is his abnormally pale and blemish free skin. In the summer his complexion resembles that of a porcelain doll without the delicacy. His eyes are a piercing and deep blue that rest below his thick but managed brows. The only scars marring his skin are pale ones that spread across his knuckles. He stretches up to his height of 5'11 with immaculate posture, and moves with purpose and elegance. Though he is slim, he wears his weight well and doesn't look gangly or sickly. His brown hair is shaved on the sides but stylistically messy on top, giving it a permanent fresh out of bed look.


Noah dresses with an air of sophistication. Muted colors, muted patterns, he tries his best to not draw attention to himself. Never one to assert fashion statements, sometimes Noah is a bit too bland with his wardrobe. Regardless, every item he wears is crisp and his shoes always polished. His robes for school are always in order, never disheveled, dirty, or heaven's forbid smelly. He washes his clothing on a tight schedule and even is a bit anal about it at times. His socks always, always match.


Noah is a stoic young man, forced to grow up quickly due to the circumstances of his existence. Quiet and pensive, he definitely spends much more of his time inside of his own mind than out. He is quite distanced from his peers, and since he has retreated into himself he finds it even more difficult to relate to them. Due to extensive bullying, he has a hard time trusting people and making friends. He shuts everyone out, even those who might mean well. It is much more likely to find him in the common room with a pile of homework than out and about with friends.

In interactions with others, Noah is quiet and easily swayed. He tries his best to avoid confrontation even to his own detriment. He doesn't stick up for himself nor does he bother with sticking up for others. Some may even say that he is a coward. Despite his submissive nature, Noah has a strong moral compass and feels that he knows when things are right and when they are wrong. He would never intentionally do something that he thinks is wrong, and for that reason he is strong in his convictions. He just needs a nudge to care more about day to day encounters.


Noah never knew his father. Only hearing about him in secondhand stories told by his mother while growing up. He thought of his father as a sort of mysterious entity, and though he knew that he abandoned him and his mother he had no animosity towards the man. He was exotic, hailing from Romania as his mother would tell him. She always seemed to still have love for the man despite the circumstances. It was inspirational to Noah, the display of dedication and unconditional love. It made him desire something like that even at such a young age, a bond so unbreakable.

He'd always been a not-so-normal kid. His aversion to sunlight was something concerning, and even when forced to be out in the sun he burned in what seemed like a matter of minutes. And as he grew older it was harder to ignore the deep cravings inside of him. It was a craving that frightened him, though it felt natural and guttural. A craving for blood. His mother knew of them of course, attempting to help satiate the fire inside of him with meat cooked just past raw and secret inclusions of blood in smoothies that she'd make for him. Of course, feeding the fire was only making the desire grow.

On top of this additional strangeness, Noah's mother's side of the family was a long lineage of witches and wizards. The boy grew aware of this additional talent halfway into his eleventh year. Whilst annoyed at his mother, his door slammed shut with an unknown force, though Noah was more than a few arm lengths away from it. Magic. Magic excited Noah. Though he may be strange to the "normal" human, he hoped that he would feel at home among his fellow witches and wizards. Unfortunately he was unaware of the virus inside his blood that separated him from them.

His first year at Hogwarts was horrendous. Noah was sorted into Ravenclaw (and proud of the fact), but his oddness caused unfiltered bullying from his peers. They poked fun at his larger than normal canines, and literally poked at his skin when it burned after being outside for a lesson. To put it simply, he was quite miserable. When the year was over he confronted his mother. He had to know what made him extra different, and why he wasn't the same as his peers. Devastated by her son's cries, she revealed the truth to him.

His father was a vampire.

Of course, Noah didn't believe it at first. Though eventually it made sense to him. The cravings, the higher than average strength and quickness. If mermaids and unicorns were real, it was just as likely that vampires were real as well. The news both liberated and depressed him. He knew what he was, but it meant he would always be an outsider. Forever stranded in between the worlds of human and vampires. A dhampir born of an unnatural union.

And it didn't make Hogwarts any easier for him. He let it slip to a friend, thinking they would keep his deepest secret. Instead, they spread word around the school. The bullying intensified, with insults such as "corpse" and "leech" hurled at him constantly. He gave up on fighting back after a while, and now is just focused on finishing Hogwarts and getting out of there.


