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Realistic or Modern You Promised to Be Careful

“Alright we got someone on their way. Has she had any seizures before? How far along is she?” She asked him “Do you know how to put her in the recovery position?” She asked him firing off question after question until she heard the voice turn to panic on the other end and frowned more. “Sir I need you to stay calm.”
JD frowns and starts to panic when the woman just fired off questions, not even giving him tome to answer. “Could you slow down!” He snaps and shakes. “She’s in the recovery position and yes she’s had them before. She’s six almost seven months along. Seven months tomorrow.”
She came out of the seizure but she wasn’t responding to him and lay on the floor struggling to breathe, her chest heaving and just stared straight ahead of her blankly not hearing jds voice when he spoke to her or any of the EMT’s voices when they arrived either.
JD frowns and watches her. He shakes and moves out of the way so the EMTs could help her. He bites his lip and paces a little. “Is she okay? Why isn’t she responding?”
“Sir we need you to stay out of the way for us. We will get her to the hospital and from there they can try to give you answers.” One of them told him as they got her on a stretcher and loaded her into the ambulance outside, taking her quickly.
“Mr. Pardo she’s been taken through for an emergency c-section. She had a second seizure during the ambulance ride and once they arrived it became clear that the baby wasn’t doing very well, they can come speak to you soon so please come with me to the waiting room.” She coaxed and led him to the right place, getting him some water and letting him know it shouldn’t be too long a wait.
JD frowns at the news and sits down in a chair. He shakes a little and holds onto the glass she had given him. They had to be okay. They were gonna be fine. They had to be.
Her doctor came out to see him shortly after and sighed a bit. “She’s currently stable. Though if that will last I’m not sure.... your daughter on the other hand isn’t doing great, she’s been settled into the nicu and again stable for now but they will explain better there. It’s up to you who you go to see first.” He told him.
JD frowns and shakes his head. "Is she awake?" He asks softly and shakes a little. He wanted to see them both but if Carmen was awake he was gonna see her first.
“Sir your partner is in a medically induced coma. She’s stable but she won’t be waking up anytime soon.” He explained to him. “We hope to pull her out of it in a couple days then it’s up to her body to wake up.” He explained to him.
JD frowns but nods, asking to see his daughter. He follows them through to the nicu and sees her in one of the covered crib things. He frowns and watches her. She was beautiful. He just needed her and Carmen to be okay.
Her nurse arrived soon after he did to do another check, looking over at JD and sighed a bit. “Mr. Pardo, obviously she’s been born very early which in this day and she usually wouldn’t be a problem, however we discovered her lungs are under developed for how they should be at this point and due to the complications your partner was experiencing she had to be resuscitated as soon as she was born, it’s going to be very touch and go for a long while.” She explained
“If you have any questions I’m always around here.” She assured him then left him to privacy with his daughter.
JD nods and watches his daughter. “Hey sweetheart.” He mjrmjrd snd places a hand on the glass gently. “It’s daddy.” He murmurs and smiles a little at her.
Another nurse popped over to check on her shortly after. “Did you decide on a name with your partner?” She asked him curiously.
JD looks up at them and shakes his head. “We were still deciding. Figured we had another month.” He murmurs and looks at his daughter. “I don’t wanna name her without Carmen.”
JD stays with his daughter a bit more before finding a nurse to take him to Camden. He goes into her room and sits down by her bed, taking her hand. “Please get through this baby.”
His phone began ringing off the hook with his mother’s number and soon as he picked up she answered. “Hey. Came to surprise you at your place but just found out you don’t even live there anymore.... Jorge sweetheart what’s going on?”
JD gets up and goes to stand outside the room. “Yeah I moved. I’m uh, living with my girlfriend now. Look this isn’t really a good time. I’m sorry.”
JD sighs softly and lays his head back agaisnt the wall. “Carmen, my girlfriend, her and our daughter are in the hospital. She’s had a rough pregnancy. They had to do an emergency csection and neither one of them are doing good. Carmen’s in a coma and our daughters lungs aren’t developed.” He tells her and tears up. “I don’t...I can’t lose them both. I can’t lose either of them.”
She frowned and took a deep breath. “Would you like me to come down there?” She asked. They were particularly close seeing as he hadn’t been to see her or vice versa in a couple years and mostly because of his father but if her son was hurting she wanted to be there for him.

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