"Just minding my own."
Mills Myrick
Name: Millard Mitchell Myrick
Nickname: Mills
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Role: The Jester

Face Claim: Oliver Hayes
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Red
Height: 5'6
Weight: 150 lbs

Mills is quite the unassuming young man. Standing at a mere 5'6 he is a bit on the short side. His small frame doesn't help his case either. He gives off a delicate aura, though he doesn't let it get him down. His clear blue eyes are often glittering as he laughs at his own expense. His hair is wavy and a bright red that he styles simply by parting it straight down the middle. He dresses in a comfortable and semi tacky manner, not really caring much about fashion or style. His collection of graphic t-shirts with silly expressions is quite impressive though and he never hesitates to show them off.


The bluntest way to describe Mills is odd. With zany antics and an even stranger sense of humor, Mills is often written off as a bit of a weirdo. Suffering from middle child syndrome he always tries to draw attention to himself. He doesn't like being left out at all, and though his stature may cause him to blend in, his boisterous personality helps to keep eyes on him. He is a firm believer that "all publicity is good publicity" and attributes the saying to attention as well. Mills has a bit of an annoying habit where he interjects himself into the middle of conversations that have nothing to do with him. He doesn't mind people getting annoyed at him, taking insults or jokes at his expense in stride and twisting them into jokes of his own.

Mills is also a major geek. Not only is he extremely interested in all things to do with science fiction, space, and science in general, but he also is extremely intelligent. He habitually gets carried away with rants on topics that not many people care about. With his passion for sci-fi and penchant for making terrible jokes, Mills is easily distracted from any hard times he has. Jokes are fun and all, but for Mills, they have become a bit of an unhealthy crutch. Instead of facing his emotions head-on, he buries them deep down and makes self-deprecating comments disguised as jokes. With any negative emotions, he tends to let them build and build until he has a silent breakdown alone in his room.

Likes: aliens | sci-fi | turtles | french toast | video games

Dislikes: peanut brittle | airplanes | vegetables | sitcoms | snow


Mills is the middle child, in between a sister 2 years his elder and a brother 3 years younger. He's always been a bit ignored by the rest of his family. His older sister is the star of the family. Where Mills is intelligent, Cassandra is a borderline genius. It always seemed like Cassandra was bulldozing the path before Mills had the chance to walk it. Any success he had, she'd already achieved it but triple-fold. Eventually, he got to the point where he simply stopped trying to impress his parents. At least with academics. He figured it'd be easiest to either attempt grabbing their attention in other ways. Of course, that did not work out so well for him.

Mills' younger brother Dewey has always been quite the troublemaker. Getting himself into endeavors with teachers and even cops from time to time. One would think a 10-year-old couldn't cause so many issues, but Dewey, of course, proved otherwise. From issues like trespassing to vandalism, Dewey has always been quite the handful. Mills attempts at being a class clown came nowhere near the hecticness his brother has been able to provide. The combination of him and Cassandra was like a glorious concoction to create the perfect invisibility potion. Mills effectively didn't exist, and though he acts like it doesn't bother him it has always left him feeling quite a bit lonely.

This invisibility became the springboard Mills used to launch the sparkly polished and better version of himself. In school, he became the jokester. The class clown always making silly jokes every time the teachers could turn their backs. He started spending as much time outside of his house as he did inside of it. Spending countless hours at the library researching space and reading tens and tens of sci-fi novels. He developed a sort of fascination. A borderline obsession with the subjects. His intelligence kept his interest pinned, he continuously researched anything and everything that he could. He blabbered his head off to any and everyone who would listen. Well... And those who didn't care to listen either.

With a name like his and the odd obsessions, Mills had never been a stranger to bullying. Never anything physical (which he thanks the heavens every day for), but simple quips at his name and hobbies. Calling him M&Ms in the hallways, or calling him a freak or a weirdo. Naturally, it took the winds out of their sails when Mills turned it around on himself. He even went so far as to design a treasured shirt of insults with all the best ones decorated in colorful puffy paint all over it. Personally, he felt he should've been a hit with the ladies. So it bewildered him when he seemed to be a repellant to women. No matter how hard he tried, they just did not seem interested in the weird, tiny kid who could never stop making a fool out of himself.

This summer, Mills decided to apply for a job at Adventureland. He figured this place was frequented by some many people, it'd be impossible to not find someone meant for him. After all, summer was about having fun and breaking rules. Everyone knows Adventureland is where all the fun is.


"Sometimes, it's best to laugh at all your problems. And sometimes, sometimes means always."
Blaise Friloux
Name: Blaise Elle Friloux
Nickname: none
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Role: Local

Face Claim: Charlotte McKee
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5'4
Weight: 110 lbs

Blaise completely embraces her adorkable vibe. She has long semi-frizzed hair that reaches a few inches past her shoulders. She rarely wears it down though, much preferring to "style" it up in a messy bun quickly before she leaves the house for the day. She is short but not absurdly so, standing firm at a solid 5'4. She isn't one much for wearing heels either and much prefers converse or flip flops. Her glittering eyes are a deep blue, though the color is often muddled by her glasses. Catching Blaise without her glasses is a highly unlikely feat. The girl is desperately blind without them.


Blaise is an extremely goofy girl with a penchant for puns and uncensored optimism. She's the type who truly believes that there is good in everyone. Evil doesn't exist, simply ignorance. Blaise is very patient with people, forgiving them for their sins without hesitation or second thought. Some of her friends say that she is too forgiving, and places herself in positions where people can easily take advantage of her kindness. She doesn't mind, figuring that if someone would go through the steps to manipulate her then they probably needed it. This doesn't take away from her sensitivity though. Blaise wears her feelings on her sleeve and is easily hurt by harsh words.

When it comes to friendships and deeper relationships, Blaise is a bit of an idealist. She looks at every interaction through rose-colored glasses and prefers to exist in a world where there is a true match out there for everyone. Whether or not she's ever actually been in a relationship is an irrelevant story. The girl knows that once she finds the one they will be together forever and love each other unconditionally. Perhaps the girl searches too hard for this type of connection. She has a bad habit of taking an ounce of affection as a proclamation of their love to her.

Likes: fantasy | unicorns | purple | starlight | waves

Dislikes: tea | black coffee | cloudy days | carpet | yelling

Fears: getting struck by lightening | fire


Blaise enjoyed being raised in the simplicity of the small town she is from. As an only child, she lived alone with her parents growing up. The two were quite inspiring to her. They loved each other unconditionally and gave back to one another that made Blaise crave finding that same connection with someone of her own. Though one thing bothered her. Much like the rest of the town, the Friloux's held a great deal of animosity towards outsiders and the outside world. Traveling was something foreign to the girl. Her parent's had no desire to travel outside of the small town so they never did. It would be a bit much to say that she felt trapped, but Blaise has always wondered about the world outside of Fluerscent.

Even by the standards of the town, Blaise lived quite the modest life. Her parents weren't particularly involved in the flower trade and they typically kept their heads down and out of the way. Often they'd grumble about city politics and the outsider mayor, but other than that Blaise always felt she existed in her own kind of world. Not only separated from the outside world but from the town itself as well. As a child, she was homeschooled and never really had much of a reason to leave the cramped 2 bedrooms home. It wasn't until she was of working age that she branched out.

Currently, Blaise works at a coffee shop she's been helping run since she was 17. While it's far from the beauty of the floral business Fluerscent thrives on, the place still has its charm. They always have a steady stream of customers, and any friends she has made was once a customer of hers. During the festival, the shop is frequented often by tourists. The hole in the wall location offering plenty of Gram worthy photo opportunities.


"It's nice living in a fairytale."

regulus black
[class=tabs] text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px grey; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 6px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; width: 100%; margin-left: -12px; [/class] [class=tab] cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; padding: 10px; width: 100%; [/class] [class name=tab state=hover] background-color: none; [/class] [script class=tab on=click] hide tabsContent set currentTab (getText) if (eq ${currentTab} About) (show tabsContentCoded) if (eq ${currentTab} Persona) (show tabsContentBy) if (eq ${currentTab} History) (show tabsContentCrucial) if (eq ${currentTab} Other) (show tabsContentStar) [/script] [div class=tabs]
[div class=tab style=";"]About

[div class=tab]Persona
[div class=tab style=";"]History[/div]
[div class=tab style=";"]Other[/div]
[div class="tabsContent tabsContentCoded"]
basic information

Full Name: Regulus Arcturus Black
Alias: Reg | Reggie
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Year: 5th year
Sexuality: Homosexual
Blood Status: Pureblood



Face Claim: Lucas Jade Zumann
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5'6
Weight: 145 lbs
Tattoos/Piercings/Etc: none
General: Regulus could be considered conventionally attractive. With his dark, brooding eyes and equally dark hair, the boy's features bring about an air of elegance that brings pride to the Black name. It is rare to catch him with a smile, his intense expression often catching the attention of his peers. His hair, despite it's incessant tendency to curl, is kept short to lend him an appearance of tidiness. He is on the shorter side, with a lean weight that matches. But there is much hope for another growth spurt in the future. No significant scars marr his skin, though this is a surprising fact considering his obsession with Quidditch.
[/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentBy" style="display: none;"]
in depth

Personality: Regulus is obedient without a falter, a follower with dedicated precision. As a member of the Black family and their treasured son, the boy has an intense presupposition to loyalty. Loyal to his friends, loyal to any cause deemed worthy, but most importantly he is loyal to his family. There is very little that can come between him and the wishes of his parents. Though Orion and Walburga were not exactly the most doting parents, Regulus still wanted to impress them greatly. Perhaps this stemmed from their harsh cold ways, following their word to the T resulting in the only affection they allowed to escape their hearts.

In school Regulus much resembles his parents. Cold and unflinching, terribly dismissive to anyone he deems is not worth his time. This does not mean he holds arrogance, though. It is simply the necessity of being a Black. Blacks do not speak to certain people. Regulus is a purist not because he thinks non-purebloods are inferior, but simply because it is what to be expected. Admittedly, the boy has little patience for the overly excited type, but other than that his feelings towards his fellow peers are fairly neutral. This isn't to say he doesn't make friends. Well, "friends" is perhaps a word too complicated for the boy. Regulus appreciates the company of his allies, rewarding them handsomely for their continued loyalty and not forgetting those who betray him.

Internally, Regulus is a far bit more complicated than he lets on. Being nothing but a glorified rule follower has left the boy confused as to who he truly is. All of his fascinations, obsessions, and desires seem fraudulent and out of place. It isn't uncommon for him to secretly wish he was simply Regulus without the Black name attached. Or for him to wish he were more like Sirius. The inability to be completely and organically himself has left him with an intense bitterness within. Anger that can only be dampened but never truly put out. Be careful if you cross Regulus, his revenge will be cold and slow with the full force of his inner turmoil behind it.

Vices: Follower | Cold | Fake | Vindictive | Unstable

Virtues: Intelligent | Patient (aside from the exception listed above) | Obedient | Loyal | Dedicated

Likes: Quidditch | Quiet | Being Alone | Snow | Citrus Fruits | Spiders | Snakes

Dislikes: Potions | Most Hufflepuffs | Excessively Nice People | Sirius (80% of the time) | Breaking Tradition | Unnecessary Trouble Makers
[/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentCrucial" style="display: none;"]

Bio: Regulus was the second born son to Walburga and Orion Black, stepping into the name with apparent ease and grace. Despite his status as the younger sibling, Regulus has never suffered from living in his older brother Sirius' shadow. If anything it was the opposite. The younger Black was never one to dawdle along mindlessly behind his brother. No, he saved that idolization for his father. The stoic man commanded nothing but the utmost respect, and Regulus was happy to oblige. Catering to his father's every will and perhaps even slighting his brother on the way.

As a child, Regulus had never been the rambunctious sort. Rather he was poised and polite, quietly lurking about and eavesdropping into conversations that didn't concern him. Ages 8-10 Regulus was probably at his most insufferable. The boy spied mercilessly on his brother, listening in to his conversations with friends and reporting back to his father any unsavory comments. Honestly, Regulus only worsened the divide between Sirius and the rest of the family. Though the boy will vehemently deny any of this now, he used to be proud to show his father how loyal he was.

Regulus' first year at Hogwarts was rather unremarkable, his sorting into Slytherin both expected and near-instantaneous when the hat touched his curls. Back in those days, the boy was much quieter and kept to himself. He was simply an observer, a wallflower. Though after his first year his presence at the school only grew. He shed his skin as the introverted young boy and grew into his role as the "powerful" Black brother. Alliances formed, enemies made. His father always said that while there is power in allies, the most powerful man would have the most powerful enemies. Not that Regulus cared much about power, but every move he made was to show his father that he was able to live up to the expectations.

4th year was Regulus' best, he joined the Quidditch team and discovered his love for being a seeker. It wasn't anything huge, but it was a chance for Regulus to explore something that he really felt was his own. Not the bidding of his parents or something he was doing because of his status as a Pureblood. It was pure, unadulterated Regulus.
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House: Slytherin

Species: Wizard

Wand: 13" rigid walnut wood, basilisk skin core | an heirloom wand, one of two passed down Patronus: Wild Cat

Clubs: Quidditch Seeker | Slug Club


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james potter
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[div class=tab style=";"]About

[div class=tab]Persona
[div class=tab style=";"]History[/div]
[div class=tab style=";"]Other[/div]
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basic information

Full Name: James Fleamont Potter
Alias: Prongs
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Year: 6th year
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Blood Status: Pureblood



Face Claim: Alex Fitzalan
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 6'
Weight: 178 lbs
Tattoos/Piercings/Etc: none
General: James is quite handsome, with relentlessly messy hair that is cropped short and warm brown eyes that always seem to be gleaming with hidden laughter. His face is of an oval shape, with rounded features to match (particularly his near button-shaped nose that he hates people pointing out). He is tall and built solidly, with a decent muscle mass due to years of Quidditch training. It isn't uncommon to run into James while he is drenched in sweat, seeing as he is almost always on the pitch. Interestingly enough though, he never smells. Instead, he usually smells like evergreen trees. Strange.
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in depth

Personality: James is a bit rough around the edges, to put things simply. The boy is easily excitable, bouncing around from friend to friend like an over-energetic ball of energy. He enjoys being the center of attention, often doing rude and silly things just for a laugh or two. He can even come across as a bit of a jerk or a bully, taunting his fellow peers (mostly Slytherin) simply because he can. His cockiness keeps him from seeing the wrong in his actions, and often his friends have to be the voice of reason for him. James is a fairly "nice" guy in his intentions, but sometimes his actions tell a different story.

Coming from a pureblood family that despises the bigoted, purist rhetoric, James happily reflects their feelings. To him, blood status is extremely unimportant, and judging someone on something they cannot control is absolutely ridiculous. Despite James' antics, he is always one to defend half-bloods or muggle-borns against rude Purebloods. He's gotten into more than a few arguments with the purist type and isn't afraid to do it again and again. He doesn't stand for those who are meanspirited in nature. When it comes to people he disagrees with, he can be abrasive and doesn't back down for anyone.

James is incredibly courageous, and while he has many fears he never lets them get the best of him. In fact, the rowdy boy is a bit of a thrill-seeker. Turning down a dare is unprecedented for him. He defends himself and anyone close to him with intense integrity. And while he is seemingly constantly goofy, he is great to his friends. An ear to listen to complaints or crushes, a wand to duel on behalf of them, and just an all-around caring pal. Though he shows his love in annoying ways, such as overly aggressive shoulder punching, or teasing them based on something they may or may not be self-conscious about.

Vices: Cocky | Thrill-Seeker | Impulsive | Jokes too Much | Overly Competitive

Virtues: Courageous | Caring | Passionate | Perseverant | Open-Minded

Likes: Quidditch | Pranks | Mischief | Cats | Clear Days | Attention | Charms

Dislikes: Purists | Being told no | Muggle Rock | Losing | Friends being Upset | Rain
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Bio: Born the only child to the Potter's, James has never faced a shortage of doting love from his parents. Growing up as a wealthy Pureblood, he certainly had many privileges that other children did not. From a young age, he received tutoring and studied magic, despite the fact that he didn't particularly care for school or learning. The hyperactive boy would much rather spend his time outside playing with friends or fighting with imaginary foes. He didn't realize how sheltered his upbringing was until he arrived at Hogwarts and met students who didn't think as he or his parents did.

James' first year was a bit of a wake-up call. He attended school and walked around greatly naive to the events stirring in the real world around him. It wasn't until he was called a blood traitor by a fellow student that he bothered to actually ask questions. Up until this point, he assumed the animosity was coming from him being a Gryffindor and being rivals to Slytherins. But when he returned home after he faced his first year, he was educated more specifically on the values his parents taught him. Love everyone for who they are, for they cannot help where they come from. Muggleborns and Half-Bloods were no different than he, and so he wouldn't treat as if they were lesser.

Returning to school, James was slightly more abrasive in his second year. Getting into countless scuffles and duels with anyone who made fun of those who weren't of the "proper" blood status. Even despite his competitiveness, he didn't mind getting house points taken away if it meant he stopped a bully. Of course at the same time, James was developing into a bit of a bully himself. Luckily for the students, his friends did a decent enough job at keeping him from going too far. Mischief was supposed to be done without unfairly hurting people, and James tries his best to keep himself true to that.

Quidditch was a natural step for the overly competitive boy, finding a natural talent in his position as Beater. His competitiveness continued off the field as well, his infatuation with Lily developing sometime during their fourth year. Of course, the girl hardly ever gave Potter the time of the day, but he wasn't exactly one to back down. Since then, he's been going out of his way constantly to attempt impressing her. Maybe someday.
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House: Gryffindor

Species: Wizard

Wand: 11" pliable mahogany wood, phoenix feather core

Patronus: Stag

Clubs: Quidditch Beater | Charms Club


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